
Wednesday 15 February 2017

Maria's Makes

Good Morning Ladies,

I was looking at my card files and noticed some of Maria's cards that I hadn't shared, or that had been part of a challenge.

The first card is for Maria's Sail's Grandson Ben, Ben loved 'Harambe the Gorilla from Cincinnati Zoo, he was tragically shot because a young boy that wasn't being supervised by his parents (in my opinion) fell into his enclosure, such a tragic waste of such a magnificent animal!  Anyway Maria download a photo of Harambe from the internet to use on Ben's card, I love the little 'Happy Birthday' banner that you have created for the card, it works perfectly, as do the black gemstones, a fantastic card Maria that I'm sure Ben loved.

Maria's second card was part of the easel card challenge I think, but it deserves another view, I love both the paper you have used and the dies, the 'Heraldic Square' is one of my favorites, I loved the stamps that they bought out to match it too, my only frustration was that you had to buy the 'inner and outer stamps seperately making it too expensive.  But as Maria has shown you don't need the stamps to make the die look fantastic. The 'Configuration' die from Sue Wilson's find range is what Maria has used to create the 'stopper' for the easel card is also really pretty, I used these to create a pretty Background to a card earlier last year, they are really quite a versatile die to have in your stash, another idea I had for them was to use them on the flaps of your 'pop-up' Box cards, it would create a nice lacy look.

The third card I chose to share, Maria sent to me last October, it was for Joan, who was going to be 97 on her birthday, wow what a fantastic age, I bet she would have done amazing stories to share of different things she has seen and witnessed through
Her long life.  
I love the image you have created on the card Maria, what did you use to blend the colours together ? Do you have the 'inkyliscious Brushes' or the little 'Egg shape' blenders from Creative Expressions? 
The 'Kaleidoscope' of Butterflies flying off into the sunset is such a lovely image and works so perfectly with your (very true) sentiment  "All Good Things are Wild and Free".  
Thank you so much Maria for allowing me to share your cards with our lovely friends. Xx

Paul seems to be on a really long shift pattern this week, he worked Friday, then Sunday, Monday night, had Tuesday off and is back in today, off Thursday, then back in Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I can see that he is exhausted already as his body isn't having enough time to recover between night and day shifts! It's ridiculous and all because more people seem to be leaving the services than they can recruit! Still only about 4 months and he will be done.  (Soap box put back under stairs).

Special hugs to those not feeling 100% xxx

I hope you all have a good day,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Wow-Maria , your card are all fantastic. I love the graduated colour on the third card but they're all lovely.

    I had hoped to start my challenge card last night but I just couldn't settle in my craft room so I ended up reading instead. I'm going to do the Tesco shopping tonight as I'm fed up of them being out of stock of so many things by Thursday plus by the time I've been shopping then rung my Dad I'm shattered on a Thursday.


    1. Sounds like a nice relaxing glass of wine is on the menu Michele.

  2. These cards are beautiful MARIA You never give yourself enough credit and say "they're not very good" I beg to differ young lady, they're gorgeous
    Off to work now and providing this cough I've woken up with doesn't develop into anything I'll be going to Salsa tonight
    I'm on the case SANDRA re retreat ideas I will be in touch asap
    Have a great day ladies and those not feeling 100% that today is better than yesterday

    1. I agree with you Karen Maria's cards are gorgeous and she never gives herself any credit.
      I hope your cough doesn't stop you going dancing.

  3. Morning Everyone
    MARIA - Oh beautiful cards to start the day. I particularly love the easel and butterfly cards but I can see Ben's eyes light up when he opened his card. It's just the right card for our males.

    Well I'm not sure what's on the cards for today. I will not be venturing out though it seems a little warmer this morning.

    The CAFE is open for business so pop in and sit a while with a lovely cup of something.
    Hugs on their way to you all. xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you must be really looking forward to Paul finishing so he can hopefully get away from shift work, it must be very hard to plan anything. Enjoy your
    Maria I agree with Karen, your cards are always perfect & these are lovely well
    Karen hope your cough doesn't stop you going to Salsa, take care..Xxx
    Janet pleased Lily Mae is home hope she enjoyed her birthday as much as she could. How did K & N go yesterday, hope they enjoyed your hard
    Lynda hope class went well yesterday, take
    Cheryl hope all goes well this evening & you are not needed, " Break a Leg"as they
    Hope to make CC this afternoon after Petanque, looks quite nice out.
    Sending hugs to all in need love

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Third time lucky at leaving a comment so fingers crossed.
    Maria, I love all of these beautiful cards, what a lovely selection. Your blending on the butterfly card is wonderful, so pretty. Thank you for sharing them with us. Don't forget to rest that leg, please x
    Val, I hope you had a lovely birthday yesterday x
    Michele, I hope the shopping goes well to ight. Why do they always run out of the basics? X
    It's a good job that Paul doesn't have too much longer to go isn't it. Such strange shifts really mess up your body clock don't they and as the RAF aren't recruiting enough people it is only going to get worse.
    We have a busy day with all of the grandchildren so it's going to be hectic but fun. Making a big batch of play dough is first on the list of things to do once they decide what colour to make it this time.
    I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Brenda, Maria, Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Sorry but I forgot to say
      Janet, I hope Lily-Mae continues to improve, bless her x
      Cheryl, sending "Break a leg" wishes to you all involved in the panto x
      Karen, I hope your cough disappears very quickly. Wrap up when you're out please x
      Hugs to you all xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Oh Maria, what lovely cards. Especially love the colouring on the butterfly one.
    I was so mad when poor Harambe was shot. I know what I'd have liked to do to the boys parents!!!

    A lovely sunny day here as it was yesterday. I actually went out without my coat this morning. I won't say maybe Spring in on the way as I might be tempting fate.

    I had a lovely birthday. Lots of presents, beautiful cards and phone calls from family and friends in the UK. Then a lovely meal in the evening. Can you believe I only ate half my trifle as I was so full. Paul happily finished it off. I'm regretting not finishing it this morning.

    Off to crib today. Don't the weeks fly by? We're half way through February already. I think it's going to be another quick year.

    Have a good day everyone. Hope those not feeling too good have a better day today.
    Love Valxxx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Maria, your cards are always beautiful and this trio confirms it, bet Ben loved his card, the easel card is so beautifully coordinated. I just love the colours you have used on Joan's card and her name blends in brilliantly - very clever of out to mix the colours of the letters.
    We haven't got around to any crafting yet, Ciara has had lot of homework to do first. I can't be mean and start without her.

    Paul's shift pattern sounds very annoying, it doesn't allow you time to do anything, or him to recharge his batteries. I hope his next employment will be more family friendly. Or if it has to be shifts the shift pattern allows you all some family time. xx

    Home work just about finished, will look back in later.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Looking forward to seeing what you both make.

  8. Hello All, lovely sunny day here.

    Maria love all your cards, you are very talented.

    Cheryl hope all goes well tonight, and that everyone has fun.

    Roger, is trying to persuade me to go to the craft show at Exeter tomorrow, even volunteering to drive as I'm not driving at the moment ( long story) , will see how I feel in the morning.

    Have a great rest of the day, hugs to all Lilian.

  9. Hi Sandra
    Wow, what a lovely set of cards made by our Maria. Love that you incorporated a photo of a gorilla onto Bens card.
    Hasn't been a very nice day today I must say, but I've managed to get a couple of cards done using the Happy Birthday shadow box. Not to sure who their for at the moment but they'll come in handy as standbys, ready done for birthdays.
    Hope the weathers not to bad where you are.
    Hugs to all who need one.

  10. Hi Sandra, sorry i am so late , i have had a very busy day .
    Beautiful cards from Maria, the butterfly card and colours are just perfection.
    sending hugs to all .
    Elaine H X

  11. Hi Sandra & everyone
    WOW Maria I love your cards you don't give yourself any credit they are all wonderful xx
    Sue hope you enjoyed your time with your grandchildren. Thanks for the Hug's sending you some back 🤗🤗xx
    The day has just flown by did ironing then post office had lunch & made my challenge card will send it tomorrow Sandra OMG Paul's shifts are horrendous doesn't give his body clock a chance to recover he must feel like he's jet lagged
    all the time.
    Hope you have all had a good day . Love Lynda xx 🤗🤗

  12. Hi Lynda
    I hope your exercise classes are still going well. Gentle hugs on the way to both you and Terry.
