
Tuesday 14 February 2017

Michele's SETcraft Challenge Projects

Gemma Die

πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ†Happy Birthday ValπŸŽ†πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Good Morning Ladies, 

Firstly I would like to wish our very dear Friend Val a very Happy Birthday and a year full of good health, fun and laughter (and crafting of course)!! Birthday hugs on their way xxx
PS....I'm sure Janet's organised a delicious cake for your special day Val xxx

Today I am so pleased to be able to feature Our Micheles's Collection of Projects that she created for the lovely Ben at SET Craft  for their Facebook page.
Ben sent the 'Gemma' die from Sue Wilson's latest Did release, it is one of their 
"frames and Tags" dies, made by Creative Expressions.  You can buy the die here:  Setcraft have a super fast delivery service and their prices are unbeatable too.

I cannot believe how many different projects you made Michele from just one die set. I can't choose carefully favourite, I love the tags, but I have to choose one of the cards, purely because you have put so much work into them, turning them all different directions to get a different look, for instance, you wouldn't think they are made from the same die.
I think my favourite I'd the Black, White and Kraft 'Thank You' Card, it's stunning and how thrilled you would you be to receive that as a thank you!
Well done Michele, you absolutely 'aced' this challenge and guessing by Ben's lovely write up on Facebook on Sunday afternoon he was really pleased with your efforts!

I received my Apron die from Sue's die giveaway yesterday, it's lovely, there a lots of tiny bits included too, I am looking forward to having a play with it.
If any of you would like me to cut you a couple to play with just let me know.

Well that's all from me for today, I hope you all have a good day, especially you Val ! Xx

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Val-I hope you have a wonderful day.

    As Sandra has explained -I was sent the Gemma die from SetCrafts and the challenge was to make a few different projects. Hopefully I've shown that despite the die being fairly small, you can use it many ways and for numerous occasions. Once I'd got started (my mind did go blank when I initially looked at the die) I had all these ideas floating round in my head -it's a strange place in there!!!! I have another idea which I think I'm going to try out when I'm off -he, I ended up changing my day off on Thursday so the locum could go to a funeral. I'm now off from Friday to Tuesday so Tuesday is my crafty play day.

    Thank You Sandra for showing my cards, it's very kind of you.


    1. Hi Michele
      You'll have a lovely weekend break so it's worked in your favour. Love all the cards you made. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL - have a lovely day out in the sunshine enjoying yourself with many Friends.
    Your CAKE is in the fridge just ready for you to pop in and cut it. I hope you like Lemon sponge with Vanilla cream. It has lemon icing and a couple of daisy flowers on top as the finishing touch.

    MICHELE- your cards are amazing. I love all of them and you have really shown their versatility.

    Lily-Mae is still in hospital and so we have everything crossed that she will go home today. She was still wheezy last night.

    The CAFE doors are open so everything is set for Val's birthday party this afternoon. So hope you can all visit.

    Hugs to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I'll have a piece of birthday cake later. I do hope that Lily-MAE is allowed home today.

  3. Gorgeous creations Sandra by Michele and Happy Birthday Val. xxxxxx

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL I hope you received your card
    All of your cards are beautiful MICHELE You truly have shown off the versatility of this die set I especially like the Christmassy one To create a background by lining all of that centre piece up, took great skill and time
    Running late Will pop back in later

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Val happy birthday to you, hope you have a lovely
    Sandra thank you for showing us Michele's
    Michele they are all lovely, I am amazed how many different cards you managed to make from one did, well
    Petanque this morning so must get on.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    WOW MICHELE haven't you done well. So many lovely ideas. No wonder Ben was so pleased.

    Many thanks to you all for your your good wishes and thank you so much for your beautiful cards. My sideboard looks a picture so many wonderful designs and colours. I shall be writing to you.
    Lynn and I are going out for coffee and a sandwich later then this evening she is cooking a lovely meal and my favourite sherry trifle. She's made 3 individual ones so I won't be tempted with the left overs tomorrow. Usually on our birthdays we go out for a meal but I don't like going out in the evening on mine. The three of us walk into a restaurant, everyone's in romantic couples and you can feel the thoughts " God the MIL has tagged along on Valentines Day. You get the picture!!
    Anyway it's Gracies birthday as well today. As you know she was a rescue dog and the vet said she would probably have been born around February so she just had to have the same birthday as me. She's sitting here in her party dress. Not amused I might add.

    Janet. Do hope Lily - May had a good night and she's allowed home today.
    Many thanks for the lovely cake it sounds delicious.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Happy Birthday Val card in the post for you if it hasn't arrived already. I hope you enjoy your meal later. Happy birthday to to Gracie. Did you take a picture of her in her party dress?. Karen, Petes daughter put a Christmas dress on her Jack Russell she wasn't impressed either.

  7. Hi Sandra and all.
    Happy Birthday Val , Have a wonderful day !! xx
    Michele- well done making so many cards with the Gemma die, love the background you made for the c.card and the thank you one.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing. I'm seeing a friend for the day so best get a wiggle on as I'm already running late. Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Enjoy your meet up with your friend.

  8. Hello again Everyone
    Just to let you all know Lily-Mae is back home and so can have her birthday along with VAL and GRACIE. She is now on an inhaler every four hours with a visit to the GP on Thursday.

    K&N this afternoon fingers crossed they all like their card. xxxx

    1. I'm glad to hear she's home now Janet have a lovely birthday party.

  9. Hello All, hope all are well.

    A very happy birthday Val, hope you have a super day.

    Michele lovely lot of cards, very clever use of the dies.

    Enjoy the rest of the day, hugs Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra
    First off can I wish Val a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope you have a lovely day.
    Love the makes you've made for Setcraft Michele, you've made quite a few different cards from one set. I must say the service from them is first class.
    I'm glad you received your apron due set Sandra. Perhaps I can have a play with them tomorrow.

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL and GRACIE I hope you are both having a lovely day. I haven't had sherry trifle for ages Val, Really fancy some, now you have mentioned it. I'll just have to have a virtual portion!!!!

    Michele, Love all of your cards, can't say I have a favourite as they are all beautiful. I'm sure Ben at SetCrafts was more than delighted with such a response.

    JANET, really pleased Lily-Mae is out of hospital and can spend the rest of her birthday at home, sending her a big birthday ((((hug)))) xx

    We have had a busy day, early start as I had my INR check - Yippie ... Something is going right as I am let off for a month now. Went shopping in Boots - nothing exciting, just essential things. Then had an early lunch, after that went on to Hobby Craft. Bless him John finds somewhere to park his bones, and I happily wander around. We then came home and had a very welcome cup of tea. Tomorrow and Thursday we are looking after grandchildren, usually we do the whole week, But I think daughter was conscious I might overdo things and made arrangements with friends for two of the days. I find it difficult to sit still at our daughters homes they work very hard both have demanding jobs. And am more than happy to help where I can. Anyway LYNDA you will be pleased to know my bag is packed with paints, brushes, canvases plus a few more goodies and I am ready to play - Ciara can even join in if she wants to !!!! Actually she is quite funny when we go over to stay, her usual question is what have you bought with you? what she means is what have you got for me to do/make.

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda look forward to seeing what you & Ciara have made.Have fun I hope Ciara love playing with your bag of craftiness too.
      Hug's xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad to gear your INRheck was ok. Look forward to see what Caira and yourself make with your goodies you take with you. Try not to do to much though, don't want you relapsing.

  12. Hello.
    Glad to see Lily-Mae has come home and can celebrate her second birthday, sending her many hugs.
    Brenda, so good to see you INR check is on the up. Have fun looking after the grandchildren and have fun crafting with Ciara.
    Margaret, hope the petanque went well and you had a fun day.
    Elaine- glad to see Andrew have some better days and the treatment is near the end. Sending you all some hugs.
    Val and Gracie, hope your day have been good and some nice pressies and food been had.
    Sitting here with a skinny Latte and a huge slice of cake (wishful thinking only hihi) in you honor.
    Sonia, Tracy and anyone else missing, hope you are okay ! Have a good night all,xxx

  13. Hi Sandra & Ladies.
    A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL πŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽ‚πŸ°πŸ·πŸŽ‰hope you have enjoyed your day & evening love & Hug's Xx
    MICHELE love all your cards your so clever doing so many cards from one Die well done Ben from Setcraft will love them all xx
    JANET so pleased Lily Mae is home &Hope she enjoys her birthday with family.xx
    I will finish off in a while got a phone call xxx
