
Monday 13 February 2017

Monday Sketch Challenge

Monday Sketch Challenge

 My Challenge Card

A closer look

The Sketch

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Phew, what a busy weekend, we never seemed to stop all weekend, rushing about right up until Paul left for work at 6:30pm last night, I'm not even sure what we did!
I did spend all of Saturday afternoon finishing those Design Team cards, writing posts for them and scheduling them for the next three Thursdays, I can't tell you how relieved I was to have it all finished.  I then sat and did Sundays blog post, which takes longer than a normal post because I upload everyone's cards and write a few words about each one, I think I finished that at about 5.50pm, I then helped Paul get dinner as we were supposed to be leaving at 7o'clock to go to the cinema, we made it just in time.
I really hate rushing about, luckily Paul had remembered to pick up a selection of sweets while he was shopping, we always take them with us as Paul would refuse to pay the extortionate prices that the cinema charges, do you all take your own? We saw a lady in once with a packed lunch and flask!  
One thing that did annoy me was the sheer laziness of some people, there was a row of young women (early) 20's I would say, they must have had every snack from the kiosk, two or three drinks each, cheesy nachos with different dips, popcorn, sweets etc, when they got up to leave they struggled to step over the mess they made, every single piece of food wrapping, bottle and container was left on the floor around their seats, it was absolutely disgusting!  It would have been easier for them to just pick up the rubbish than have to tiptoe around the mess!  Those poor cinema employees must get so frustrated, there were waste bins all over! Sorry ladies rant over, soap box back under the stairs! 

I hope you like this weeks Sketch, it's a fairly straightforward design , I would like you to use any "Winged" creature, it doesn't have to be a Butterfly, you could use a Dragonfly or a Bird, an Angel or whatever you choose.  The rest is entirely up to you, I look forward to all of your Fantastic emails arriving,  I love the anticipation of waiting to open the attachment to reveal your cards, it's like opening the Advent Calendar as a child! 
This week as an added bonus, I will put everyone that enters into draw and the winner will receive my card (if they want it)  and a little something else too.
I hope you enjoy the challenge xx

Brenda, can I ask if you have received your prize from Sue yet?  I only ask as Michele has had hers already, you watch mine will arrive today now I've mentioned it (fingers crossed), I hope you are getting stronger each day my lovely xxx

Sue, I hope you managed to make it to 'Hound Tor' and got to enjoy the peace and tranquility, I expect you'll be having a nice relaxing day today as a result of making it there, but my goodness it looks worth every step, I have found a photo to allow everyone to visualise your special place xxx

Hound Tor

Pat, I hope you are feeling better today, this sounds very similar to what you had a couple of weeks back, maybe worth making a note on the calendar to see if there's a pattern, hugs xxx

Sending gentle hugs to all of you that aren't feeling 100% xxxxx

Now close your eyes and imagine you are all sat on one of those rocks in that photo......Relax !

Love and Hugs to each and every one of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, I love the colours. Looking forward to playing in my craft room, making something for this sketch.

    Goodness-your weekend sounds like it was very hectic. At least you got your posts sorted for Stampin Up though.

    I have a meeting with the planning officer, the contractors & the Estates department first thing this morning and my locum Technician has arranged to go to the bank this morning if all mornings!! She needs Thursday off to go to a funeral so I hope I'm not asked to change my days off-I finish work on Wednesday and am off until Tuesday!!! I had time owed to me and was informed I needed to use most of it up. I'm going to Ikea with my crazy friend on Friday and the dentist on Monday-I've chipped yet another tooth!!!


    1. Sounds like another busy day Michele. Do hope you few days off isn't cancelled. Xxx

    2. Hope you get your day's off and they want be changed, sorry tho you chipped another tooth and have to see the dentist. Take care xx

    3. Hi Michele,
      This new locum sounds like another 'Chocolate teapot', I hope that she doesn't end up affecting your leave! It sounds like you have a nightmare day ahead, I hope you put the wine in the fridge ready for when you get home!

  2. Morning Everyone

    SANDRA- beautiful card to start the week. I love your colours and this week's CC looks interesting.

    MICHELE- fingers crossed that you get your days off later this week and I hope today goes smoothly at work.

    We had a lovely visit with Christina sat around their kitchen table with their small log burner going full blast and their two Collies sat under the table and across our feet. Such a relaxing afternoon.
    That all changed though on our journey back home. We left much earlier than usual as we'd had snow on the way there in the morning and while in Bakewell it was rain, sleet and then snow but as we left Bakewell on our way back we hit thick fog and snow on the roads too as no ploughs etc had been out. It was a nightmare until we hit lower levels coming down into Sheffield where it was like entering another country no fog and no snow just rain.

    Today I'll be getting things finished off for tomorrow's K&N and I'm expecting Pippa to call with little ones to pick up parcels I brought back from Great Auntie Christina for Lily-Mae's birthday tomorrow.

    Everything is up and running in the CAFE just waiting for you all. HUGE WARM HUGS to you all with extras on their way for Dear Friends not too well. xxxx

    1. Glad you had a lovely visit yesterday but what a horrible journey home. I bet you were relieved to get in your house. We had a similar
      Experience in that area. My nephew lives in Chesterfield and I visited with my brother and SIL. We had a lovely day but coming home it was like we were driving in Moscow in the winter. We had every element imaginable on the pass a but when we got lower we had
      fine weather again. Very weird and scary.
      Good luck with you K+N card making things for tomorrow. Xxx

    2. Not a nice journey going back you had, glad you back home safe. Sound lovely though sitting at the big table with the burner going and the dogs laying at your feet. Hope the ladies like the K&N tomorrow. Have a nice day xx

    3. Hi Janet,
      Your afternoon sounded perfect yesterday, I bet poor Jimbo was exhausted by the time you got home, driving in those conditions is horrible, you don't realise how tense you are until you stop and get out of the car, then everything aches! So give him a hug from me for getting you home safe and sound! Have you had to cut out all of the bits for those double Zigzag cards for everyone at K&N, how time consuming, I only had to do it for Pat and myself and that was enough. I am sure that they will love the card, it has a real 'wow' factor, Sophie and Lucy took the one I made to give a friend at school, which is high praise indeed!
      I hope you have 'batten down the hatches" ready for Pippa and her little ones!
      I can't believe that another year has passed so quickly, it doesn't seem five minutes since you announced Lily-Mae's arrival and here she is turning 2, maybe we could see a little photo of the birthday girl??
      Sending hugs,

  3. Morning Sandra and ladies,

    All rehearsals now finally over and we can look forward to Wednesday's opening night. Apart from a couple of minor slow motion train crashes where everybody forgot their words, all ok for the other scenes and I do believe we finished well in the allotted time for each Act.

    A huge sigh of relief from me, I now have 2 whole days to myself! Yay!!! A spot of personal sewing to finish off and maybe, just maybe, I can finally get into my craft room to do a massive tidy-up and get the cards done.

    A tip for you all, my kindle broke down and I have had a bit of bother trying to get it replaced. My daughter had given me the wrong receipt, then reminded me I had bought it myself and used my card. Under these new Customer Protection laws, apparently you do not have to have a receipt and the shops cannot insist that you provide one. They even have to accept the word of the person who was with you at the time of purchase, which will suffice legally. Although I think that part of the law could be open to fraudsters trying it on. If you have paid by credit card, take the statement or if you have paid by debit card, or Visa credit as it is known, you can ring your bank and ask for a transaction code. They will even tell you the time you visited the shop.
    Armed with all this knowledge and my bank statement, I then went back to Argos yesterday and within minutes was leaving the store with a brand new Kindle. Sorted satisfactorily by a very pleasant and knowledgeable young lady.
    I would you though to back up all your files on your kindle. Because mine would not charge up, I thought I had lost my photos. I was advised by a help operator to use my PC and a USB port to connect my kindle as sometimes this is enough to get you power to download your pics. Jamie tried all way and then, a flash of inspiration, used Bluetooth through the PC and downloaded the drive necessary for the connection. This got him through to Amazon Prime which was where we found the photos had already been backed up.
    Whew! Long story but hope will help some of you with kindle problems.

    Cuppa is calling me, I'm of to get a good early start to my day off. Seems strange saying that as I am very happily retired. hehe

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Well what a relief that you've finally got a couple of free days. You must be so proud of all the work you've done to make the Panto a success.
      Well done on getting a new Kindle. Sadly the process to retrieve your photos has gone straight over my head ha ha but glad you found

    2. Enjoy your day's off, you well deserve them after all the work you have done. Glad you managed to get a new Kindle and you haven't lost any of your photos. It would be so sad if you did. Sometimes I like to have some printed just encase that would happen. Have a nice day xx

    3. Hi Cheryl
      You must have done a Happy dance to have 2 free days, plus getting a new kindle and Jamie managing to get your photos back.

  4. Hi Sandra
    Lovely challenge card today. The pattern seems to be Sandra that I've eaten at Craig's. Although I did pizzas last time we were there and I was ok. Seems to me just a roast does it. Probably not but that's my theory anyway. Sat up the hospital with Pete at the moment looks like it will be nearly a full day. Luckily the barrier was up in the car park, so no parking charges yippee. The people who deliver the radioactive stuff got stuck on the M25 surprise surprise, so everything's running late. He has to wait 3hrs after the injection before the scan.

    1. Oh Pat, what a long day for you both. Hope everything goes well and there's not too much of a delay. Good news about the parking though. Love a hugs sent to

    2. Long day for you both, hope you brought something to read to make the time go .sending hugs xx

    3. Hi Pat, hope the time passes quickly waiting for Petes Scan, have you have a good book because there's only so much people watching you can do before getting funny looks!!!!! xx

    4. I'm just wondering Pat if it's something like your Gall Bladder although when I was suffering with gall stones I was in pure agony, but I would suffer after a heavy meal. Just a thought, sorry to hear your going to have a long day, hope Pete has his tablet so he can play Scrabble at least!

    5. Thanks ladies. Yes I took plenty of reading as I have books on my iPad. Luckily the nurses in the CT Scan asked Pete if he had to go anywhere else and he said yes for a bone scan, so they left his cannula in. We had 3 hrs to kill after he had the isotope put in. He was radioactive so had to go outside the waiting room and nowhere pregnant ladies and small children.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Sandra, what a beautiful card you have given us today. Just love the colour and the dragonflies are very pretty. Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday but glad you managed to finish your Design Team cards. Which film did you go to see? I must admit we usually take our own popcorn and cans into the Cinema cos as you say the prices inside are ridiculous.
    Hope you can have a quiet day today.Housework this morning then have friends coming over this afternoon. Unlike some of you ladies I can't bake so I must get some cakes out of the freezer. As I'm on a diet I'll try not to eat any but I'm not promising.

    Hope you had a lovely day yesterday Sue. Your special place looks beautiful.

    Love to all. Valxxx

    1. Have a lovely afternoon Val and hope the sun is shining once again, hugs xx

    2. Hi Val,
      We went to see the 50 Shades Darker Film, I have read the books many times, for me it's about the love story, I thoroughly enjoy the story!
      The cinema was packed, lots of groups of women.
      The story varied quite a bit from the book, it was still most enjoyable.
      Have a lovely afternoon with your friends, one little piece of cake won't hurt, go on enjoy yourself!!

    3. Hi Sandra, I must admit I couldn't get into the first book but Lynn's loved everything about it and can't wait to see the new film.
      I was very good and resisted the cake and had a boring apple instead. We have thunder and lightening here at the moment. Such weird weather for this area. xxx

    4. Hi Val
      I hope you had a lovely afternoon with your friends. I'm glad there's someone else beside me that can't bake cakes. I can make a passable fruit cake and that's it. Mind you all my grandchildren make beautiful cakes.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra love the look of cc this week, thinking cap on. Pleased to hear you got your 3 DT cards finished & made it to film, I agree totally with you about the rubbish, as you say it is easier to pick it up rather than scramble over it, trouble is you dare not say anything because you will only get a load of abuse.( Soap box back in corner).
    Must have a good tidy up today my turn to host book club this evening. It should be an interesting discussion as our book this last month was "Apple Tree Yard!!". I don't know if any of you watched it on TV but the book was far worse, I did not enjoy it at all. I don't know if any of you have noticed but it seems the books recommended or had awards are usually hard to read or is it just me.
    Hope all feeling poorly soon feel better, Pat make a note of what you are, I feel very ill if I have even a taste of lamb so worth looking at, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, have fun with book club. Do you have to give nibbles and coffee etc. when it's your turn ?
      hugs to you and Pop xx

    2. Hi Margaret
      Hope you enjoy your book club this evening. We had a roast with pork for tea. But I do eat pork at home. Craig doesn't do anything fancy with it as Pete has to be careful with what he eats. We went to the Toby Carvery with friends and I said to Pete please don't have any stuffing nor any onions. The chef looked at me as if to say fancy telling a grown man what he can and can't eat. Until my friend said he sometimes eats it but they make him Ill. Mind you Pete really grumbles when he's ill but that doesn't stop him eating food that makes him ill sometimes.

  7. Morning Sandra and all ladies .
    I love your card Sandra and the colours are amazing. Do you use the inks from Stampin up ? The Sketch looks good, thank you for taking your time for doing this every week. Well done also to have the time doing the three DT cards even after your very busy weekend. Hope Paul find some thing else to do when he leaves work. You still got the allotment ?
    I wish you all a good day. We have sunshine but only 4c, had a nice walk but now resting with leg up for a little while before going in the kitchen to make a start on a card that's need sending soon. Seem to be running a bit late with them all so need to get a move on. Lots of love and many warm hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  8. Hello Sandra,
    Would you believe it, the postman has just with my Die! I confess to getting a bit anxious and have been looking out for the postman these last few days! I hope you receive yours soon and have time to play with it. You certainly have got a lot of tiny dies with that apron, they must cover ever possible job. Enjoy.

    This weeks CC looks good, not to complicated you know I don't do complicated!!!!

    I don't buy sweets or drinks in the cinema or theatre as they are so expensive. I stock up before I go. Oh and never leave my rubbish, it just winds me up seeing the mess people leave behind them. Some time ago my sister was given four tickets for the Old Vic, eldest daughter and Willam joined my sister and I. Getting off the train at Waterloo Station I went into M&S to get sweets and 'drinks' for the interval. Later all the rubbish was put into a plastic bag which I was going to put in a bin when we got outside. My lovely grandson said I will put it in my rucksack and get rid of it. A week or so later his dad was emptying the bedroom bins, (tidying up before the cleaner comes) He said to Will. If you are going to be drinking with your mates don't bring the rubbish home, in his defence he said it's grandmas rubbish!!!! A silly story but SIL really found it funny.
    Bit late but it's time for my coffee, have a good day everyone.
    Love Brenda xxx

  9. Beautiful card SANDRA I will enjoy playing with this one. Pleased that you managed to get your DT stuff ready. It's not easy working to deadlines sometimes
    I hope yo enjoyed the film. The rubbish left behind at times is so, so annoying. I get cross at the rustle, rustle, rustle of sweet wrappers etc. So IF I am going to have snacks in a cinema I always try to take something that is not going to make too much noise. AND do we eat that much if we're at home watching the tele? Sorry soap box back under the stairs
    Had a lovely meal out with MIL yesterday, even sister in law approved, high praise indeed
    My new die from China arrived today - at least two days before expected. So I will enjoy having a "play" this afternoon

    1. Hi Karen
      I'm still waiting for mine to arrive. But seeing as I deleted the original email by mistake I have no idea when that will be.

  10. Evening Everyone
    Well plans don't always go the way they're supposed to. We didn't get a visit from Pippa and her little ones as Lily-Mae was taken into hospital during the night not very well. She's had a cough but she started with wheezing etc and so hospital was the best place. She's had Xrays of her chest and they're clear so treatment has been nebulizers and sprays etc throughout the day. In herself she is fine but still a little wheezy so she may go home tonight we have to wait and see. Her Birthday tomorrow will be postponed until she's back home safe and sound.
    I'll see you all later if not tomorrow morning as usual.xxxx

    1. Oh Janet, poor little soul but she,s in the best place being well looked after. Love and hugs for a speedy recovery. Love Valxxx

    2. So sorry to hear that Lily-Mae is unwell. I hope she's feeling better soon. At least she's in the best place, but it's a worry I know.

    3. Sorry to hear little Lily-Mae is so poorly. Hope she soon doing better but it is a worry. Many hugs

    4. I hope Lily-Mae is well on the road to recovery. Xx

  11. So sorry Janet that Lily-May is unwell it's horrible when our little ones are poorly. Give her a Big Hug from me & Hug for you & Jim xxxπŸ€—πŸ€—

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© tonight.
    I have tried a couple of times to comment but not been able to until now so will just say that I live your dragon fly card, and this weeks sketch. Hound Tor yesterday didn't have such a clear blue sky but was as beautiful as ever. It was very cold on the face, the only bit of skin showing but I got to sit and relax for a few minutes until the cold drove me back into the middle of the Tor out of the wind 😊😊😊

    PAT, thought of you and Pete today, fingers are crossed for a good result, sending big hugs x

    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Sleep well everyone. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue glad you enjoyed Hound Tor it looks reall beautiful shame it was so cold for you.
      Warm πŸ€—πŸ€— on there way.xx

  13. Cheryl, thank you for the info. I didn't know the law regarding returns. Enjoy your couple of free days x

  14. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Well my comment seems to have gone cyber space aaaaagggaainnn.πŸ”­πŸ”¬ I can't see see it.Grrrrr.
    Sandra what a hectic day your had yesterday but pleased you got your DT cards made,& you enjoyed the film.How disgusting those people leaving all their rubbish behind.
    Sandra your card is gorgeous love the colour's & this weeks challenge looks good thank you.
    We had a lovely time over Lisa's yummy dinner as always. Joseph seems to get taller every time I see him,Ian measured him he is 5'3 & he is only 11 love him.
    On the way home we popped into Darren's for a cupper.
    Harry made me & Terry a Easter card & 3 pictures. I think he's a budding crafter πŸ˜€xHe was asleep when we arrived Sam said he fell asleep eating his dinner. He did wake up after half hour.
    Well time for my beauty sleep wonder why it's not working HAHA
    Love Lynda xx
