
Sunday 12 February 2017

Your Challenge Cards

 My Challenge Card

The Sketch

Janet's Challenge Card

Karen's Challenge Card

Lilian's Challenge Card

Lynda's Challenge Card

Margaret's Challenge Card

Maria's Challenge Card

 Michele's Challenge card

Val's 1st  Challenge Cards

Val's 2nd Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Here we are at Sunday once again, it only seems 5 minutes since we were getting ready to go out for dinner with the girls for their birthday, I feel this year will whizz by as fast as last years did.
Particularly as this year is a busy one for us with Paul retiring from his current job and having to choose a new career and with that comes having to find a new home, although we are hoping to stay on in this house for another year to give us more time to find somewhere that meets our needs. 

Anyway on to todays cards.......

Janet,  your card is beautiul, I haven't a clue what dies you have used but I love them!  The colours are so rich, the card matching so perfectly to those pretty flowers and ribbon, I hope you can remember the dies you have used, I look forward to you enlightening me later on. Thank you so much for taking part

Karen You always describe your cards so perectly I like to copy and paste your own description....
The patterned paper I bought from Hobbycraft
Image from MCS - recoloured in Serif and cut out with ScanNCut as I wanted "her" to lie on cream card - printing it on cream might have made "her" look a bit jaundiced
Purple paper printed from Serif using the colour picker from the "hat" - too dark in my opinion
Ovals and hearts cut with ScanNcut
SW Bed of Roses embossing folder
Bling coloured with a Chameleon pen
I love everything about your card Karen, I don't think that the purple card is too dark, i think it matches perfectly, such a pretty image.  Thank you so much for taking part xxx

Lilian, your card is just so pretty, I absolutely love 'Spring' cards, they just make you think of all of the lovely things we have to look forward to, the beautiful flowers and the warmer weather, all the things that seem so far away right now.  Such a beautiful stamp you have used, you have coloured it in perfectly Lilian.  Thank you so much for taking part xxxx

Lynda, your card is so bright and cheerful, you have used a lot of my favourites on your card, firstly the Spellbinders Floral Oval in the centre of your card, closely followed by the Sue Wilson Striped Nasturtiams, the can look so different when die cut in different materials, I love them, I also love the other flower die you have used, although I am not sure what its called,  altogether a beautiful card Lynda, thank you for taking part. xxx

Margaret, such a pretty 'tone on tone' card the different shades of teal coloured card work so well, your floral striplet style die is so pretty, I love how you have added the flowers to make it look like flowers and vines twisting through a fence or gate, so clever and so pretty.  Thank you so much for taking xxx

Maria, I am sure your Dad will love the card you have made for him, that lovely Garden Shed image will work for so many 'male' themed cards, I mean most men like to hide away in their peaceful haven, my dad used to spend hours in his shed, we were never sure what he was doing!  The green background works well with the image, I love the little ladybird, such a cute touch, also the Hammer on the Sentiment.  Fantastic card, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Michele, your card has that 'Spring Feel' too with that wreath of pretty flowers, I love how you have used the embossed mirror card as the background, it highlights those pretty colours beautifully.
Thank you so much for taking part xxx

Val, two beautful cards from you this week, oh my goodness the cat looks so very cute, I love the grey themed background, its not a colour we often use but it works perfectly for so many different colours, a gorgeous card, somebodies Niece will love it, that cute little wooden cat charm is the perfect finishing touch.
Your 2nd card is also spring like with that lovely shade of green and the embossed pearl card, adding some flowers to the bicycle basket was a fantastic idea, it gives depth and dimension to the card. a gorgeous card that could be used for so many different occasions, it would certainly brighten up somebody's bedside if they where poorly, especially as so many hospitals don't allow flowers these days.  Thank you so much for taking part this week xxx

Thanks once again ladies, today wouldn't be such a special blog day without your hard work, I am so hugely grateful!

Have a lovely Sunday,

Oh by the way, the girls loved their first day of work, so that was a huge relief, this is going to give them both their first real taste of independence. 

Love and hugs 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely collection of challenge cards. I did make a card-honest! I'll message Sandra & check she received the photo.

    I made a couple more cards using the Gemma die I'd been sent by SetCrafts so now I just need to take better photos in daylight to send in.

    I need to make a couple of birthday cards & I've been asked to make an 80th card with a Fishing theme on it, that not needed until April but I might start looking for ideas now.

    We have a dry but very windy day here & it's cold-well, according to the Met Office it is. I haven't been out & I only plan to go out to fill up the bird feeders later.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Another beautiful Sunday morning gazing at all the CCs and of course once again each one so very very different. They really do brighten up the display board in the Café.

    VAL- I just have to ask what die is the Cycle die as I've never seen that one before and it could be so useful Please.

    SANDRA - the die down the edges of my card is a Crafters Companion large Edgeable called 'Jardin'. It's one they released last year. There are 6 dies in this particular set and Hochanda were doing a wonderful deal on the set when they were released. They fit 8x8 cards beautifully.
    The centre die I'm afraid I really cannot remember what it's called as it's one that our Welsh Friend Sheila cut for me again sometime last year. I think it's a Spellbinders but I really cannot be certain. The flowers are Wild Orchid of course. They really do make beautiful flowers.

    Well it's wet and very windy here and we are off to Christina's out in Derbyshire today delivering her birthday goodies and I know they had snow Thursday and Friday so once again we'll be well wrapped and lunch in Bakewell as usual.

    The CAFE is warm and inviting this morning and just waiting for company. Hugs to you all. Stay warm/dry and snug and have a good Sunday. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. The bicycle die is one of Joanna Sheen that I bought probably six months ago and have only just used. I have so many unused ones that I'm determined to use. Just say the word and I'll cut some bike ones out and send them with your birthday card.
      Have a lovely day at Christinas today and enjoy your lunch. Drive carefully.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Janet
      A lovely card and the edgeable looks great. Wish Christina a very Happy Birthday, and enjoy your lunch.

  3. I so look forward to Sundays to see everyone's take on the themed card and try and recognise items that have been used You ladies are amazing, all different, all beautiful
    So glad the girls enjoyed their first day - makes all the difference I hope you enjoyed the film too SANDRA
    Taking MIL for lunch today So another dose of Oscar - hooray! Off to tackle the ironing now Take care all

    1. Lovely card Karen, I really look forward to seeing the cards that everyone makes.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. It is such a pleasure looking at all of this weeks beautiful CC's, they have added a lovely colourful splash to the dull skies that we have here at he moment. Thank you for sharing them ladies 😊
    Sandra, it is great to hear that the girls enjoyed their first day at work 😊
    I hope you all have a good day, I think most of you will be like Michele and only going out if really necessary. We will be getting up onto Hound Tor at some point, it is one of my most favourite places. There are never many other people there and I just sit there looking around at the wonderful natural views, listening to the birds and truly relaxing. It always leaves me mentally refreshed somehow. No where else has quite the same effect. And the best bit is that I can get to and from it quite easily as long as I take my time, it is so soft underfoot which makes it so much easier to walk on. I will look like the Michelin Man though with all of the winter walking gear on 😊😊
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Enjoy your favourite spot I know how much you love you xxx

    2. Your favourite spot sounds heavenly Sue. Have a lovely relaxing time and wrap up warm.
      Love Valxxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra once again a lovely selection of cards, thank you for your inspiration. So pleased the girls enjoyed
    Very cold & damp here so once I have sorted dinner will spend time doing Maria's crosstitch which is coming on well.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Wow lovely selection of challenge cards this week all beautiful & again so different. Sandra the other flowers on my card are prest flowers I got from Joanna Sheene ages ago. I found them when tidying my craft room. I have too improve on my camera skills.
    Well I better get ready & have my shower as going to my daughters.
    Will pop back later Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry Sandra ment to say pleased the girls enjoyed their fist day at work. Enjoy your meal with them later.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Enjoy your time at your daughters today Lynda. Love Valxxx

    3. Hi Lynda
      Lovely card as usual. It's great to everyone's names on a Sunday.

  7. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Wonderful to see all the CC's this rather dull,cold and a bit snowy day. I love all the different takes out of just one sketch, the colours, pictures and themes. The cafe' looks very inviting so hope people who are looking in will come in and say Hi.
    Great the girls enjoyed their first day at work, guess they sleeping in a bit this morning :)
    Karen and Lynda, have lots of cuddles today.
    Janet - drive carefully, say Hi to Christina.
    Take care if going out. I'm out to ww now and then going into town for some window shopping. Hope to see you later. Lots and lots of hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria, hope your feeling ok. Good luck at weight watchers today. Let us know how you get on.Enjoy your window shopping. Love Valxxx

    2. Lovely card Maria and enjoy your window shopping.

  8. Hi Sandra
    Beautiful cards from your blog Ladies , full of ideas and inspiration.
    Have a happy Sunday everyone.
    Elaine H X

    1. Hope you have a good Sunday too, Elaine. Love Valxxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all.
    So glad the girls enjoyed their first day at work Sandra. Enjoy your time with them today.

    Love all the cards today. Some great ideas I'll just have to steal.

    Just get back from the Sunday Market. Bought fruit and veg for the week and a new collar and lead for Gracie. Very posh with her name on both in diamantés.
    Lynn bought some really big bath sheets. Sadly it started to rain so cut the trip short.

    The kettle's just boiled so I'm off to make coffee.

    Have a good Sunday everyone whatever you're up to.

    Hope those not feeling too good have a better day today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val I'm sorry to hear you had to cut your trip short. I love to look around markets when we're away, however, Petes not so keen though. My friend and I usually have a look round and the men sit at a cafe with a cold drink waiting for us.

    2. Hi Val, eating out twice and fancy peanut butter 1am in the morning this week made the scales showing a pound up, it's ok, I blame this raw weather and feeling tired . Shame it started to rain so you had to make your market trip short. Hope Gracie likes her new collar, she will look 'posh' :) hugs xx

  10. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad the girls enjoyed there first day at work. Great they can both work together on the first ladder of work. Will give them both confidence for when they start work full time. Be it after University or instead off.
    Well had a really bad night again last night. I had a really bad stomach, and didn't know whether I wanted to be sick or pass out or both as well. It always seems to happen after we go and have a meal at Craig's although the roast we had was fine. Must be just coincidence as Craig's family and Pete were fine. So Pete left me in bed and took Doreen for lunch and then to visit Ellis.
    Must say I love all today's cards ladies, as I've said before you are a very talented bunch of ladies.
    Gentle hugs to all those that are feeling under the weather today. Stay wrapped up warm if your venturing out today.

    1. Hi Pat, sorry you had such a bad night. Do you think the meal was a bit too rich for you? That does sometimes happen to me.
      Hope you're feeling better as the day wears on.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Oh Pat, so hope you feel better after today. Sending you healing cuddles. Take care, xx

  11. Hello All, very cold here today, just not like our beloved county at all.

    Super lot of challenge cards again, my mistake was using something called stamping card, useless if you want to move ink.

    Hope you all enjoy what's left of Sunday, hugs Lilian

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I hope the girls enjoyed their first day at work yesterday, and hope it will not interfere with their studies this is such an important time in their life .

    Lynda, you're an absolute star, thank you, I could follow your instructions very clearly on how to achieve the beautiful results you had achieved with your canvas. I hope later on this week Ciara and I will have a play. I need to stop off at Hobby Crafts to pick up some gold/silver paint. I have a few other colours. We will have fun!!! Thank you xx
    Sandra love all of the CC you must feel very proud when you get such an amazing response from the blog family. Every card is so beautiful and inspiring xx
    I'm off to my bed had a busy day OH has been using the iPad most of the day. That's why I'm so late, I can't complain he doesn't often take over.
    Take care everyone.Love Brenda xxx
