
Saturday 11 February 2017

Mixed crafts Saturday !!!

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Because you ladies are so very crafty I get to do another
'Mixed Craft Saturday'

First up are my 'Bag-o-Lopes', yes you did read it right !
Daft name but basically they are bags made from envelopes, 
Which is where the name comes from I guess, anyway
They are super easy, do I thought I would show them today 
Then if you like the look of them i will do a video tutorial.
So let me know in the comments, basics I found a couple of old envelopes, stamped a random pattern all over ggem, then cut top off and score, the only slightly tricky part is shaping bottom 
Corners, the large white one has a top closure added which is 
Simply a 2 inch deep piece of card cut to same width as bag, I cut it with a scalloped edge die, punched two holes through bag and
Closure then threaded a piece of ribbon through, the smaller
Bag was just cut along the top with a small! Scalloped die.
I hope you like them, they are so quick and easy!

Janet's Keepsake Box

Janet has made this pretty keepsake box for her 
Grand Daughter in Law, it started out as an MDF box from 
Fernli Designs, but Janet has turned into something so very special with the addition of some pretty fabric, lace and ribbon.
The top has been beautifully decorated with a doily, a heart 
Shaped Applique, some beautiful flowers and a pretty big
Resin doll.
Janet, what an amazing gift, to receive something so
Beautiful that has been hand crafted by a family member.
It will definitely be treasured.
Thank you for sharing 

Lynda's Painted Canvases

I looks as though Our Lynda has gone all 'Arty' !!!
Lynda these canvases are amazing, I'm sure the photos have
Not done them justice, as they look as though they will 
Shimmer in the sunlight, I adore both colour ways,
How did you get the movement of the paint to be so
Perfect?? I can see that you have used a variety of the Pebeo
Paint range, I think they all give different effects.
You must be absolutely thrilled with them, I cannot
Imagine the 'buzz' of having your own artwork hanging
On your walls, it seems that you can turn your hand to just 
About any craft Lynda.
Thank you so much for sharing

Sophie & Lucy have their first day at work today, they will
Be working in the Restaurant at the Cotswold wildlife Park, I am
So excited for both of them, such a great opportunity, especially as
The will be working together, they wouldn't have got that chance
With any other employer, I hope they have a great first day!

Have a lovely weekend ladies, 
Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-the Bag-elopes look great, a tutorial would be brilliant.

    Janet-wow, gorgeous keepsake box.

    Lynda-stunning pice of art. I'd love something like that in blue, would look perfect in my kitchen.

    Quick visit to Southport then off to meet my scatty friend at Dobbies for coffee& a chat. She only messaged me last night to see if i was free! Then this afternoon I'd better get started on my challenge card.

    Very cold day here but no snow-yet.


    1. Hope you enjoyed your meet up with your scatty friend.

    2. Hi Michele. I hope you are having a good time doing your CC x

  2. Morning Everyone
    We are very very cold, extremely wet but as yet no snow so fingers crossed the white stuff stays away.

    SANDRA- love the bags, definitely need a video tutorial PLEASE.

    LYNDA - absolutely stunning art work. I can see so many different pictures in them so much so that they remind me very much of sitting in front of the fire finding pictures. Thank you for bringing back lovely memories.

    The box is of course a Fernli one covered in paper from a stack 'Bloom Beautiful' and then decorated with an assortment of lace. The flowers are from Wild Orchid and the beautiful resin doll is from Anita Blake (you can find her on FB). I also ran a string of tiny pearls and hearts through and around the doll which the camera hasn't picked up but that's my rubbish photography.

    SOPHIE AND LUCY- have a good first day at work. I hope you're not too busy so that you can ease into the job.

    Well the CAFE is lit up and ready for customers. There's bacon baps this morning and homemade red pepper soup for lunchtime with fresh bread.
    Please don't forget to pick up your brollies when you leave as Herman has taken a liking to chewing them lol.

    HUGS for you all are on their way. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I hope the white stuff stays away for you. Your box is beautiful, so many gorgeous things to look and and enjoy. Your grand daughter will be keeping this wonderful heirloom I'm sure. Take care x

  3. Lovely mixed media pieces ladies SANDRA has said it all about them So ai don't need to say anything else about them except I admire your skills
    Good luck SOPHIE and LUCY I hope it goes well
    Went dancing last night Got to bed about 3am! So I am writing this in bed! Iust get up and have breakfast
    Today is my MIL's 92nd birthday So we'll be visiting her later Her sister is coming over and as she hasn't seen OSCAR in a while there'll be quite a few of us enjoying a "fishnchip" supper this evening And then tomorrow we'll be taking her out for a nice lunch at a restaurant Yay! No cooking for me this week end but OH bought some broccoli and cauliflower so I must cook that before it "goes off" and make a cheese sauce
    Hoe you ladies have a wonderful day athe cafe looks amazing Pretty lace edged floral table cloths and quirky mis matched teapots at the ready and a very warm welcome I wil linger awhile and enjoy my croissant and company before I start the housework and crafting

    1. Sounds like your going to have a lovely weekend Karen.

    2. Hi Karen. I'm sure you are having a lovely family weekend, they are the best sort, and not having to cook makes it even better 😊 x

    3. Hoping you all have a great time. No cooking for a few days, Heaven! :)

  4. PS video please SANDRA as I cannot work out how you've made the gusset etc They look wonderful and would be perfect to make to place small gifts in

  5. Good Morning Sandra and all.
    As usual ladies I'm in awe of your skills.
    Janet your box is so pretty and so beautifully decorated as usual. What a lovely gift.
    Lynda I just love your canvases. The colours are striking and they have wonderful movement. Are they for your walls or presents?
    Sandra these bags are lovely. So useful. I'd love a tutorial as like Karen I can't figure out how to make the gusset.

    My it's so windy here today and I can see a tree blown over opposite to me. I haven't been out with Gracie yet - I think I'll wait a while.

    Just a little tidying up this morning then a whole day in my Craft Room. I may even do two cc's this week and that would be a first.

    Have a good Saturday everyone. Hope Lynda, Brenda , Sue and Maria are feeling brighter this morning.

    Good luck to your girls Sandra on their first day at work. Lovely that they can work together.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. Let's hope the wind dies down for you with no more trees blowing over. My back is a lot better thank you. Hope you managed to enjoy your craft time x

  6. Morning Sandra,

    Love the Bag O Lopes. Mum makes them too out of the pretty ones she gets with her cards.

    Janet... your box is divine. Your granddaughter will love it.

    Lynda.... oh my, your abstract pictures are stunning! I love the different colour ways.

    Another weekend of dress and technical rehearsals. Wish I was told earlier than last night as some W/E plans have now gone straight out the window! Have said can't be there until 1.30. Although I am loving being back in the panto 'family', there doesn't seen to be any cohesion to when the info is imparted to me. Chill pills needed.

    My floor-robe needs sorting out this morning so an early start now necessary.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Sounds like a bit of organisation in required in handing out information on what happens when. So frustrating having to change your plans at the last minute. Good job your so accommodating.

    2. Hi Cheryl. It sounds like they need to get organised properly. I'm hope they appreciate all that you are doing for them. I love your description, a floor-robe is agreat way to explain it 😊 x

  7. Congratulations Sophie & Lucy on your first day of work. Is this just for the weekends or are you contemplating a catering career? x

  8. Hi Saandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra the bags look great, video please. Hope the girls enjoy their first day of work, I bet they will be tired this
    Janet your box is beautiful, you are so clever at alterong
    Lynda your artwork is stunning well
    Cold & grey here, we had a dusting of snow but disappearing now, going to see my friend for coffee then hopefully in the warm for rest of weekend.
    Cheryl hope rehearsals go
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thank you Margaret your very kind. Have a good day xx

    2. Hi Mum. I hope you get to craft this afternoon and tomorrow. Love to you both xxxx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies in the cafe' today.
    Janet- what a exquisite keepsake box, she will adore this gift and love it forever.
    Lynda- I love the canvasses, nothing seem to stop your creativity for different type of crafting. They are both absolutely wonderful.
    Never heard of bag o lopes, they look nice and a tutorial would be helpful as reading 'how to' is useless on me.
    Good luck to the girls first day at work,sure they will have loads to tell you when back home tonight.
    Bacon butty, a strong coffee and a stern word with Herman is what I'm going to do next before going back to bed me think after hardly got a wink last night.
    Wish you all have a nice Saturday whatever you are up to, many hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria you snuck in front of me while typing
      Thank you for your lovely comment. Sorry you didn't have a good night hope you manage to have a sleep now. Big Hug's. Xxx

  10. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA love your Bag o lopes & would love a tutorial please.
    JANET your granddaughter will love your box you have transformed it so beautifully with the the doll flowers Lace & pearls it's stunning Janet πŸ€—πŸ€—
    Thank you all for your kind comments on my canvases,they look better in real life They didn't photograph very well.
    CHERYL your panto group are so very lucky to have you, but they need to organise things better & give you more notice me thinks. Take care πŸ€—Hug's xx
    MICHELLE have nice meet up with your scatty friend.
    Congratulations Sophie & Lucy hope all goes well on your first day of work
    Not much on the cards today we have to go back too Tesco as I forgot to pick up my prescription from the Pharmacy. I put them in & i do shopping we were half way home & remembered them 😱 the times I do that so many senior moments lately I don't like this getting old lark 😳. We are going over Lisa's tomorrow for dinner looking forward to seeing them & my no one Grandson Joseph.
    VAL I posted your card yesterday so you probably won't get it on time sorry
    Hope Gracie lets you put he leg warmers on today is it cold out today. Bambie sends Gracie paw Hug's 🐾🐾xx
    Sending extra special Hug's for Brenda Sue & Maria hope your all feeling better today. Wrap up warm if going out it's bitter cold out. πŸ€—
    Well better have my shower love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Just love your paintings. Especially love the autumnal colours

    2. Hi Lynda. Wow, your paintings are fantastic, what gorgeous colours and patterns.
      (Janet, I agree with you about seeing pictures in them and in the fire 😊 )
      Lynda, have a lovely time tomorrow with the family. Take care x

    3. Thank you Sue & Pat for your lovely comments. They do look better in real life lot more shine on them xx

  11. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning gift Janet. All made from an MDF box and some lace. You've done a fantastic job Janet.
    Lynda love your canvasses as well, they look fantastic.
    I hope the girls enjoy there first day at work Sandra. Very lucky they can work together though.
    It's bitterly cold outside but I know up North they have it worse than us.

    1. Hi Pat. I hope you have a good weekend, wrap up warm when you go out. It's just as cold in Devon. Take care x

  12. Sorry Sandra
    Completely forgot about your bags. They are lovely just need to buy some plain bags and away you go once we have a video to show us what to do.

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A smashing collection of treats today.

    I can't figure out how u did that from envelopes but it's pretty cool. Would love a tutorial for sure on that please x

    Lovely wee box it's so pretty x

    Lynda wow love those canvases!!! U really can turn ur hand to anything lol. I bet they look better in real life too!!!
    Hope ur doing well ma wee pal xx

    Everyone hope u have a lovely weekend. Infortunately I'm working all weekend boo hoo ☹️ Xx

    1. Hi Tracy. How often do you have to work weekends? I hope it's not too cold where you are x

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a treat you have given us today Sandra. Yes please, I would love a tutorial on making these bags, can't quite work out how you manage the gusset, they look so pretty and would be very very useful.

    Janet, your box is absolutely divine I am sure it's going to be very loved. Thank you for sharing xx

    Linda your canvases are lovely, how did you achieve the swirling effect did you just put blobs of colour on the canvas and swill them with your paintbrush? if you have a minute I'd love to know think I could do these with Ciara. xx
    It just so happens I've bought some canvases, some have easels with them. Just ideas I had ready for half term.

    Sandra sorry I haven't got around to doing a CC . I will look through my files I thank I have some cards to share.

    I hope Sophie and Lucy enjoyed there first day at work. Good Luck girls ( albeit a bit late) xx

    Love to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, I know Ciara will love this technique, if you do decide to do it. Take extra care please, and get lots of rest. X

    2. Hi Brenda Ciara will love doing this have you got the Pebeo mediums?
      I just started with one colour dripped a thike line added a second colour next to it & so on till covered I then moved the canvas around so they merged into each other. You can then add more colour's just dropping blobs on I then with a cocktail stick just dragged the colour's out softly untill satisfied with patterns you can add more colour's if needed. The moon ones spread by themselves when dropped but you can move the canvas around more if you want but be careful it doesn't run off the edge as by this time a lot of paint.
      Sorry Brenda I'm not very good at explaining
      Hope you & Ciara enjoy playing xx Hug's Lynda xx

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© tonight.
    I'm so glad that everyone is getting to see your gorgeous bag-o-lopes. The stamping is beautiful, you would never guess that they started as evelopes!
    I hope Sophie and Lucy got on well today, I bet they are both exhausted now though. Give them my love and congratulations. Have a good day tomorrow my lovely 😊
    It's always good to see the mixed crafts Saturday, thank you ladies for sharing them with us 😊
    I hope you are all keeping warm, it is going great to be a very cold one tonight so another layeray be called for.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Maria and all in need
    Take care xx

  17. Hello all, sorry to be late,
    Sandra love the bags
    Janet beautiful box
    Lynda magical canvases, I have those paints but thought they were only for non porous things.
    Good night, sleep tight, hugs Lilian

  18. Love the keepsake box a wonderful present
    Elizabeth Bennett
    Hello Ladies had a job finding you all
    bookmarked site off to have a noisy at the beautiful creations
