
Friday 10 February 2017

A couple of Janet's cards


Good morning Ladies,

Goodness me it's a chilly one today, if you are venturing out please wrap up warm, I think it's going to stay cold for a few days. Maybe even snow..😬⛷🌨

I wanted to share two of Janet's amazing cards today, we haven't seen any for a while, I love the first card, the image is just so beautiful, I love how you have left the design simple so that it doesn't take away from that beautiful photo.  
The seam binding ribbon and small spray of flowers are all that is needed to embellish this card, it's gorgeous xxx

The second card is a perfect man card. I love the colour of card you have used as well as the Embossing folder, it works perfectly with the car stamped image you have used or would work with any travel themed card.  I think the hand pointing to the sentiment is a fun feature, that draws your eye across the page.
The screw style brads are a perfect finishing touch for men's cards, they look fantastic.  
Thank you so much for sending your cards to me to share Janet xxx

If any of you ladies have any cards that you would like me  to share, just email them to me, I am really happy to share them, that goes for any craft items or craft shopping too.

Back in my craft room today, Paul is back at work today so no distractions, he is a lovely distraction though!!
I have to finish this pesky DT thing.  Just look at the stamp set::
A bizarre set that isn't the easiest to work with, I have done two out of the three so far! 

Have a lovely day ladies, 

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-two fantastic cards. I love the flowers on the first one-have you made them? The second card is great inspiration for men's cards.

    Sandra-I keep looking at that set of stamps & wondering what on earth you could use some of them for. I wish you luck with your DT projects.

    Yesterday was fine at work so fingers crossed today will be the same. I really need to get into my craft room tonight to continue with the cards using the Gemma die then I can start my challenge card.


  2. Morning Everyone from a very very cold Sheffield.
    We have a very light covering of the 'white' stuff too so it's definitely an indoors day, heating up full and wrapping up.

    CHERYL- I really do hope that those two costumes are the last. You must have panto costumes coming out of your fingers lol. Anyway once they're done then you can do the crafting you want to do.

    PAT- I'll be thinking of you and Pete on Monday having to spend the day in the hospital. Take some reading/or at least something you can do whilst waiting around. Do they have a good coffee shop?

    My two cards - the first one is for my Granddaughter in law whose birthday it is on Tuesday. She is a little difficult to cater for as she loves some girlie things but also loves things Gothic.
    As usual the picture is one printed off Pinterest and the roses are from Wild Orchids MICHELE as I cheat and buy flowers as I very rarely make them. It's so much easier for me as my fingers and hands don't always work as they should. The seam binding is of course CE and the little spray is from the die set Bella Rose.

    The second card I had completely forgotten about. The efolder is an A5 one which never fails to give a good impression is called 'World Map' from Couture Creations and the stamped images are from a set called 'Explore Vintage Labels Four' from Just Rite.

    I have to say that that set of stamps are the ones I go to for a man's card more than any others I have.

    My jobs for this morning are Housework first followed by making Fish Pie for tea and then not sure after that. Whatever you're up to today enjoy everything.
    The CAFE is open and just waiting for you all to pop in. HUGS for you all with a few extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

  3. eHello again -
    Sorry I forgot to say that the base card for my first card is 'Downton Abbey' card from Crafters Companion. I bought it from Hochanda when they were promoting this card/paper. It is a DREAM to work with.

  4. Beautiful cards JANET Good luck with the crafting MICHELE and SANDRA I would not have a clue what to do with those stamps SANDRA Firat thing that popped into my head was a Scrapbook page
    I hope you've received my emails or have the gremlins got them again
    Take care everyone x

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    Two lovely cards Janet. The flowers on the top one are beautiful and the second is such a great man card.

    Michele Glad you had a better day yesterday. Fingers crossed for today.

    A quick comment this morning as as well as leaving for craft class at 11 . 15 we have to call and the Chinese shop on the way .So many light bulbs have popped in the house all at once. Need to buy about 12.

    Will call in later to see what everyone is up to.
    Bye for now. Love Valxxx

  6. Hi Sandra
    As you said it's very cold today and I saw a few snow flakes awhile ago. Jon now though thank goodness.
    Love both cards Janet. Lovely frame around your image.
    Also love the mans card. Why are men so difficult I wonder.
    The show yesterday was great. Started late as the group had a breakdown on the way to the theatre. But only about 10mins late. Wasn't to impressed with the singer in the first half when singing on his own. Was great while singing with the others. However, the second half was fabulous, I think the Queen songs he sang suited him better.

  7. Hi Sandra,
    Sandra hope you are managing to get your cards designed it is not the easiest with those stamps, but knowing you you will come up with something
    Janet your 2 cards are lovely I am sure your granddaughter in law will love it. Hope you do not have too much of the white
    Maria, Lynda, Brenda & Sue hope you are all feeling better, healing hugs on
    We are busy trying to sort out car insurance, what nightmare!!!
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hi again everyone.
    Hope the snow wasn't heave and didn't stick and it's feeling warmer.
    Really great few hours at Craft Club this afternoon. More chatting and laughing done than actual crafting but a good laugh does you good.
    Sandra hope you managed to make your cards today. The stamps don't inspire me apart from the teddy bear on a baby card but I'm sure you have come up with great ideas.
    Well Lynn is calling me that my dinner is made. I love this being waited on ha ha.
    Have a good night.
    Love Valxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and all,
    JANET I love both of your cards. The Man card especially is just the sort of inspiration I need, thank you for sharing these lovely cards.
    SANDRA I'm sure you will come up with a brilliant design using these stamps, and that is why you have been chosen to join the DT. - because that's what you are good at. xx
    Sorry I'm so late today, have been working all day on my sisters accounts, (actually I thought I had another week to get them in) managed to get them in the post late afternoon, the accountant will get them next week. so all is well.

    Lynda I hope you are alright, you sound a perfect patient - just doing everything that you can to get back to your normal self. Wishing you all the best, AND Well done. For the effort you are putting in. xx
    Maria and Sue please don't push yourself to hard. Remember one day at a time.xx
    Val, hope Gracie likes her new wardrobe!!! LOL

    Sending love and hugs to you all, Brenda xxx

  10. Hello and hi to you all,
    Janet- your first card is gorgeous, always loved the picture of these ladies where they look so dreamy and you have with the beautiful paper and flowers made a lovely card. The second one is a great card for a man, the stamps seem very good to have so understand they are some you use often.
    Sandra- good luck with your DT work. Not sure where I saw it but it was a bookcase made with the line stamp and then the teddy, duck and blocks were sitting on the shelf's with a banner hanging from the top. Hope you managed to make something out of them yourself.
    I hope you all had a good day and are looking forward to the weekend. If hurting ,try to take it easy and rest. Yes mum, I will do the same. :)
    SIL and her old man were up again today, they are using the garage here for their car so came up to have something fixed. We going in the shops together, having coffee out and then late lunch somewhere and today we went to Bella Italia, very nice it was and I was good until the dessert question came up, to have or not to have. Thought about it for near second and decided to have the shot glas dessert. They are small but oh so worth it I can say until Sunday morning when the scales probably tells me something else hihi
    Have a good night everyone, many hugs Maria xxx
