
Thursday 9 February 2017

Stamped Thank you cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Oh my goodness, yesterday turned out to be a lovely day!!

Firstly I would like to thank you all for your lovely comments about the girls cards, 
I am so pleased that Linda got to pop in to read your kind words, I do hope that it will be the first visit of many, I was afraid that my over enthusiasm might have put Linda off!  I just presume that everyone knows about Sue's blog etc, but Linda didn't, I just thought that her cards were that amazing she must add had some inspiration, but she just has a natural talent, I hope we get the chance to craft together at some point.

Pat and Sue both came over today too, which was fun, we all played with stamps, Sue went away with a fab card and Pat sent home with Blue fingers!!  It was so lovely to all be crafting together.  I could see Sue was struggling though she looked in a lot of pain, I hope whatever it is soon disappears, it looks like sciatica to me ( looking at how She is holding herself and seeing the sudden onset of pain) I hope it isn't as it can take a while to rid of and I believe once you have had it if always seems to come back. I remember seeing a Chiropractor for mine once, she managed to manipulate the nerve and the relief was instant, sadly by the next morning mine was back, mainly due to my poor 'gait' and having been a leg length difference and repeated surgeries have caused long term damage to the discs in my lower spine. 
I hope you recover quickly Sue xxx

The highlight of my day though was a phone call from Val, I was so surprised when I answered the phone, it was so lovely to chat, I was smiling for the rest of the day, we must do it again soon Val xx

I do love to chat to you lovely ladies.

I would like to spend special hugs to Brenda, please rest and recuperate my lovely, Lynda too, I hope you are feeling stronger too xxx

There have been some horrible germs and hugs around this past few months, sending extra hugs to anyone else feeling fragile xxx

Oh yes, today's cards!! I almost forgot, they are both 'Thank You" cards that I made to go with my Stampin Up parcels.
The stamp set is called
'Blooms and Bliss'

The colours I used were : 

Mint Macaron, Island Indigo & Sahara Sand

Sweet Sugarplum, Rich Razzleberry, Pear Pizzaz & Pink Pirouette

Both lovely combinations, I do love the bizarre names, I backed each of the stamped images with a matching 'matt', Sahara Sand for the first one and Pear Pizzaz for the second.
I hope you like them.

Love and hugs to all



  1. Morning Ladies

    Two lovely cards Sandra-I think I'm the proud owner of the first one (or one very similar) and I have to say the photo does not do it justice-the stamping is really beautiful-so is the card.

    Yesterday was a much better day at work, much calmer. Today shouldn't be too bad although my boss is off for 2 days so I have two part-time Pharmacists covering-the problem is they're both easily distracted so I have to watch them like a hawk!

    I did manage to get in my craft room last night-I moved the spare bookcase in there and juggled everything round to make room for it. I then started making some cards using the Sue Wilson Gemma die I'd bee sent by SetCrafts. Finished one card & I have a couple more part made. Not even started my challenge card yet-so behind this week.


    1. Hi Michele, glad your day was calmer yesterday and great that your new craft room is coming together. Looking forward to seeing your SetCrafts cards. Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Michele
      I'm glad yesterday was quieter and hope today proves to be the same.

    3. Love to see your new craft room when that's finished and be green of jealous :) Hope the day was okay and you now can have some crafting time. Looking forward to see what you do with Gemma xx

  2. Morning Everyone from a very very wet and cold Sheffield.

    SANDRA- two beautiful fully stamped cards today from you. There's no stopping you now lol.

    It took all morning yesterday to go and get the Xray done - traffic horrendous. Should take no more than 30-40 mins from home to hospital and it took an hour. Bumper to bumper all the way and then 5 mins for the Xray - I didn't get time to sit down in reception before they were calling my name - and then on the way home called at the post office depot pick up a parcel and post a couple of cards - morning gone!!!!

    I did manage to get the ball gown dress cut nine times for K&N next Tuesday in the afternoon but that was it. So I have birthday gifts to wrap and organise delivery today. Hopefully CC to get started.

    VAL- your card is in the post so I hope it arrives in time.

    The CAFE is open, nice and warm and dry so come on in and have a seat with a lovely cuppa and a chat. Hugs to all of you for today with a few extras for Brenda and Lynda. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. What an awful morning you had but good that you could have a few hours crafting. The ball gowns sound really interesting.
      Thanks for sending me a card and don't worry if it's late. It means my birthday goes on longer ha ha.
      Enjoy York day. Hope you get your cc done. Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Janet
      So sorry you had a horrendous journey to the hospital yesterday. Looks like we're going to have that sort if a day on Monday. We'll be spending most of the day there I think as Pete has to have a CT scan, as well as a bone scan. That will take hours apparently as get has to have isotopes injected into him and then wait 3 hrs before the scan can take place. Can't leave the hospital as we'd never be able to get a parking space.

  3. Your cards are beautiful I love the font of the Thank You It's lovely when we have a great day and then a complete surprise tops it off making it brilliant (I felt like that after the party on Saturday)
    I hope that pain eases SUE I wish I could pass on some tips to help eliviate it
    BEENDA and LYNDA Hope you feel stronger by the day
    Started CC late las night Not see about it No time now but will see what I think of it in proper daylight Saying that it's very grey here

  4. PS I was surprised to see Lizzie on HOCHANDA so quickly I like her but it's a shame she's working for Crafters Companion

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today.
    These gorgeous thank you cards are even lovelier "in the flesh", I love that wonderful Thank you die, such a beautiful font. These are the sort of card that are so handy to have ready and waiting aren't they. I can see you are going g to end up with a box full 😊 It's so heart warming to see you stamping away so easil y Sandra.
    I managed toake a passable card with my first attempt with Sandra talking me through it. You really do have to just go for it, but I find random is very hard to do! But I did love doing it when I did relax. I wouldn't have believed I would come up with a passable card first time. Let's not talk about the second attempt though 😊

    Thank you for your caring words, it's getting better every day.

    Brenda, please just relax, you will be back to normal before you know it x

    Lynda, you should be very proud of how well you are getting on at the exercises. Make sure you still take it easy though when you can x

    Val, please will you share some of your sewing please? It would be great to see it. What cards for the shop are you on, do you need to make lots of Easter ones? After those is it a bit quieter for you until you have to start thinking of Christmas again. When do you usually start making them, sorry I'm sure you have already said,my memory is awful x

    Michele, I'm glad work wasn't quite so bad yesterday, I hope today is the same and the part timers get on without you having to chase them.

    Maria, listen to what Mum said, rest that leg please x

    Janet, sorry you had such a long journey to get your x-ray done, at least you weren't kept waiting there too. As Pat said our hospitals tell you to allow an hour to park and the department's are often packed and running very late too. We certainly need more hospitals don't we as it will only get worse with all of the housing being built on what seems to be every last piece of land. Soap box back under the counter. Back to you, have a good day x

    Cheryl, you will be glad to see the last of the panto sewing won't you x

    I'm hoping g to have a play at stamping today. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Brenda and a in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue. Glad you had a good time crafting yesterday. Sorry your in such pain and if it is sciatica I can totally sympathise with you. I have been to a Chiropractor in the past and the injections I had at Christmas were fantastic but as Sandra said once you've had it it keeps recurring. Do hope it eases soon.
      My sewing is a work in progress at the moment. I have 2 dresses and 3 pair of cutoffs cut out waiting to be sewn and at the moment I'm struggling making a bathing costume for myself. I can't get one to fit me as I'm top heavy so I bought a pattern and material in UK and the patterns pinned on and that's can far as it's got. I can't seem to get my head around the instructions so I'm waiting for my friend to get back from UK so she can point me in the right direction.
      I'm not making any Easter cards this year as I have plenty left from last year as we only sold a few. I've stared Mother's Day cards as that's the next biggy. I see you've mentioned the "C" word. I don't start on those until about August, so there's only Fathers Day in June after Mother's Day to organise. No wonder the year goes by quickly.
      You take care Sue. Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Val it was lovely talking to you yesterday. A lovely surprise when I arrived at Sandra's.

  6. Morning Sandra and cafΓ© chums,

    Beautiful simple cards, I love them. Less is more as they say.

    Came home from rehearsal early last night with 2 skirts and one waistcoat and the promise that they were the last. Hooray!
    Now I can get back in my untidy craft room, tidy it up and get some b/cards and the challenge cards done. Will be great to relax again.
    (hugs) to all of you still under the weather

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Let's hope they really are the last Cheryl and you can relax and then organise your Craft room.
      Take care. Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I'll bet you'll be glad to see the back of that sewing until next year. No greater way to relax than a bit of crafting.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Such lovely cards Sandra. Your getting such an expert at stamping now. Great that you managed to get together with Pat and Sue yesterday. There's nothing better than chatting and crafting with friends.

    I was so lovely to talk to you yesterday Sandra and lovely that Pat arrived whilst we were chatting so I could talk to her as well. I was on a high all day. Probably bored my crib club completely talking about this wonderful blog. But I won 4-0 so what the heck.

    Gracie is not keen on her leg warmers. I think maybe I should have bought the next size up. I got the ones on her back legs but she lost interest when I tried to put them on her front paws. I'll try again when she's a bit calmer and quickly take a photo.

    I'm off shortly to have Coffee with my friend Pippa then a lovely afternoon in the craft room. My cc is the first to be done than I have a long list for shop cards and I'm trying to get to grips on Mother's Day cards so a busy afternoon and evening but I love it.

    Brenda, what a nasty bug you've had. I do hope you'll start to feel back to normal soon.
    Lynda and Maria special hugs are on there way to you. Take care.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Gracie must wonder what you are trying doing to her tihi Well done winning at crib. Hope you had a nice day, hugs xx

  8. Lovely cards Sandra, i hope all who are poorly get better soon.
    Elaine H X

    1. Hi Elaine, how are things ? Andrew doing any better ? Sending you all some hugs xx

  9. Hello all, very cold wind here today.
    Sandra, love the cards, very professional looking, might have to treat my self to that set soon.
    Have a good day all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I must say that sets great. However, I obviously wasn't in the mood for stamping.

  10. Hi Sandra
    Love your cards, and the colours you've used. Your really a dab hand at stamping now. I seem to have gone down hill as I made a real hash of what I was doing. Mind you that was random stamping, but I couldn't even stamp the flowers as I wanted. So a bad day at the office for me. Although I did come away with dark blue and a bit of red fingers and nails. Lovely speaking to Val as well.
    It's very cold here today. Just before we went into the post office we met a friend and decided go for a coffee. Came back and cooked dinner as we're off out to the theatre with friends to see Mercury.
    Hugs to all who need one today especially Brenda and Lynda.

    1. Happy crafting = colourful fingers :)
      Hope you have a great time at the theatre, what is the Mercury about ? hugs xx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra I love both of these cards, and that Thank you stamp makes a real statement, which is enhanced with the addition of the Blooms and Bliss stamps scattered very tasteful around it. It's all beautiful. I have looked at the online Stampinup catalogue (a few times) each time I've returned to have another look I have ended up with a list of stamps I like ..... Guess what ? YES each time it has been different !!! I understand now why you decided to become demonstrator. Choices, choices, choices.

    I hope you are all having a good day.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    Have just picked up my iPad and realised that I hadn't pressed publish when I completed this post, that was before lunch. Mind you John had just returned home with the shopping, so I was a little distracted. My excuse and I'm sticking with it.!!!!! xxx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra both of these cards are lovely, well done you have really mastered stamping. I am looking forward to having a look at catalogue when Sue comes tomorrow, thanks for giving it to
    Played Petanque this afternoon, mad fools that we are, it was bitter but enjoyed the games.
    Hope all who are feeling poorly feel better soon sending hugs to all who need them love

  13. Hello Sandra & lovely friends
    Sandra your two cards are gorgeous love the stamp set & the thank you stamp so pretty are doing The faux Misti or are you now confident with a stamp block.which ever way you did them they are beautiful.
    SUE I hope you are not in so much pain have you seen the doctor, if it is sciatica I feel for you I have had it a few times the last time was The worst I couldn't put my foot on the floor the doctor gave me three different pain killers to take all together I now panic if I get a pain in my leg. Please put your leg up Sue & rest.
    Sending you many πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—s
    VAL aww poor Gracie I can imagine you trying to put her leg warmers on we have trouble getting her coat on Bambie we have bought her a new one it has a zip on the back &I much easier. Lovely you got to speak to Sandra & Pat yesterday it's a shame you can't fly over & go to Ally Pally it would be lovely to meet you πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—six
    BRENDA hope your starting to feel better & stronger each day take care πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—s xx nasty 🐜Bugs xx
    Went to excercise class today all good next Tuesday I have a half way review as it's my 4th week gone so quick only 4more weeks not sure if I can carry on after that probably not πŸ˜‚ As NHS thing.
    Terry has Man phenomena the new man flu 😭😭😭bless he slept πŸ˜΄πŸ’€ all day & night yesterday & has been asleep since he picked me up at 1.45 had his dinner then fell asleep againπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ must be lovely to sleep like that.
    Love & Hug's to everyone Lynda xxxx

    1. Wish Terry better and give him a hug from me :) Sure you don't mind. Funny with the exercises because when you go to these things and then have to do them at home ,it's never seem to be done but I hope you feel better by doing them so you will continue at home afterwards.....many hugs xx

  14. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love both cards Sandra, they are so professional looking and your stamping is wonderful. Have looked at the Stampinup catalogue and have started a new wish list :)
    Sorry being so late but have been laid up all day so absolutely nothing have been done and I hate to lose a day like these. Have SIL coming around again too tomorrow so need to run the hover around in the morning and get the down stairs loo looking spik and span for her pear shaped bottom Lol
    Sending special hugs to anyone who are poorly and wish you better.
    Mum- trying to rest the leg but not easy. Hope you and Pop are fine and you didn't get a chill by playing petanque outside.
    Sending hugs to you all and wish you a good night, Maria xxxx
