
Wednesday 8 February 2017

2 Beautiful Birthday Cards

Good morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, sadly Sue's back was too bad for her to come over yesterday so we didn't get to craft together, Pat is going to pop over today though.

Exciting news for any of you that didn't see my email yesterday of anyone looking in 
My Stampin' Up! Website is up and running so if you want to pop over and have a look the link is below .....

Aren't today's cards amazing?!! Sophie & Lucy received them for their birthday from their friend Jaz, it was Jaz's mum Linda made these two stunning cards.  The girls were so excited to share them with me mainly I think because they understand how much work goes in to planning and designing a card as beautiful as these.  
I messaged Linda straight away to say how fab they were and to find out all about her crafting, amazingly she had never heard of Sue Wilson,  which I was surprised at the to the style of her cards, I am hoping that Linda will pop in today to read what you all think about her cards. 
Linda, maybe we could arrange to meet up and craft together sometime??

Right I'm off to prepare for Pat coming over, I wonder if She will feel up to popping over too?!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    What beautiful cards to greet us today. I'm not surprised Lucy and Sophie couldn't wait to share these gorgeous cards with you Sandra.

    Linda, I do hope you pop in to this fantastic, friendly, caring and inspiring blog/Café. Thank you for allowing Sandra to share your gorgeous cards with us, I love them both. Please can we see more of your creations, please☺

    Lynda, I hope the excersise class went well yesterday and you are not suffering today from the extra level x
    Brenda, I'm sorry to hear you are still not well. Please don't fight your bodies need to rest and sleep. I'm sure it is driving you mad but the more you rest now the quicker you will be back to your usual busy self x

    Maria, thank you 😊 I hope you managed to have some sleep . Please don't go walking more than you need, but listen to your doctor's advice to rest your leg, at least until the 19th, please x
    Fingers are tightly crossed that I will get to see Sandra and Pat today and get some crafting done, and maybe just chat a little.....Ok, chat a lot and get a little crafting done 😊
    I hope you all manage to have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Brenda, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, Sorry you missed out on your visit to Sandra yesterday. I hope your back is easier today and you will be able to see the two other Graces!
      Please take care. LOL xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-that's two beautiful cards made by Linda. I hope you can contact her about all things crafty.

    Late out yesterday after a dreadful day-so busy & a few transport problems. Got home to find hubby assembling a new bookcase for his office so I helped then we started moving the contents of one set of shelves to the new one. The old bookcase is now on the landing-possibly heading into my craft room. I was too tired to even start thinking about moving my stuff so once we'd eaten, we watched an episode of Law & Order then I read my book. I usually head up around 10pm for a bath then read in bed-I was almost too tired to read!

    Let's hope today is a much better day then I can get crafty this evening.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you had a better day today.

  3. Morning Everyone
    What beautiful creations to meet us this morning. Both as exquisite from the backing card to the finishing touches. I also love the way the envelopes have been tied with the cards so professional.

    MARIA- now you be a good girl and do as the Dr says lol. Seriously take care and please follow Drs iounstructions.

    BRENDA- you too need to take things steady. I know it's not an easy thing for such a busy lady like you to do but please take note of what your body is telling you.

    SUE- I really hope that you're able to join your other 'Two Graces' for a happy day of chat/craft. If not please take things slowly.

    It was a 'do one job and then sit down day' for me yesterday. I managed to get a wooden box glued together and painted on the inside. It's one that I want to make into a Memory Box for my Grand Daughter in Law whose birthday is next week but it may have to be an 'after' birthday present.

    I'm off for the last Xray of my chest this morning so it's a trail round hospital car parks finding a space and then through the hospital to Xray. We're hoping to be off in about half an hour's time so that it will not be busy I hope.

    The CAFE is open for business and Linda's cards have pride of place on the display board this morning.

    HUGE HUGS to you all with extras for those in need. xxxx

    1. Hello Janet, Hope you got a parking space and didn't have to walk miles to the X-ray department. Will you have the results today or is it yet another appointment to get them? LOL xx

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope you managed to get a parking space and didn't have to walk to far. Our hospitals tell you to allow at least an hour for parking.

  4. Morning ladies,

    Stunning cards from Linda, Sandra, do hope she pops in to share more.

    VAL the new sewing channel is starting sometime this month, don't know exactly when as I can't find the FB post that I received about a month ago. The programmes will be on from 8.00am to 12 noon I believe.

    More costumes arrived last night, busy sewing day ahead.

    ((((hugs)))) to everyone
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hello Cheryl, MORE COSTUMES - I don't believe it !!!!
      Well yes I do actually.
      Talk about leaving things until the eleventh hour.
      PLEASE Don't go exhausting yourself. LOL xx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I hope you give yourself some me time after you've finished all the extra sewing.

  5. Hi back again,

    In answer to Val's question and for anybody else who might be interested. The Sewing Channel started on Jan 17th this year and is only on Freeview channel 78, not Sky TV. They also are on YouTube and online. It's run by Sewing Quarter who also have a website shop, twitter and email

  6. Wow LINDA These are stunning cards Please pop in and say Hello
    I like your tip yesterday JANET about having a hard edge to cut around by embossing first
    MARIA You take care young lady!
    Hope you all manage to meet later ladies and chat and craft
    Got to go I hope to pop in later

  7. Hi Cheryl, many thanks for the info. I'm quite excited about watching it having got back into sewing after so many years Your doing so much wonderful sewing I expect to see you as a demonstrator one day soon !!!

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    WOW Linda, what lovely cards. Both so detailed and so pretty. I bet Sophie and Lucy were delighted with them.

    It's a beautiful sunny day here with not a cloud in the sky but my is it wide. Got blown around my waywith Gracie this morning and my ears were so painful when I got home. I think I'll have to route a hat out. Gracie has just gone to be clipped. I think maybe I should get her coat out for later. I bought her some leg warmers ha ha when I was away which haven't been worn so I've just got to see What she looks like in them.
    Off to play crib this afternoon. I think we'll be inside today.
    I've stopped going to bingo on a Tuesday. It just isn't my idea of fun. I'd rather be making cards Yeh.
    Good luck with your xray today Janet. Hope you manage to get a parking place easily.
    Hope you have an easier day today Michele.
    Sue. Hope your ealing better today and you manage to meet up with Sandra and Pat and have a great time.
    Special wishes for Lynda, Sue Brenda and Maria and anyone not feeling so good today.
    Bye for now. Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      It was lovely speaking to you this morning. I'd love to see Gracie in her leg warmers. I've seen coats in dogs but never leg warmers.

  9. Hi Sandra and all who call into the Coffee Shop today,

    Sophie and Lucy - Thank you for letting Sandra share these beautiful cards with us, they are both equally stunning.
    LINDA these cards are beautiful, please drop into the Coffee Shop ( aka Sandra's blog ) and tell us about yourself and how you got into crafting. Do you go to any craft shows? Have you any favourite dies. We would so love to hear about you and would love you to share more of your beautiful cards with us. xx

    Thank you dear friends for your thoughtful wishes, I am determined to get back to my 'normal' self again (whatever that is!) So am taking things one day at a time. Fortunately daughter doesn't need our help this week with the children. And next week being half term, we will be needed as Tierney has a Uni. interview on Wednesday in Bournemouth it's for 2018 Mum will be taking her. (she already has been offered a place for Leeds) but first has to do an Art Foundation year ..... So next week I will need to be in good form. Mind you Callum and Ciara are no trouble, in fact it's lovely to spend time with them.

    It's a bit late but I think I will get myself a coffee, before thinking about lunch.

    Have a good day everyone, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope Tierneys interview goes well.

  10. Take care BRENDA Hope the wait wasn't too long JANET And SANDRA your site looks brilliant I will be having a little browse later hope your back is better SUE and you were able to meet up

  11. Hello Everyone
    Well the Xray didn't take more than 5 mins but the journey which usually takes 30-40 mins took an hour this morning. We were in a bumper to bumper queue all the way. Heaven only knows where they all came from.

    No Brenda - no results today. They will go to my GP as the Xray was the follow up to the bout of Pneumonia I had before Christmas.
    Have a good evening everyone xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Fingers crossed that your X-ray will be clear.

  12. Hi, thanks for all your lovely comments ,I am a carer and work lots of funny hours 4kids so I don't get much time, card making is my way of relaxing.all the cards on here are great. Thanks Sandra for sharing your blog x x

    1. Hi Linda,
      Thank you for allowing Sandra to show us your beautiful cards, I hope we get to see some more, but with your job & 4 children it's a wonder you have time to craft. Look forward to seeing you again.xx

    2. Hi Linda
      Thanks for letting Sandra show your cards. I must say not having much time to do card making, you've done a fantastic job.

    3. Hi Linda. Thank you from me too for letting Sandra share your gorgeous cards. You are a busy lady aren't you, but it's good that you do manage to have a bit of "me" time crafting. It would be great if you could manage to pop into this lovely, if slightly mad, Café. All drinks and cakes etc are calorie free so enjoy whatever you fancy 😊 Take care. Sue/Mrs B x

  13. Hi Linda, you sound as though you have a real busy life and it's great to have a hobby that can help you relax. Love your cards and hope to see you agaiin
    Love Valxx

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone and a special hello to Linda.
    Beautiful cards Linda, love to see more of your work if and when you have some time. Being a carer and having 4 kids must take up so much of your time. Hope to see you again.
    Janet, that was a long time travelling for just 5 min. at the x-ray department. Hope they are good and you are feeling better, take care
    Did you tree Graces managed to meet up today ? I tried last night to look at your site Sandra but couldn't do it so going through your posting today made it easier.
    Brenda- sending you some big but gentle hugs so you feel better soon x
    Val- loved to see Gracie in all her attire going out for her walk. Keep snug.
    Sonia and Anne, hope you both are alright and be back to the cafe' soon. Sending you both some hugs.
    Had a outing this morning to Ikea and then Asda for some top up which turned nearly into a weekly shopping hihi
    Back home I started on the CC but not to my liking so will have another go tomorrow. Wish you all a nice evening and a very good night. Many hugs to you all xxxx

  15. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank Sophie & Lucy for letting us see their cards, they are lovely. Hope the 3 of you managed to meet up
    Brenda please take it gently we want to see you at Farnborough, please take
    Janet sorry you had a terrible journey this morning, hope results are
    Val hope you have warmed up
    Michele hope you have had an easier day & can craft this
    Maria please take care & don't ignore what your Dr. told you, listen to Mum, ha
    Lynda glad you are enjoying your classes makes such a
    Karen hope dentist went
    Cheryl sorry they didn't give you the costumes earlier, you are a life saver I should think, take
    Lilian hope you enjoyed meeting with your
    Sorry if I have missed anybody but sending hugs to all who need them love

  16. Hi Sandra
    I thought I'd commented this morning but apparently I didn't ironing else it's disappeared.
    Lovely to see the cards that Linda made for the girls. They are fantastic Linda.
    I was lucky enough to speak to Val as well when I was over at Sandra's.
    I had a dabble at doing something similar to P what Sandra did for the girls birthday card using a butterfly rather than a dragonfly. I must say I failed miserably. I think the butterfly was to big. Tried with a dragonfly, but I was not happy. Ended up doing some stamping and colouring instead.

  17. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Wow I love Sophie & Lucy's cards Linda they are beautiful so professional & very pretty. Look forward to seeing some more of your cards.
    Sandra I hope you had a good time with Sue &Pat today.
    I have been round Margaret's today no crafting though just chatting & watching Hochanda. BRENDA please take it easy & rest that viras thingy has a lot to answer for I still get very tired & don't feel 100% just hoping the exercise will help but I nod 💤off when I get home HaHa.any way Brenda take care & don't over do things 🤗🤗Hug's on there way xx
    MARIA same goes for you do what the Dr,says & rest please take care.🤗🤗xx
    JANET hope X-ray has good results for you take care Sending some 🤗🤗xx
    CHERYL do you have to sew the costumes by hand or machine don't get over doing it you seem to have done so many lately hope this is the last of your sewing 🤗🤗s on there way.
    VAL I would love to see Gracie in her leg warmers how cute. I was thinking of getting Bambie some little boots as her tiny paws get so cold she has her coat on now. 🤗🤗xx
    Well I'm off to drink my tea
    Love Lynda xx
