
Tuesday 7 February 2017

Sophie's Birthday card

Good Morning Ladies,

So excited writing the blog today for a couple of reasons, firstly today's card, now, self confidence is something I have struggled with for many years and I cannot count the amount of times Paul and my lovely children have said to me "wow, that's amazing" when I have all but thrown something into the bin!  But I am going to say it, right here, right now.......
I love this card!!!!
It took me all of about 20 minutes on Friday evening, I made a mask if the Dragonfly and placed it on my piece of card, I then took my 'Timeless Textures ' stamp set and stamped a random selection of stamps around my masked dragonfly and it opposite corners, I used 3 different colours of ink, I then removed the mask, die cut a Dragonfly from the 'Detailed Dragonfly' Thinlets, in a pretty pink, added some 'Wink of Stella' to its wings and a few pearls to its body. That's it !!
I'm not sure what it is about it that appeals to me so much, but I really do like it, so you heard it here first!  I was inspired by seeing the original if this card by a lady called Leone Shroder on Pinterest.

The other excitement is that both Brenda and I won a Die on Sue's blog.....
I won the 'Apron' die

Brenda won the Azores die......

Michele won the Celebration Cake 'papercuts' die on Sunday on John's blog and she has been chosen by Ben at Setcraft to receive a die to make an inspirational card for their Facebook page, the die was the 'Gemma' die.

 Val was also a winner on John's blog on Sunday, winning the pretty 'Winter Posy' papercuts die.

Congratulations ladies, I am so happy for you all and I can't wait to see what you make with your winnings.  I have to say Michele you do seem to be on a bit of a winning streak right now, maybe you should buy that Lotto ticket, if you win can you please book us somewhere nice for our retreat??! 😜

Such a bright and cheerful start to the week, it makes such a difference having happy and positive to set you up for the week, particularly on these grey and gloomy days!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Maria, your quote is very true.....There is "no place like home".  Xx

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is absolutely beautiful. It's perfect so you should be proud of it.

    Haven't we all done well winning some Dies? My Gemma die arrived yesterday so I had a play ( to distress as work wasn't great) but I'm not happy with what I've made so far. Ah well-it's only bits of card so I'll keep playing.


    Today we have another crazy busy day-two more new patients on the list for chemotherapy, only found out about them late yesterday. I'll look forward to heading into my craft room this evening.


    1. Comment was meant to say De-stress not distress!!


    2. Morning Michele - congratulations on all of your winnings.
      Thank you for me goodies they were waiting for me when I arrived home last night.
      Hope today goes quickly for you at work today.
      Hugs xx

    3. Hi Michele
      So sad to hear that more and more people are needing Chemo Michele. It makes for a hectic day for you. We're keeping our fingers crossed that Pete doesn't need any just yet. Congratulations on your wins.

  2. Hello All, short post as I'm at my friends today, also cleaner day.

    Sandra, love your card, so glad you are into stamping now, it's my favourite.

    Well done ladies on all your winnings, although not sure I'd use your prize Sandra.
    Have a good day all, will pop in when I'm home, hugs Lilian

  3. Congratulations ladies on all your winnings Can't wait to see what you create Hygenist and dentist for me later on - yeuck! - I hate physically passing over money to have pain inflicted on me!
    Your card is beautiful SANDRA no wonder you're proud of it

    1. Hi Karen
      My dentist seems to clean my teeth each time I go for a checkup so it doesn't cost me any extra.

  4. Morning Everyone for the second time of trying.

    SANDRA - your card is just beautiful and I'm sure it will go into Sophie's memory box. You have every right to be proud of it so carry on and on and on lol.

    Congratulations to all you lucky ladies on all your winnings. I cannot wait to see some of your beautiful creations.

    Last week's CCs were just beautiful and what a range of designs and materials used. I'll try and get one done this week Sandra.
    Thank you for your comment on my 'fussy' cutting Sandra but I'd heat embossed the flowers so giving me a hard edge to cut against and so making it easier.

    I don't think a lot will get done here today as these days it always takes a couple of days to come round lol.

    The CafΓ© is looking very inviting so a big thank you to whoever opened up this morning. I'll look in later to see who's around.
    Hugs to everyone and I'm off now to sit in the corner with my cup of coffee for a little while. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I'm glad you arrived home safely, as you say it takes a few days to get straight.

  5. Lovely card Sandra , many Congrats to you and the Ladies on your lucky wins, looking forward to seeing what you make from them.
    Elaine H X

  6. Morning everyone,

    Such lovely news of all your wins, you lucky girls.

    Beautiful card Sandra, perhaps it is the simplicity of the card that appeals to you. It does to me, sometimes you don't need all the frills, fussiness and finishing touches to make a stunning card.

    1st impressions took yesterday at dentist, didn't go too bad. Next Friday 2nd impressions then a further 3 appts before my new teeth are fitted on 6th March. I lost my all my teeth before aged 21. Mum had a calcium deficiency and problems whilst carrying my sister. This got progressively worse when she was pregnant with me, which was passed onto me and I had the most horriblest teeth out. They crumbled and broke every time I ate something hard. And they got worse with each of my 3 pregnancies so dentist finally decided to take what was left out. Was surprized at how little a new set cost. WOW! well done NHS.

    Hair cut this morning and a spot of shopping, see you all later
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I also had the same problem as you. But I at least managed to hold onto a few of mine.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra no wonder you are so pleased with Sophie's card it is absolutely beautiful,you really have mastered stamping. Congratulations to you Brenda, Michele & Val on your prizes.
    Hope you get together with Pat & Sue
    Janet good to see you home safely, just don't try & do too
    Karen hope dentist goes
    Lovely sunny morning so should be good playing Petanque.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  8. Hi everyone.
    Sandra, no wonder you're delighted with Sophies card. It's beautiful and I'd be so happy if I'd made it. You really have got stamping down to a fine art.
    Many congratulations ladies on winning this Week. Didn't we do well. Michele, so pleased you've been picked to make a card for Setcraft. Must admit I've never heard of them but will look them up.
    Had a bad night last night and as a result got a banging headache today. May go and have an hour in bed after the window cleaner has been.
    Sandra, Sue and Pat have a good time playing today. Hope you're ok now Sue.
    Margaret. Enjoy your per an questions in the sunshine.
    Janet Glad your home safely. Have a rest over the next few days. Travelling really tires you out.
    Karen hope everything goes well at the dentist and Cheryl glad your dentist visit are progressing nicely.
    Enjoy your day ladies.
    Love Valxxx

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra, you make it sound so easy when you describe how you made it. You have mastered stamping well. Hope you see the "girls", Sue and Pat later :)
    Congrats to all you ladies who won some dies !
    Karen- good luck at the dentist. Try to think about something nice and cuddles from Oscar :)
    Cheryl- sorry you have to have so much done but hopefully the end result will be real good.
    Michele- have a good day at work. You always found it stressful and it must be sad when you get new patients but you are doing such a important job and you are needed. Take care.
    Pat- hope you are okay. How is Pete's eye, any news ?
    Lynda- you put leg up as well and rest when you can. I stand when doing my cards in the kitchen, found it much more comfortable then sitting (sitting do to much anyway) the backside is proof of that hihi
    Elaine- hope you are alright, sending you all some hugs.
    Tracy- how is work going, you got used to get up early in the mornings again ? Take care.
    Lilian- take care of your hands, sound like you have a lot of sewing to do. Hope the birthday boy had a nice day, hugs
    Janet- welcome back, hope your journey was calm and you both not to jet leg after crossing the channel Lol
    Val- hope you now can see out from your windows again,
    very posh to have it done both outside and indoors Lol
    Margaret- hope you and Pop are fine, hope to see you soon if Watford is on the cards or it will be at Ally Pally. It's not just the days and weeks that goes quickly, also the Months are running away :(
    Sue- hope you back is getting better, do take care .
    The weather here is alright and the sun have come out. Had a walk this morning (yes I know) Taken out my photo albums and want to sort them out a bit. Have quite a few but not sure where to store them, probably goes back in the cupboard where they were tihi
    Have a nice day, love and hugs Maria x

    1. Hi Maria
      Pete has an appointment to have the Cancer cut out of his eyelid on the 27th March. As he no longer has the lump on his bottom eyelid ( taken off for a biopsy ). I'm not to sure where they will be cutting. He'll have some re construction work if required at the same time.

    2. Hope you got your photos sorted out Maria. Hope you're not doing to much walking!!! Take care xxx

  10. Meant to say ladies I see that The Craft Channel is no more. I must admit I never watched it cos Dawn Bibby was on it. Hope she doesn't go to Hochanda !!!.

    1. Hi Val
      I don't like Dawn Bibby either. Apparently her stuff on the Craft Channel was way out of date.

    2. Hi Val I'm not a Dawn Bibby fan either, I have never watched the craft channel. I agree with Pat she hasn't changed her style of crafting it's very out of date. Xx

    3. I had heard she still does the same old things. Apparently another channel of dressmaking has started but can't seem to find anything on the internet. Does anyone know anything about it? Xx

  11. Hi Sandra & Friends
    Congratulations all you lucky ladies on your Die wins Enjoy playing look forward to seeing the cards you make.
    Sandra Sophie's card is gorgeous love everything you have done I bet Sophie was over the moon with it. Have a good day wit Sue & Pat today.
    I have just got home from πŸ’‰blood test & then off to excercise class in a hour
    Hope it's ok today as I didn't have a very good night then having to get up at 7am for πŸ’‰Test. Hopefully get in craft room when I get home & try to sort the rest of craft thing from Margaret I have already got three bags for charity mainly card quite a few HD decoupage packs all new &unopend some new punches that I can't use with my sore RA hands.
    Well better get ready & put my leggings on for πŸ‹πŸ‹ love Lynda see you later.xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope your exercise classes go well and that you have a better night tonight.

    2. Hi Lynda. It is a good job you don't need to see the doctor urgently, isn't it! I hope the second stage exercises aren't too hard for you. I'm glad you are getting through all of the goodies that Margaret gave you. Just a suggestion but have you thought about putting the punches on Gumtree? On there most things are collected for cash so you could get some money for them. It is completly free to advertise on there, unless you wants extras on your advert. Gem has used it a few times and it is really good. I've got 4 small floral tonic punches that were a free gift but I find they are really hard to use as I have the same problems as you with me hands. If I do use them I have to put them on the kitchen floor and stand on them so not the easiest 😊 Do you know, as I'm sat here telling you about them and Gumtree I have just realised I should put mine on there!!! I'll let you know how I get on 😊
      Hugs to you and Terry xx

    3. Hope the exercises went well. Bet your car knows it's own way there ha ha.
      Sorry you had a bad night. Everything seems worse when you're lying awake at night and everyone else is asleep. Hope you can have a good sleep tonight. Xxx

    4. Hope everything went well today. Wish you have a better night then yesterday, many hugs xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    What a beautiful card you made for Sophie. Love the dragonfly as well that you've cut out. Will look with interest at what you create with your Dies ladies. I quite like the look of the new dies from Creative Expressions.

  13. Hi Sandra. And ladies.

    What a georgeous card love it. Love how I've done it too. I'm not that adventurous lol

    Have a few cards to do but I'm heading back to bed as I'm not feeling great today.
    Ah well at least I'll get beauty sleep lol.

    Maria. Work is going fine and yes I'm back into my normal routine once again lol xx

    1. Sorry your not feeling so good today Tracy. Hope a few hours sleep does you good. Xx

    2. Wish you better Tracy. There is things going around at the moment, take care xx

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today.
    Wow, this is a really fantastic card. I love the delicate colours you have used and the various stamps, just simply gorgeous. Sophie will have loved it and I know you will keep looking at it and feeling so proud and happy but also still not quite believing that you made it 😊
    Well, what lovely news to hear of our winners. I'm looking forward to seeing what creations you all come up with 😊
    I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful sun shine that we have at the moment, it certainly malese feel brighter, much needed as I didn't get to Sandra's today as my back is still playing up πŸ˜”
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Ah Sue, so sorry you didn't feel up to joining Sandra and Pat today. It's horrible being in pain. Hope the sunshine means Spring is on the way for you. Hope your back improves soon. Xxx

    2. Oh what a shame your back stopped you to see the other graces today. Horrible to be in pain, just take it easy and rest. Something I'm a big believer in as you can see, not Lol Gentle hugs xx

  15. Hello Sandra,
    Am I the only one who is still awake?
    I've had a very sleepy day have dosed on and off since I got up and dressed this morning. Daughters rang late afternoon, one after the other. We had dinner then my sister rang. I feel as though I have lost a day. Hopefully I will be a bit more energetic tomorrow.
    Love the card you made for Sophie, it is so delicate looking, just beautiful.
    Hope all of our ladies enjoy the dies they won. Can't believe how lucky I am to be one of the winners.
    Sleep well everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. You won a lovely die Brenda, have fun playing when it's arrive. You might not see this, as I'm over an hour later then you. Got to bed at 2 this morning but hope for a earlier one tonight, well can always hope. Take good care of yourself,hugs xx
