
Monday 20 February 2017

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Challenge Card

The Sketch

Good morning ladies,

Here is your sketch for this week, remember that you can turn it sideways, upside down or however you please!  I think it's fairly straightforward, I asked Michele to help me choose while we were chatting on messenger yesterday, we both thought that this would be a fun Challenge, it is a lot easier to work with than the first one we picked!! Have fun with it, whatever you do xx

I went romantic with mine, I will need a card on the 10th March as it's the anniversary of the day we met, in Sainsbury's, 28 years ago, we usually have a little celebration, so this challenge card will be perfect for that.

Now the right answers to the challenge cards are.....

1. Janet
2. Michele
3 Margaret
4 Maria
5 Lilian
6 Karen
7 Val
8 Michele
9 Lynda

One person got all 9 right and she didn't have one of her own to help......It was 

BRENDA !!!!  Well done you!!

Sue was next with 6. 

Thank you all for taking part, it is so much fun.

I'd like to thank you all for leaving such kind comments over the past couple of days, my blog gives me so much pleasure, more so if I know I am helping any of you in some tiny way.  I absolutely love seeing you get the lovely comments oh Yours cards, I love sharing yours as much as sharing mine.  The huge amounts of love you show each other when one of us is struggling in some way is so wonderful to see and I know first hand how much benefit there is to sharing your worries, I am a strong believer in ," a problem shared, is a problem halved!  Even just the process of writing down your problem down is therapeutic. 

Have a lovely week ahead ladies,

Loved and hugs 


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Such a lovely card, and made for such a fantastic reason. You are getting ahead aren't you my lovely 😊 It looks like you used that "proper" red card that you were using a while ago. It is beautiful and that cute little envelope and hearts cut in white make a wonderful card. Thank you Sandra xx
    I wonder what everyone will think of the sketch this week? I really love this layout so it will be interesting what everyone makes of it. I found it much harder this week to guess "who was who" yesterday so Brenda Congratulations on getting them all right. There were far less background clues to help too so good for you. I hope you are not too tired after celebrating your grandson birthday 😊 x
    Maria, I'm sorry that there wasn't more to see on the scan. I do hope there is something the doctors can do to help you so fingers crossed. Take it easy please x
    Lilian, sending you hugs x
    I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Brenda, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi , you were an early bird today :) hope you and your bunch are alright. Thank you for your hug, it's silly isn't but it made me feel better until we sees again. Have a nice day and many hugs back xx

    2. Thank you Sue, have to agree, there were fewer clues and two were just a lucky guess, See you on Friday, Oh and thanks for the hug, it was just what I needed. LOL xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely card & a great sketch for this weeks challenge. I'm thinking it looks like a filmstrip-could put 3 pictures behind each square. This looks like a fun sketch.

    Brenda-well done on guessing who made all the cards, that's quite a feat.

    I have a dentist appointment at 9am-this is the emergency appointment I made almost 2 weeks ago! I chipped yet another tooth-good job I've not been in pain. Then I'm meeting a friend for coffee & probably a long chat as we've not seen each other for a couple of months.
    After lunch I'm going to pop into Southport as I have 2 things to take back to M&S plus I need to buy a few basics.


    1. Hope the appointment at the dentist was okay and they could help you. Lovely to meet up with friends, coffee, a chat and a lot of things seem better xx

    2. Hope the dentist went well. And the shopping trip a success.
      It's lovely to hear you are taking life at a slower pace. You always seem to be rushing about, xxx

    3. Hi Michele
      Hope the dentist managed to sort out your chipped teeth. Good job you didn't really need an emergency if it took 2 weeks to get an appointment. I hope you enjoyed your catch up with your friend.

  3. Morning Everyone
    Peace doth reign once again. Thank goodness. It was a lovely week-end but busy and somewhat noisy so all back to normal - well normal for this

    All the CCs were beautiful and again so so different. Congratulations BRENDA for being top of the class.

    MARIA- I hope your GP can throw further light on your results and soon.
    LILIAN- I hope your colour scheme is fading and that you're feeling better day by day.
    MICHELE- have a good day but most of all try and get some relaxation in over the next couple of days.

    Well as it's Monday Mr Tesco will be arriving very soon; the washer is already churning away and I really must remember to make a phone call later this morning.

    The CAFE is looking very Spring like this morning and so ready to welcome anyone who wishes to pop in for a sit and chat.
    HUGE HUGS to everyone with just a few extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, did you remember to make the phone call ? :) We have +15 here and the little birds are churping away like mad, it's lovely and the garden calling for a clean up in the borders but think I wait a bit longer for that. Might get son to help with the first dig over, well can always try tihi Have a nice day and hope you and Jim are ok. hugs xx

    2. Janet, that's a first, ME top of the class, I used to get the cain in school for not being as bright as my sister. How times have changed!!

  4. Great challenge idea and well done to BRENDA for guessing them all I hope everyone is getting over their injuries and illnesses I'm hoping to get a dentist and Dr appt today So even though I'm having breakfast in the cafe near where I work I am just going to collect my laptop and go home to work This getting older thing is a pain in the wotsit isn't it The only good thing about it (or so it feels) is I'm old enough to have a beautiful grandchild!
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      Did you mean you wanted an appointment for today or in the this getting old is no fun and like Brenda I also have a head start on you.

  5. PS meant to say I love your card SANDRA and how lovely to celebrate another milestone in life
    Have we got a Watford meet up date yet?

    1. Hi Karen, hope your cold is getting better and you got an appointment with "horrid" dentist to help you. Yup it is not funny to get older in body when brain is 28 or is it the other way, eeaeek When you seeing Oscar next give him a big hug from "auntie Mia" :) No date yet, will contact you when we have one. hugs xx

    2. Hello Karen, hope you manage to get your doctors and dentist appointment today, and you don't have to wait for ever to see either of them. Keep focusing on your little man, Oscar, He will help you through the off days. I agree, it's not fun getting old - and I've got a head start on you!!!!

  6. Hi Sandra and all,
    Great sketch this week and love the card you've made. The envelopes and hearts are so cute.
    How lovely that you celebrate the day you met and in Sainsbury's of all places. Where you working there or just shopping?

    JANET glad you had a good time with your visitors although I bet you're in need of a good rest.

    BRENDA well done you on guessing all 9 yesterday. What an achievement. Also Sue getting 6 right. Well done you.

    MARIA sorry you didn't get a satisfactory answer at the hospital. Very frustrating. Hope your doctor can give you more info.

    LILLIAN hope you're feeling better day by day.

    MICHELE have a lovely day today. Hopefully you can have some time for R+R.

    I'm sitting here waiting for my dishwasher to arrive. They said between half 9 and ten so plenty of time yet.

    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, hope your dishwasher have been delivered by now and you perhaps done a test run :) I will wait to contact the doctors until the one I like is in. It is so annoying to seeing different once every time you go. Our surgery is awful that way. Hope the sun is shining for you in Spain and your shoulder and back is some better, hugs xx

  7. Morning everyone,

    Shows now finished, lines can be forgotten, costumes packed away, make up removed and all normality returned.
    Oh no it isn't...Oh yes it is.
    A fantastic week of mayhem over. It was a torment and a pleasure to prompt my wonderful panto family. They put on amazing performances and had fun at the same time. All's quiet now for a few months then "music Maestro" please onto the next one.

    I have so many blogs to catch up on, I'll leave you now to make a start.
    Love today's card Sandra, I have my time back again so will probably get one done.
    (((((HUGS))))) to everyone.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, even with the mayhem it sound like you had a great time and they all enjoyed themselves. Are the proceeds going to your chosen charity ? have a quiet day and maybe some crafting now when you have time again, take care. hugs xx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I bet you had a fabulous time Cheryl with your Panto friends, even if they did spring extra sewing on you at the last minute. Enjoy your blog catch-up and having a bit more time to yourself.

  8. Hi Sandra.

    A smashing card. My last day of crafting for a bit. Back to work the morn for 4 shifts then off. My ferry is booked for my trip to Ireland staying with my dads friends again we've picked up where he left off. They all miss him terribly as do I. U don't know what u have till its gone :-(. I'm hoping to meet pat L from sues blog as she's not far from where I'm staying so that'll give me something to look forward to.

    Love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracy, have a nice time at your dad's friends. Sadness mixed with some wonderful memories sure will be had but also try to have some R&R while you are in beautiful Ireland. Have not been there for many years now. If you do see Pat L ,Please give her a big hug from me and have a nice time. hugs xx

    2. Hi Tracey
      Enjoy your time in Ireland and I hope you have a lovely time and the weather holds up for you. My Mum came from Limerick which is in the South. Haven't been there for years.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra the CC this week looks good & love your card. I will try & do one later but first have to take flowers to Crem 19 years today we lost my Mum & also do abit of shopping as will not be anle to drive for a while, I have op on my left wrist tomorrow, Alan's not driving at moment because of painkillers, will see what time I get home. I am determined to go to Farnborough
    Well done Brenda on getting all cards right, I failed
    Karen hope dentist & Dr's goes
    Michele hope you get tooth sorted & then enjoy rest of days
    Sue hope you also get your tooth sorted love xxx
    Maria hope Dr can help when you see
    Cheryl pleased panto went well enjoy uour
    Lilian hope you feel
    Lynda how are excercises going now? xxx
    Janet take care after a busy
    Sending hugs to all who need them, sorry if I have missed anyone, love

    1. Wishing you all the best for tomorrow Margaret and hope you can join the others going to Farnborough on Friday, many hugs to you both xx

  10. Hi everyone.
    wow Brenda, getting them all 9 right ! and to Sue getting 6 :) well done both of you. It was a lot of butterflies around. Lynda, did you see them ? hihi
    Your card is lovely and Paul will love it. So cute with that little envelope and hearts and a gorgeous red colour on the card. The sketch is good so already made a start this morning after my walk, which was really nice with the blossom on some trees and the birds singing at full volume. OH and I also went over to Lidl for some bits and pieces. They have refurbished our one and it is a little bigger with a bakery inside ( Danger!) Lol Now sitting down for a bit, looking over some e-mails and blogs while having an Option before having some time for cardmaking. Sending love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxox

    1. Hi Maria
      I'm sorry to hear that you didn't really get an answer to your keg pain. Hopefully the Dr might be able to help once they get the results.

  11. A good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    It been a lovely day with sunshine.i had a eye appointment this morning it was only down the doctors in a mobile van just a yearly check up. Not keen on the drops the put in my eyes stings & really sensitive too light. We had a lovely walk after down Broadstairs park. Had lunch when we got home & I have sorted emails & blogs.Sandra love your card & Paul will love it too.x
    Challenge card looks good I will give it a go in a moment. After finishing two birthday cards.BRENDA well done on guessing all the cards correctly & Sue for getting 6 Hug's.VAL hope the dishwasher has arrived.
    Cheryl glad pantomime went well. JANET pleased you had a lovely weekend.
    I'm off to craft room now.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, those drops really do hurt and the nurses aren't exactly gentle are they, well not over here anyway. Your park sounds a lovely place for a walk, you're so lucky having one near you. I wonder if the daffs are out yet? Probably to early.
      Bye for now.
      Love Valxxx

  12. Hello All, wet and cold here, hope some of are having the heat wave that is supposed to be happening.

    Sandra lovely card, very romantic, the sketch looks good.

    Brenda great guesses yesterday.

    Feeling very tired, our smoke alarm decided it needed a new battery at 4 am this morning , and kept on chirping for the rest of the night, tried reading but kept waiting for the next chirp, tried switching of the power, but it's keeps going until you put in a new one.

    Cheryl glad fun and games were had by all, did you get to Exeter, I was there on the Thursday, very busy.

    Have a good evening all , Hugs Lilian.

    1. Oh Lilian how annoying. Hope you can manage to have an early night tonight and hope those nasty bruises are fading. Love Valxxx

  13. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. Still feeling under the weather. Pete passed his bad cold onto me and now it seems to have gone back to him as well. Probably doesn't help that he's worried about his scan results. I've spent the morning in bed as my cough kept New awake all night. So no school for me today. Crafty hugs to all who need one today.

    1. Pat it's you who needs the crafty hugs, so sorry this cold has hit you so badly, but then you could be a bit low (tired) from all of the extra worries you have, also all the running around you do looking after friends and family. PLEASE look after yourself- just this once.
      Gentle Hugs on there way to you. xx

    2. Hi Pat. So sorry you and Pete. are not feeling to good. I'm sure stress lowers your resistance and if you've got worries at the moment you'll be more susceptible to those nasty germs. Glad you were able to stay in bed this morning and do hope you both feel OK soon. Love Valxxx

    3. Hi Pat so sorry you are not feeling well hope you haven't got that horrible virus. Now Pete getting it again hope it's good News regarding his scan. Look after yourself Pat your over doing things. Love Lynda xx🤗🤗xx

  14. Meant to say Brenda fantastic that you managed to get all 9 correct.

  15. Hello Sandra and all,
    Well after a very productive morning, I was batch making soup (I freeze it in containers that hold just enough for two portions) did the washing and cleaning, then we had lunch I had every intention of going upstairs to my craft room, but thought I would comment on the blog first, started to leave comments on the way down, then dosed off, woke up just after five, John in the meantime had bought in the washing, it was all dry so he ironed it. I woke up as he was making a cup of tea, good timing or what?

    Love the card you have made for your Meeting up Anniversary, I'm sure Paul will love it. It's a very inspiring card for this weeks challenge, thank you Sandra.cant believe I guessed all of this weeks cards correctly,, Two were a stab in the dark, but pleased as punch they were correct.
    VAL Hope the dishwasher arrived and you were able to enjoy the rest of your day.
    CHERYL Really pleased the panto went well and was enjoyed but all, also pleased you have got your life back.
    MARGARET, Hope all goes well tomorrow, sending love and gentle hugs, does that mean you will not be able to go to Farnborough?
    TRACEY, Enjoy your time in Ireland, what part do you go to? My mother came from way down in the south. We have spent many holidays/visits in the north and south, the Irish hospitality is second to none. Have a great time. xx
    MARIA Hope you have had a good day, your morning walk sounded lovely. You wouldn't like those pastries at Lidl !!! I am telling porkies, the aroma greets you as you walk in the door. 🤐 xx
    LYNDA I don't like the sound of those eye drops, are they suppose to sting? Sending Love and hugs. xx
    LILLIAN hope you are starting to feel better, don't expect to much to soon, I'm sure the shock can be as difficult to deal with as any injuries and bruises.xx Smoke are great - most of the time, but not when they decide to start bleeding at 4am. xx

    Wishing everyone a lovely evening and a good nights sleep.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xx

    1. Hi Brenda, the eye drops are apparently supposed to sting as he said they would & are very sensitive to light after. So what does he do shines a ultra white light into the eyes 👀 silly man.haha.
      Love Lynda xx
