
Tuesday 21 February 2017

A card from Tracy

Good Morning Ladies,

Tracy sent me this photo of a super pretty pink and white card that she has made and I couldn't wait to share it with you all, it's so lovely to see everyone's different card making styles, we all have our different finishing touches or techniques that make our cards unique to us, some of you that have been sharing your cards for longer are usually easy to pick out. (Or not for some of you 😉).!!
Tracy used .....
Creative Expressions Eternal Rings Striplet Die for background with Double sided Adhesive and Diamond Sprinkles
Creative Expressions Scripted Happy Birthday (sentiment)
I'm not sure about the Alphabet dies, but love them.

Now I'm not normally a bright pink girl, but it really works Tracy, I think that just using it in small amounts makes it more bearable.  I absolutely love this card Tracy, thank you so much for sending in to me to share.  You must have sent the others in a different format though as I couldn't open them, please try again my lovely xxx

Are any of you going to Farnborough on Friday? If you are let us know, we could arrange a meet up, even if only for a few minutes, I would love to see you, it really is a lovely show to go to, all stalls are easily accessible too. I'm really looking forward to it.
I sent a message to Sonia yesterday to ask if she was ok as we hadn't seen her for a while and one or two had asked after her.  She said that she was busy with work and home life and hadn't really got her craft 'mojo' back, but she says she still looks in, she sends her love and hopes to join us again soon xxx

I had a lovely treat yesterday morning, Janet called, oh it was so lovely to chat, we hadn't for a while but we got straight into conversation as if we had just chatted on the weekend, which just reinforces my point about us being such a lovely craft family, I could pick up the phone to any of you, any time and it's like we chat every week! I am so looking forward to meeting all of you.

Insomnia has struck again, it is currently 2.42am as I write this post, I've tried closing my eyes, nothing happens, so I am going to finish now and Read my book (Kindle).
Maria, are you still up too??.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    TRACY - Beautiful card and I bet Mum more than loved it and it's still probably on show. That background die is just perfect and I have to say I've used that die many times. It's definitely a 'rescue' die for me. Like Sandra I'm not a pink lady but I have to say your use of it is just perfect. More pics please.

    MICHELE - I'm pleased to see that you're having a lie in this morning lol. I hope you had a good day yesterday and that your shopping expedition was successful.

    Yes as you now see my phone call was to SANDRA yesterday morning. I picked up the phone around 10.00 and put it down about 11.45 ish so you can see we had a really good natter and yes although it's a fair time since we spoke it really could have been just a day or so ago.

    Now what are we going to do with you 'Night Owls' that just cannot sleep? I think we might just have to put a 'night shift' on in the Café so you can all natter together what do you think?lol.

    I have a box to make today for a birthday card and I'm not looking forward to it at all. I can make the bottom half no problem at all but when it comes to the top it always turns out a little bigger than I want. Anyone have any tips please. I have a score board with markings for bottom/top but still get it wrong.

    The CAFE is open and ready for you all this morning. On the menu are lemon drizzle muffins. Help yourselves. Hugs to you all xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I don't make boxes at all for that reason. I'd still get the measurements wrong no matter what I did. Night shift seems a good plan for these night owls.

  2. That is a beautiful card TRACY
    As I'm not in pain (yet!) I didn't ring dentist I couldn't face needing to cough with him looking down my throat!
    Saw Dr though I have a chest infection do now on antibiotics. Blood pressure is up a bit so keeping a check on that too
    MARIA beware the cheese twist from Lidll bakery They are lethal but so yummy!
    Working from home today Do just going to. log on and do my hours in my pj's yay!

    1. Much better to work from home if you can Karen. I hope your chest infection clears up soon so you can get to the dentist. Why is it we need to cough or swallow when at the dentists.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Tracey-gorgeous card, really lovely. I'm sure the recipient was thrilled with it.

    Janet-you're correct in the "lie in" this morning. Unheard of-hubby just let me stay in bed. I'm going to have a lazy day and just stay in my craft room. I have 3 birthday cards to make and two are for the same date (4th March) plus I need to start on baby cards (3 colleagues are expecting) and some wedding cards-I was thinking of a pop-up card and a shadow box card for the wedding ones so they looked special. I still need to work on my challenge card so I'm not sure I'll get them all made but it will be a pleasant change to going into work!
    I'm meeting an ex colleague tonight for a pizza-we're usually there for about 3 hours, chatting away. It's a while since we met so it will be nice to catch up.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you enjoy your catch up and Pizza with your friend. Hope you manage to get your cards done.

  4. Morning ladies,

    Oh Tracey, your card is so pretty and I bet the recipient enjoyed receiving it. Love the layout.

    Paperwork to do today, I am a great squirreller of all kinds so there is a veritable mountain to wade through. My brothers are acting as my executors and have told me all I need to keep with my will. The rest can be stored safely up in the loft and they will decide what they will need and dump the remainder if necessary.
    I even have receipts to prove the provenance on the larger and costlier items.

    Just received my new tax code for this year and I do believe this is the first time the tax free amount is the same as the previous year. I though it went up every year in the Budget? Your views ladies please.

    Cuppa calling,
    Gurt big squashy (((((hugs))))) to all still not well.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Not to sure what the tax allowance was last year as against this years. I'll have a look when I go upstairs. I don't know how many times Petes brothers have nagged him to make a will. Pete always says he will but hasn't yet. A bit childish I know, but I won't make one unless he does. As we're not marries it could cause mega problems if we don't.

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone,

    Lovely card Tracy. I must admit I AM a pink girl so love the colour. I have the Striplet die as well as I do use it a lot as it's one of my favourites. Love your flower arrangement.

    Michele Glad you could have a lie in today. Must be a real treat for you. Sounds as if you're going to have a lovely day. Enjoy your pizza tonight.

    Karen, glad you got some anti biotics and they work quickly for you. I'm a terrible coward when it comes to the dentist and if it doesn't hurt I wouldn't be going but I'm sure you're much more sensible than me and will go when your cough is better.

    My dishwasher arrived on time yesterday - well 5 to 10. The usual nice young man brought in in, attached the taps, put it through the rinse cycle and then took my old one away. It's the same small shop that kindly delivered my fridge freezer at Christmas. Very efficient.

    Can anyone give me advice. I have an Ebosser. Brilliant machine as since I had pins in my shoulder I have problems turning the handle on my other machines. Anyway it's not working well as plates a and b have warped really badly. When it's not in use I always put the machine on the plates to hopefully keep them flat but it hasn't worked and neither has soaking them in boiling water. I've looked on Crafters Companion but the replacements are so expensive and even though though I'm having them sent to UK to pick up next month the postage seems expensive as well. Has anyone bought them from somewhere else? Thanks ladies.

    Well Lynn is about to colour my roots and later Wendy is picking me up to go for a coffee and a chat so better scoot.

    I'm a real bad sleeper myself Sandra. I resort to watching tele in bed. I TV 3 is great. Watching Prime Suspect and Morse, and other old crime series seem to be on until around 4am then switch over to Hochanda for the rest of the night. I really don't seem to need much sleep any more. Mind you I think if I shared my bed they might object to the tele being on all night. Ha ha.

    Have a good day everyone. Hope those not feeling so good have a better day especially Lilian, Maria and Lynda. Sorry if I've missed anyone out.

    Lots of love Valxxx

    1. Stupid me, just looked on Amazon. Thank you Maria xxx

    2. Hi Val - if not successful from Amazon try Ebay- I always buy mine via them. Hugs xxxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry you had a bad night hope you can relax today, sending
    Tracy what a lovely card & I love the colours, look forward to seeing more. Hope you enjoy your trip to
    Brenda & Maria thank you for best wishes for later have it done sometime this afternoon, will be home by
    Karen hope antibiotics start working soon, how lovely to be able to work in PJ's, hugs on
    Lynda hope your eyes feel easier now, is it excercise class
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Hope your op goes off without a hitch.

  7. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card Tracy ! Like the pink on this , it's not to girly pink if you know what I mean. Recipient must just love it.
    Karen, take care and hope the antibiotics will make you feel better soon. Wish you better x
    Sorry Janet but no good asking me about making lid for boxes and the reason being I can only make the bottom too hihi When I try to make the lid it goes totally wrong every time so have given up making boxes. Maybe the other ladies could give us some good measurements so we could try again. Only thing is I work with Metrics.
    Michele- have a fun day meeting your friend and enjoy the pizza tonight.
    Val- it is something on Pinterest about flatten the plates for the Cuttlebug in the oven but not sure if that would be good for your E-bosser plates. Have you looked on Amazon ? they have some for between £8 and £15. Your shop seem to be brilliant and good service to deliver when they should. Hope it last for many years to come. Have fun seeing Wendy later.
    Pat, sorry to see you come down with a cold and Pete's got it back. Wish you both better,hugs
    If you looking in Sonia, we understand. Hope tho you come back. Mojo or no mojo, miss seeing your lovely cards here and on your blog . Take care
    Lilian, hope you ok and not in too much pain, gentle hugs.
    Weather have changed, it is raining here today. Seeing a friend later for a coffee so best jump in the shower and get ready. Have a good day. many hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria. I've tried the oven thing but didn't work but just seen Amazon. Many thanks. Enjoy your coffee. Xxx

    2. Hi Maria
      Not to sure whether I still have my cold as I just feel grotty now. So does Pete apparently so we're officially a grotty couple today. Petes friend borrowed our Gtech vacumn to see how they got on with it. Coming up to ask he some questions. It's light it picked up so not to sure what's to ask.

  8. Hi Sandra
    Love your card Tracey and thanks for sharing it with us. Just a nice amount of pink on it for me. Mind you I felt the same about Green until I received a lovely card from Michele and seen on yours on here.

    1. Hi Pat, Hope both you and Pete start to feel better soon. This bug is affecting so many people and really takes some shaking off. Most of us have had the flu jab as well, so it must be a different virus. Well that's the excuse they will give us. Take care. xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      Thanks for the good wishes. I didn't have the flu jab but Pete did. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow as I'm hoping to go over Sandra's. Might just be The paracetamol and caffeine combined that's made me feel grotty, so hopefully by tomorrow it will all out of my system.

  9. Hello Sandra and all who call into the Coffee Shop today,

    Sandra sorry to hear you had a bad night, please take it easy today and save your energy for Farnborough on Friday. I will also be going on Friday, have got my ticket, also worked train times, I have even started a small wish list. Last year was the first time I had been there, I didn't fancy driving so checked trains, station to station and changing trains once is under an hour, so easily achievable. Yippee really looking forward to the day.
    TRACEY, Your card is beautiful, I'm sure it was loved by the recipient, the floral arrangement is lovely, adding a gorgeous focal point to the card. Thank you so much for sharing. xx
    MICHELE, Glad you managed a lie in this morning. You have a busy day with so many cards to make, hope it all goes well.
    LYNDA , How are your eyes today?
    MARGARET, Thinking of you xx
    KAREN,Hope that cough improves soon, mine took weeks to clear up. Enjoy working in PJs. Hope you are being paid.xx
    JANET The Lemon drizzle muffins are gorgeous. Thank you for taking the trouble to make them. LOL Sorry can't help you with your box problems. If you have the board and push the card snug to the edge they should work. I made boxes for Christmas gifts and they worked using a score board with lid and base markings. I often use it for card boxes also. Good luck xx
    VAL Have you any plates from an old Die cutting machine that you can utilise? They may just solve your problem. The cost is horrendous, good luck with Amazon xx
    MARIA, Enjoy to meet up with your friend, LOL

    Have a good afternoon ladies, take care, Love Brenda xxx

  10. Hello All, wet and miserable here again today !!!

    Tracey lovely card, love the little flower arrangement around the sentiment.

    We have had the car all sorted , must admit axa insurance have dealt with every thing, and we have had the money already., just two weeks today.

    All of my cuts and bumps are fully healed now, only my mind to sort out now, so I'd better get to see my GP.

    Hope all of you with this years terrible virus feel better soon, hugs Lilian

    1. I'm glad your feeling better and that the insurance has all been sorted. Need to sort out Petes car insurance. He's with Saga at the moment and it's gone up to nearly £200.00. A 62 reg and has had no claims so don't see how they can justify a £40.00 extra this year.

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies.
    Oh I've a huge grin seeing my card on the blog I'm tickled pink!!! Thanks for all ur lovely comments it means a lot. This one was an order for a friends mom.
    I'll re send the others Sandra xx

  12. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Thank you Brenda & Margaret my eye was ok after 6 hours he told me it usually takes between 6 to 8 hours too clear. Then I had to put my Travatan eye drops in right eye for my suspect glaucoma so. I had excercise this afternoon all good
    Tracy your card is stunning love the colour's & I have that striplet Die I love it. Enjoy your holiday in Ireland & i hope you meet up with Lynn L from Sue's blog (hope I got her name right hehe).x
    Sandra hope you have a better sleep tonight. You should go doctors see if they can help.I went to doctors as wasn't sleeping well & gave me sleeping tablets not ideal but they do help.Lillian glad your cuts & bruises are fading now take care. Hope you all have a good day Friday at craft show &meet up with everyone sadly I won't be there but will see you at Ally Pally.
    Well I going in craft room now &try c card
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Look forward to seeing you at Ally Pally Lynda. I'm glad that they are able to sort your eye out for you, well as much as they can with Glaucoma.
