
Wednesday 22 February 2017

Another card in Janet's Vintage Ladies series & Box making Tutorial

Tutorial for making Boxes

Good Morning ladies,

I have featured another of Janet's 'Vintage Lady' cards today it is the latest one of a whole 'Series' of beautiful Vintage lady themed cards.

This particular card is just so pretty Janet, from the Vintage style paper in new the background to the frame around the image with the pretty tied in the bottom corner and gorgeous blue Butterfly in the opposite corner. The lace that you have edged your frame with is just so delicate and if I remember rightly it has tiny sparkles along it that catch the light.  Your Floral spray trimmed with that beautiful Bow is the perfect finishing touch Janet, thank you so much for allowing me to share your card xxx

I have been asked a few times to do a tutorial on box making, particularly, how to measure the card that you need to make your box and the difference you have to allow to make the lid fit properly.  The easiest way to do it was by making a Video Tutorial, so that's exactly what I have done for you, I show you how to make one using the "Crafters Companion" 'Ultimate' Score board and a regular score board, which in my case is my new 'Stampin Up' Score board, which I absolutely love.
Anyway I hope you find the tutorial helpful. If video above hasn't worked please click on link at the bottom of the page.

Pat is popping over today, all being well so that will be fun, I have quite a list of card making and die cutting to do, so I'll be busy!

I will be putting a Stampin Up Order in in a couple of days, so if there is anything that you would like me to order you, just let me know, that way we can all save on postage.

Have a lovely day

Love and hugs

In case video doesn't work here is link to video turorial:


  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-another beautiful card. I love the way you have used lace to edge the picture. What die have you used for the swirly adornments on the card??

    Sandra-I'll watch the YouTube video later.

    Had a lovely evening catching up with my friend. Got home to umpteen messages off my Dad-just kept saying he'd try again. He was going to the GP so he's probably found out that he won't be having both hips replaced at the same time. I did try to tell him but he wouldn't listen. I'll have to ring him at lunchtime as I'm going to Tesco tonight & he goes out on a Wednesday evening.

    Not looking forward to going to work but not really got a choice-at least it's only 3 days!!


  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very very very windy Sheffield. I've been awake for most of the night because of the wind. Being the end house on a row of three and on top of a hill we get all weathers in full force and I've laid listening to the slates lifting and dropping most of the night.

    MICHELE- sorry it's work today but as you say it's only three days to the week-end. Hope everything runs smoothly.
    The die is a Tonic frame which I've used on the other vintage cards but this time I cut it to use on the corners. I'll look it up and let you know.

    My latest card is made up as - the background paper is from 'sweet paris' pack; the picture is from Pinterest (free print); the lace, flowers and ribbon are from my stash.

    SANDRA- thank you for the video which I shall be looking at a little later and then try and make a complete box.

    I shall not be going out today so it will be crafting yehhhhhhhh.
    The CAFE is open so pop in for a cuppa and sit a while. Hugs for all of you.xxxx

  3. Morning all.
    A wonderful card Janet, the paper,lace and the sweet picture of the girl is just so lovely made as only you can do. Hope Doris is not to harsh on you up North. Have a nice day crafting.
    Michele- only three days until weekend. Hope your day goes without any problems.
    Pat and Pete- wish you better. Hope you can see Sandra later.
    Lilian- take care, gentle hugs to you and to anyone not 100% you have my well wishes to you all.
    Thanks Sandra for the tutorial, will have a look at it later as we walking over to Ikea in a minute. Rick already standing with his coat on so best move hihi
    Have a good day, many hugs Maria xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Janet, beautiful card from you again. I love the paper, the lovely lace you've used and the way you've used it and the oh so pretty flowers. All very pretty. Hope the wind dies down in your area and you've had no damage done to your house.

    Sandra many thanks for the tutorial. I'll look at it later. Do hope you managed to get some sleep last night. Enjoy your crafty time with Pat today.

    Pat. Do hope you and Pete are feeling a lot better today. Enjoy your crafting.

    Michele hope you're not too hectic in work today and the time goes quickly. I must admit I didn't think they'd do both your dad's hips together.

    Many thanks ladies for you help in tracking down replacement plates for my ebosser. I ordered them from Amazon and free post.

    Crib day today. I have a couple of phone calls to make this morning and do the inserts for the Mother's Day cards.

    Have a good day everyone with extra hugs for Lilian, Lynda , Pat and anyone else not feeling too good.
    Love Valxxx

  5. Another beautiful card. Laura O

  6. Beautiful JANET I must have another play with vintage/shabby chic style You capture it beautifully
    I watched the beginning or your tutorial (before screen froze!) I loved the top of making the lid slightly larger when using an ordinary score board Mine usually end up too "baggy"
    Just finished work and off for a snooze now This flu like chest infection is really washing me out
    Take care all xx

  7. Hello All, another wet and windy day here again.

    Janet beautiful card, love the shabby chic look, will have to get back to that style as nothing going right now, more to end up in the bin.

    Sandra thanks for the tutorial, will watch it later, don't often make boxes, as I usually make flat cards.

    Karen hope that your cough soon starts to ease up

    Did anyone see the new storage from tonic? I've ordered mine from C&C, sent out next week, so really looking forward to it comming.

    Have a good day all, hugs to all Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Janet your card is beautiful, you certainly know how to capture a true feeling for this era, thank you for sharing. xxx
    Sandra I have watched and enjoyed your video. I love how you used th punch to give the lid a very professional look. Unfortunately (for me) I gave most of my punches to Ciara, don't think it would be nice if I asked could I have the round one back, do you? At Christmas I put most of the presents we gave in boxes I had made. Small gifts had pizza style boxes. I had A3 double sided card from Crafters Companion, the colours co-ordinated so they looked good. Everyone was impressed. AND - I was really pleased with my efforts.

    I think im ready for my afternoon cup of tea, anyone care to join us?

    Love to all, Brenda xxx

    1. SORRY I didn't mean to sound as if I was boasting 😡 xx

    2. You boast away Brenda, I have got one of your boxes and it is beautiful. Perhaps you can borrow the circle die if you ask nicely :) xx

  9. Hello Sandra & friends
    Janet a lovely card as usual very pretty.
    Sandra thank you for the box video I have just watch it very good job I gave you a 👍& a comment.
    Well went to the doctors today about my feet & ankles swelling she looked up my tablets & has taken me off Amlodipine one of my blood pressure as she said I've been on them a long time & could be them making feet swell she took my blood pressure &said it was good. I have to have blood test & blood pressure done again so made appointment earliest is 6March. So if feet are still swelling in a month I have to go back & see her.
    Pat & Pete hope your both feeling better Hug's xx
    I'm going in craft room to try & do Challenge card so better go as soon bee dinner prep.
    Love Lynda

    1. Everything crossed for you Lynda that it be okay, just take it easy and put your legs up high,hugs xx

    2. Hi, hope it is the medication and now you're off them the swelling will go down. Take care.
      Lots of love Valxxx

  10. Hi everyone.
    Oooooh I do love vintage. It's sooo pretty. Janet it's stunning.

    Sandra. Hope u got my pics this time let me know if u didn't. I'm not great with technology lol.

    Looking for smears to my trip next week then onto my mothers day cards when I get back. I was getting excited at the thought of not being in work for mothers day as the flower dept is mine and I get a wee bit stressed with the sheer amount that comes in but low and behold I'm back that week so I'm gutted!! lol ah well.

    Love to all xx

    1. That's a bummer, must be nice though to be working in the flower department. Hopefully you be alright and first you got the holiday to look forward too. Take care xx

    2. I bet Valentines Day and Mother's Day are really hectic in the flower dep but what a nice place to work in. Bet you're really looking forward to your holiday. Love Valxxx

  11. JANETS card is fabulous. Love the colours chosen.

    1. Hi Angela, hope you well ? What have you been up to lately ? Good to see you and Laura, nice you had a minute to pop your head though the door and leave a comment. Hope to see you both be back soon xx
