
Thursday 23 February 2017

Pootles Design Team Challenge Week 2

Good Morning,

Welcome to Week 2 of my Pootles February Design Team  posts.

We were given the 'Bookcase Builder' stamp set to work create 3 projects with.
Bookcase Builder 

Now this stamp set had my worried at first sight, but it really got my thinking about all of the different combinations of Stamps that you could use to create anything from a New Baby card to a Scrapbook page about winning a trophy for something.  I now think that these challenges are a fantastic way of stepping out of your comfort zone and changing up the projects that you usually make.  So I totally encourage you to take part in Design Team Challenges whenever you can.

For my 2nd project I went with the 'Champion' theme and created a card that could be sent to someone who has just won a competition or passed an exam, you could stamp the 'Trophies' in any colour.

I used:
The 'Bookcase Builder' stamp set for the trophies and the 'Congratulations' sentiment.
'Night of Navy'  Card 
Versamark ink pad
Silver Embossing Powder

I hope you like my card.
I have enjoyed this challenge and can't believe that next week is my 3rd and final card.

I hope you all have a lovely day.

Love & Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra-great use of that set of stamps. Looking forward to seeing your third card.

    Yesterday was fairly busy at work so the day went quickly. The contractors seem to be having a few problems so not sure if we'll be moving back when we thought!
    Phoned my Dad at lunchtime-his messages were just to let me know that he won't be having both hips replaced at the same time...he clearly believes the GP but wouldn't listen to me!
    Today looks like a reasonably busy day & I have a few things to sort out so hopefully the day will go quickly.


    1. Hi Michele
      I'm glad they told your Dad that they can't and won't do two hips together. Common sense would have told him he needs at least one decent leg to walk on. Although the Dr told Doreen he'd do two together the next consultant said that although both hips were virtually disintegrated they can only do one at a time. Hope your morning ve back in date isn't going to be put back so far.

  2. Hi Sandra and everyone.

    Lovely card Sandra. I must admit that stamp set would have stumped me. This is a great card for many occasions. Looking forward to your third card.

    A quick visit this morning as I'm off to get my hair and nails done and then meeting my friend for our usual Thursday coffee and chat. It's raining this morning so having the usual problem with Gracie. Two young men moved in over the road two days ago. They have two dogs who bark a lot and every time they bark Gracie feels she must join in. You can imagine the noise.!!!

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val you'll have to buy a set of ear plugs for when they all start.

    2. Either that Pat or buy a muzzle for Gracie. Xxx

  3. Morning Everyone from another very wet and windy day here in Sheffield.

    SANDRA- what a lovely card and one which can be used for any occasion too. I again love your choice of colours. I really wouldn't know where to start with that set of stamps however long I looked at it. It really is a brain teaser but you've pulled out two wonderful cards. Cannot wait to see next week's card.

    Thank you for the video SANDRA - I watched it through and feel confident now to have a go. I'll let you know about my results.

    Today's tasks are for me to photograph this week's CC and get it sent off and then box making as I won't be going out in the strong winds we're having.

    The CAFE lights are on so everything is ready for the day ahead. Hugs to you all. xxxx

  4. Morning,

    Windy but dry, sunny and warm here in my little corner of Somerset. Yesterday was so mild, I though it was beginning of spring, yet in Bristol, not 45 miles away from here, Mum reported they had torrential rain all day with winds picking up.

    Awake early, made my cuppa nd settled down to browse the craft channels. My goodness me! I saw a new screen gadget and all I heard was the usual verbal diarrhoea coming from Steph's big mouth. Soon turned over then left a message on C&C's Facebook asking if they could shut her up! The poor demonstrator was asked a question then couldn't reply for Steph hogging the airtime again. Not going to renew my subscription this year. Apart from that, if you look around there are better deals on the craft shops website sometime with free p&p.

    Simple but effective card Sandra, would suit any occasion.

    Still sorting out my craft boxes, such a long ongoing process, and yesterday actually found my table again! Now off to get what is left of this month's B cards done. My apologies to you if you didn't receive a card from me this year, panto got in the way.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      She certainly does have verbal diarrhoea Cheryl. I just wish they'd let the demonstrator get on with the demoing. I thought the idea of the new Craft Channel was to get more demos in, but that seems to have gone by the by.

    2. Hi Cheryl She certainly likes the sound of her own voice. I think the presenter should introduce the guest then let them demo in peace. So many presenters I don't like. It would be easier to say who I DO like ha ha.
      Well done on finding your Craft table. Xxx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Completely missed yesterday's card. You've made a really good job of your challenge ca Drs. Look forward to seeing your last card next week. What a lot of tiny stamps to work with though.
    Janet your vintage card yesterday was gorgeous. I hope you manage to do your box lids. Sandra was busy yesterday cutting out aprons and the accessories. Mind you there's lots of them but are very small. A bit like the shadow boxes. I cut out a couple of dies but then didn't have the energy to do anything else.
    Spent the rest of the evening coughing. It seems to get worse as the day goes on. Told Sandra I needed a few Tena ladies I was coughing so much.

    1. Hi Pat, sorry your cough isn't improving. Maybe another visit to your GP is necessary.
      You and me both using Tena Ladies. Another great thing about getting older. Ha ha. Xxx

    2. Hi Pat I thought I was the only one useing Tenna Ladies HaHa they were a god send when I had that cough. I hope yours doesn't last as long as mine did. It certainly take it's toll on you. Loveing Hug's on there way xx

  6. Hi Sandra, Wow love this card, now I wouldn't have seen this design looking at those dies. You certainly deserve your place on the design team.
    Sorry dashing as I'm off to a friends 80th Birthday lunch, hope I can call in later.
    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  7. I'm with PAT here I am going through a mountain of Tena's!
    Your card is lovely SANDRA and your design is suitable for all sorts of occasions - passing an exam, driving test etc
    Oh CHERYL I so agree with you about STEPH She drives me nuts! And like you say many of the items can be bought elsewhere at cheaper prices
    Just tuned into Hochanda and Becky Seddon is on! Her voice used to grate on me when she was on the Craft Channel, she seems calmer here. So what does that tell you, what with Dawn Bibby, Crafters Companion (like Leonie's products though) and others I think I will be watching less and less craft shows.
    Finished CC yesterday - just need to up load it and email to you
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      Pete and I are on a coughing rota. I stop he starts and visa versa.

    2. I'd rather rather watch Sandra demoing any

  8. Hello again - YEHHHHHHHHHHHHHH made a complete box!!!!
    have now got to decorate. Thank you SANDRA xxxx

    1. Well done Janet I'm off to play now

    2. Well done Janet on making your box.

    3. Well done Janet. Now for the fun part of decorating it. Xxx

  9. Hello All, lovely sunny day here at last, very windy, lots of the villages around us lost power in the night, we were lucky. Hope Doris is creating too much havoc Around you.

    Lovely card Sandra, strange assortment of stamps, will look forward to the last one.

    Hope everyone has a good day, hugs Lilian

    1. Your trying to get Doris to do her worse Lilian. Should have been hope Doris isn't creating havoc. But we knew what you meant really, couldn't resist teasing. Hope you feeling better day by day after your traumatic experience.

  10. Hi Sandra all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card today, well done, look forward to seeing your 3rd card. Sorry didn't get in yesterday, op went well but was painful in the morning & couldn't seem to concentrate, feel fine today & now sat in Sue's, being entertained by little Chris, lovely way to spend time. Looking forward to Farnborough tomorrow & seeing you & Paul &
    Janet another lovely card yesterday & well done on making your box today, I must admit I have not watched Sandra's video yet. Hope you are not getting blown
    Thank you for your best wishes hope that is last op I need on my hands now.
    Brenda looking forward to seeing you
    Lynda hope your ankles are going down, tablets seem to do more harm than good half the time. Take care hugs on
    Maria hope you manage to see Dr. soon hugs on
    Kaeen hope your cough improves soon, how would tena get on without us elderely ladies, hugs on
    This is the life I am being waited on, not allowed to do anything.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi, so glad your op went well and hope the pain you were feeling has gone now.
      Have a great time tomorrow at Farmborough and enjoy the meet up with the ladies from the cafe.
      I'm so jealous.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Glad the operation went well and you are not in too much pain. Have fun tomorrow, gentle hugs xx

  11. Smashing card with great colours x

  12. Hi Sandra and all,
    what a fabulous card for so many different occasion Sandra. It's not an easy stamp set to make cards from but you have made a great job. They must love your cards, can't wait to see the next one. Hope you managed to sleep a bit better last night.
    My plans for today have not turned out so good therefore this late hour for saying hello to you all and hope you had a good day yourself.
    Pat and Pete, hope your cough gets better soon and the same to Karen. Wish you all better.
    Lilian, hope you healing fine and will get back in the driving seat once you are ok and the better weather is here.
    Elaine, thinking of you all. Take care.
    Well done Janet for making a box, hurra ! Hope to have a go tomorrow but have also cc to finish, did start one on Sunday and felt pretty good but made a bobo so lost it a bit so hope to send a photo tomorrow of something.
    If you going to Farnborough tomorrow ,have a lovely time and spend,spend,spend a few £ only :)
    Hi Laurie, nice to meet you. Come back and have a chat whenever you feel like it.
    Have a good night everyone. Many hugs Maria xxx

  13. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I have been trying to comment on way down but not publishing again think one went so I've come done the bottom.
    Sandra your card is brilliant well done you deserve to be on the DT are you staying on for next month.look forward to seeing your next card.
    Pat hope your cough clears up soon it dose take it's toll doesn't it
    I think the Tenna Ladies prophets went up I thought I was the only one useing them. Does Pete use Tenna Man HiHi sending you both Hug's xx
    Margaret pleased your in less pain today. Enjoy Craft show tomorrow don't get carrying to much ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Hug's xx JANET WOW CLEVER YOU making the box well done xx
    Went to excercise today all went well I'm really enjoying them wish it was more than twice a week, but when I get home after lunch I find myself nodding off old age creeping in ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
    I hope all you Ladies going to the craft show tomorrow have a brilliant tiime me Jealous YES save some pennies for AP haha.
    LOVE & Hug's Lynda xx

  14. I just saw your card on Sam's blog (Pootles) and jumped straight on over here to say THANK YOU! Without knowing it you solved my dilemma about what to create as a card, and yours here fits perfectly. Apologies about being a bit late to comment, however I'm only now getting caught up on blog posts viewing. Your card is brilliant for my needs, and a card that will work for a man and also a woman is not always the easiest, for me at least. I completely forgot about the trophy from this set; the embossing was a brilliant idea. As Sam says "Love it!"

    Greeting and many thanks again from SF Bay Area/California! : )
