
Friday 24 February 2017

Beautiful Birthday wishes from Brenda

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

We are all rushing around this morning trying to get ready to leave early, usually either Paul has been gone hours by 7.45 or we stay in our bedroom waiting for the whirlwind of chaos that Matt, Sophie & Lucy cause whilst grabbing their packed lunches, curling their hair, deciding on which blouse to put with which trousers etc, it's best to stay out of the way, as it is you get bombarded with questions like "have you seen my......".  Or "why did you buy orange and mango juice when we always have orange and pineapple", or there are the 'statements' that get bellowed from the kitchen......'I don't like smoked ham" or "there aren't any cherry bakewells", as you can tell, they are all 'life changing' problems, after the dust has settled and the fro t door has slammed shut for the last time, we tentatively stick our heads out of our bedroom door to find that almost every light has been left on between their bedroom door and the front door, the kitchen looks like a tornado hit, I'm not quite sure what happens when Sophie and Lucy try to scoop the ground coffee from its tub to the coffee filter, but they have either got the serious shakes or there must be a gust of a breeze through the kitchen window, blowing coffee granules everywhere, then there is the overspill from the milk frother, little puddles in a trail from the microwave! 
Then I venture into my bathroom!! We play a game daily, I pick up all of their make up, mascara, Foundation, concealer etc, put it into its box, they use it then leave it in every surface available, so I pick it up and so on, they would never get away with a murder or crime either, there is always at least one foundation finger print to be found, the killer thing and the one thing I Cannot tolerate is when my newly laundered, fluffy white hand towels are used to remove the excess foundation from their hands, this generally has me picking up my phone and sending a rather angry text message, I'm not sure if any of you ever saw the Harry Potter films, but they have an angry message service called a 'Howler'  basically a stern telling off in a message, I will try and leave a link below for a giggle....

Anyway, hopefully as you are reading this we will have restored calm to the house and be on our way to Farnborough, stopping on route to pick up Pat, Sue & Margaret.
As I am writing this I am picturing myself as a swan, being all calm and carefree on the surface but there is all kinds of turmoil racing away underneath the surface! 

Onto today's stunning card, Brenda has designed and created this gorgeous card for her Dear Friend Jenny for her 80th Birthday, Brenda has used the 'Union Square' die from the New York Collection designed by Sue Wilson for Creative Expressions.
The addition of that stunning, delicate lace just transforms this card into a beautiful keepsake card, that Jenny will treasure.  Once again Brenda I want to draw attention to your stunning hand made roses, the are just so beautiful. Did you colour the Vellum for your sentiment or did you have a blue vellum in your stash? I have seen you use it before for your sentiments and love how delicate it is, it doesn't overtake the card at all, just perfect.  The one thing that transforms this gorgeous card into a gift is the beautiful box that you have made Brenda, I can't thank you enough for sharing this card with us, I imagine everyone  will be hitting the 'pin' button and keeping this card for inspiration. xxx

Right ladies, I have my list, my lunch and flask and my wonderful husband, (most importantly) without him I would not be able to cope today.  He's so amazingly patient, not many husband's would do what he does, he takes us all there, does runs back to the car to drop off our shopping and pick up our lunches, although he does draw the line at pulling Sue's trolley back to the car!  He does all of this with a smile, I think he enjoys the chat and gossip that goes on, he and Sue can also be found trying to work out how something works and how they could make the same thing cheaper or with things we already have! 
I can't wait to meet all of you that are you going today, I'm hoping Doris will have finished her visit though, I can do without her input today! 

I hope you all stayed safe during the chaos that 'Doris' caused! 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-WOW!!! What a stunning card-its gorgeous.

    Sandra & Co-hope you have a wonderful day at Farnborough & buy some lovely craft stash.

    It seems like Storm Doris has left us -everything seems to be ok but it's a bit too dark to see to the end of the garden. No doubt I'll see lots of debris on the way to work. Hopefully today will be ok at work then I can relax for 2 days.


  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Brenda, what a gorgeous card to greet us all today. I love it, that beautiful lace and your fantastic ribbon flowers add that wonderful touch. The colour is so pretty too. No doubt Jenny will be delighted with it. I'm looking forward to seeing you later on, I hope your have a good trouble free journey to Farnbourgh x
    Sandra, sorry I haven't been in every day, I did try and comment on Wed but it obviously decided it wanted to visit cyber space instead!
    Janet I loved your beautiful card and congratulations on making a box after following Sandra's easy to understand and follow video. Have you finished decorating it yet? X
    Sandra, your second DT card is great, perfect for the men in that lovely dark blue card. Those tiny stars are lovely, they add that little something without overpowering the main images. Looking forward to seeing your third one. But most of all looking forward to seeing you in a little while. Fingers crossed the weather stays as it is right now as it looks like a beautiful Spring day so Paul won't be battling Doris down the motorway! X
    I will pop back in later as I've just realised what the time is!!! Xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    BRENDA- what a stunningly beautiful card and I'm truly in awe of your flower making. I love your colour choice and that beautiful lace edging is just the perfect finishing touch. Thank you for starting my day with a smile.

    Well all you very lucky ladies going to Farnborough today have a lovely buying day but most importantly I hope you all manage to meet up and have lunch and a chat. Can Paul please take a picture of you all or is it too late for that request. Please remember you're all representatives of the CAFE today too so no dancing on the tables etc.

    I think the CAFE may be a little quiet today but it will be a good opportunity for a cleaning day etc.
    At the moment the coffee/tea pots are full and waiting for anyone to pop in for a cuppa.

    HUGE hugs to everyone and please take care whilst travelling. xxxx

  4. Morning everyone,

    Good luck Paul at Farnborough with all the ladies and their shopping. Buy some lovely goodies ladies and don't forget to show and tell.

    Beautiful delicate shade of blue card Brenda, your friend must have been delighted to receive it.

    Well Doris missed us out big time, we only had very gusty wind later in the afternoon, in fact I did my washing and it dried lovely outside on the line. All aired off and stowed away this morning. I did see on last night's news how bad it was in Scotland and the north. The poor lady struck down in Wolverhampton, how dreadful & devastated her family will be feeling today.

    Almost finished my b cards. I spend so long finding the right verse for each person, more than making the card, which I start out with an idea and then it blossoms as I go along.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hello All, lovely day here.

    Brenda, beautiful card, love your ribbon flowers, know how tricky they are to make, do you stitch the bottom or use wire.

    Well ladies hope you all having a lovely day at the craft show, hope you see some new ideas, which is what I missed at Exeter.

    Been trying to do challenge card ,more in the bin seem to out of mojo at the moment.

    Hope you all have a lovely day , hugs Lilian

  6. Hi everyone who are in the cafe' today.
    You seemed to have a very busy morning Sandra to get everything together but hope Paul got you all safely to Farnborough and you all have a great time. Love to see what new things you got hold of and would love to see a photo of you all with your trolley's bulging.
    Brenda- your card is gorgeous with those pretty flowers and the lace around it. I actually had a play with the "union square" yesterday and even if I didn't have any lace but used stickers I was quite pleased with the outcome. Sorry though Sandra but I will have to leave the cc this week, I'm not in the right mind and very tired. I will use the sketch at another time tho because it is a good one.
    Wishing anyone with this cough that's going around that you get better soon. Hope you all were ok with Doris blowing a storm.
    Love and many hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

  7. I made it to Farnborough part of a group,of eleven! Even at 10.30 am it was
    heaving, the busiest I have seen it for a few years. Signed up for a workshop
    with Stamping Up immediately I arrived and then had to wait until 2.15!pm.
    Rendezvous with group for 12.30 lunch and gossip on what had been seen
    and more importantly bought!! Met up with SANDRA and PAUL, discussed our holiday plans!! All in all a lovely day. Xx

  8. Hello (again) Sandra and all,

    What a lovely day I have had met up with Sandra, Paul, Margaret, Sue, Pat Littlelamb (Brenda) my friends the two Brenda's and two of there friends, the day was just perfect. Thank you all for making it such a memorable day. JANET you will be pleased to know everyone was on their best behaviour.
    I was so surprised when I opened the blog to see my card. Yes Sandra I did colour th Vellum and ribbon with my Coptic pens, I love these dies and think the Lace gives a nic finishing touch and makes it special.

    I'm sure I have lots more to say, but dinner is ready. If I don't fall asleep I will pop in and say hello to the night owls.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Hello Sandra & everyone
    BRENDA your card is stunning & those flowers are so gorgeous.
    Hope all you ladies all had a fabulous day at Farmbough looking forward to seeing what you all bought. Sandra hope your ok & not to tired rest up tomorrow Sue Pat Margaret & Brenda you all rest up too.
    Not done much today Terry spent most of the morning on my I Pad looking for the back part of a exhaust as ours has broken they are not cheap plus £40 fitting. Hay ho we have got to get one. Then did Tesco so not as exciting as your day. Have a good evening all
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra & Paul thank you very much for a lovely day once again, Paul what would we do without
    It was lovely to see Brenda Lello, Pat & Brenda Littlelamb.
    Brenda your card today is beautiful, lovely shades well
    Karen hope your cough is
    Maria take it easy, hope you feel less tired soon xxx
    Lynda so pleased you are enjoying the classes, well
    Gem just bringing our meal in so will send hugs to all in need love Margaret xxx

  11. Hi again. Well, a lovely day was spent looking at so many beautiful card samples and spending my money (and helping Mum spend hers 😊) on everything but the watercolour card that I wanted to get!
    Brenda, it was so good to see you looking so much better after that nasty bug that laid you low for so long. Thanks for letting us know that you are home safe and sound x
    Maria, sorry that you're not feeling too good. I hope you can get a good sleep and wake up feeling much better. Sending big hugs x
    Lilian, I hope you manage to get vyoyr CC done. I bet the ones you have binned are beautiful, but we are all our worst critic aren't we! X
    Lynda, It's a shame that Farnbourgh is too far for you and Terry but at least Ally Pally in a few weeks. I hope you're feeling ok x
    Must go as tea has arrived at the table.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    I simply love your card today Brenda. Especially love the lace all round the edge as well. It just sets off the whole card. Had a fab day today meeting the ladies. Even saw Littlelamb today and we had a lovely chat. No Scarlett today as she was as school. But she's in for a treat tomorrow.

  13. Hi Sandra
    Meant to say that Doreen saw Ellis yesterday. After a bit of prompting he remembered going to hospital. He apparently went in a submarine. Clever that don't you think.
