
Saturday 4 February 2017

Happy Saturday !

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I have a lot to share with you today so let's get started....

First up I would like to wish our beautiful daughters 
Sophie & Lucy a wonderful 17th birthday, 
Where has the time gone?? 
We are so very proud of you both 
Happy Birthday to my 
Beautiful Daughters
Sophie & Lucy
17 Today 

Maria's Holiday Snaps

As you know Our Maria has just been to Zell Am See in 
Austria, she has shared a few of her photos with us.
Maria what breathtaking scenery, your photos are stunning,
That crisp frosty tree against that blue sky, WOW!!!
Thank you so much for sharing, I can't wait to hear all about it!

Janet's Covered Books

Janet bought of couple of bargain notebooks and turned them
Into stunning gifts, she has used fabric this time instead of paper.
They are both beautiful Janet, I love the flowers down the centre mixed 
With the metal charms, the recipients are very lucky!
It's so lovely seeing you back in full crafty mode!
Thanks Janet

Lynda's Craft Shopping

Our Lynda has been doing a little shopping over the past few
Weeks, as you can see she has bought some lovely
'Tuck in' dies from Tattered Lace, I thing that you could build
Some lovely backgrounds with these dies, I can't wait to see what 
You do with them Lynda.
The Sue Wilson die is lovely too, it would look fantastic die cut in black
And used with one of your colourful backgrounds Lynda.
Thank you so much for sharing

Val's craft shopping

Val has sent us photos not the lovely craft goodies that she managed
To squeeze into her suitcase while over here last week.
You got some lovely dies Val, I love the Sue Wilson poppy die,
I have seen it used so many times, it's gorgeous.
I love that background die too, the Guitar will be great for the Men,
Your Panda stamps are just too cute, you really did get a good 
Selection of goodies, i look forward to seeing the cards you
Make with all of it, thank you so much for sharing.

That's all for today Ladies, we have quite a busy day planned,
Mostly celebrating the girls birthdays, 

Have a lovely weekend

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCY AND SOPHIE - Hope you have a lovely family day and receive some beautiful gifts.

    MARIA - what fantastic pictures of your hols They are so crisp and clear. Beautiful scenery and beautiful memories.

    SHOPPING - LYNDA and VAL - both of you have bought some wonderful dies plus other necessary items for your crafty dens. I cannot wait to see some of your creations using your buys.

    The two notebooks I bought are from Lidl at a cost of 2Euros each. They were the only crafty things they've had since we've been here.
    This time instead of backing papers I decided to using material and as I have a 'bit bag' of material (as well as my paper bits) I had enough to cover both books.
    All the flowers/charms and laces are from my crafty stash

  2. Sorry I pressed a button and it's published
    The pages are plain so the books can be used for just about anything - small scraps of paper/material which have memories. Notes to remind of events or shopping lists. One of the books will stay here as I've made it into a birthday book so I don't have to carry one back and forth.

    Now for my last Pastry report:-
    Jim chose a Lemon Meringue - the lemon tastes just like homemade lemon curd having a wonderful bite and is piped around the edge with the softest of meringue.

    I had a Polonais - which is basically a Rhum Barb-ba in a foil cup. It is made with tiny pieces of Angelica inside; rum of course; topped with soft meringue, toasted almond flakes on top of that and as a finishing touch another round of soft meringue and a Cherry on top.

    We are both going on a diet next week so that we can continue Friday Cakes when we return lol.

    The café is open for business and as it's the last French week-end for a while it has a French theme for the day. I hope you all like the fresh bread, cakes, coffee and of course your French Waiter for the day. (don't tell anyone but it's only Dobbie dressed up hehehe).
    HUGE Hugs to you all - I hope you're all safe and warm and haven't suffered any damage from the storms what are around. xxxx

    1. Janet,
      Your time in Marigny has just flown, have a very safe journey home, I will post your parcel on to you so that you have something to look forward too!
      Love and hugs

    2. Hi Janet
      Your books are gorgeous love how you covered them in material you so good at altering. Your pastries sounded delicious Janet.

    3. Hi Janet. Your covered books are beautiful with so many gorgeous things to enjoy, I love the padlocks and keys in particular. I'm not surprised that you are keeping one of them in France. I thoroughly enjoyed the last of your your "Friday Fancies" for a while. I'm with Mum, you can't beat a lemon meringue 😊 I hope 'someone' didn't/doesn't get too cold or wet this afternoon doing the outside jobs. Wishing you a safe journey home x

    4. Hi Janet, love your books, I would have loved your pastry as I love angelica used to pinch it out of the larder when I was small.
      Hope your journey goes well, Doris luckily has taken herself off.

    5. Hi Janet
      Thanks for the pastries, our French is having a ball with the ladies. Great French accent.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Happy 17th birthday to Lucy & Sophie. I hope you all have a fun filled day today.

    Janet-wow, love the decorated note books & such a bargain price.

    Lynda & Val- great crafty shopping , love everything you have bought. I'm a big fan of the tuck-in dies.

    I'm off out soon to the shops in the village then I'm going into Southport for a few things. I'm meeting a friend at 2pm for afternoon tea at The chocolate shop in the village. She's never been in so it will be interesting to see what she thinks of the place & all its temptations!


    1. Hi Michele
      It was you that made me love Tuck in dies when you used the scribble one on a card you posted.thank you.
      Enjoy your day & meeting up with your friend.

    2. Cheryl-sorry to have missed you out. The photos look amazing, I went to Zell am See years & years ago so it's nice to see the pictures.


    3. Maria-lovely photos, I went to Zell am See years ago so it's nice to see the place again.


    4. Hi Michele. I hope you got the shopping done and are now waiting for to meet your friend in the Chocolate shop. What a lovely way to spend a chilly Saturday afternoon 😊 x

    5. Hi Michele, gosh chocolate shop sounds wonderful, good job we haven't got one I seem to be getting heavier each week.

    6. Hi Michele
      Sounds a great way to spend an afternoon, coffee and chocolate.

  4. Morning Ladies,

    Happy Birthday Sophie & Lucy, My birthday wish for you is to have a fantastic day filled with everything you love.

    Janet's book covers are fabulous, must admit I didn't think of covering all the books I bought with fabric. Like you Janet I now have a stash of offcuts from the bags material so will be looking into this. Thank you for the idea.
    Lynda and Val's shopping items look very interesting. Enjoy your play with them and don't forget to show us the results.

    Well, I had a bit of surprize last night. The wardrobe department are still cutting out 'walk down' costumes and we're only 1 week away for First Night! I offered to sew them all a month ago if they would cut them out so they could concentrate on the leading roles clothes but they said they were done. Obviously they miscalculated. Back to finishing off then just when I had had enough of sewing this week too.
    Off to the dentist later and I hear my kettle calling me for first cuppa of the day.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Hope all the sewing goes well your new sewing machine is getting lots of use or are you sewing by hand. Hope dentist goes ok for you.

    2. Hi Cheryl. The surprise you got last night is certainly not one that was good, how annoying for you, especially as you had offered to help a month ago! Your sewing machine is going to be out for a while longer isn't it. X

    3. Hi Cheryl, hope you are enjoying your new machine, I'm thinking I might invest in a new one in October, as a retirement/ 70th birthday present to myself, my industrial machines will be returned , so although have a separate sewing And embroidery machine, would be good to have all in one machine.

    4. Hi Cheryl
      Doesn't sound like a nice surprise. How can they say there done and there not. Good job they have a willing helper. Good job you have your new machine to lighten the load.

  5. Good Morning everyone.

    Wishing a very happy 17th birthday to Sophie and Lucy. Hope you haveca wonderful day girls with lots of treats and surprises.

    Maria. Your photos are lovely. What a beautiful place for a holiday.
    Janet. Your work as always is exquisite. The details are beautiful.
    Lynda I just adore your dies. I'll have to look in to those tuck in dies.
    Janet your pastries as always sound delicious especially the lemon one. I could just eat that now.

    It' a bit of an anniversary for me today as its just one year since I made my first comment on this amazing blog and met so many lovely ladies.I'll raise my glass of colevto you all later.

    Sue. Sorry you're not feeling so good. Hope there's a big improvement today.

    Sandra havec a lovely day celebrating with your girls. Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hello Val
      Happy Anniversary - it's lovely to have you and you add another dimension to our wonderful FAMILY. I'll be joining you later in a glass of something. Hugs xxxx

    2. Hi Val
      Happy Anniversary it's been lovely having you in our fantastic blog family. Val love all your craft shopping.
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Hi Val,
      Thank you for the girls birthday wishes.
      Thank you also for a whole year of love and support, from that very first comment you gave fitted right in, it's like you've been here from the start.
      I feel truly blessed to have you as a friend xxx
      I guess it's a blessing in disguise that you had that shoulder operation, you may never have found us
      Here's to many more anniversaries!! Xx
      Have a lovely day

    4. Thank you ladies. I'm so glad I did comment that day as I would have missed out on so much support and friendship. Doesn't only feel like ONE year mind you. I feel as though I've known you all for ever.
      Love to all. Valxxx

    5. Happy Anniversary Val. It feels like you have always been one of this wonderful blogs family members, we are all grateful that you found us. I will be raising a glass to celebrate your anniversary later on 😊 You have got some lovely goodies to play with. I will be interested to see how you get on with the x cut embossing/die cutting folder as I have looked at them several times but not actually bought one, yet. I am feeling much better today, can get about a lot better, even managed to go up stairs which I haven't been able to do since Tuesday morning! Still can't get in the shower sadly as it is over the bath not a walk in one so another day of a strip wash. I'm not complaining though as I know a very dear friend had to wait far far longer to have a shower several years ago. Isn't it funny how our hygiene ways have changed. If we had been told when we were children that we would be having a shower or bath everyday when we were older we wouldn't have believed it would we 😊 Have a good day, hope you get to craft x

    6. Hi, I'm with you about bathing when we were young, we had a bath one a week in front of the fire,other days strip wash was the way of things.

    7. Hi Val,
      Happy Anniversary on your 1st year on this wonderful blog where we have so many friends, I am just soo pleased you joined us. xxx

    8. Happy Anniversary Val on your 1st Year of joining this blog.
      There a great bunch of ladies even if I say so myself.

    9. Happy anniversary Val, so glad you popped in and stayed. It's lovely to read your comments on where you live. Pete and loved Benidorm and visited as often as we could. In fact our last holiday together was a week in a 5* Spa hotel just off the beach to celebrate his 65th and my 60th birthdays. xxx

  6. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughters SANDRA I hope SOPHIE and LUCY have a brilliant day Gosh that year has gone so quickly
    Your books are gorgeous JANET Must investigate our Lidll and look at "stuff" with different eyes
    The shopping looks good VAL and LYNDA I'm intrigued about that one labelled "Linen A3" VAL.... I'm so pleased that you decided to join this family I love visiting the cafe It is a joy and huge support
    Your photos are stunning MARIA As SANDRA has mentioned those trees against the blue ate just breathtaking
    Off to a Surprise 60th party tonight which I'm really looking forward to I think some of my old school friends will be there So it'll be a lovely to catch up (and show off photos of Oscar!)

    1. Hi Karen. I hope you enjoy the surprise party tonight. Do you see many of your school friends still or will it be a case of trying to work out who they are? Have a great time 😊 x

    2. Hi Karen
      Have a great time this evening.

  7. Hello again
    We've just finished housework and doing the jobs which need to be seen to like filling the de-humidifiers to absorb the moisture while the house is empty so now having our mid morning cuppa. It's also now absolutely teeming down like stair rods and all the trees and bushes in the garden are fighting one another in the wind.
    The car needs packing and the bird feeders around the garden need topping up but both will have to wait until after lunch in the hope that both rain and wind die down a little or someone is going to get very wet and grumpy lol.

    OH CHERYL - your Drama Friends don't know how lucky they are having you and your sewing machine on hand to do what they want and costumes aren't the easiest to sew at the last minute are they! I hope they appreciate all you do for them even if you do enjoy it. There are times when appreciation is needed. HUGE HUGS for you today. xxxx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra please wish Sophie & Lucy a wonderful birthday & hope you all have a lovely
    Maria your photos are out of this world it looks beautiful such sharp colours, thank you for
    Janet your notebooks are lovely well done, your pastries sounded lovely especially the lemon meringue which I love. Safe journey
    Lynda & Val your goodies are lovely,look forward to seeing what you do with them, thank you for
    Must get on taking friend food shopping & coffee.
    Cheryl sorry you have neen landed with more
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Mum. I hope you and Pam got all that she needed at the shops. Were you both on your best behaviour or was there lots of laughs. Ladies, you wouldn't believe some daft things that have happened whilst out shopping with Mum, and my dear Gran when she was still with us, It is quite normal to see us in floods of tears of laughter and Pam is just as bad 😊😊😊 love to you and Pop xxxx

    2. Hi love good to see you in cafe, Perhaphope you can get upstairs soon. Perhaps it is time to ask for walk in shower? Pam & I didn't go shopping she decided she did not need to so everything was safe today!! Love Mumxxx

  9. Good morning Sandra & friends
    We have Rain again for a change.
    HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY Sophie & Lucy have a wonderful day.
    Maria Love your holiday photos beautiful I have commented on way down.
    Will be back later ironing calling love Lynda

    1. Hi Lynda. I hope you have got the ironing out of the way so that you can get into your craft room to play with your new dies. They are ones that don't look like much until you see them used, the same as some of Sue's do too. I'm looking forward to seeing them on some of your beautiful cards x

    2. Hi Lynda
      Snap. I also was catching up with my ironing this morning. I hope both you and Terry are feeling better.

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Happy 17th Birthday Lucy and Sophie ! have a wonderful day all of you.
    Janet- love the notebooks, very nice work. Mmmm those pastries, you have to find something else to put in your mouth on the Friday outings.
    Val- happy 1st anniversary, glad you joined this friendly crafty blog when you did. Having a new tea bag in your honor hihi. Some good shopping back home, have fun playing.
    Lynda- some interesting dies you bought, love to see them cut out. Hope you have a rest today.
    Cheryl- more work ,hope you getting it done today so that should be it until next time :-)
    Margaret - have a nice day, hugs to you and Pop.
    Sue- sending gentle hugs to you and hope you resting.
    Karen- have great fun tonight.
    My photos is something I wanted to share with you because the week we were there was so beautiful, one you don't get many of. You wish for good weather but never know what will be. It's nice here at the moment so will go for a walk before the rain arrives this afternoon.
    Wish you all a nice Saturday, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria. Thank you for sharing some of your holiday pics. What fabulous shots, that blue sky against the snow is breathtaking. You were very lucky to have perfect weather didn't you. We have a lovely blue sky here, at the moment. I hope you managed to have a nice walk, shame it won't have been as pretty as Zell Am See though. Yes, I'm still having to rest but it is getting better every day, thank you. Have a good afternoon and evening x

    2. Hi Maria
      Thanks for sharing your holiday photos with us. Lovely to see how in looks in the winter. May was lovely when we went with Pete's brothers. That was the first time the brothers had holidayed together. Bryan being in Australia and all. We all had a great time.

  11. awww happy birthday to your girls Sandra hope they have a lovely day ... fab covered books by Janet xxx

  12. Hello All, well we had a dry morning, but now it's chucking it down again, still managed to get two loads of washing dry.

    Sandra , Many Happy Returns Of the Day to Lucy and Sophie, hope they are having a lovely day, how quickly the years go by.
    Lynda and Val love your new buys, not sure what tuck in dies are seem to have to have missed those.

    Managed to make Rs card today, as its birthday tomorrow, made a musical one,quite pleased with it

    Well I'm have way through my ironing so I'd better go and finish it.
    Have a great rest of the day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Seems like a few of us are ironing today Lilian. Wish R a Happy Birthday for tomorrow. I'm intrigued as to how you made a musical birthday card though.

    2. It was musical themed not actually musical, would love to able to make one though

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Sophie and Lucy, wishing you both a very happy 17th birthday. I hope you have a lovely day x
    Sandra, it is scary how the years have flown by, isn't it? No doubt you are thinking -with maybe a tear or two- back to this day all of those years ago when you got to hold your beautiful girls for the first time, and then looking at the two gorgeous young ladies that they now are! Have a good time with them xx
    I hope everyone is enjoying the lovely blue sky today, it always makes you feel better doesn't it? 😊
    I'm on the mend slowly and feel up to trying to craft so I am hoping to get a CC started shortly, that probably means I won't get it finished until silly o'clock though, it takes me so long to decide on which papers, embellishments etc! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  14. Hello Sandra and all who popping to the coffee shop today,

    HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY SOPHIE and LUCY I hope you are both having a great day and being spoiled by family and friends. xx
    MARIA your photographs are absolutely gorgeous. The sky is so blue and just touching the edge of the snow, it looks just beautiful. thank you so much for sharing these with us. LOL
    JANET your notebooks are beautiful, you have put so much work into them. Have a safe journey back to the UK. can't promise you any decent weather though. LOL
    LYNDA, these dies look very interesting, I'm sure you will share the results with us soon. LOL
    VAL Wishing you a Happy Blog Anniversary. It's lovely to have your company and friendship. xx Your shopping looks interesting, I'm sure you will have fun testing everything.

    Sandra I have been trying to get my challenge card completed, sadly the idea I had hasn't worked and is now in the bin screwed up I wouldn't even let the binmen look at it. I Will go and have one more try, I hope this will work, it's totally different to my first idea.
    Sending love and best wishes to everyone, hope you are enjoying your weekend. Love and hugs Brenda xxx

  15. Hi Sandra
    HAPPY 17th SOPHIE AND LUCY. I hope you both have a lovely day being throughly spoilt. Not much doing on the horizon today. Got in last night and went to bed at 2am this morning,
    Love your photos of Zell am Zee. Unlike here I saw the trains didn't stop running.
    Janet I just love your notebooks. Love and the lace and flowers you put on them.
    I pgreat buts Lynda and Val. Must have a look at the cut and emboss folders. I think your dies Lynda might be some cutouts that Michele did for me just before Christmas.

  16. Should be great dies and buys ladies. This predictive text.

  17. Hi all sorry I'm late finished the ironing then had a shower. Then I have been in craft room
    Terry had to take off the cupboard doors off & some shelves down yesterday for the gass & electric meters to be changed to smart meters. So I had to move things off shelves so he could get to the meters so my craft room looked like a bomb had hit it. They came yesterday but could only do the electric one as he couldn't do the gass meter as it was suspended on a pipe & the new one needed to be screwed to a wall. Then had to wait for Terry to put shelves & doors back. I still haven't finished.
    I don't expect anyone will see this but hay ho good night
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry Sue glad your feeling better take care
      Love Lynda xx
