
Sunday 5 February 2017

Your Challenge Card's

My Challenge card

My second Challenge Card

The sketch

Brenda's Challenge card

 Janet's 1st Challenge Card

Janet's second challenge card

Karen's Challenge Card

Lilian's Challenge Card

Val's Challenge Card

Lynda's Challenge Card

Maria's Challenge Card

Margaret's Challenge Card

Margaret's second challenge Cards

Michele's Challenge Card
Good Morning Ladies,

I have to be perfectly honest with you and say that although this weeks Sketch looked simple, I thought it was particularly difficult, maybe because there wasn't much of a design to follow?
I really enjoyed making my first challenge card, the second one using dies I didn't fi d quite as straight forward, it was still fun though, I do enjoy doing them, they are a good mojo booster.

Brenda, I absolutely love the addition of the Hessian to your card, it is a clean and simple, yet absolutely stunning card, less is definitely more in this instance, perfect!!
Thank you, I was so excited to open your email! xxx

Janet, two very different, yet very beautiful cards, the first is a stamped card, I was so happy to hear that I had inspired you to make a stamped card, I can't get over how neatly you have fussy cut those two stamped flowers, the flourishes on the other side really balance the design, I hope to see many more stamped cards !
I love the colour of the background on your second card, that paper is lovely, if I am not mistaken you have used a piece of pretty Ribbon down the centre of this card and embellished it beautifully with those die cut flowers, thank you so much for taking part , have a safe journey home xxx

Karen, the 'Embossaliscious' embossing folder you have used on your card works
Perfectly with your Serif image, I love the bright colours too, just what we need
On these cold, dull,Winter days, thank you so much for taking part, I am so happy I got the email in Time this week too xxx

Lilian, oh my what a beautiful image Lilian, it looks as though you have painted
It yourself, the Lavender stems look so detailed, the addition of the bees makes it
Look even more realistic, the little flourish you have used around the border is so
Delicate and works perfectly with both your main image and the pretty, delicate
Lace border, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Val, fisrtly, congratulations on making your Pixie powder background look so perfect,
Something I am yet to master!  That poppy works so well as a silhouette, what Embossing folder have you used? It's so pretty?
The delicate die cut border finishes your card beautifully, thank you for taking
Part xxx

Lynda, such a beautiful card, I love the combination of papers you have used, how did you create the focal image part of your card, I love how those butterflies are
Embedded into it, the pretty pink lace is just the perfect finish to such a pretty card.
Thank you so much for taking part xxx

Maria, YOU DID IT!, You got in just in time, I climbed into bed and thought I will just one last check to make sure I haven't missed anyone!
Two lovely cards from you too, what gave you that sudden inspiration??
The love the pretty topper on the first carc, it looks very 'hunkydory' or 'Kanban'
The pretty delicate lace really softens the edge of the topper, fantastic first card !
The second card has a gorgeous Weeping Willow tree, it works so well for either or 'sympathy' of 'thinking of you' the calming colours work well too, I am grateful for your last minute craft session xxx

Margaret, what a busy week you have had making cards this week, these two are both fantastic, I love that you too were inspired to have a go at an all stamped
Card, I bet She was impressed too!  I love the stamps you have used and the colours
You have used to bring them to life.
Your second card looks like one of your New Stamps, it really works for the challenge too, what an fabulous 40th birthday card, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Michele, I love the coliurs you have used on this card, the pink works so well with the green gingham  background, I love that pretty die too, isnit one of your new ones?
The addition of the Configuration die cut was a genius idea and works perfectly, thank you for taking part despite being in the middle of reorganising your craft room! Xxx

Ladies, what can i say, you are all amazing, thank you so very much xxx

Have a lovely Sunday,

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Sandra & café chums,

    What can I say girls? You never fail to disappoint in the challenge cards. So fabulous this week, I would be hard pressed to choose favourite if asked.
    Finished the costumes from Friday's rehearsal, have not heard when the others are coming but they had better get a move ion or the answer will be 'NO'. I have so many things to catch up on and all I want to do show week is turn up to prompt as have a full week.

    Dentist on Weds 15th and off to the Craft4Crafters show Thursday 16th at Westpoint Exeter. I was lucky enough to receive 4 complimentary tickets so Tiegan, friends Jacque & Glynnis and I will be there with the greatest of pleasure. So looking forward to this show, hopefully Lilli fabrics will be there again, they have the most marvellous selection of high quality fabrics and I have been very pleased with the fabric bought last year which I made the bags with.

    That's all my news for now, I'm off to read yesterday's comment.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Enjoy the show I don't know the names but there were a couple if beautiful fabric stands at Sandown last week In a way I hope they don't get back to you soon enough so that you can say "no" you sound like you've done a lot already and need the break

    2. My goodness Cheryl, I bet you'll be glad when all the sewing is finished.
      You trip to the craft show sounds lovely all the more so because Tie gan and her friends will be with you.
      Enjoy your day. Xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl
      Well the theatre company had better get a wriggle on or else it will be to late. Sounds like there putting on you Cheryl. You'll be glad of a rest once that's finished.
      Enjoy the show with Teigan and friends. Hope your material stall ID there.

  2. Another WOW All of the cards are magnificent I love to see who's used what etc I agree SANDRA I found it difficult to decide what to do But I did enjoy making a fairly simple card This one has an insert (rare for me) with the same image on the page
    I really enjoyed the party last night It was a husband and wife - both from school celebrating their 60th birthdays the look on their faces when they opened the door was magic A couple of old school mates was there and some of her relatives that I have known for a zillion years It was lovely to see them all on a happy occasion rather than supporting each other at a funeral which sadly occurs more often than parties these days
    I made my first pop up box yesterday MICHELE I did cheat though and use a cutting file on my ScanNCut It was embarrassingly easy and I'm really pleased with the result A photo will be on it's way It's a CAS one but I so enjoyed making it So thank you MICHELE for the template BUT this was so much easier
    Have a great day ladies and lots of hugs to those that need one

    1. Hi Karen. Your double celebration party last night sounds great. Lovely to catch up with old friends.
      Well done on making a pop up box. I've only made a couple but found them really fiddly. Looking forward to seeing the photo. Xxx

    2. Hi Karen
      I'm glad you had a lovely time at the surprise party and managed to have a good old chinwag. Well done on making a pop up box. I haven't managed to make one yet although Michele sent me the details. Will get around to it eventually though. My you are a wissy with your Scan n cut aren't you.

  3. Morning Ladies

    What a really lovely selection of challenge cards, all so different-it just goes to show how we all interpret the sketch that little bit different to each other.

    I also struggled with this sketch-I put it down to my mind being drained from work problems. I'm still in a muddle in my craft room but I might be inheriting a bookcase off hubby so that could a starting point. I'm also going to Ikea with my crazy friend (she of the cluttered house fame) to look into shelving options.

    Housework to do today then we're Face timing the Americans as it was Fiona's 15th Birthday on Friday. Hopefully it will cheer her up as she didn't even get a birthday card from her Mum! She (& her brother) live with their dad & step-Mum.


    1. Me again

      Karen-well done on making your first pop up card. It doesn't matter how you made, just the fact that you did is brilliant.

      Sandra-the main die I used was a freebie from a long time ago. It will have come free with a magazine but I can't remember which one now.


    2. Hi Michele, I have a book case in my craft room as well and it's surprising how must stuff you can fit on it.
      Try and have a rest today. You work so hard you deserve to sit down with your feet up, maybe with a glass of wine, for the afternoon. Xxx

    3. Hi Michele
      How awful that Fiona didn't get a card off her Mum. As Val says you could do with putting your feet up after a very busy week.

  4. Good Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Sandra hope the girls had a wonderful birthday and you and Paul enjoyed your celebrations with them.
    Janet hope the journey home isn't too arduous. Drive safely.

    Lovely cards today ladies. I just love Sundays to see what everyone's made. If you'd have had the "put a name to a card" game this week Sandra I just wouldn't have had a clue. I used a Crafters Companion EF. It's one of the first I bought and they don't make it any more but you're right Sandra, it is pretty and one of my favourites, Looking forward to seeing what challenge you come up with tomorrow.
    Not doing much today so a few hours in my craft room this afternoon.
    Have a good Sunday everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  5. Good Sunday morning Sandra and all blog followers.
    Such beautiful cards made Ladies ,all so inspiring i love them all .
    Sorry i don't always have time to comment but i do pop in every day to see you.
    Sandra two beautiful daughters ,you must be very proud of them , 17 is a lovely age { i remember it well as it was the age i met my Husband and now Married for 54 years this year , like you say where have the years gone ? }sending big hugs to all.
    Elaine H X

  6. Hi Sandra
    Such a lovely collection of cards today. Every single one of them is different. Just goes to show what a talented bunch of ladies we have.
    I hope Lucy and Sophie enjoyed their birthdays yesterday. Off to lunch today before taking Doreen to visit Ellis.
    Hugs to all who need one today.

  7. fantastic collection of cards from the ladies ..all of them different and all of them lovely x Amanda

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra once again you inspired us all to make some thing different, they are all lovely, thank you. Hope you all had a lovely day
    As Val, I think it was, said "Thank goodness we did not have to guess who was who."
    Hope you all have a lovely restful Sunday, just put date cake in oven ready for afternoon tea hope you all enjoy it.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello sunny here but very cold, spent an hour in the garden, but had to come in, too cold for my hands.

    What a beautiful array of cards today, good job we didn't have to guess would have been totally stumped.

    I have been trying to make my cards for February birthdays , why is it that sometimes it just flows and other times nothing seems to look good, more in the bin than on my desk.

    I hope everyone is having an enjoying Sunday, am cooking roast duck for dinner tonight as its Rs birthday and it's his favourite.
    Will pop in later to see what everyone is up to, hugs Lilian

    1. Happy birthdayto R enjoy your

    2. Hi Lilian
      Hope Roger enjoyed his duck.

  10. Hi Just popped back to say that both Michele and I have won a die on John Lockwoods blog. Yeh.x

  11. Hi everyone

    I've also just seen that Val & I have won a die on John Lockwoods blog-I'm doing well for winning crafty things. I'm off to see which die you got Val.


    1. CONGRATULATIONS to VAL and MICHELE on Winning dies on Johns blog. ENJOY xx

  12. Hello Sandra and all,

    WOW what a fantastic selection of challenge cards, all beautiful and so different. As others have said - I was pleased you didn't ask us to guess who made each card, it would have been really difficult today.

    Hope you are having a restful day Sandra after all of the birthday excitement yesterday.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  13. Hi Michele & Val
    Congratulations on winning the new dies on Johns blog. They look really nice.

  14. Hi all.
    Just popped in quickly to say how great all the CC's are. Well done to us all. Bring on Monday's challenge Sandra, I'm on a roll, not really just wishful thinking hihi
    Hope the girls had a lovely day and they were happy with their prezzies.
    Congrats to Michele and Val winning from John blog.
    HAppy BIrthday Roger !
    Had totally forgot SIL and her hubby was coming up today so best get the coffee out but will read all the comments when they gone.
    Hope you have had a nice day everyone. Many hugs, Maria xxx

  15. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. What beautiful CC's you have all made this week. Mine is still only half done, just for a change!
    I agree that this week would have been very difficult to name in the correct order, I only got two right 😊
    I hope you have all had a good day. This morning I went with Chris to get a bit of shopping but regret it now!!!! Did manage to have a shower first though so feel somewhat fresher 😊
    Sending you all love and hugs with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    Congratulations to Val and Michele on winning g dies on John's site 😊xx

  16. Hi ladies.
    Smashing cards all round. Especially love vals card. It's stunning love it xx
