
Friday 3 February 2017

A little 'Thanks you' card

Good Morning Ladies,

It's going to be one of 'those' days today,  we have to go shopping as it's Sophie and Lucy's 17th birthday tomorrow, they have no real idea of what they want and neither do we, we have got them a few 'bits and pieces', ideas that have popped up over the past few weeks, mind you if we totalled up the cost of the few 'bits and Pieces's I think we'd be surprised, they are pretty good and don't really ask for much, although Lucy has mentioned a car once for twice!
We are keeping our fingers crossed for a job for them both, the local wildlife park is looking for Restaurant staff on weekends, Becca worked there for about 3 years I think, so we are hoping that that will help the girls get in.

Today's card is a mix of two Stampin Up stamp sets ........

Mediterranean Moments

Beautiful You

Both lovely stamps sets, I used one of the ladies from Beautiful You and stamped her, then masked her off and stamped the largest of the Mediterranean Moments stamps
Over the top of her, so it looks like she is walking up the little street.  I think it works ok, I paper pieced her dress, and umbrella with Real Red paper and used the same in the matting and layering, with a bit of Silver metallic card as a highlight.
The Thank you is a lovely font and it is from another stamp set called Bookcase Builder, which is the set I have to use for my DT projects, the stamp actually says "Thank you for being my friend" , which is a lovely sentiment, but I only wanted the 'thanks you' for this card so I masked off the rest of the stamp before inking. ( I bet you all thought you'd never hear me using that term!) Haha.

I hope you like the card.

Wish me luck with my shopping, I shall pop in later to check up on you all!

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - what a beautiful card. I just love the 'lady in red' against the black background. I'm sure there is an artist who did just that - a pop of colour on a grey background perhaps someone can help me on that one.
    Thank you also for using that particular stamp.

    GOOD LUCK - with the day of shopping. I'll enjoy mine more than you'll enjoy yours I'm sure hehehe.
    It's our last Friday Market for a while so we may sit a little longer than usual with our coffee/hot chocolate and of course our last Friday Pastries also. We're both on a diet when we get back.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you're all up to. The CAFE is just ready and waiting for you all to pop in. I'll be sending one or two pastries along this afternoon so it'll be first there gets the cakes lol.

    Hugs to all of you and I'll see you all later.

    1. Hi Janet. Enjoy your last Friday Market and your last yummy pasties for a while. I bet you're busy packing up ready for the journey back to UK. Hope it goes well.
      I know there is an artist called Vettriano who used to paint his ladies in red clothes. Maybe that's the man you mentioned.
      Enjoy your day xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope you enjoyed your last Market and your pastries. Hope the packing goes well and you gave an uneventful journey.

    3. Hello Janet, Enjoy your pastries today, especially as you are planning to cut down on calories when you get back to UK xx

    4. Hope you enjoyed the pastries. Thought about you today when sitting in the Patisserie Valerie's for our breakfast, oh they do have some very yummy cakes in there. Have a safe journey home ,hugsxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is gorgeous, love the hit of colour.
    Good luck with your present shopping today.

    Thank you everyone for the lovely comments on my cards & my winnings.
    Attempted a second challenge card late last night-much happier with this one.

    Am very glad it's Friday-work looks to be a busy one today but then it's the weekend-yeah!!


    1. Hi Michele. Hope you're not too mad busy today. Just keep thinking of two day off Yeh.
      Take care xxx

    2. Hi Michele,
      So sorry I forgot to mention your cards yesterday, the are adorable. xxx

    3. Michele, Enjoy you weekend xx

    4. Have a rest and have a fun weekend,hugs xx

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.

    Sandra, what a stunning card and great paper piecing. Love the red against the outline background.
    Hope you do well with your shopping today.

    I'm off to Craft Class in a couple of hours. I did mean to pack my craft bag yesterday but I was trying to get to grips with my new tablet and time just went.

    A miserable looking day outside today as it has been most of the week but it's supposed to get better from tomorrow I hope.

    Hope everyone is feeling ok this morning, all coughs and colds disappeared.
    Lynda, hope the exercises are going ok for you.

    Enjoy your day everyone love vValxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Enjoy your craft class do you all get a project to do or can you choose what you want to make ?
      Exercise class ok still enjoying them thanks.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Val I hope you enjoy your craft day.

    3. Hope you had a fun crafting class today and made some lovely cards, hugs xx

  4. Morning everyone,

    Lovely scenic card Sandra, the pop of colour keeps the lady as the focus point. Very well thought out design. What an amazing woman you are.
    Good luck with the twins birthday presents. I used to find it hard buying for one child, you have double trouble.
    Listening yet again to the sound of a ROAD SWEEPER (they have been extinct in Somerset for some time), going around the village! That is the sixth time since just before Christmas that our roads have been swept. What a record! 3 weeks ago we had one up and down our street for about 2 hours cleaning the whole of the road not just the gutters.
    Our council must be aflush with surplus funds for this to occur yet claim poverty when they announce cutbacks to social/mental/elderly/children's services each year. I will be ringing them later on to find out how they can justify this.

    Hold up on the bags, I had turned out the straps and started to iron them flat only to find they were coming apart. Turned one back and realised I had only overlocked the edges not sewn them. Another DOH! moment that took me over 1 and half hours to rectify. Sewing again this morning then I have finally finished what I thought would be a 2 day job. Oh dear, must get brains fixed.

    Onwards and upwards, back to panto rehearsals tonight so must find all the bits and bobs I need to take with me.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Enjoy your rehearsal today & hope you get your bags sorted
      Hug's xx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I'll be interesting to see how they justify road cleaning about social services etc. I can't remember the last time I saw a road sweeper. I hope you get your bags sorted and the rehearsals go well.

    3. On our walk today I wished we had seen a road sweeper around, it was real yucky in places. Left the trainers outside to dry up :-) Hope the rehearsals went well, hugs xx

  5. I LOVE YOUR CARD SANDRA It's beautiful Who'd have thought you'd be doing this kind of thing a few months ago
    Good luck with the shopping and fingers crossed for the girls getting jobs
    Enjoy your last market day JANET and the rest of the rehearsals later CHERYL
    Hope the tablets sort themselves out VAL
    And MICHELE don't work too hard
    Hope to pop in later

    1. Hope you had a good day Karen,
      Did someone mention Watford hihi ? hugs xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your card today is beautiful, it really looks like she is walking down the street, colours are perfect well done. Good luck with the shopping, do you buy both the same & hope they get the
    Janet look forward to your pastries description
    Michele hope work not too bad, enjoy your
    Val hope you get to grips with your tablet soon, enjoy craft
    Cheryl when does panto start?Xxx
    Karen sounds as if your cold has gone enjoy your
    Maria, Lynda & Sue, who has a bad back, hope you feel better soon sending healing
    Hugs on way to anybody that needs them love

    1. Hope you well Margaret, sorry to see Sue is poorly, hope her back gets better soon. hugs xx

  7. Hi Sandra
    Good luck with the shopping today. Sounds like you'll need it as you've no idea what to buy. Tricky as well having to buy double.
    Love your card today. The lady works well with the scene doesn't she.
    We're off to pick up and look after Craig's children today. They left home at 10.00 for London and are going to see Wicked. Leaving the car at Thornhill Park and Ride and catching the coach into London from there. Won't be home until about 1.00am. We're not staying as the house is so cold and I hate the cold. I asked them to put the heating on and turn the thermostat right down and I'll turn it up when needed. Instead they told Pete where the switch was and said I shouldn't think you'd need it but switch it on if you do.

    1. It be a long day for you Pat, drive carefully. Hope they enjoyed Wicked. hugs xx

    2. I'll let you know Maria how it was. Going to be a long night.

  8. Hello Sandra and all who call into the Coffee Shop today,

    What a lovely card Sandra, Love how you have made the lady THE focal point, it's brilliant. Your hidden talents are beginning to show themselves. Good Luck with your DT challenge.

    Hope you find something for the girls birthday presents. It was so easy to shop for them when they were small, but once they approach teens it just gets harder and harder. Good Luck xx

    Fingers crossed the Wildlife Park are recruiting staff and the girls find a job, It's so hard for students to find part time jobs, sometimes it's being in the right place at the right time. One of our grandchildren got work in a gym he uses, so was lucky. The other two trained as lifeguards, and were very soon employed. Except William when his certificate was due for renewal, thought he had another month, ( he is so laid back it's not true! ) So would have had to start all over again. As he was about to start University he decided he might not have time for a job - as well as playing Rugby, socialising and perhaps some studying. You get the picture. 🏈 🍺 🗒 💤🛏

    Hope you are all having a good day, love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, hope you had a nice day. William sound a bit like my son , he needs kicking in the backside sometimes to get going but funny enough he is never late. Take care ,hugs xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      Karen's partner Keith is so laid back he's never vertical. Hence nothing ever getting done. By the time he starts to do anything that he's been going to do for years the girls will all have left home.

  9. Hello All, wellI don't know what we've done to Doris, but she is very cross with us, we have had little lull, but forecast more later.

    Sandra, beautiful card, love the splash of red.

    Have just finished my cc, quite a lot of stuff in the bin.

    R off at 6am tomorrow to go to Hampshire for a meeting, hope the weather improves.
    Have a good evening all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, tell R to drive careful in the morning. Do you still have heavy rain in your parts ? have a nice weekend, hugs xx

    2. Hi Lilian
      Tell Roger to drive carefully tomorrow. Quite a few large puddles around to car home us unawares.

  10. Evening Sandra and everyone.
    Love the card you made with your new stamps and such a brill idea to put the lady in red as a focal point. Good luck with all the work you up to do.
    Hope you managed to get something for the girls, already 17 ey :-) We have a great nephew who be 16 soon and have everything ( very spoiled by his parents and grand parents) so we just sending some money so he can save or buy something he wants.
    Elaine- hope you ok and Andrew is doing better, hugs to you all xx
    Sonia- hope you and your family are fine. Busy at work ? Must look at your blog, have not been for a while
    Tracy- sending you hugs and wish you a nice weekend.
    Lynda- how many times are you going for these execises ? hope you led is better. How are the pets doing, is s--t leg behaving himself ? hihi
    I'm not sure where this day went but it's nearly over and I still haven't made a cc but OH goes to football tomorrow so will try to get some crafting done but don't feel like making, just buying tihi
    Have a good evening all. love and many hugs, Maria xxx

    1. I can actually see you laughing as you comment about Freddie s**t legs !!!
      Will show your stunning pics tomorrow xx

    2. Hi Maria
      I go to excercise 🏋🏃‍♀️twice a week for one & half hours each class
      Feet do ache for couple days after though
      Bambie 🐶 is fine she is mulling a lot at the moment the hairs get everywhere well now S.....T legs is still 💩😭😭😭😭 Terry gave him a shower this morning as he was trying to Bath in his drinking water silly bird.He has got bigger will send picture too Sandra.
      Hope your ok I don't know where my day went either Hug's 🤗🤗xx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Wow Sandra, your card is fabulous. I love the splash of red on the lady. Once again it is great to see you using stamps especially the larger one, and paper piecing too!!! I hope you have managed to get the girls gifts sorted x

    Michele, I love both of your cards from yesterday, the sentiments on both are lovely too. Congratulations on your lovely prize. How good to have matching goodies. Please can we see some pics of your creations using them x

    Lynda, it's good to hear that the exercises are going well, you must be fitter than you thought as you are being moved up already 😊 x

    We have had a really stormy day here. I hope it is the very end of Doris.
    Janet, I will be keeping my fingers crossed for a safe and trouble free journey home for you and Jim on Monday x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lyndaall in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue I'm fit for nothing HaHa they aren't very strenuous excercise but my feet & legs ache after then after lunch I nod off 😴💤
      Hope Doris behaves her self 🌪⚡️⛈💨 stay safe. Hug's xx

  12. Hi Sandra & friends
    Well not sure what happened to my post earlier it seems to have vanished AGAIN but left my comments under names.
    Sandra your card is stunning I love how you stamped & masked the girl off your getting really expert at stamping now. Did you have any luck with getting the girls birthday presents. Wishing them both a happy birthday for tomorrow.
    I will say goodnight love Lynda xx

  13. WOW !!! your card is amazing Sandra I love it ...I really need to get my head round paper piecing wish you would do a youtube video on it so I can watch how its done ..... :) in anticipation lol lol lol xx Amanda
