
Sunday 15 January 2017

Your Challenge Cards

My card

The sketch

Good Morning Ladies, 

I have a lovely assortment of Challenge cards to share with you today, so without further delay I will share them with you.......

Janet's Challenge
Janet,  I just your Art Deco image, you have a huge selection of images of ladies throughout so many different era's, such a useful collection too as you always have something for most occasions. All Of the elements on this card work so well together, the Spellbinders 'Botanical Bliss Beautiful Banner' die works perfectly as the frame for your image with its Art Deco style.  The plaited RicRac works well too, you have picked the perfect shade of blue for your sentiment too, it really highlights the blue in the card, a gorgeous card, thank you so much Janet for taking part xxx

Lilian's Challenge card

Lilian, such a beautiful card, to me there is nothing better in gloomy January than a gorgeous card that features Spring colours, I love the flowers you have used on this card and the colour is both delicate and spring-like, the other feature that stands out to me is the delicate green vine border, so pretty! The subtle yellow gingham ribbon compliments the card perfectly, thank you Lilian xxx

Lynda's Challenge card

Lynda, WOW, what a stunning card, the verse is beautiful, I love the 
Laces you have added they really give a luxury feel to your card, 
As do your beautiful flowers.  A truly beautiful card Lynda
Thank you so much for taking part xxx

Maria's Challenge cards 

Maria, two fabulous cards from you this week, one for men, I think beer is
A winner for most men! I love that stamped banner too.
Your second card is really pretty, the oriental lady is beautiful,
 the flowers in the stamped image match perfectly with your
 embossed frame. The pretty pearls and gems are all that is
Needed to finish your card.  Thank you so much Maria xxx

Margaret's Challenge card

Margaret, your card is fantastic, I love that floral die cut, it works 
Perfectly with the stamped sentiment, I think your card is 
'Bloomin Marvelous' too, thank you so much xxx

Michele's Challenge card

Michele, a fabulous Valentine card from you this week, you are very organised!
I love the embossing folder you have used.....details please.
Thank you so much xxx

Val's Challenge card

Val, I love your card, the sentiment/verse is lovely, I think I may have 
Something similar somewhere, from a kit I bought years ago, I must get 
Them out, I never think to use them with my cards,  guess what I will be 
Routing round for today!! I hope the Cape Verde sun is shining upon
You all, thanks for taking part xxx

Sue's Challenge card

Sue, I am so pleased you remembered in time for me to add you to the 
List this week! I saw the beginnings of your card on Tuesday, I love how 
Bright and cheerful it is, I'm sure Helen will love it, that looks little
Owl family look so cute, putting them on the branch was a stroke of 
Genius.  Thank you so much for taking part xxx

Thank you all so very much for your lovely responses to my email, you have no idea what having your support means to me. xxx

Have a lovely relaxing Sunday ladies, 

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Everyone from a very white/snow and very very cold Marigny.

    As always I love Sunday mornings wanting to see all CCs. I now try and guess which card belongs to who. Today's selection is just beautiful and again all so very different and covering many occasions. The display board should look really beautiful after Marigny Dobbie has sorted himself out and put new background paper on.

    I hope all the food cupboards have been stocked and are ready for the coming week. There should also be a pot of warm porridge on together will new fresh bread and homemade jam.

    I'm hoping that I can get the card I needed the printed picture for finished today and then I may try to do a little stamping (I know I'm not going to be as successful as some of you Dear Friends but we'll see what happens).

    I hope you're all dry/warm and safe and that you have a very Happy Sunday.
    Hugs for you all but extras for Brenda, Lynda today xxxx
    I'll try and pop in later to see what's happening.

    1. Hi Janet. I enjoyed the lovely breakfast that Marigny Dobbie had all ready for us. Thank you for sending I over for us to enjoy while looking at the beautiful CC's ☺ Youre card is gorgeous, I love the lady and the 20's look. You are certainly getting worse weather than us here in Oxfordshire as it is not too cold today, but the sky is quite grey though which always makes everyone feel down I think 😔 I hope you take great care if you do venture out. Hugs are on their way for you x

    2. Oh, it do sound lovely with white snow :-) Very damp and cold so went out for breakfast this morning. Marigny Dobbie is doing a fab. job. He and Herman seem to get on very well except when he found the sugar bags, it was a bit off a mess I'm afraid hihi hugs xx

    3. Hi Janet
      Love the lady on your card. As I said to Karen I must see if I have that image on a stamp.

  2. Beautiful cards and all very different I think I must have the same cd rom as JANET!
    I can't see my card not that it matters I was struggling to get email to "send" yesterday morning I will check my account Between the Internet and aol it's a bloomin' (substitute a stronger word if you wish - I know ai have in the past few weeks!) nuisance
    I love seeing everyone's "take" on the challenge and either picking out items I recognise or have card envy and wish I'd got that product
    Wet and miserable here We may go dancing later but I've woken up with an awful sore throat Take care ladies x

    1. Hi Karen. Im sorry to hear you have a bad throat, lots of hot tea, or honey and lemon needed I think. It's dry but grey and gloomy here, roll on Spring ☺ It is so frustrating when the internet etc. plays up isn't it.
      Whatever you end up doing have a good day. Big hugs for you x

    2. Take care of your sore throat. I never know if it because of my tummy problems or a cold starting but if it last 3 months it is just annoying. Have fun if you go dancing. Any photos to show from last fancy dress party ? hugs xx

    3. Hi Karen
      Look forward to seeing your card if it arrives. Enjoy your dancing up you decide to go, and I hope your sotrpe throat clears up soon.

  3. Love your card Sandra for the sketch, lovely selection from your girls. xxx

  4. Morning everyone,

    Beautiful cards from you all.
    Sewing, sewing and more sewing today and the next couple of weeks until first performance. Still cannot understand why the costumes get left to the last minute. So much pressure is put upon us seamstresses that is unnecessary when it could be done slowly as soon as the next performance is decided and the director chooses the colour scheme. Must suggest this at the next AGM.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl I agree that it is far too late to be doing costumes, how are the cast supposed to get used to wearing them & all the changes as well, hope it all goes

    2. Hi Cheryl. I agree with you and Mum. Costumes should be worn as soon as possible, so that the actors are used to wearing them, also that any costume changes have been practiced and are as quick and easy as possible, and of course to give you as seamstress the most amount of time to make them! There is no reason why they aren't can't be started as soon as the roles are cast is there. At least your lovely new sewing machine is being put through its paces ☺ x

    3. Hope you have a good day sewing but like the other say, if they need to be ready for dress rehearsal and then might need some alterations it must put stress which could been avoided, hugs xx

    4. Hi Cheryl I quite agree with the comments that once you know what you are doing and whose doing it there's no reason why the costumes can't be started.

  5. Morning Ladies

    What a lovely selection of challenge cards, all so different.

    Having a very lazy start to my day and I don't plan to go much later on either! We got everything moved yesterday and fairly straight ready for Monday so we gave up at lunchtime.
    I have some items listed on EBay so it will be interesting to see how many sell. I'll package up any items that do sell this afternoon.
    I need to make some birthday cards so I might spend some time in my craft room later.
    The embossing folder I use is an A4 one that has writing/text all over it-I'll check later to see if it says who made it.


    1. The embossing folder is by Embossalicious.


    2. Hi Michele. I love your Valentine card, and that EF is lovely.
      I'm glad you managed to get on well yesterday morning, fingers crossed it all carries on as well while you are in the temporary unit. Did the paperwork that had gone missing turn up, I do hope so. It's always difficult when lots of people are involved in a move. Years ago a local medical practice had total chaos when the thousands of patient records were moved into their new surgery but not in alphabetical order, just any old which way, by the company they had hired to do it! You can imagine how long it took to sort them all out.
      Anyway you deserve to sit back and relax today. Hugs on their way x

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hope you have a nice ,relaxing Sunday Michele and do like us ,no cooking tonight. :-)hugs xx

    5. Hi Michele
      Must have a look out for this embossing folder. Love the card by the way. I'm glad you weren't to stressed yesterday,

  6. Meant to say earlier MARIA The new glasses are still awful The "office" ones are terrible and sometimes I feel that I can see better without glasses at all I have never ever had this problem in all of the 50+ years of wearing glasses So perhaps it is the fact that I have the start of cateracts... Who knows

    1. Hi Karen. I think you should think of trying another Optician's, even if only for another eye test. Chris goes to a small independent one who suggested he has his tests with them and gets his glasses, when needed,from Boots, Specksavers, Tesco etc. as the independent one is very expensive. Just a thought as you really shouldn't be having all of the problems you are having. Good luck getting them sorted anyway x

    2. I'm sorry Karen that you have such problem with the glasses. We have a very good Specsavers in MK and you can go back as many times you want until you are happy so I would suggest you go somewhere else and try. They would have seen if you got the beginning of a cataract and told you. Good luck my friend, hope it get sorted soon. hugs xx

    3. Hi Karen
      Hope the glasses get sorted soon. I have the start of cateracts but it doesn't effect my eyesight using glasses. As the other ladies suggest perhaps try another opticians.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely lot of cards you have inspired us to do once again, they are all different & so good, thank
    Janet please be careful if you have to go out don't want you falling
    Lynda & Brenda please take care don't rush take your time, hugs on way xxx.
    Karen please see a different opticion you need to get it sorted, your eyesight is
    Val hope you have a lovely
    Have a friend coming for coffee so must get on, sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hugs to you and Pop. Hope you have/had a nice time with your friend. xx

    2. Hi Mum. Who's been spending up then, and why not you deserve to ☺
      You've been busy making lovely cards haven't you. I see that I will be having a cutting session when we do finally get together, won't I, haha. Love to you and Pop and I hope the boiler is ok and Pops not too tired after fixing it. Love you xxxx

  8. A lovely array of cards ,all beautiful and different Well Done Ladies.
    Sending hugs to all.
    Elaine H X

    1. Hi Elaine, Why not make and send Sandra a card for next Sunday. It makes me to do one or in this instance two hihi cards but sometimes the Mojo have some funny ideas to disappear so it helps to have the sketch on the Monday. Love to see some of your cards, what stile do you usually make ? Hugs to you all and hope Andrew is feeling a bit better xx

    2. Hi Elaine. It would be lovely to see some of your cards. As you can see there is a lot of different styles of Challenge cards each week and we all inspire each other. You don't have to take part in the challenge though. Sandra is always more than happy to show any cards she is sent. Take care x

    3. Hi Ladies
      I would love nothing more than to be able to share my cards i just need to know how ? i am not too good at this WWW. thingy , i will ask my friend for help and see if i can grasp it.
      I love to use Pion and Marja papers ,am a big lover of the Glitter Girls boards but i have not used them for a while now .My latest cards were Art Deco boxed, and sold for Cancer research at { my lovely DIL Helen's Work place } I did use my dies a lot for card making but i confess as to always being in pain after using the machine and i can not afford to buy an electric one at this stage .
      Take Care
      Elaine xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Like the rest of you I love Sundays and seeing everyone's take on the CC ☺
    Lilian, what a beautiful delicate card, so pretty x
    Val, a gorgeous card, I love the colours and the sentiment is lovely. I hope you are having a great time and the weather is kind to you while you are away x
    Each CC is beautiful and as always has given me lots of inspiration so thank you all for sharing and of course for you Sandra for setting and then showing our CC's ☺
    Maria, we are commenting at the same time I think ☺ I love both of your C cards, that bear and glass is cute and a beautiful second card and gorgeous EF. I hope you got on well at the weigh in today. Sending big hugs x
    Lynda, a lovely card to inspire me, I hope you aren't doing too much. How is your wrist now? I hope you are still on the mend and please don't forget the sticks if you venture out. Big hugs on their way x
    Brenda, how are you doing. I hope the cough is improving and you are still getting lots of rest and the more you get now the quicker you will get back to usual. If you have to go out please wrap up well. Big hugs on their way to you x
    I am in the middle of making a couple of cards that I started on Friday that I hope to finish this evening once our
    little Chris goes to bed. He is here for the weekend again. He is at that lovely "sponge" age, you know, soaking up anything and everything and wanting to look and learn from the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to bed. He is chatting well now and new words are coming out every day so he is a real time waster ☺☺☺
    I hope that the weather is kind to everyone. We are having a grey wet day, just the sort that I hate! It is meant to warm up around here over the next few days so we will wait and see. Bad weather does mean that we can craft more without feeling guilty though doesn't it ☺
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Brenda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Wow we could do synchronised swimming together hihi
      Hope little Chris 'the sponge' not tiring you out totally this weekend. I love the age he is at but sometimes you might not know what to say hihi have a lovely Sunday. Love your Owl family on your card. The EF actually came with the Stamp so it works together. Not sure if it came with the Cardmaking & Paercraft if so, your Mum will have the same. Hugs xx

  10. Afternoon Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely cards once again on the board to enjoy this Sunday. I didn't think I was going to get one together but because of Birthdays that are coming up and thanks to your Sketch Sandra I managed to make a couple, not entirely happy but they will have to be.
    I hope you all have a nice Sunday and manage to get some Me time. I went out this morning with a friend. WW was ok and after we went to Costa for some hours chatting without the OH's in earshot, they would blush hihi
    Raining and very raw outside so it feels in the bones, heating on all day at the moment. Have decided to get rid off some cards and papers I never will be using so might contact the nursery on our site if they will have it before going to the tip. Booked for Pedicure and Manicure for the upcoming Holiday, We going just for a week Margaret but probably good or my waistline would be telling me off but like in France they do have some amazing cakes and cosy cafe's in Austria, little bit like ours here :-). OH is watching football all afternoon so I will be playing a bit in the kitchen and hope to cut some more bits out for cards. It takes time because the hands don't like turning the handle to many times and if I try with the other hand, how weird that feels hihi. Lynda, like your funny emojs. Wearing my new boots again indoors, have found the zips are quite sharp so hope they not will scratch my legs to much, always something. Warm hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Love all of today's challenge cards, they are all so inspiring, what a wealth of talented ladies you have on your blog Sandra. I like to guess as I scroll down who made each card, some of my guesses were correct.

    I hope everyone has has a good day, I have had another blanket day, but must be on the mend as my eyes are starting to notice things I could be doing.

    Love and best wishes to you all, Brenda xxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Love all the cards that the ladies have made. Once again it amassing New that everyone is different. We went and picked up Doreen for lunch as usual but ended up at the Windrush fir a surprise Birthday meal for me. How lovely that all the Grandchildren plus boyfriends and our friends were there. I opened presents and cards today but left some for Tuesday. Hope everyone whose still feeling poorly are feeling better today. Mind you these bugs are hanging around for awhile aren't they.

  13. Hello All, cold and damp here again.
    Challenge cards are all lovely.
    We have been putting together some flat pack bookcases from John Lewis, to say they were a challenge is putting it mildly, they are lovely now they are finished, all afternoon putting all the books away.
    My daughter has just got a new job, she has just been appointed Director of Finance for the Marie Currie charity, quite a change as has been working in hospitality for quite a few years. ( So proud )
    Will see you tomorrow ladies , hugs Lilian.

  14. Hi Sandra & ladies
    WOW Gorgeous array of CC this morning all very different but all lovely.
    I'm a bit tired now had Margaret round for a leg of lamb dinner. It whent well & she enjoyed it, She has only just gone home. She had a sort out on Friday & broughtround two bags full of craft stuff she doesn't want lots that haven't even been open. So tomorrow I will be having a rummage.
    Val hope your enjoying your holiday & not finding it too cold. Take care.
    Brenda hope you enjoyed your duvet day it the first day I have got dressed PJ days for me HaHa. Still not feeling 100% still coughing a little still & I nod off during the day which I never do. Sue my wrist is fine now apart from the arthritis.
    I go to the cardiac rehabilitation centre on Wednesday not sure what it's all about.
    Pat glad you had a lovely surprise birthday meal how lovely for you.
    Hug's for you & Pete xx
    Will see yo tomorrow ladies love Lynda xx

  15. Hi Sandra and friends

    Oh what a treat today seeing all ur stunning cards. I was at craftworld in Glasgow yesterday and bought a few things using my vouchers.
    All the ladies in the shop are lovely and always remember u.

    Maria I see my sister on a mon as we carried on the tradition of a chippy tea or cooked dinner as that's what we did with dad after his partner Katie passed away(2 years now) dad was 18 months after her. My sis and I weren't particularly close but since my own dealing with "C" and then dads it's really brought us together which I'm grateful for.

    Love to all xxx

    1. Hi, I must have writing while you posted your comment. Glad you had a nice time yesterday, nosy what you bought :-) Lovely to keep the tradition between yourself and your sister and that you are closer. I wasn't close to my sister either for a long time, it changed a bit when we grown up but our lives have taken different ways so we don't really speak to eachother very often these days unless I get hold of her through facebook and we talk via the computer once in a while. Wish you have a good night xx

  16. Hiya,
    Brenda- sound good with a blanket day, it's nice sometimes. Glad you starting to feel better but promise to take it easy.
    Pat- how lovely to have a surprise lunch. Hope Doreen is alright. Sorry to hear that Pete is not doing to well. Many hugs to you both.
    Lilian- a big Congratulations to your Daughters new job, wishing her all the best. Well done putting a flat pack together, can be a little tricky sometimes (from someone who have put together things from Ikea a few times tihi)
    Hi Lynda- love to know what Margaret bought around for you. Anything I could have use for ? :-) So wish your cough had enough being with you and moved on by now, all I can do is wish you better and sending healing hugs.
    Tracy- hope you didn't spend to much at Craftworld, you are so lucky to live close enough to go to their store. Hope you had a good rest today and maybe some crafting ?
    Feels like I going to have one of my nights so will catch up on some recordings. I wish you all a good night Xxx
