
Monday 16 January 2017

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

It's that time of the week again where I challenge you to try something new or different.  This week there is no specific 'sketch'.  I wanted to go back to the card fold theme, so I thought that this week we could all try to make an.......

Easel Card, it can be any shape and size you choose, for anyone that hasn't made one before I have done a very simple tutorial to give you the idea. 

Take your base card

Score and fold top part in half 
(Across the card)

Apply adhesive to the lower section of the 
Folded front 

Then add a piece of card exactly same size as your 
Original base card. This forms the area for you 
To decorate.

You will need to add something at the front of the 
Base card to act as a 'stopper' for the folded top section.

I have taken a side view so you compare.

This is a rough sketch for a round Easel card 
It works exactly the same way as any other shape.

I hope you enjoy the challenge, if you are unsure of anything please just ask and I will explain further.  Most of all I want you to have fun. I am going to have a go at a Hexagonal Easel card.

Now after reading your comments I have decided on a new twist to sharing your cards on Sundays.... I am going to just share the card with No Names under them, I will number them instead, then either later in the post of later in the day I will post the list of which card belongs to who!! What do you think?

Elaine and Tracy, please feel free to join in our challenge, it's not taken too seriously, it's a good mojo booster too!  Just email me a photo of your card to

Now I am stretching my arms super far to give Brenda a huge hug, I so hope you are starting to feel better my lovely.  Xxx

Hugs dispatched to Broadstairs too, for our Lynda, you'll find an extra one tucked in for Terry too! Xx

Have fun with the challenge ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous card & a very easy to follow tutorial, I should be able to manage one of these cards. My plan is to go straight to my craft room this evening and make my challenge card.

    Silly but I'm nervous about going to work in the temporary location. There's nothing I can do as we're stuck there until Friday 10th March now, assuming there's no major problems !!


    1. Hi Michele
      Hopefully today was ok and you had nothing to make you nervous. That's the only problem with being in a new area you need to remember where everything is.

  2. Morning Everyone from Marigny and yes we're still WHITE.

    Thank you for this week's CC SANDRA - I love your card and you have chosen one of my favourite SW dies in her 'Square' NY dies.

    I'll be having a go and possibly today hopefully.
    I'll certainly not be going out . As I'm looking through the window now the skies are very heavy and very grey with more snow to come. Jim has to go out after breakfast and fill up all the bird feeders around the garden -he doesn't know yet hehehe but that will be his first job for today. I just might then let him sit infront of the log burner with his crossword/soduko books in his

    MICHELE- I can fully understand about you being nervous this morning but as soon as you walk through the door you will just start work as normal.
    While I was still working we became part of an initiative called PFI (private funding initiative if I remember but it is quite some years ago Brenda did you have the same?) and we had to move out of our school buildings completely for a year. You can imagine the upheaval we had as we had 1750 11-16yr olds plus all equipment and administration etc. We had temp classrooms and a temp Admin Block on site. It was horrible and although at that time I'd already been working there for well into teens of years I really did not want to go to work that first week but as usual once through the door it was just the same apart from that we had things in storage containers which we had to raid frequently. Anyway Good Luck and Hugs xxxx

    BRENDA and LYNDA extra special HUGS for you two today. I really do hope that you start feeling better soon.

    I understand that Dobbie is behaving himself so the CAFE must be open for business as usual. Hugs to all of you xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, don't recall having PFI. Although over the years we had many changes. Our site was unique in as much as we had three schools on the site. I worked in the Infants we had three year groups with 150 children in each year, five classes in each year group! There was(still is) a junior Girls and a junior Boys School and each school has its own Head Teacher. A few years before I retired we also opened a Nursery section, with another 150 part time places, plus a special needs class. I believe we were one of the largest in the country. Yes, quite a few changes, also the introduction of computers. Gosh how things changed.
      LOL xx

  3. Morning Sandra and all.
    Good challenge and you card as usual are absolutely gorgeous, love the colour.
    Michele- hope all be fine and it's will just be another day at work. take care
    Janet- take care if you are going out at all, hope Jim not slip over while filling the bird tables.
    Bamse hugs to you all ,big extra ones to you who are not feeling well.
    Have a nice day whatever you are up to everyone.
    Ps do not wear a fleece going out for a walk when it's raining cats and dogs, you feel yacky! Off into town now so hope to see you later .Love Maria Xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra. And ladies.

    Oooh such a cute card love the colour combo. I'm sure I've got those sue dies somewhere. New York collection me thinks?

    I will try a challenge at some point but I'm working full time and then get lazy lol. I'll be making my friends birthday card this week so I'll send u a pic of it if u like.

    Maria. I bought a pack of card, noble ovals, retail therapy shadow box set. Polished glitter and some treat cups. I have to get graeme or Janice to drive me there takes 40 mins from here as I hate driving in Glasgow. In fact I just hate driving lol πŸ˜‚

    Love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracey
      I assume you bought these new things at a craft show. Which one did you go to?. We have Farnborough and Ally Pally to look forward to.

    2. Hello Tracey, glad I'm not the only one who hates driving, I'll do anything to get out of driving, sounds as though you had some nice retail therapy.

  5. Hi Sandra
    I love easel cards but haven't actually made one on ages. Love the acqu card you've used. I also have these dies.

    1. Hi pat. No I want to craftworld in Glasgow it's a big craft shop. I gave up going to the Glasgow shows at the secc as it was getting smaller and got fed up paying out the cash when I could've bought something with the money lol.

      Have been invited by tina Eldridge to go and stay with her in sept to go to ally pally which I'm trying to save up for as I really wanna go meet some wilsonettes xx

    2. Hi Tracey
      I've bought stuff from Craftworld online. Perhaps if your going to Ally Pally you can meet a few of us as well. I'm also a Wilsonette but have never met any of the other ladies who belong.

  6. Hello all,
    Sandra delightful card and good challenge, will try and get one done early.
    Been to the range and hobby raft this morning, had Christmas vouchers to spend, not much new stuff in either, so stocked up on spares.
    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I'm not over fond of Hobbycraft, however, I did buy some of their die storage cases that Sue was going to pick up for me in Swindon. They had and still haven't had the extra inserts back in stock. We're off to the Toby Carvery in Swindon so I expect we'll do a detour over to Hobbycraft. I don't think Sue was very well on Friday so didn't get over to her Mums.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I have never made an easel card but will have a go maybe this afternoon, thank you for stretching
    Michele hope today is better than you thought it was going to
    Janet hope J was able to feed the birds safely & you can craft in the
    Maria hope you don't get too wet in town, it is miserable
    Tracy look forward to seeing your
    Lynda & Brenda please stay in the warm hugs on
    Pat how lovely to have a surprise birthday meal & all the family were there, hope you have a good day
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hi all,
    not sure what you all thought about todays weather but what a wet and miserable day it has been for many of us so after our trip into town and done the shopping and washing I have not done a jota. :-)
    I so wanted to start the CC but will now do that tomorrow after walk in the morning which will be to Ikea and back.
    Haven't been to Hobbycraft for a long time, are a bit disappointed with them because it seem to be less and less of paper crafting. Have bought some dies and stamps from Craftworld on-line. Thinking of going to the NEC when that's on ,just for fun by train and of course Ally Pally in April and September so if you coming down Tracy, you must come and meet us nutters who are there hihi .I don't drive full stop but love going in the car so since OH retired he is busy being my chauffeur hihi
    Pat- hope you had a nice time and meal at Toby's carvery, one of my favourites places to eat out.
    Well it is evening once again so I wish you all a good night and hope to see you tomorrow xxx

  9. Hi Sandra, LOVE your CC it's so pretty. I have never made an easel card so this will certainly be a challenge to me!!!!

    Your special hug really made a difference- Thank you xx

    Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

  10. Such a beautiful card Sandra and a great tutorial .
    i have been trying this last hour to e/mail you some of my work but alas i failed every time .
    It is getting late now and i don't want my mind too active as i had a really bad night last night it was after 4.30 before i got to sleep , so i will try again tomorrow.
    Night night
    Elaine H X

  11. Hi, if anyone is still waking, I see Sue Wilson has a new lot of dies comming out on the 26th Jan, had a quick but nothing grabbed me.
    See you in the morning, Lilian

  12. Hi Sandra & ladies.
    I don't believe my post went AWOL again I did a post at 10 am & cant see it anywhere. Love this weeks CC will have a go tomorrow. Thank for all your extra Hug's it's so lovely of you all much appreciated.
    Well it's late must try & get some sleep. Love
    Hope Pete is ok πŸ€—πŸ€—xx
    Love Lynda xxx

  13. Beautiful easel card Sandra, wonderful dies and colours.
    Happy New Year 2017..sorry a bit late.
    Pam x
