
Tuesday 17 January 2017

Janet's Double ZigZag Tutorial & Happy Birthday Pat

💝Happy Birthday Pat 💝
Good Morning Ladies,

A very busy blog post today, first up I would like to wish our Very Dear Friend Pat a very, very Happy Birthday, it's a very Special Birthday too, I won't say which Special Birthday, only that you are now 58.3 + VAT !!! 
So happy that we get to spend the day with you too xxxx

Now I am going to hand over to our lovely Janet, who has created an amazing tutorial on how to make her Easel card, I would love you to all have a go, we could have it as a mini challenge, I will give you until next Wednesday to send them in.
Here's Janet's  tutorial.......

 Janet's Zig Zag Card Tutorial

TUTORIAL FOR DOUBLE ZIG ZAG CARD 1 - Take 2 pieces of A4 size card - good quality GSM and cut each piece to measure 8" x 10". SCORE each piece at 4" 6" and 8" SEE FIG A. picture 2. Measure (each piece of card) 2.3/4" from the bottom at 8" score side. Cut from that mark to top edge of 4" score mark SEE FIG B picture. 3. Now fold your scored panels in mountain and valley folds on both pieces of card making your Zig Zag shape. 4. GLUE your two pieces of card together overlapping your 4" panels SEE FIG C picture. 5. You are now ready to decorate your Zig Zag card. Your will need 2 x 8"x 8" pieces of any patterned paper of your choice to cover the plain panels of your card. Only cover the planels which will be seen. If you are careful at cutting 2 pieces will be sufficient but if you're not sure than use A4 patterned paper. 6. You will need to choose a picture to place in the inside of your card making a theme of your choice. (I have used a picture of flowers set on a piece of music which I printed off Pinterest (make sure that if you do this permission has been granted for free use of the picture) 7. To fasten the front of your card use a die cut of your choice which will match your theme. As you can see I have used a die cut of a ball gown following my theme of music. You can now use your own Finishing Touches eg flowers etc to complete your card. HAPPY CRAFTING
14.01.17 janet

An absolutely fantastic tutorial Janet, thank you so very much, it must have taken you
Hours. I can't wait to have a go!!!

Well I am off to pack to go to Pat's with Sue.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Eveyone

    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT - have a lovely day with hopefully lots of goodies too.

    I hope you find the tutorial easy to follow and have a go at making a card. It is very easy to do and I think they look just a little different from the normal square/flat cards. One of the most important things about these is that they squash up flat to fit into an envelope and so posting is good.

    Hope you had a good day yesterday MICHELE and that everything went well with your new/temp work place.

    I see the CAFE is up and running this morning and tempting smells of fresh coffee with warm croissants is in the air.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you all get up to. Hugs should be arriving very soon to keep you all warm xxxx

    1. Hi Janet,
      Thank you for very clear tutorial hopefully will have a go later in week, struggling with easel card at

    2. Hi Janet
      Love the tutorial and will try and have a go.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Pat-hope you have a wonderful day.

    Janet-your tutorial look great, not too sure if I'll get the time to participate.

    Yesterday was fine-it was much nicer than i thought. The only problem is at any one time, there could be 5 members of staff all in one room-the room is big but we've filled it so there's not that much space. A senior manager finally came to see how we were doing yesterday afternoon-no mention of all the work we did on Friday or Saturday , typical!
    I have a meeting tomorrow morning-it's one of those irritating, waste of time ones but I have to attend.


    1. Hello Michele, Really pleased yesterday went well. Typical Snr Management showing up when you had sorted everything out, and not to acknowledge all the effort and teamwork that went in Friday and Saturday must have left you feeling let down to say the least. Did they think you had a magic wand? LOL

    2. Hi Michele
      That's always the way I think with senior management. I wonder how they'd cope without you to do the move. Mind you the company I worked for moved our desks etc. Mind you we had to pack everything up but someone else moved it all.

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT! The tutorial looks great and looks easy to follow I kept losing posts yesterday
    Update on the glass Three tests, three different opticians So..... I don't know what to do except keep going back which is sooooo annoying I'm getting to the point where I hate both pairs of frames But hey Ho! There are a lot of people a lot worse off than me
    Glad moving into temp accommodation proved to be not too bad MICHELE But typical of senior management - appear towards the end of the day when it's too late to put anything different in place Been there, done that, got the T-shirt!

  4. Good morning Sandra and everyone,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT hope you have a lovely day, enjoy your crafting birthday. I hadn't realised it was a 'special ' birthday, Sending extra hugs your way. I'm sorry my card is on its way, missed the collection yesterday, I had two unexpected phone calls, was chatting to long, and missed the collection time.

    JANET, what a brilliant tutorial, very clear and easy to follow. Thank you xx
    I will have a go, not promising anything great as my mojo is somewhat lacking at the moment, to just to get the basics complete would be great. Thank you again for your inspiration. LOL

    Hope everyone is having a good day, Love Brenda xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and friends

    Great tutorial. Don't know if I'm that brave to try that but maybe sometime lol

    Happy big birthday pat hope u have a fabulous day and indulge loads xxx

  6. Hello Sandra & everyone
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT 🎂🎈🎈🎉🎁Hope it's a good one.
    Enjoy your day with Sue & Sandra.X
    Like Karen my post yesterday morning went AWOL. I did pop back very late last night & noticed it missing.
    Sandra have a lovely day with Pat & Sue & spending time with the Birthday Girl.
    MICHELE glad work went ok yesterday & hope your meeting is not to boring for you. JANET thank you for your tutorial very good instructions I will have a go at some point after CC.
    We have a bright day with some sun coming out now & then so hopefully go for a walk bit later. Not much else happening I do have to sort out craft things that Margaret gave me. She has asked me to go round on Thursday as she is sorting out lots more.
    Brenda hope your feeling better & have a bit more energy now.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Lynda xx


    Hi everyone , great tutorial Janet. Thank you for making it.
    Have some work to do so will be back later on, hope you all have a good day. Hugs Maria Xxxx

  8. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY PAT, hope it's a really special one.

    Hello all damp and miserable here today, still we managed our daily walk.
    Janet lovely details of how to do your clever card.
    Hoping to do my challenge card this evening, if my hand behaves, the flare up is taking much longer to ease this time.
    Hope everyone has a good rest of the day, hugs Lilian

  9. Just finished work and decided to treat myself to a lovely jacket potato with prawn mayo and salad at the cafe on my walk home Saves me cooking later
    Hope you got both my emails I sent yesterday SANDRA or have I still got gremlins?
    Didn't realise it was a biggie PAT So have an extra hug Enjoy your day

  10. Hi Sand4a & all in cafe,
    Pat Happy Birthday to you, hope my card arrived if not it's on the way, thought it was Wed.!! Hope you have had a good crafty
    Sandra I am afraid my first attempt at easel card went in the bin but I will not give up, will have another attempt
    Mic pleased to hear yesterday was better than you thought it would be, typical of bosses to turn up when all work is done , it all gets done by magic doesn't
    Brenda & Lynda hope you are both feeling a little stronger, hugs on
    Cheryl hope costumes are going
    Didn't sleep well last night so not going to attempt another cc today think it would be waste of time.
    Sending hugs to all who need them live

    1. Hi Margaret hope you have a better night's sleep tonight
      Sending you some Big Hug's take care.Love Lynda xx

  11. Hi Everyone.
    Happy birthday Pat , i hope you have a good one .xx
    Janet thank you for the Tutorial , i wont promise anything as i am a bit thick when it comes to measuring , but hey ho i will give it a go .
    Take care all you lovely people xx
    Elaine H X

    1. Hi Elaine sorry Andrew isn't feeling very well hope the sort his treatment out soon. I hope you gets some help from doctors & you get a good night's sleep. Sending Hug's xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Thank you all for my birthday wishes. I must say Sandra I liked the explanation of how old I am. I received some lovely cards. Opened some on Sunday when we had our meal. The rest I opened today. Sandra and I spent a very productive day cutting out. Had some beautiful flowers from Jill,Shane, Bet and family who live in Colchester and Gt Oakley. Some of you might know that Bet is the wife of Pete's long time friend Tom who passed away early last year. We'll be visiting Bet at the end of Jan or beg of Feb. We still have a scan to come for Pete so can't quite be sure when we can go up.

    1. Hi Pat
      Hope you got your card this morning I asked Terry to post it Saturday but he forgot ☹️ so never posted till yesterday. Hope you enjoyed your day. Love the photo Sandra put on today are they your granddaughters they are all lovely xx

  13. Sorry Janet
    Meant to say your tutorial was very good. I'll be trying to follow it. No reflection on your instructions, just that I'm rubbish at following instructions. I expect Sandra will put me right though.


  15. Hello,
    Pat- hope you have had a lovely day and received many nice things. The photo of you and the girls is lovely. Hugs to you and Pete.
    I hope our Lynda and Brenda are starting to feel stronger, sending you healing hugs.
    Janet- I have managed to make the fold but I have used 300gsm and it might be to thick but I did it,yay hihi
    Michele- oh wasn't that typical. Hope your day was ok.
    Elaine- wishing and hoping you get a better night. It's awful when you can't sleep. I'm sitting up to the early hours many times in a week so feel a bit like a zombie many times. Hope Andrew's treatments soon are done. hugs to you all.
    Lilian- hope your hands are not too painful, take care and hugs.
    Pam- nice to see you managed to pop in quickly. Have seen your work on 'poppystamp' they are very good. Hope to see you again.
    Hope you all behave yourself and had a nice day while I been busy here at home. Walked to Ikea, bought a pot and some new utensils (can never have to many) Back home I got into sorting out my home archive and what a chore. I never through anything away so that took me some hours. Did the CC just need to put it together tomorrow, keep changing what to put on it. Now it's time for a cuppa and watching some planner stuff, think I start with Father Brown then Corrie before ending with some Crime tihi I watching way too much. Have a good night my friends, see you in the morning xxx

  16. Maria enjoy watching your programs & hope you have a better night's sleep my friend.
    Hug's Lynda.
