
Wednesday 18 January 2017

Stampin up card from scratch!

Good Morning Ladies,

Pat and I had a lovely day crafting yesterday, sadly Sue had car trouble so she couldn't make it.  I think she called to see back last night. I have to say Pat had a sideboard full of beautiful handmade cards, they look amazing all sat beside each other, you ladies are so amazing xxx

My card has been made totally from scratch, I used Stampin Up Touches of Texture stamp set...

A very versatile set, with which you can make lovely cards!
Lovely background images, its amazing how quickly a lovely 
Pattern fills the page. 
I stamped my background with the above die set, I then added  a small panel of silver card, to pick the Embossed silver dragonflies that were stamped in that background.  
To finish the card I added a Mirror Card mat behind my stamped focal point image, which is again a stamp from the above set,
I added a mirror card "DetailedDragonfly " die cut and a few green heart stones to finish my project.  
I hope you like it  xxx

I do hope our poorly girls on the blog feel better soon xxx 

I need to sit and craft today to get caught up and maybe do some more tutorials, what are you all up to??

Have a lovely day my dear friends,

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    We are -6 temp this morning so a little on the cold side hehe and we need to go into Corbigny for one or two supplies which cannot wait until Friday Market.

    SANDRA- your card love absolutely beautiful. I love the Dragonflies they are such a delicate creature. It lovely to see a card created from scratch.

    PAT - lovely to see you had a good birthday and I didn't realise it was a special one so here are EXTRA BIG HUGS FOR YOU TODAY AND ANOTHER HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

    MARIA- thank you for giving the Ziz Zag a go and pleased you got the fold.

    DEAR FRIENDS - you don't have to use 300gsm (Maria found it a little too thick to fold) just as long as you use card which will stand easily when folded.

    I have to get some inserts into cards I've made (this is the job a like least in crafting) and then I need to photograph them and this week's CC to send off to SANDRA. Perhaps I can get the pics taken when I get back into the warmth after Corbigny and I've thawed out lol.

    Take care everyone. I hope that you're all beginning to feel a little better.
    I see the CAFE is lit up brightly so I'm not sure what Marigny Dobbie has done with the lighting! I hope he and Herman haven't been up to their tricks again lol.
    Hugs to you all are on their way. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Crikey that's cold. I'm glad I'm not having to venture out in minus 6. Thanks for the extra hugs. Hope you manage to get all you need shopping wise.

    2. Oooo Janet that is cold ☁️Brrrr.
      Hope you wrapped up warm going out & managed to buy what you wanted. Warm Hug's Lynda xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-that's a beautiful card, I love the hint of gold on it.

    Busy day today-I have my "meeting " at 9am, quite a busy Chemotherapy clinic this morning and I'm seeing a Rep at 2pm then I'm having some computer training after that.


    1. Hi Michele. I'm glad that work turned out to be better than you thought and I hope today's meeting isn't too long. X

    2. Hi Michele
      Hoping your meeting won't drag on to long today, and that your not to rushed off your feet at work.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today. I love your card today, from the delicate focal image and the lovely dragon fly to the background created by you. What a wonderful stamp set the Touches of Texture is, it has some really unusal stamps that are so useful ☺
    Janet, thank you for a wonderful tutorial yesterday, lovely and easy to follow. I am going to be having a go at it very soon. Wrap up when you venture out today, and don't forget the sticks please x
    Lynda, I hope all went well at the clinic yesterday, or is it today? I'm glad to hear your wrist is better though, or at least as good as it was before the stent surgery. Hugs to you and Terry x
    Lilian, I'm sorry that this flare up is a long one, sending healing hugs x

    I hope to get some crafting done today, I will be having a go at Janet's zig zag card. Yesterday was not a good one for me. It started with me waking up late, then my car decided not to start when I tried to set off to pick Sandra up to spend the day with birthday girl Pat. After a lot of waiting it ended up in the garage so a real wasted day, so frustrating. I was not a happy bunny and then to top yesterday off I see yesterday's comment has gone to join all of the other missing ones! I wonder if they will all suddenly appear one day? Now that would be interesting, wouldn't it!!! ☺

    I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Brenda, Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Oh dear Sue I can just imagine how you felt, hope crafting goes well today, love you xxx

    2. Hi Sue
      What a shame you couldn't meet up with Sandra & Pat yesterday
      Bl...dy cars a hope it didn't cost much.
      Did you manage any crafting.
      Big Hug's xx

  4. Lovely card SANDRA I am really keen to see you use Stampin Up products. Hope the meeting goes well MICHELE The sore throat has taken hold and so taking today off work as I can barely talk either. I think it's got my mojo and energy as well. Everything is such an effort. Hopefully, staying in the warm and Echinacea will nip it in the bud.
    The cafe looks lovely JANET
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Karen sorry you have a sore throat hope staying in the warm helps, healing hugson

    2. Hi Karen
      Sorry that hear you have a sore throat. Hope your medicine helps.

    3. Hi Karen
      Sorry your throats sore hope the medicine works
      Warm Hug's on the way xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely stamped card & love the dragon fly, they are so beautiful, having a pond in our garden we are lucky that we see quite a few in summer, thank
    Nice bright morning here should be nice playing this morning.
    Sending hugs to Brenda, Lilian, Lynda & Karen & any body else who needs them love

  6. Beautiful card Sandra, i tend to shy away from yellow and greens they never work for me .
    I am off to the DRs this morning , then i must go to do a little food shop.
    Take care
    Elaine h X

    1. Hi Elaine
      I hope your Drs appointment went well. Crafty hugs on the way.

    2. Yes thanks pat, he thinks it is stress related ,having a heart check appointment from the Hospital soon. xx

    3. Hi Elaine. Sorry see Andrew's injections don't agree with him, hope it sorts it out soon and he start feeling better. You must look after yourself and I hope that the test for your heart is alright when you have it.Take care and many hugs xx

    4. Hi Elaine
      I hope doctors went well & your heart check is fine.
      Sorry Andrew's injections aren't agreeing with him & he gets sorted out soon & starts to feel better. Look after yourself too.
      Big Hug's xx

  7. Hello All, beautiful day here, bright blue sky and lovely sun shine, bit cold , towels out blowing.
    Sandra love your card, I have this set but find it difficult to use, in fact I have not made a card with them and I've had them ages.
    Just back from the dentist, had a small rough bit on the filling she did last year, so she has smoothed it off, no charge!!!!
    Hope you all have a lovely afternoon, hugs Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian
      No charge, now how often to we hear that. Practically never.

  8. Hi Sandra
    Yes, Sue did call in and bring my magnetic storage boxes from Hobbycraft. The assistant had a look to see if they had the extra inserts in but they didn't. When she looked on the computer one line said Discontinued. The other said Waiting for stock, so the assistant was a tad confused. I'm still awaiting an email from Hobbycraft telling me when there back in stock.
    As Sandra said a lovely array of cards are sitting on my sideboard.
    Love the card Sandra, green and yellow aren't really my colours, but I must admit to be warming a bit towards green.
    Hugs to all who need one today. Especially Brenda and Lynda and of course Terry.

  9. Hi Sandra and all,

    Beautiful card Sandra, love these dies and the colours you have used.
    I am going with our daughter to see Ciara and her classmates perform at the O2 with Young Voices. She is so excited, she was in last years performance and this is going to be her last opportunity as she is going to Snr school in September. I am wrapping up warm and will be traveling by car. Wouldn't be able to cope with public transport... yet.
    Will try and pop in later.
    Love and Hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      How wonderful that Ciara is performing at the 02. Wonderful that you are able to go and watch. Our schools perform at Dorchester Abbey in Oxfordshire I hasten to add. Such a wonderful setting and a few schools all perform together. All learning the songs they're to perform separately and having just a few hours practise together before performing. Sophie and Livy used to perform. Sadly due to exams etc the didn't keep singing up after yr 10 due to homework and exams.

    2. Hi Brenda how wonderful that Ciara is performing at the O2 & lovely Your well enough able to go & watch her.
      This virus thingy is certainly taking it's toll on us both
      Sending warm Hug's love Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your beautiful card today using the Stampin Up stamps. Fabulous background too 😊
    Dear Pat, please forgive me for not remembering your birthday - I am sorry x I hope you were spoilt and had a wonderful day πŸ™‚
    Hope everyone is keeping well and those under the weather will soon be on the mend. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes Sonia. I had a lovely day thank you very much.

  11. Thanks for the hugs and wishes Feeling a lot better just a bit muzzy headed Sorry to hear bout your wasted day SUE And it's good to hear that you didn't get charged at the Dentist LILIAN Hope you enjoy the concert BRENDA xx

  12. Hi Sandra and crafty pals.

    This looks great I'd never have thought a stamp set could produce such a pretty card. Guess I don't look at the way things could come together. Plus I'm crap at stamping. Still haven't got round to doing any crafting as hubby an I are still trying to move the rooms around. It's amazing how much crap we have. There's only two of us in a 3 bedroom semi lol.

    Tomorrow I've an appt to see the breast consultant as another lump appeared on the opposite boob. I'm trying to not worry but I'm anxious about it. Dr didn't seem that concerned but like I said to her that's what was said the last time and it turned out to be cancer. It's only been just over the year since it was removed πŸ˜• Anyways hopefully it'll just be a cyst.

    Lynda. I've not had a chance to play with my new stuff yet. But I hopefully will over the weekend before returning to work xx

    Love to all xx

    1. Fingers crossed for you tomorrow hugs on

    2. Hi Tracey
      Fingers crossed for you tomorrow. They also tell you not to worry, but that's easier said than done. Hopefully it will just be a cyst as you say. Gentle hugs on the way.

    3. Everything crossed for you Tracy, many,many hugs xx

    4. Good luck for tomorrow, we are all sending hugs.

    5. Hi Tracy
      I wish you all the luck in the world for a good outcome tomorrow my lovely friend sendin you Big Hug's xx

  13. Evening all, yes not the morning I thought I would see you again but if you wait for something then here I am:-)
    Love your card Sandra made with the Stampinup stamps, from background to finishing this card is Beautiful !
    Have not had a good day, tummy have been trouble me once again and it taken the pills linger for them to work so have done very little today. Will try for a earl-ish night and see what happening.
    Hope Val have a good holiday, missing her. Cheryl, are you busy making costumes, hope it goes well. Anne- hope you coming back, miss you and love to know how Tollie like the snow. Take care all and many warm hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Sorry your not feeling well hope you have some sleep tonight & feel better tomorrow . Big Hug's my friend & Terry sends πŸ€—Too.xx

    2. Hi Maria
      Hope you gave a better night tonight and are feeling better in the morning.

  14. Maria ,i hope you get a good night and feel better Tomorrow. big Hugs .
    Elaine xx

  15. Hi Sandra gorgeous gorgeous card it's perfect.
    Sorry Pat I didn't know it was a Special Birthday but hope you enjoyed it.
    (did you get your card ) BIG BIRTHDAT HUG'S πŸ€—πŸ€—
    Clinic went ok it was only an induction I have to go twice a week starting next Tuesday then again Thursday it's for exercise physio & diet for 8Weeks it's a bit of a bind being twice a week but hay ho. I have commented on way down
    Hug's to everyone πŸ€—
    Love Lynda xx

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