
Saturday 14 January 2017

Coffee Filter Flowers

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Welcome to this chilly Saturday Morning, as the weather is a little wintery I thought I would feature something bright and Spring like, what better than some pretty flowers, made from coffee filters. 
They are so easy to make, there where loads of tutorials on big flowers that you would put in a vase but hardly any on flowers you can use on cards and boxes.
Most of us have flower dies too, making them even easier.  It can make a bit of a mess of you choose watercolours to colour them, but it really isn't anymore than a messy glass mat.  
You can colour them with anything from food colouring to spray paint, so a good excuse to get all of those different colouring pens, pencils etc out if the cupboard, I really had fun as you see in the video, chasing the little things around with my heat tool, he he !! Sophie referred to it as 'comedy gold'. !

If any of you don't have any flower dies and can't get coffee filters let me know and I can either buy a bulk load of filters are share them out, or for those that have no dies I can die cut you some.
They are great for cards because they weigh virtually nothing!
I hope you are inspired to have a go.

Our Margaret has treated herself to some new Apple Blossom goodies, I'm sure they were all Bargains!

Some gorgeous dies there Margaret, maybe you could let us know how much of a bargain they were, if you don't mind.  
Here are two lovely cards that Margaret has made with her new haul.  

Two lovely, quick and simple cards that are really detailed, they look like they took ages to make, this 'Paper Cut' style is really popular right now as it looks very similar to what those Artists create with a sheet of paper and a craft knife. 
Thank you for sharing Margaret xxx

Have a lovely day ladies, stay warm and dry, your Craft Room is your place of safety.......Retreat, retreat !!!! Hahaha 

PS, if you watch my video and enjoy it please leave a comment and a thumbs up xx

Lots of love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great video Sandra.

    Margaret-lovely selection of dies and two gorgeous cards. I haven't seen the brand you used to make your cards-they look great.

    Off to work soon-well, Saturday is a 9am start so late compared to weekdays. We only have a few trolley loads to move to our temporary location, then it's a huge sort out operation!! While I was sorting out the computers etc with the IT manager, someone "helped " by clearing all the notices off the walls and by my desk only now I have NO idea where they are and I need them for Monday! It might take me the 8-10 weeks in our temporary location to sort out all the boxes , then we'll be moving back.

    We have strong winds and heavy rain again today despite the Met Office saying No rain just cloudy! Hubby gone off to play golf but thinks it will be cancelled due to the bad weather.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Thank you for your comments, these dies from Craft Stash are lovely to use & were on special price £5.00 each. Hope you find the missing papers for Monday so annoying for you. Hope you get chance to relax tomorrow. Take care xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      Sometime someone being helped is not helpful. I hope you find your papers before Monday,

  2. Will watch video later Exciting buys MARGARET and lovely cards Thanks for the heads up by the way (& SANDRA) re the Craft Stash offer I bought some coconut - no photos because that is a bit boring!
    I think I'll be playing with OSCAR later He is such a character
    I have finished CC but struggling to get it to "send" Will have another go or try another email account Aol is rubbish at the moment

    1. Hi Karen,
      Thank you for your kind words,using those all in ones dies gives a quick card & they cut lovely.
      Enjoy your time with Oscar make the most of it.
      Take care love Margaret xxx

  3. Good Morning Ladies

    Brrr cold and wet here ,however the rain has driven the snow away { i don't do the white stuff so i am grateful i will be able to go out without the fear of falling .}

    Loving your pretty flowers Sandra your video explained well. I have not had filtered coffee for years and only ever used the dark brown filters in those days .
    Love Margaret,s cards , very pretty. and well done on the bargains .
    Take care and stay warm.
    Elaine H X

    1. Hi Elaine,
      Thank you for your comments on my cards much appreciated. I am pleased to see snow gone I have a fear of falling as well. Hope your son feels a little better. Take

  4. Good morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Thank you for the lovely tutorial for making the coffee filter flowers. Some of us have seen it before but it helps so much to see again how to ,so even I will have a go ,soon. Hope Matt is doing better and the rest of you are alright
    Noooo, no more buy's Margaret hihi love the cards you have made tho so keep them coming. You make some great cards !
    Posting from last night have gone AWOL so I say again that your cards Janet are Wonderful. I hope the ladies at your K&N will be good and as you have cut them out for them already it shouldn't be too hard. Hope the weather is not too harsh in Marigny and take care if going driving.
    Michele- hope your day goes quickly and you find the papers that you are missing for Monday, take care.
    Oooh Karen, have a wonderful time with Oscar later ! Meeting Louis twice over the festivities was really fun, however he is not into cuddling anyone or anything. He was quite happy just playing for himself and when you tried to get his attention, he ignored you totally hihi
    Hows your new glasses working out, any better ?
    Val- hope your flight went off without any delays and no "guppy" flying. Have a lovely holiday.
    Elaine- so wish your Andrew is feeling better today, because of the chemo I guess some days are horrid. Hope you are ok ? Sending you all some hugs.
    Lynda- hope you get up and about easier for each day and I hope Terry is feeling better too. No how old they are, will always be worried about our kids when they driving.
    Lilian- hope your weekend is good and the weather down South is not too bad. Take care.
    Sonia- hope work is good and you manage to have some Me time as well.
    Tracy- hope you have a nice break off work. Do you see your sister often. Hope she is ok. Sending you both some hugs.
    Brenda- take care whatever you are doing this weekend, slowly does it, hugs
    Sue- hope you are alright ? are you busy with the Scouts
    this time of year ? Hope you manage to see Mum and Pop soon. Yes Pat, Pop is Margaret's OH and not anything I've been drinking hihi. Hope you and Pete are ok.
    Cheryl and the same to all of you if going out, do wrap up warm and take it slowly,fingers crossed no broken bones this year.
    OH had booked for him and I to have a Health screening so we had that done yesterday morning at a Hotel in Town. After we walked over to the shops and I bought myself some Snow boots and some Walking Sticks. Well they saying we will get some more snow and the sticks are so useful so not to have me rolling around like the Hippo I am in the street, not a pretty sight tihi Never wear a hat but also bought a knitted one with a big bobble on top, it's showing - 10 in Zell at the moment so hoping it stays and not be + 17 we had ones coming off the plane, not good hihi. Have some cards to make, home alone so will spend some hours to cut bits out for tomorrow but CE have taken over Hochanda so have been watching some alive but will record the rest for all the drives me..... hihi
    Have a nice Saturday everyone ! wish our missing friends came back ,love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      Yes I have been naughty again but when they are on special price what can I do.ha ha. Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate them.
      Hope you enjoy your sticks I am sure you will find benefit, how long will you be away. Good luck with your crafting today, live Margaret xxx

    2. Hi Maria
      You'll have to bring your bobble hat with you when we meet up. I also don't line wearing a hat. However, needs must in the cold weather. I've never found one yet that looks good on me.
      Waiting for the rest of Petes scans to come through. Not good results I'm afraid on the biopsy they took from his lower eyelid. The big C strikes again. As if he hasn't enough if it running around inside him. An operation is required apparently, but no date given as yet.

    3. So sorry to hear of Petes eyelid result Pat, i do hope the results you are waiting for prove to be good. you are both in my thoughts and prayers .xx

    4. Hi Maria
      So your joining me with sticks they do help me from wobbling from Side to side HiHi hope your boots are comfortable πŸ‘’πŸ‘’& your hat keeps you warnπŸ‘’ I hate myself in a hat but if it's freezing I put one on. Take care love Lynda xx

  5. Afternoon Everyone
    Sorry I'm late (demerits again lol) but when I switched the laptop on this morning it told me it was updating and would take some time but not to switch off the computer!! Well it took from 08.00 here until 11.00 this morning to update and then I wanted to print off A picture from Pinterest which I have done time and time again but oh now it had other ideas for me and it doesn't matter what I do it will not print!!!!!!!!!!!! so you can imagine my BP is sky high and it's now after lunch and I haven't got anything done I wanted to do this morning.............ahhhhhhhh I just love modern technology...........................

    OK soap box back in it's place.

    SANDRA- I love your coffee filter flowers and I shall be making some when I get back to the UK as I left my filters there. Once again a big thank you for sending me some in that lovely box of goodies you sent me before Xmas.
    We have a light covering of snow and the sky is promising us more. Everything looks so pretty here in Marigny but I'm spending the rest of the day inside - well I haven't been outside yet today all snug and warm.

    Please take care and be safe when going out. Marigny Dobbie will be bringing fresh supplies over tomorrow morning so you should all be OK for the coming week.
    Hugs to all with extras for Dear Friends not feeling too well at the moment. xxxx

    1. Crikey Janet if your getting demerits how long must my list be.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely video, well explained & will definitely be buying some filters & giving it a go, thank you for showing us.
    Thank you for showing my buys & cards & lovely comments, the lot cost me £25.00 + £1.99 postage, delivery within 2 or 3 days, if I had spent £30.00 would have free P&P but couldn't see any thing else I
    Lynda, Brenda & Sue hope you feel better today take care love & hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them live

    1. Hi Margaret
      Loved your cards and your buys are great. I assume that Sye didn't come over to yours today.

    2. Thanks for your kind

  7. Hello All, heavy showers today, but we did manage our walk this morning.
    Sandra great video, love the colours you've used.
    Margaret great buys and lovely cards.
    Just been catching up with my Jan birthdays, ready to start Febs now. I was planning to do a couple of Christmas cards each month, but have no enthusiasm now Christmas is gone, but will start earlier this year.
    Have a good day ladies, keep warm. Hugs Lilian

    Sandra hope last nights email made sense, wrote it in bed.

    1. Thanks for your kind comments

  8. Hi Sandra
    Love the flowers. We watched you make a few awhile back done in different sizes as well. No snow here but I do feel sorry for the ones who have had it also if anyone has been flooded. We're going from one extreme to another. The chiropodist has just gone after doing my feet. I had seed corns awhile cackle and I'd never heard of them before. Started to have Jo after Hayley who used to cut and paint my hails had her baby. She's back doing that now but no need to have my nails painted at the mall meet.
    Crafty hugs to all and stay safe.

  9. Sorry Margaret forgot to say I love your cards and the new dies you've bought,

    1. So sorry to hear Pete's news sending you

  10. Hello Sandra, thank you for your brilliant video, it is beautifully delivered and easy to follow, (you and your technical staff!!! have excelled again ) you really are a star. Love it.xx
    MARGARET love your new dies the cards are gorgeous. What an amazing journey you have followed in such a short space in time. xx
    Hope everyone is fine, Linda and Terry sending you both love and gentle hugs. Anyone else who is feeling under the weather lots of gentle caring hugs for you too. Take care love Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda thank you for your lovely comments I am enjoying myself. Hope you feel

    2. Hello Brenda
      I hope your feeling better I must say I'm like you without any energy & im also falling 😴 Asleep.This bug 🐜 is a nasty one it just seems to hang on. Take care my friend.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  11. Hello Sandra & everyone
    my comment yesterday seems to have vanished again I would love to know where they go. Our internet has been playing up in this bad weather we didn't have any snow but the howling winds were a bit scary. Sandra love your coffee filter flowers are very pretty & your video was very good. I loved your card beautiful too.
    Margaret you goodies are very good but naughty haha I love both your cards your very good at making them now .xx
    Pat sorry Pete's tests weren't as you hoped for how is he. I hope the rest of his scans are good results. Sending you both Big Hug's xx
    I'm glad to say my son managed to get home the other night he left work at 6 pm & got home at 10.45 pm but glad he was ok.
    Hug's Lynda xx
