
Friday 13 January 2017

Friday Treats from Janet

Janet's Zig Zag card 
For Knit & Matter

Good Morning Ladies,

Wrap up warm and take care this morning ladies, especially those of you leaving early for work etc. 

Val, I hope you have an amazing time, you deserve a nice break xxx

Pat, sending you an extra hug today xx

Now onto today's cards, two lovely treats from Janet, the first card is a lovely shade of purple, with a lovely Lattice Panel that draws your eye into the pretty Resin Fairy, she's so delicate and pretty.  Janet has then added a beautiful floral arrangement, sat on top of some pretty flourishes, Sue Wilson's Happy Birthday as the sentiment along with that cute 'With love' branch at the top of the lattice panel, what did is that Janet, it is so delicate and cute?!

Janet's second card is the one she was talking about yesterday on blog, Janet has made the card for her Knit and Natter group,  she asked us yesterday if we thought it was suitable, I think it's a lovely card and I would love to sit and make it, but you K&N ladies aren't the easiest to please are they?! 
I think it's that they will enjoy making this card Janet, if I were to change anything it would be putting die cut flower on the front to tie in with that gorgeous background paper, or maybe include the dress die cut into the background.
Would you like to do a little tutorial for all of us Janet? I would love to make one, I'm sure that our other friends would love to have a go too!  If it's too much work for you then please don't worry, I could do it as a Saturday post.  Let me know what you think my lovely. Thank you so much for sharing your cards xxx

Lynda, I do hope your son got home safely last night after being stranded by the weather, you are right we never stop worrying about them no matter what age they are.  My son Matt had a terrible kidney/bladder infection last year, they were really worried about him for a few days, he was in hospital for about 6 days in all and had to continue to take antibiotics for two weeks, his body does struggle to fight things off as he takes immune suppressants because his arthritis.  Anyway he finished them and a couple of months later he got what sounded to me like a water infection, burning when he tries to pass water, feeling like you need to go when you don't etc, etc, after the third bout GP has referred him to Urologists to investigate, he's been to a couple of appointments for investigations, I have been worried it's something to do with that lump he had last year, consultant told him it's really unusual for men to have UTI's.  He went last week for more tests, they drew blood etc, he goes on Thursday next week to have a 'Flexioscopy' or 'flexible sigmoidoscopy' both of which he is terrified about!  But since they got his blood test results back they have now scheduled him an urgent CT scan as well (I wish that they would word their letters in such away that it doesn't terrify patients) .  I am hoping and praying that all will be well and it's a simple fix, he has more of his share of health burden with his arthritis, that now affects, ankles, knees, shoulders, elbow, wrists, toes and spine! So please keep fingers crossed for us ladies. Xxx

Have fun in the snow ladies, if you have any, please take care xxx

I hope our two new ladies are okay, sending Hugs Elaine and Tracy xxx

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-two gorgeous cards, really lovely.

    Well-we have 55mph gale force winds & rain here-pity the Met Office didn't mention that instead of just the usual snow/ice warning!
    Last day for a while in my normal place of work today -lots still to move so I think today & tomorrow are going to be quite busy ones.


  2. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Love both cards so pretty. I looked in meant to comment yesterday but must've got distracted mid read as visitors kept popping in and out lol.
    Ur card yesterday was smashing. I'm not that great at stamping but keep trying lol

    Weather here is white snow and very icy so I doubt if I'll be leaving the house! Thank god we are on hols. Xx

    Love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracy
      I hope the snow and ice disappear soon. If you must venture out wrap up against the icy blasts.

  3. Morning Everyone
    I hope that all of you are safe/dry and warm and that you're not having to cope with lots of snow etc. Lynda I do hope that your son is now safe at home.
    We never do stop worrying about out children. Mum always used to say that "we worry when we're carrying a child; we worry when they're born that they have everything they should have; we worry when they're child and then continue worrying when they grow up and leave home", and she's right.

    SANDRA- I'll be with you in thought Dear Friend as always but with some extra this week. HUGE HUGS on their way to you.

    I was surprised when I switched on this morning as I only sent these pictures at lunchtime yesterday. SANDRA you can really move with speed with a computer lol.

    The first card -Lilac in colour- I used Sue Wilson's Heart Lattice EF. The Cream Lattice is also a SW although I cannot remember it's name as I bought it in the days before I had to keep their names. The resin fairy is an Anita Blake )? (I'm sorry Sandra I cannot for the life of me remember Anita's surname . The flourishes are creative expressions Rose something or other and the flowers are from Wild Orchids.

    The Zig Zag card is made from 300gms card, the backing paper is Floral Muse and the Die Cut is a Christmas Present one of my K&N Friends bought for me - I think it could either be 'Tattered Lace). I'll have a look at putting one or two tiny flowers.

    I'll have a go at doing a Tutorial but please remember I've never done one before so it will be an experience for me.

    I hope everything is running smoothly in the Café this morning. I'll try and pop in later to see what's happening. I have to go now as J has just got back with bread for breakfast and he's pouring coffee as I'm just finishing this. HUGS to you all.

    Please stay SAFE wherever you are. xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra , Sorry i have been missing , a very busy worrying time for me too with a poorly son he was not having Chemo Christmas week, then last week he was fit enough to have it and it seems to have hit him badly .
    I do hope your lovely son gets sorted and will be well again soon , i will include him in my Prayers .

    Beautiful cards from your Ladies loving the fairy on the first one.
    The zigzag card is lovely too but looks a bit too complicated for me .
    Stay warm everyone
    Elaine H X

    1. Hi Elaine
      I hope your son is feeling better today after his Chemo. It can hit hard but Pete wasn't to bad with his when he had Bowel Cancer. Hopefully he won't be to bad with his next lot he has to have.

    2. Thank you Pat,he also developed a blood clot in the lung 2nd Jan ,he is having an injection every day . His Consultants secretary phoned today to say he wants to see him about his treatment on Wednesday , something to do with the injection mixing with the chemo ?i wish they would not do this as we are going to worry about it now until Wednesday.
      Take Care
      Elaine H X

    3. What a nightmare Elaine, I really don't think that these consultants etc know how much worry and anxiety they cause.
      Wednesday is a long way off for someone wringing their hands with worry.
      Pat's husband Pete is a terrible worrier, only to be expected after what he's been through, but like me, he always expects the worst as I'm sure Pat will agree.
      It sounds like you are having a terrible time Elaine, I hope we can all offer you a little support over here, I am blessed with an amazing blog family, consider yourself adopted !
      PS feel free to speak your mind, we all do xx

    4. Hi Elaine can I please endorse what Sandra says we are all here for you, please feel free to moan as much as you like, take care hugs on way.xx

    5. Thank you so much ladies ,it really helps to have support, Andrew had a Major operation in June called a Whipple he has been in and out of Hospital on numerous occasions since .No Mum wants to see her child in so much pain ,so thank you again for the support.
      God Bless
      Elaine xxx

  5. Morning ladies,

    Well, after a slightly sleepless night when the wind howled and heavy rain drops clattered as they hit the windows, we seem to have escaped the forecasted 'thundersnow'. It is still very windy this morning, with grey and pink clouds scudding quite briskly across a very angry sky. The sun has arisen from its slumber and as I look out of my craft room, a house window to my left on the street behind me, has turned to a bright shiny mirrored gold.
    No damage to the garden, in fact it looks very tidy as the wind has blown away many fallen autumn leaves. My corkscrew willow's branches are whipping themselves to a fury. Bit like the Thumping Willow in Harry Potter books.
    Small hailstones are gently tapping the windows as I type.

    Lovely cards Janet, I hope your Knit N Natter group love the double zigzag card, especially the lady that always moans but never comes up trumps with her own turn.

    Spent yesterday sewing a back cloth and overlocking costume seams for the Panto and looking after Tiegan who was not well. A thumping headache and a dry cough wracked her chest meant she had not had much sleep at all the night before. Can always tell when she is ill, she goes so white as though her blood has drained from her face. TLC from nanny cheered her up.

    Cuppa calling me, I'll pop in later to read your comments.
    In you are out and about today, wrap up warmly and take care.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Sandra do hope Matt gets a positive result from the hospital. He's far to young to be going through so many health problems. I'll be thinking and praying for him and you Sandra.
    Love today's cards Janet. I hope you manage to do a tutorial as I'd love to see how it's made.
    Stay safe everyone. The weather across the Country looks diabolical. Hope every one is ok. Not looking forward to the flight later but up to now no delays.
    I don't know what the internet connection is like in Cape Verde but I'll try to keep in touch.
    Love to you all Valxxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Im sorry I haven't been in for a couple of days again. Totally forgot about it on Wed and did the same yesterday until I had a email from Pat in the evening, I was going to come in after replying to Pat but forgot again! This blooming forgetfulness is driving me mad!
    Sandra, both of your cards are lovely. Yesterday's is really gorgeous, I love your background, stamped perfectly of course. I hope you were delighted at creating such a beautiful card my lovely.
    Janet, your cards are both beautiful, I love the lively flowers and purple hues of the first one and I'm looking forward to your tutorial of the second one as yours is lovely. I hope your k and n ladies appreciate the time and effort you put into planning their craft for them!
    I was going to Mum and Pops today but was waiting to see how hard it was going to snow as it was laying really fast and then started to feel unwell so obviously stayed at home so not a happy bunny at all.
    I am going to go back and read what you have all been up to.
    Lynda and Brenda, I do hope you are both feeling better.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda and Brenda. Take care xx

  8. Hi Sandra
    Love both your cards, and I think I have this trellis Die but haven't used it for a long lng time. I think we tend to focus on out newer dies. Memo to self get out my old dies and have a play.
    Like the double zigzag card as well, your K&N ladies are very lucky if they get to make this card.
    Well we sort of had a little snow flurry thus morning, but Pete managed to get the washing dry,
    Hope that Matts test go ok Sandra and it's not to much to worry about. Hopefully they're just make no doubly sure it's nothing much to worry about. They always say to Pete don't worry but you always do. His scan is through but it's at the JR his others have been at the Churchill. So just waiting for the MRI and the bone scans to come through now.
    Wrap up warm ladies if you have to venture out. Gentle hugs to those who are feeling unwell.

  9. Hi Sandra and all,

    Sandra I'm sure you are anxious waiting to see how Matt gets on. We still worry about our children even when they become adults with their own children. I hope and pray he is not kept waiting for the
    JANET love both of your cards, the first one is a gorgeous colour, and the floral embellishment is really beautiful. The zig zag card is really different, not sure how your K and N ladies will react. But as you will have most of the card prept. for them I'm sure they will rise to the challenge. I hope I'm right, as some have been negative in the past. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous creations. LOL

    VAL, hope you have a good flight and enjoy your holiday in Cape Varde.

    I started to leave a message this morning ..... well I opened the iPad, but fell asleep sitting there, that's about as strenuous as me my day has been. My energy level is zero. I hope and pray it returns soon. I do realise that I'm very lucky, I have a great nurse in my OH. He really is a rock.

    Sending love and hugs to all, Brenda. xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope your energy levels return soon and your not feeling so bad. The weather doesn't help either does it. So depressing looking out the windows and seeing rain, wind, hail and snow. Not that we have had the last three just the rain.

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry I am late been busy one way & another. Sending you special hugs & hope Matt has good news soon.xxxx
    Janet both of your cards are lovely, I am intrigued to see how you make the zig zag one please do a video, hope your ladies enjoy making
    Sue sorry not to see you today, it's stupid for one reason or another we have not seen each other since before Christmas, hope you feel better now,love you hugs on
    Val safe journey, you are probably on your way
    Lynda hope your son got home in the end & you have not been affected by the snow, hugs on way xxx.
    Brenda sounds as if you are feeling better, hugs on way xxx
    Maria hope you don't feel too bad today take care.hugs on
    To you all hope you have not had too much snow or rain, keep safe, sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Hello All, bitterly cold here, but no snow, just hails the size of marbles.
    Sandra do hope everything goes ok for Matt, hugs to you.
    Janet love your cards they are both fabulous.
    Val hope your hols go well.
    Not doing much today, although heating on full, my hands still give me problems.
    Keep warm all , will pop in later, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Hope the hailstones don't damage any property.
