
Thursday 12 January 2017

Something a little bit different for me....

Good Morning Ladies,

Are you all prepared for the cold snap?  Paul told me the forecast they were given at work (supposedly accurate), it said that we will have rain to start, turning to sleet then snow (about 3cm), should stop at about 6pm then it will freeze overnight, so it looks like the roads will be treacherous, do please go careful ladies.  I wonder how we will cope with the snow, no doubt their will be no bread or milk in shops, I wonder why it's always bread and milk?!
Val, have you got room for a few of us to come for a visit, our achy bones could do with the warmth, we could craft together while absorbing some sun, we could pop and pick Janet up on the way down, J while have to manage to keep the log burner going for a few days! Haha. I joke but there's nothing I would like more!

On that note can I ask all of you that are interested in meeting up to email me with dates that are good for you and your travel limitations, we ARE going to meet up this year, I want to make it accessible to as many of you as possible.
I will look at different hotels, I want to keep the cost as low as possible, I think a weekend would be better, but we can be flexible.  If any of you have any suggestions or ideas please let me know, the more input the better.  I just can't wait to meet you all xx

Now today's card is something completely different for me, I have always struggled with stamping, so to suggest that I create me own background paper would have made me laugh, with the combination of my new stamping tool and Stampin Up stamps I have become a little more confident.
I used a stamp set called 'Touches of Texture" from Stampin Up and the flower is Botanical Builder.  I used Victorian Velvet and Bundled Sage Distress Ink to randomly stamp the background using a combination of 3 different stamps.
The sentiment is applicable to all of you, it is a Creative Expressions clear stamp set "Elegant Sentiments", they are such a lovely font.
The flowers are cut from Victorian Velvet card and white for centres and leaves.
I hope you like it.

Keep wrapped up warm my lovelies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra. I'll try to remember to email you about dates for a meet up.

    I was exhausted again yesterday after moving,lifting & carrying so much at work. I did the shopping as we had no milk then collapsed in a heap and didn't move all evening.

    I'm hoping today will be more restful then we're moving computers etc tomorrow then desks and all the remaining items on Saturday then we'll need to get everything in some sort of order for Monday.

    No snow here just rain and it's still quite breezy. Hope your flight is ok Val.


    1. Thanks Michele. A few years ago I was flying on my my own and because of snow, ice, wind etc we couldn't land at Liverpool and ended up in Bristol. They put us up in a very nice hotel and after breakfast bussed us up to Liverpool. It wasn't good experience.
      I bet you'll be so glad when all the upheaval is finished in work. You takeit easy and hope today is a better day. Xxx

    2. Hopefully you'll be able to settle into your new home without to much trouble. A nightmare having to move everything yourself.

  2. Morning Everyone

    You have surprised me this morning Sandra but a nice surprise it was. You have also encouraged me to have a go at stamping a background so we'll see how I get on. Your card is beautiful and I love the colours you have chosen.

    MICHELE- please take care at work.

    Now SANDRA you must have been reading my mind yesterday (I'm so glad that I wasn't thinking of naughty things lol) as we sat down and looked at dates for travel up to June. I'll email you what I have up to present Dear Friend.
    We are still in damp and very rainy land here so watch it VAL while you're in the UK we could just be invading Spain like Sandra suggested. We are very considerate when we do these things as all our Dear Friends on here will tell you of our exploits we have done over the last couple of years. What say you all. (Don't go into panic mode VAL please lol).

    I did manage to get a double zig zag done yesterday but whether it will suit K&N I'm not sure. I'll be asking for comments if I send it on to Sandra please.

    Hope everything is OK in the café and provisions are lasting. Hugs to everyone with a few extra for those in need. xxxx

    1. Ha ha, I can just imagine coming home and finding squatters have settled in my house. Ladies help yourself to my craft stuff. I've got so much I don't think I'd notice.
      Have a great day Janetxxx

    2. Thanks Val, we'll help ourselves when we arrive. Don't think we'll come by hot air ballon this time, nor use our broomsticks. It's way to wet and cold for that.

  3. Morning all Beautiful card SANDRA Now I'be got my faux Misti I intend to buy more stamps because I'd line to get away from PC crafting
    LYNDA and BRENDA I hope you are getting better
    I'll try and email some dates SANDRA and yes MARIA we must organise a meet up Would a mid week meet up be cheaper...?
    We definitely need to make it a few days worth of fun
    Our strategic Away Day started out as a real farce The two buildings had to be evacuated due to a gas leak Not funny standing in a hotel car park but at least it was dry When they gave us a time to go back approx 1000 members of staff decamped to the local cafes
    CC card and Craft club for me later Cab't wait Off to work now

  4. PS weather still Ok Dry - no frost wind or snow but very very cold

    1. Hope you weren't too cold standing in the car park. Enjoy craft Club. Xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Sandra. Your card is beautiful. I really thought it was patterned paper that you'd used. Really must get one of the Faux Misti 's , the effect is gorgeous.

    Sandra, you're welcome to come. As Janet said the house is available for thenext 2 weeks so help yourself. Mind you I think it's cold here. I go out in my padded coat, scarf and gloves. However it could be just me as the people out on holiday over the road are sitting there sunbathing in t shirts and shorts. I think they think I'm eccentric. I think I'm just acclimatised.

    I'm worrying already about flying tomorrow. The weather forecast doesn't sound good. I love flying but not keen on turbulence. At least I'm with Lynn and Paul so
    I have a hand to hold.

    Well off now to meet my friend Pippa for a coffee

    1. As I said under Janets comment Val. We won't descend of Spain in our hot air balloon, nor outperform broomsticks it's way to cold here for that. Air traffic control might not be to happy with us.
      I hope your flight is uneventful.

  6. Sorry, pressed publish by mistake.
    Have to dash.
    Lynda and Brenda. Hope you feeling better each day.
    Love to all Valxxx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely card, you really have got the stamping bug now, I must admit it is soo easy with the faux misti, thank you for your research!! Will email dates later.
    Val hope you have a safe flight tomorrow & no good
    I had a lovely lunch out yesterday, the setting makes it all, lovely linen napkins, portions of food perfect & good company all for £15.50, it was what they call Villagers Lunch which they have once a month.
    Lynda & Brenda please take care if you have to go out, there is a bitter wind, hugs on
    Michele please take care with all that lifting, good luck for
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. beautiful card Sandra and making your own backgrounds makes it that more unique .. outstanding honoured if you shared it in the team Pinterest page I have added you .... have a fab day xx Amanda

  9. Morning everyone.
    Gorgeous card and the stamping is Beautiful. Had a play with stamping yesterday and so enjoyed doing it when I know if missed anywhere I could go back over again and again if missed anywhere. Saw a very similar stamping version for over £ 30 so thanks again for this one. CC went in the bitbox, was not happy so another thing that will be done as soon tummy have settled . Do love my strong black coffee but paying for it a bit this morning.
    Wish you all a good day, take care if going out. Hope Brenda and Lynda feeling better each day. Many warm hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  10. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. Especially the background stamping. Something you couldn't do without your faux Misti. Well it's cold and damp so the first part of Paul's forecast is correct. So ladies make sure your wrapped up well if you venture out.
    Gentle hugs to Brenda and Lynda, I hope your both feeling better with each day that goes by.

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Beautiful card Sandra, the stamping is gorgeous and I love your choice of colours. I have to agree with everyone the faux Misti is brilliant and a fraction of the price. Love mine.

    The weather started off nice and bright today, now it has changed to a horrible drizzle with the promise of things turning very cold later. This sort of weather just makes me want to hibernate.... if only, wrap up well ladies if you have to go out.

    Take care everyone, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Hope you feeling much better today. We've had quite a bit of rain although no snow as yet. Stay safe to all those that have snow or flooding.

  12. Hello All, sorry did not get yesterday, thought I had posted in the morning, but must have forgotten.
    Sandra love both yesterday's cards and today's
    The weather here has been terrible cloud burst type rain all day, had to go to Hayle this morning, comming home this afternoon, roads flooded, quite nerve racking, driving through flood water with my little jazz., had sleet but no snow as of yet.
    Hope everyone has a good evening, hugs Lilian

  13. Stay safe Kilian a Shane that we've got flooding as well as snow. The weather is so tops turvy.

  14. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Just a quick hello as our lights keep going off & our internet too.we have heavy rain no snow yet. My son has got stranded at work his car couldn't get up the hill in a county lane as snowing badly there so he had to turn round & go back to work luckily he has get back in. Use waiting to here from him.
    Never stop worrying about your children even at 36 😟 Xx
    Better go lights are flickering.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope your son manages to get home tonight. Hope it doesn't snow down by you. No snow here although the weather forecast said we would. Gentle hugs coming your way.
