
Wednesday 11 January 2017

Shadow Box card

Good Morning Ladies,

It was so lovely getting to spend time with my lovely friends Sue and Pat yesterday, the time flew by as always but we were all very productive, Sue got her friends card all cut out, I am hoping it will be this weeks sketch card too.  Pat got most of a card cut out too, in lovely shades of greeny/blue, I am looking forward to seeing the finished card.
Pat bought over her new Dies with her so I got to play with her Creative Expression Shadow Box Collection - Birthday, it didn't cut out as I expected at all I have to say, the main die just perforates around each 'section', you have to add the smaller frame pieces into the frame to cut the apertures, I ended up cutting them separately afterwards as I was worried about them slipping and cutting each other.
I cut the card pieces in shades of purple and silver for a change, those little elements are tiny, the have a lot of detail packed into them too. 
I used the frame dies from the Creative Expressions Stitched lattice Frame to make the outer frame for the card, I think it just finishes it off, I was going to add more detail to the frame but I preferred the clean and simple look.
I hope you like it ladies.
Pat I hope it gives you a little inspiration, thank you for letting me play with your dies xx

Paul is on shift 'change over' day today, he has just finished 4 x 13 hour days and he changes to nights tonight for the next two.   So we are planning a relaxing day, I can barely walk after 'tooing and froing' from the craft room yesterday, I am just never organised enough!  

I hope you all have a relaxing day too, make sure you are prepared for this bad spell Of weather, it's getting really cold and we may have some........
Thunder Snow !! 
A new one on me, never seen or heard of it, so I can't wait to see what it looks like.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.

    Beautiful card Sandra. I love the way you've framed it in white. Those little pieces look so fiddly to handle but so pretty in my favorite blue.
    Hope you're feeling ok today. You sound as though you've been doing to much. Hope you have a lovely relaxing day with Paul.

    Up bright ad early today as off to the hairdressers first thing. I did finish my cc yesterday but need to tweet it later as I thought f something different over night.

    Hope the Thunder Snow whatever that is, isn't too disruptive and clears quickly. Take care everyone is your ot about in it or travelling to work.

    Will pop in later.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Morning Val,
      Thunder Snow is just another excuse for the Met office to sex up their image. They are using so many US euphemisms, especially calling storms by a name rather than just say storm, tornado, typhoon etc., that I do wonder at times where they get their degrees in Imitation from. Maybe online American Universities lol

    2. Hopefully Thunder Snow will be a damp squid in the area. Fingers crossed.

  2. Morning Everyone
    We are still very wet and very damp here with quite a bit of fog this morning.

    SANDRA- Your card looks beautiful but I have to say that I still have to be convinced about these 'shadow' dies. The small pieces really do look very tiny and perhaps for fingers that don't work too well might be a bit much.

    I didn't get any crafting done yesterday. Our Lidl visit was a complete wash out. We did get the few bobs like juice, water, fruit and oh yes a bottle of gin (just but as to crafting non a sign of it. They had some quilt covers and sheets and a few car thingys so you can guess I was really disappointed.

    So today it's back to crafting that is after I've sent Sandra my CC for this week. I want to try and do a double zig zag as when I get back I'm straight back to my turn for take and make at K&N so I'll need to get all kits done while I'm here.

    I hope the CAFE is open and ready with warming piklets and fresh bread for you all. Let me know if Dobbie has been up to any tricks with Herman please.

    HUGE HUGs to all under the weather and of course for you all. I hope that 'thunder snow' whatever that is stays away from you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I look forward to seeing your double zigzag. I was going to copy the measurements from Sandra's card. But I received a thank you card from Sue yesterday so I can copy hers for the basics.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-love your card. I too was surprised that the shadow box die doesn't actually cut out the outer shape so I use my pierced rectangles or my paper cutter. My last few dies I ordered on 27th December were finally dispatched on Monday so I'm hoping they'll arrive today. At this rate the cheap dies from China will get here first!!

    I did pop in & read the comments yesterday but I was shattered and after watching John Lockwood shows I'd recorded, I had a bath & an early night.

    Well-we have strong to gale force winds here with the prospect of snow tomorrow. Won't that be fun trying to get into work in the snow. Some staff can't manage to get in on time now so heaven help up if it does snow!


    1. Hi Michele,
      know what you mean about the weather and some people. One of my American cousins sent me a picture of Duluth snow. The headline read 'Schools to close because of snow'. She couldn't believe they would close for that amount. It was only 3", I can remember walking to school back in the sixties when the snow was 3ft deep and piled up in the gutter so the paths were clear. We must have been really hardy then, the least bit of rain round here and all the Chelsea tractors come out so the little princesses and princes don't get wet. Buy them a decent coat for heaven's sakes. x

    2. I also know what you mean about people and the weather. I live about 12 miles from work and always managed to get to work Snow or not, even though the A40 is always gridlocked. However, some people who walked to work always arrived after me.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a lovely card but as Janet says I think I would find the small boxes difficult so think I will give them a miss. Enjoy your quiet day with Paul sounds as if you need
    Star the dog woke me early so decided to stay up & read for a change. Time now to have my shower out to lunch today with some of Petanque friends at a lovely Country House.
    Lynda & Brenda hope you are both beginning to feel better, hugs on the way to you both & anybody else who needs them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Hope you enjoy your meal with friends.

  5. Lovely card SANDRA I have the baby shadow box set This set does cut the "windows" all in one They are a weird size in that they apprear to be the US size not UK size I do like that it doesn't have an outside frame BUT I bought the wrong dies to cut a frame
    MICHELE will like this - I have an "Away Day" at work today which in the nhs are usually not the most intetesting or relevant. As a part timer it means I'll be working all day (yawn!) too I will try and pop in later

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely card today. Like the look of the Shadow Box dies but am surprised to hear this set doesn't cut out the inner frames. That said, they do make up nice versatile cards 🙂
    Glad you had fun with Sue and Pat yesterday. Enjoy your day relaxing with Paul today.
    I have a couple of days off as I'm working at the weekend, so I'm hoping to get a little crafting done.
    Hope everyone is keeping well and take care if out and about in the winter weather ❄️ Hugs to all xxx

  7. Morning Sandra & ladies,

    Lovely card and glad you gave the drawbacks to these dies. I don't think they will be something I will be wasting my money on. Too much faffing about for me.

    Not much going on here today so the craft room might get another look in for decluttering.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      You'd have a field day trying to declutter mine. If you didn't say OMG what a mess first.

  8. Hi Sandra
    Another lovely card. As you say I got totally confused while cutting this out fir Craig's 40th so I gave up in the end. Now I know where I went wrong it shouldn't be such a problem. As you say the extra bits are quite fiddly. So as I said I gave up. Will have another play later next week. How Michele managed to extend her Latte one I have no idea, but the finished result was great. Not much going on here today except getting the washing done before the Thunder Snow strikes.

  9. Meant to say Sandra
    I hope you have a restful and lovely day with Paul.

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone visiting this blog/cafe' today.
    Wrap up warm if going out ,we have just got back from walking to Ikea and back and the wind is starting to pick up and it is getting very cold so I'm now having a warming cup of Option, looking at e-mails an dblogs before doing some house work and then start the CC for this week.
    Love the shadow box card you made here Sandra, lovely colour. I did play with the Christmas one at a work shop but don't think I will get it because of the little dies which are quite fiddly to work with but they do make some nice cards.
    I hope all with chest/ cough and sneezing fits are getting better for each day that's goes.
    Take care friends. Many warm hugs, Maria xxx

    1. ps. Hope you have a relaxing day with Paul,xx

  11. Hi Sandra and crafters

    I too love ur card. I got a few of the shadow boxes for Xmas haven't had time to play unfortunately. At the moment graeme and my stepdad are building Graeme's multigym in the craft/games room so I can't get in lol
    He moans I don't do enough crafting so I'll wait n see how many times he uses this multigym I bought him for Xmas. Anyone wanting a guess??? LOL

    Wind was very bad last night I hardly slept even with my earplugs in!! Snows def on the way too thank goodness I'm on holiday and not going anywhere
    Love to all xx

    1. Anything like men I know Tracy it'll be a couple of days wonder then forgotten about.

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry I didn't get it yesterday. I just had one of those days, I kept dozing off, when I was awake I was not ia good place.
    Love the card and the tutorial you were showing us yesterday it was all beautifully clear and very well presented. Some years ago I bought some Art-Kure stamps and pens, the idea was you colour the stamp with the pens (they are water-based) and then using a water brush draw the colour out. I'm sure I could use the stamps and yes some of them are trees to try this technique. Thank you for your brilliant inspiration.
    Sorry you didn't get as much help as you had hoped from your girls when making the dinner on Sunday. I'm sure they have got loads of revision to do, so their excuses were not a get out clause. You did make me think of our younger daughter's children the eldest being a year older than your girls, she will sit and talk to you while everything is happening around her, she is good company, But so not interested in the preparation of food etc, now little sister Ciara is the total opposite she's always asking what can she do, quite often will pre-empt the next job and start, also suggests meals the family will enjoy. She enjoys watching cooking programs on the TV and often suggests meals that have been featured. I have heard her say to big sister, "if you're not going to help get out of the way " The saying comes to mind 'you can take a horse to water but not make it drink' I think given time and circumstances they will all do their bit, it's called survival .xx
    I hope you and Paul having a lovely relaxing day, sending love and hugs to you both.
    Thank you everyone for your good wishes, I'm trying to be good and do as I'm told, ha ha. No, I'm under strict instructions to keep warm and rest. So far today have managed to stay awake, that must mean I'm on the mend. I HOPE.
    LYNDA hope you are improving. LOL I had to smile when you said about having six phials of blood taken. Apologies for my wicked sense of humour....... I think it was Tony Hancock who did a sketch about the blood donor ( sorry some of you may be too young to remember him)
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. SORRY SANDRA, I was waffling on and didn't comment on your card. It's lovely, love the frame you have added to it. I have one of these shadow box dies and agree they are fiddly. I wasn't tempted to get any others. LOL xx

  13. Hi Brenda
    Sounds like you are on the mend ( fingers crossed ) at last. I assume you'll still have to go out to give blood as per usual. But as long as it's not on the day we have our Thunder Snow, your wrapped up warm you'll be alright.
    Gentle hugs on the way.

  14. Hi Sandra & everyone
    I had hospital appointment at Canterbury this morning for ear suction so up at6 o'clock for 9am appointment as it takes 2 hours the traffic was horrendous arrived at 9.15 am.waited 25 minutes to go in.
    We had a walk round town & had a coffee & builders ☕️ then made our way home more heavy traffic.I feel shattered.
    Brenda sorry your still not very good too Sending you some healing (((((Hug's)))) I'm like you keep nodding off. I don't know what sort of bug this is but I don't like it. The flu jab was a waste of time
    Sandra love your card & the colour combo you have used is lovely. I have the birthday shadow box card too. Thought the elements where very fiddly.
    Well I better get the ironing done try & pop back later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, totally agree with you re Flu Jab - what a waste of time. But didn't they say there was a virus that is resistant to it? Hope you have got the ironing out of the way and are now resting.
      Love and Hugs xx
