
Tuesday 10 January 2017

Thumping !!

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I want to share a new technique with you, its a stamping technique called 'Thumping'
I loved it so much I made quick tutorial to show you how to do it.
It really is so much fun, you don't need any special equipment, just a stamp and some sort of water based marker. I used the Stampin Up 'lovely as a tree' stamp set for my image.

Now you should be able to get to the tutorial by pressing the button in the picture above, if that doesn't work, click on the link below.........

Let me know if you have a go, I would love to see what you make, I love sharing your work too.

Have  a lovely day ladies, I have hopefully got Pat and Sue coming over today, I can't wait, I haven't seen them for weeks! x

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-Lovely card & a great technique on your video.

    Quick visit as I'm running late today. Will try to pop back in tonight.


    1. Hi Michele, hope you made it to work on time. Xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a wonderful way to start the day a video tutorial from our leader. SANDRA I loved the video and as you say it looks so simple and what a good way to release some tension by 'thumping' a stamp lol.
    Your Card is beautiful and I shall definitely be having a go at this technique.

    Once again we have a dull and wet morning but on the good side the temps are in the plus range.

    We're off this morning to Chateau Chinon to visit our nearest Lidle to see what they have in store. It takes about 30 mins each way so we can get there and back without any fear that the fire will go out and as it's me that lights the log burner (Jim just cannot get the hang of lighting it or possibly he makes such a job that I've always shushed him away and I've none it lol) I don't want to have to light it more than once a day.

    Dobbie is staying in the CAFE all week as he did so well last week so everything should be up and running ready for first customers of the day. Fresh provisions will be delivered daily.

    I hope that all who are suffering from bugs, coughs/colds are feeling somewhat better. Hugs should be arriving just about now for you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, enjoy your visit to Lidle. French words always seem so romantic. I love the sound of ChΓ’teau Chinon. Is it as lovely as it sounds? Hope your fire's still lit when you get back. Xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      Hope you had a good trip to Chateau Chinon & got some goodies in Lidle any crafty things in there. Hope your fire was ok when you got home. Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hope you found some goodies at Lidl and enjoyed your outing, take care xx

    4. Hi Janet
      Hope you find some goodies at Lidl. We're supposed to have some Thunder snow later in the week. Yes, a new one on me as well. I don't look forward to seeing what they mean. Hope your fires still burning when you get home.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today. I love todays card, and thank you for the great tutorial on thumping my lovely. Guess what I will be having a go at today when we meet up ☺ I have never seen this technique before, it gives a lovely natural look to the gorgeous oak tree.I must get you to show me how to comment on your you tube videos too as I can't see where to do it! I can't wait to see both you and Pat about 11am ☺☺☺
    Tracy, thank you for letting me know what you like to do craft wise. I hope you don't think I was being nosey it's just nice to know. It would be great to see some of your cards and other crafts. I am fascinated by the stunning encaustic art pictures that can be made. I would love to have a go myself but I've never seen it being demoed, except on TV or online, since I saw it many years ago at a country show. I don't think I would have the gentle touch needed though!☺ Have a good day x
    Lynda, good luck at the vampires today. It's good to hear that at least Terry didn't have the same bug that has left you so low. Sending you big hugs x
    Brenda, I hope all went well yesterday and you are able to rest today. We don't want you having a relapse dear friend. Big hugs are on the way x
    I have gone blank after reading what the rest of you lovely ladies were all up to yesterday so will simply send love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Brenda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Have a lovely time today Sue. Xxx

    2. Hi Sue the vampire took 6 of those files πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ˜³today.
      Have a lovely time with Sandra & Pat & you get to try thumping.
      Sending Hug's xx

    3. Thump away :-) Hope you have a great day with the other two xx

  4. Hi everyone,loving your card Sandra, will look at your video later as sadly off to a funeral and it is a good 2 hr journey .
    Take care

    1. Hope you have a safe journey and everyone goes as well as it can today. Xxx

    2. Hi Elaine
      Hope the funeral went as well as it could & your journey was ok &a safe one back
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hope the funeral went as good as a day like this can go. Take care and hugs to you all xx

    4. Hope all went as well as can be expected today, and that your journey wasn't to arduous.

  5. Hi Sandra and all,
    Just love the card and the technique on your video is great,. Would it work with Promarkers as they're the only pens I have? If so I'll have a go as I'm hopeless at shading with pens.

    Well Harvey went in his cage and off to the vets very reluctantly this morning. He and his sister Olive are both 13 now and poor Harvey we saw this morning only has 1 tooth left. Mind you in cat years he's the same age as me but thankfully I've got a few more teeth. Ha ha.

    Wendy is calling for me later to go for a coffee. It's the start back at the Craft Club on Friday with 2 extended hours Yeh. But I'll then be on my way to Manchester when it's taking place so we're catching up today. Then I'm in my craft room to finish my cc and hopefully send it to Sandra.

    Hope all those nasty coughs and colds are clearing up ladies.
    Everyone take care.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val hope you had a good catch up with Wendy & you managed to get in craft room. Hope Harvey's trip to the vet went ok
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hello Val - have a good day and a good holiday. Hope your journey goes well and there isn't any of that white stuff in Manchester. Hugs xxxx

    3. Hi Val I hope you enjoyed your catch up with Wendy. Hope you have a good journey to Manchester and that you don't meet up with the Thunder snow we're supposed to be having.

  6. Lovely technique SANDRA I don't think I have any stamps that would work But I'll definitely give it a try with my Chameleon pens
    Take care all LYNDA I hope the vampires don't suck too hard BRENDA Take care and Ooh who's sadly got a funeral today - I hope it goes as well as it can

    1. Hi Karen the Vampire did make a meal out of me 6 πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰f
      Files Hug's xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a great card will definitely be giving this a go, your video is spot on, thank you. Have a good time with Sue &
    Janet enjoy your trip to Chateau Chinon it looks a lovely place from all the photos I saw when the Petanque group came back last
    Val enjoy your meet up with Wendy, glad you where successful in getting Harvey to the
    Brenda hope you are not suffering for being out yesterday, hugs on
    Lynda hope blood test goes ok, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them look e

    1. Hi Margaret
      Thank you Blood test went ok the vampire had her fill out of me.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra and crafty friends.

    I'm glad I hopped into ur blog I'm learning so many new things. Loved the tutorial. I'll need to get ma bum in gear to get some crafting done but I really need to be in the mood then there's no stopping me lol.

    Mrs b no I didn't think u were nosey lol. I saw the encaustic art being done when I was at Glastonbury 95. It was so mesmorising to watch and the lady was called Chris carrick she has her own on line store and I still have a few of her pictures that I bought back then framed and in a bedroom.

    Thanks lynda for passing Sandra's email address to me I've now saved it

    1. Hi Tracy
      your very welcome. The ancaustic art sounds interesting will have a look on YouTube.
      Hug's my friend xx

  9. Morning or afternoon ladies whichever is your wont.

    I've had such a laziness descend on me today so I had my breakfast whilst catching up with NCIS in my PJ's. Mark Harmon just has to be about the sexiest silver fox on TV these days, I know it's a part he plays but hey! that guy is damn good.

    Shelves to do today, the wicker boxes are coming off them for a jolly good sort out. I have hoarded toiletries that were given as birthday/Christmas presents and because of the parabens in them I have not opened them at all. I did guest toiletry baskets last year for the Church Fete and didn't realise there were another lot I could have used. One of the Church wardens sometimes does a bottle stall for the fete, so guess where this lot is going?

    I didn't get much done yesterday as I was finding treasures that held so many memories of my children/grandchildren and Pete giving them to me on special occasions and I got quite tearful as the memories rolled down my cheeks in tears. I decided this morning that perhaps I should just photo them to go in an album but my heart and hands want to touch and feel them so they are back in their places. Another time perhaps. But then again No, maybe never.

    Healing hugs to all still not well. Poor Lynda, your cold seems to have really taken a hold of you. Good luck with the surgery vampires, don't let them take too much.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Thank you vampire went ok she took 6 πŸ’‰Files so she had her fill.
      Hope your feeling better after seeing so many memories that made you sad sending you some Hug's πŸ€—πŸ€—Xx

    2. Hello Cheryl - you're putting me to shame all the s orting out and decluttering!! I'm not surprised that you needed a slow morning start and what a way to do it with Mark Harmon lol. I'm with you Dear Friend - I record programmes while we're over here so I don't miss any.

      Take your time and you'll know when you're ready. HUGE HUGS xxxx

    3. Hi Cheryl
      It's good to keep memories of Pete and a good cry often helps. Gentle hugs coming your way dear friend.

  10. Sorry Sandra, forgot to comment on your new technique. Your video is brilliant we can clearly see what you are doing. I think your camera is perfectly positioned overhead and in front of you to showcase your work rather than behind you. Some I've seen on YouTube are so dire, I wonder why they bother publishing them, so out of focus and big fat sausage fingers taking up most of the screen so you can't see what it is they are doing. x

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Fab video showing this technique Sandra. Love your card too πŸ™‚
    Hope you're having fun with Sue and Pat, and everyone else is having a good day too. Sending hugs to all xx

  12. Hello All, grey and wet again here.
    Just finished packing R off he's away until Thursday, so peace and quiet for a couple of days.
    Sandra love the new technique, similar to how I do my little water colour with stamps, sorry ladies it needs to be water soluable ink , don't think it will work with alcohol markers, I also go in after stamping with a damp paint brush to blend slightly.
    Must go work calling, hugs to all, have a good rest of the day, Lilian

  13. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Hope your enjoying your time with Sue & Pat I can hear all the Thumping going on haha πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I have commented on the way down.
    We have Rain again so haven't been for a walk again. Done all the mundane jobs. So I'm going to have some lunch then craft room.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hello Lynda - sorry you had to give the vamps so much of your good stuff lol. When next you have to visit try asking them for some of it back hehehe. Take Care Dear Friend xxxx

    2. Hi Lynda. Oh poor you, that's almost an armful. Hope the rain clears up. Looks like snow tomorrow in some parts of the Country brrr.
      Have a great evening Love Valxxx

    3. Hi Lynda
      My word why on earth did she need to have 6 phials of blood. Perhaps she's getting a bit low herself. Hope your arms not to sore. They check 7 things on Petes but only take 3 phials of blood.
      Take care my friend this bug thing is really laying you both low.

  14. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely card and thank you for the tutorial. I so want the tree stamps. What make are they again ? Even if I'm not allowed to buy any more for a while I can always start a new wishlist, it's keep changing all the time.
    Lilian- have a nice time on your own for a few days, nice and quiet :-)
    Sonia- have a nice day whatever you are up to.
    Lynda- oh she did get a lot didn't she, it would have taken me a day to give that much tihi hope you are ok afterwards and not weak and dizzy. Hugs to you and Terry.
    Cheryl- don't cry, remember the happy times you had together ! The charity you collecting for will be very happy for all yo give them.
    Val- hope you had a nice time with Wendy. How long are you being in the UK for this time ?
    Tracy- have a lovely day. Are you going away at all during your break ?
    Brenda- sending you hugs and some to Margaret too.
    Was not feeling to good this morning but it's now better so before it's goes completely dark I will go out for a walk and then hope for a early night. Many hugs to you all, Maria Xoxx

    1. Sorry you weren't feeling so good first thing but glad you felt well enough to go out for a walk this afternoon.
      I go to the UK Friday, then Sunday fly to Cape Verde for a week which I'm getting pretty excited about. Then I'm in North Wales for 5 days until I fly back here to Spain on 28th.My case is out and I'm packing summer clothes one side and winter ones on the other. It looks as though UK might be a bit snowy when I get there.
      I'm loving Sandra Tree Stamps as well. I don't own anything like them.
      Have a great evening, Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Val
      Seems like you having a long time away from home. Enjoy your holidays.

    3. Cape Verde is meant to be a Beautiful place for a relaxing holiday. Wish you a wonderful time.Think you will get to see some of the white stuff when you are here so don't forget a thick jumper :-) xx

  15. Hi Sandra
    Love this technique. Haven't watched the video but saw it done in the flesh so to speak. Bit of a mix up this morning. I hadn't seen the blog as I wasn't to good last night so tried to sleep in this morning. So I was expecting Sandra and Sue over with me. Anyhow I duly went over to Sandra's. Tried to get the storage boxes without any success and Sue would have picked them up from Swindon Hobbycraft for me. Oh well, I suppose I'll have to wait until they come back into stock.

  16. Brenda
    I hope your feeling a bit better this morning. Take care my friend as both your and Lynda seem to have been laid low with this bug/ cough thing going around.
