
Wednesday 25 January 2017

Treats from Janet & Maria

Tracy's Card for Janice

Janet's pretty 3rd Birthday Card

Janet Pretty card

Maria' 'Noble' card

Good Morning ladies,

3 fabulous cards for you today, 1 from Tracy, 1 from from Janet and 1 from Maria.

Tracy made her card for her lovely friend Janice and what a fantastic card it is! Made using Sue Wilson's "Shadow Box Collection " 'Retail Therapy' die set to create the card, placing the die cuts on top of the pretty paper and adding then adding the detail and embellishments in white and a lovely  dark purple.  I am sure Janice absolutely adores this card Tracy, thank you so much for sharing it with all of us, I look forward to seeing many more from you.

Janet's pretty, girly card is just adorable, I just love that beautiful girl image, with her big eyes. The background paper is stunning too.  The pretty red Buttons work so well in the corners of drawing your eye in, both the RicRac ribbon and the narrow blue ribbon pick out the blue in the card too. Thank you so much for sharing Janet xx

Last but by no means least we have Maria's lovely aperture card, it looks to me like the Creative Expressions Noble  'ornate Square Die ' has been covered with double sided adhesive sheet and then dipped into Gilding flakes, it looks incredible, I think that the aperture in the centre of the card works perfectly, adorned with those cute little butterflies.  Thank you so much Maria xxx

Now ladies I will keep  Janet's double Zig Zag  mini challenge open until tomorrow to allow those of  you who that are still creating yours to finish!

Sue, Pat & I had a lovely day yesterday, we were making Janet's double Zig zag cards, in between having lunch and catching up on what we have been up to.

Pat, have a safe trip to Essex today, try and get some rest xxx

Maria, I hope you are having a fantastic time xxx

Val, hope you are having fun too, looking forward to having you back xxx

Sending love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Tracy-love what you have done with the shadow box die for this card.

    Janet - two very pretty cards.

    Maria-love the cut out panel in the centre of your card, great idea.

    Yesterday was exhausting at work-various reasons so I was glad my friend didn't come round last night. We're meeting up at Dobbies on Saturday after I've been to the hairdressers.
    Hopefully today won't be quite so hectic as I have a few "paperwork " things I need to tackle.


    1. Hi Michele. You have such a hectic job. I don't know how you keep up with it so well.
      Really hope today is calmer and you get all your paperwork done. Xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope you had a quieter day today and managed to get some paperwork done.

  2. Morning Everyone

    TRACY - lovely shadow box card. I still haven't bought any of these dies yet as I just cannot say I'll use them very often.

    MARIA- Beautiful Noble Card. I love these dies and have two/three of them. They never fail to give beautiful results and I particularly like the way you left the middle open for those cute butterflies. Hope you're having a great time - perhaps getting a little snowboarding/sledging in hehehe.

    The two cards I made are for Lily-Mae's third birthday which is on 14th Feb. The first one is from a new disc I purchased from Crafter's companion - Cinderella Collection. I saw it on Hochanda and just couldn't resist. The images are beautiful and just right for any little girl or even one of older years.

    The second card is from a CD called My Besties Little Sweeties. Artwork by Sherri Baldy. I've had this one a couple of years and again all the imagies are just asking you to 'use me'.

    Well I managed to finish off my Altered Heart yesterday but didn't get anything done on this week's CC so guess what I'll be doing today.

    We seem to be a little milder this morning!
    Dobbie has reported that all is well in the CAFE and no new problems -what he means by that heaven only knows- so everything should be up and running just waiting for you all to pop in and have a sit a while.

    VAL- lovely to hear from you yesterday. A big difference in your clothing needed lol. Enjoy the rest of your hols and I cannot wait to see you back.

    HUGS for you all are on their way. Take care. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Glad to hear you're weather is milder. Love both your cards today. Oh so pretty. I haven't heard of either of those cc's but both lovely little girl images. Looking forward to seeing photos of your altered heart and hope you manage your cc today. Xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      How cute are these cards you made.

  3. All cards are gorgeous Love the shadow box die I have the baby one There's some interesting images on ScanNCut that I think could be utilised...
    I have the Noble Ornate/Adorned squares and they do make fab cards
    Your girly images are so pretty
    The double zig zag I attempted ended up being binned One half perfect, the other very skew whiff
    Hope to re-try, although it'll be too late for tomorrow And I must do CC

  4. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    What beautiful cards today.
    TRACY Such a beautiful card. The shadow box cards always look so intricate. I too have these dies but not made a box card yet.
    MARIA love your aperture card. This Noble die is so beautiful. Hope you're having a lovely holiday.

    Had a lovely day yesterday in Anglesey although sadly we didn't do any sightseeing. We had drizzle and mist all day and just couldn't see any lovely countryside. I did keep getting glimpses of sheep in fields which is a real lovely novelty for me I just love sheep and we never see them in Spain only our local pack of goats.
    I didn't find any bargains in the craft shop (I have to leave that the Michele) but I did buy lots of crafty goodies that I can't wait to use.I'll take a photo when I get home.
    I woke up yesterday morning with a sore throat which had developed into a head cold by lunch time. Feeling a bit rough this morning as haven't slept well and to be honest would be quite happy to stay in bed today even though I am in a Travel Lodge. However my son Barrie has taken the day off work so we can meet up and have the day together. So looking forward to seeing him but also feel guilty that I might pass my cold on to him.
    Well must get out of bed and go and have a shower.
    Glad you had a good day yesterday, Sandra, Pat and Sue. These zig zag cards sound so interesting.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you had a lovely day with Barrie and that your feeling a bit better now.enjoy the rest of your holiday.

  5. Morning everyone from the depths of yards of fabric, umpteen costumes and an untidy dining/sewing table.

    A few minutes to myself again which is becoming a rarity these days due to being swamped with all things panto.
    Oh no it's not! Oh yes it is!

    Beautiful cards today ladies, you have excelled yourselves yet again. I love them all.

    Must fly to get items ready for rehearsal tonight and do more sewing.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hello Cheryl
      Oh those were the days - Panto particularly the matinees with all the children and not an adult in sight - even those on stage lol. We were still finding body glitter 2/3 years after Jim played the Genie in Aladdin a version written by my Cousin for us. We are now Patrons of the Society and support them by donations etc but still love to go and see what they're doing.

      GOOD LUCK with the Dress Reh and don't forget 'whatever goes wrong tonight will be fab tomorrow and all other nights'. Hugs xxxx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Sounds like your having a lovely time pinning and sewing. Oh no I'm not, oh yes she is. Sorry Cheryl couldn't resist. Hope rehearsals go well tonight, and break a keg as they say. Not literally though please.

    3. Should be break a leg Cheryl.

    4. Beautiful cards, love both images.

  6. Hi Sandra and all
    Lovely pretty cards , thank you for sharing your work Ladies.
    Sandra i hope your sciatica is getting better .
    Take care and big hugs to all.
    Elaine H X

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I must thank you all for your kind comments on my card yesterday (I do need to work on my camera skills as the photo isn't very good!)
    Tracy, what a great card, I bet your friend loved it. Thank you for sharing it and I hope we get to see many more from you x
    Janet, both of your cards are beautiful. Lily-Mae will love them. It's hard to believe it is already nearly three years ago that we were all waiting for Lily-Mae's arrival!😊 I hope we get to see your altered heart soon and good luck with the CC. X
    Maria, Another beautiful card, I love how you have layered the diecut to leave the centre open for those sweet butterflies. I hope you are enjoying your holiday. What is the temperature today? I wonder if you will be taking up Janet suggestion of snowboarding or sledging,hehe 😊 Whatever you do have a good day x
    Val, sorry you couldn't do much sightseeing yesterday. I hope the fog has lifted today for your time with your son, but what a shame that you aren't feeling so well. Please drink lots of hot tea to help soothe your sore throat and wrap up warm when you go out. Sending healing hugs x
    Lynda, how did your cardiac class go yesterday? I hope it went well x
    Brenda, it's good to hear that you are feeling better each day, but don't go doing too much too soon please. We all do it though don't we! After seeing all of those little jobs mounting up but not caring while you are ill and then wanting to get them all done at once when you are still not 100%. I bet you know what I mean 😊 x
    Lilian, sorry you are still suffering, this weather really isn't good for sore joints is it! Healing hugs are on the way x
    Karen , it's good that you are on the mend. Look after yourself and don't try doing too much x
    Cheryl, how much more sewing is there to do? I bet once it is all done you will be glad to be able to say "It's behind you". Oh dear, sorry, that was a terrible joke but I couldn't resist it 😊 x
    I'm off to help attack a large pumpkin that needs opening then finishes ng my zigzag card.
    Sending you all love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda Brenda Lilian Karen and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      My comment went AWOL yesterday your card was gorgeous Sue.
      My C R class went ok thanks but exercising for a hour non stop 🏋🏋🏃‍♀️🚶‍♀️My feet & legs ached after. Got another session tomorrow but it was good fun. Big Hug's xxx

    2. Hi Sue,
      Once we have finished we have a couple of months off for the AGM and relaxation. Then it is another round of advertising the next one and all hands to deck again.
      This year I have set myself the task of making some ordinary Dame costumes that can have items added as required. They are still using Pete's old costumes that were made for his first stint at Dame in 2002!
      So with a bit of his insurance cash left over, I am making and donating them in his memory. A fitting tribute for a Founder Member don't you think? x

    3. Sounds a fantastic idea Cheryl. Pete would be pleased.

    4. What a lovely thought, sure it will be loved.

    5. Hi Cheryl. What a wonderful tribute to Pete. Once again he will be smiling down at you and agreeing with us all about what a very kind and thoughtful lady you are 😊

  8. Hi Sandra and friends.

    Finally the silly phone is letting me comment. Technology and me don't work lol.

    Thank u for ur kind comments it's gave me a wee boost. Janice loved it. And she's my best customer too when it comes to buying them lol.

    I made a baby card today so I've sent it to Sandra so she might share it with u at some point. It turned out fab.

    Janet loved the image with the girls big lovely eyes. What range is that from please?
    Loved the noble square one too I've got that die somewhere. Been a while since I used it x

    1. Hello Tracy
      Thank you for your kind words re my cards. The CD is from a series called 'My Besties' artwork by Sherri Baldy. Have a look on the site and
      I have two/three of their CDs and all a lovely to use. Good Hunting and Happy Crafting. xxxx

    2. Hi Tracy
      You have made a gorgeous card for Janice glad she loved it.looking forward to seeing more of your fab cards.
      Hug's xx

    3. Hi Tracy, love your card, look forward to seeing more

  9. Hi Sandra& everyone
    Not sure what happened to my comment yesterday it went AWOL AGAIN?
    Hope you had good time yesterday with Sandra & Pat.
    JANET both your cards are lovely 😍 LOVE THE IMAGES.
    MARIA your card is.also gorgeous love the Die you have used. Hope your both enjoying your holiday. Xx
    Just finished the mini challenge I will email it to you soon Sandra
    It was a challenge too I messed two attempts up went in the bin so third time lucky. My cardiac rehabilitation class went well but after non stop exercise for a hour I was worn out even dosed off 😴💤 after lunch. I go again tomorrow hopefully it will be easier. ☺️
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Not to sure I could do exercising for an hour. I'd ve totally worn out and out of breath. How many classes do you gave to do I wonder ?.

  10. Hello Sandra and all who look into the Coffee Shop today ..... PLEASE come in we are a very friendly crew and it's always great to see a new face,

    Tracey I'm sure Janice loved the card you made for her. It is a great design for any shopaholic, Love it xx

    Janet, two beautiful cards you have created for Lily-Mae's birthday. Happy Birthday little lady, now you are Three, Where has the time gone ? xx

    Maria, love your card., and the dies that you have used. Hope you are enjoying your holiday. xx

    I started this post after lunch and it's now almost dinner time. The day has been full of distractions. i won't bore you with the details. Actually I almost did but deleted them as even I was yawning reading back through the events?

    Hope you have all had a good day and are nice and warm where you are.
    Love Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra
    Well we arrived in a very foggy Essex. I couldn't believe how many cars were driving without lights. Plus the driver of one lorry from Essex Tree Services was driving like a mad man. Under took us and squashed into our lane between us a and a big lorry. Going from lane two to lane one and back straight into lane three which we were in. He as driving like that all in thick fog, with warning signs to slow down fog. Missing traffic in other lanes each time. I'll be complaining to his company in the morning. Flashing lights never deterred him one bit. Arrived to find Bet slumped in a chair unable to move and not dressed properly. Carers would have had to call the paramedics to get her up as they're not allowed to.
    Tracy love the card you made for your friend.
    Janet love your birthday cards. The pictures are so cute.
    I can vouch that Maria's card is gorgeous as it's gracing my sideboard for everyone to admire along with all the others I received for my birthday.
    Take care out there.

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing these beautiful area today. Pleased to hear you had a good day
    Tracy I can understand why Janice loved your card it is lovely, looking forward to seeing
    Janet love the images on Lily Maes cards they are gorgeous, she will love them thank you for
    Maria your card is lovely as well, hope you are enjoying your
    Cheryl hope you manage to finish costumes & dress rehearsal goes as well as it could, I never worried if they made area mistakes as first night would be good, what a lovely idea to remember Pete by he would be proud of
    Lynda glad you enjoyed your class, there is no way I could excercise for an hour, good
    Karen pleased you are on the mend take
    Brenda don't go mad now take it
    Lilian this cold & damp weather is not good for for joints hope it warms up
    Pat enjoy your few days with Bet, good for you for reporting that lorry
    Had a busy day feel tired so will close now sending hugs to all feeling under the weather love

  13. Hello All, just a quick pop in sorry to be so late, don't know where today has gone.
    Sandra, lovely to have chat with you today, thanks for the call
    Loved all the cards, looking forward to seeing the mini challenge cards, found it real tricky.
    Tomorrow I go to Hayle to have a crafting day with my friends, will try to get this weeks challenge done.
    I'll say good night, I'll see you tomorrow, hugs Lilian
