
Tuesday 24 January 2017

Sue's Easel card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope you are all well, exciting day for me today as it's Pat and Sue's day to visit, I appreciate it even more when Paul is working, I still struggle with being on my own.
Mind you I got to Skype with Amanda today, we were both chatting along while we crafted, crafting with friends is much more fun, we were sharing our Stampin Up ideas etc, by the way I keep meaning to say that if any of you are interested in looking at a Stampin Up Catalogue let me know and I will pop you one in the post, there is no pressure for you to buy, I promise! XX

Today's card is Sue's challenge card from Sunday, Sue had used Creative Expressions Calabria Die from their Italian Range, designed by Sue Wilson, it is one of the Original collections, it seems like years ago! It looks fantastic die cut in different shades of purple, I know Pat loved it too. The funny thing was Pat was hoping to see Sue's card in the line up on Sunday, as she thought she was guaranteed to get one right!!  But She had texted me the photo instead of emailing it and despite checking about three times in my email box on Saturday (as I was sure I had had a card from Sue) I didn't even think to check my text messages!  Never mind the card has now had a day all of its own!  thank you so much Sue for taking part and sharing xxx

I have a sneaky feeling that the three of us might be making zig zag cards today, watch this space!

Oh before I go I just wanted to say that Michele told me that she was putting some dies that she no longer uses (or has never used) on eBay, so I suggested that she put an email around with the dies on, just in case anyone is looking for a particular one, she isn't selling them for very much either, you know Michele, our bargain queen! 

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    SUE - what a beautiful easel card and you have used one of the first SW dies I bought from her first collection and yes it seems years and years ago. They cut beautifully and always look good. I love your lilac theme too.

    SANDRA/PAT/SUE - have a good day creating you Three Graces. I just wish we could be round that table together but be careful you three as I just might be popping via Cyber Space to listen in to one or two tips/gossip and to see what you're up to hehehe.

    MICHELE - I would love to see what you're selling Please. It's always better buying from know sources as you know they will have been cared for and not damaged. I've had confirmation that the dies I ordered from China have all been despatched.

    I didn't get any crafting done yesterday as when we got back from shopping I was so cold and even though the burner was still in it took me well into the afternoon to get my fingers back to their proper colour and working.
    I'm not venturing out today so I hope to get some done today as I have my CC to do and I want to get some more work done on the Heart shape I'm altering.

    The CAFE looks warm and bright this morning so I can guarantee you all that you will receive a warm reception and there's some fresh baked shortbread today (that is if they arrived in one piece and have been left alone by Dobbie and Herman lol).

    Take care if going out everyone. HUGE HUGS for you all today. BRENDA it was lovely to see you say you're nearly back to yourself. It's really taken it's toll out of you so careful does it.

    1. Oh Janet, I do so wish you really could pop in to sit with us today. That would make our get together perfect. Thank you for the kind words about my card. I still often go back to using this die, it can be used in so many ways. The purple/lilac/gold colours don't show up very well I'm afraid as I'm definately no David Bailey! (And showing my age, but I don't know any currant famous photographers names)
      I'm sorry you got so cold yesterday, at least you can relax and craft to your heart's content today. Thank you for the delicious shortbread, I hope to have a piece later on with a cup of tea 😊 x

    2. Hope your crafting goes ok Janet. We'd love to have you or any of our ladies crafting with us.

    3. Hi Janet
      Your Zigzag instructions are fine. I'm afraid it's the person trying to follow them is the problem. Mainly me in other words.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sue-what a gorgeous card, love the colour.

    Yesterday was busy & went very quickly-I'm sure the same will happen today. A friend was meant to be calling round tonight so I could help her with a job application but she now says the online application says it's closed for that job. She's always very last minute so I'm not surprised. My job tonight then is clear some photos off my phone as I hardly have any memory left-disaster!


    1. Hi Michele. Thank you for your kind words, it's hard to see the colours properly due to my bad camera skills 😕 I hope work goes as quickly as yesterday. My phone needs sorting too, do you put your photos onto a hard drive? I always have a fear of losing them as everything else can be replaced but not photos. Good luck doing yours anyway x

    2. Hi Michele
      Your friend sounds just like our Sophie. She wants to work in a hospital but has already missed sending in two job applications. Now she might stay at the care home where she's working to do her Dementia training. However, her supervisor is treating her like her own personal skivvy. So why she should want to work under her I'll never know. A Dementia home with the same company has opened up so she could transfer.

  3. Hello , from a very cold Cornwall, but it's going to warm up thank goodness.
    Sue beautiful card, lovely colours.
    Cleaner day today, with no Roger here to help am a bit early for me, also need to do some extra work.
    Sandra did try and phone you yesterday, left a message, I wonder who's phone I left the message on, I expect you have sent your order now.

    Well I'm away to have my shower, joints a bit better today, this cold weather is no good for arthritic joints.

    Hope everyone who has had this terrible virus is beginning to feel better.
    Maria hope you are having a lovely holiday.

    See you later, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      It's awfully cold here as well. No, arthritic joints do not like this cold weather.

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies from a very cold Colwyn Bay in North Wales. What a cold shock from Cape Verde which was so lovely and warm.
    As I explained to Sandra I couldn't blog whilst I was there and didn't have any pictures on my tablet. It's old apparently and I need new one so going to look around whilst I'm here.
    Have looked at the cc on Sunday and apart from Michele who has such a distinctive style I didn't guess anyone's. I wouldn't have thought of looking at the backgrounds. Good fun Sandra. Love this week's cc and your beautiful card with its pretty border but I don't think I'll be able to have a play.
    Sue, your card today is so pretty, no wonder Pat was so pleased. Hope the 3 of you have a wonderful day.
    Maria, hope you're having a lovely holiday.
    Hope al you ladies that have been poorly are quite recovered now.
    Must dash. Off to Anglesey for the day at 9ish and I need a shower. They have a craft shop there in a Garden Centre so I'm so excited.
    Lots of love everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hello Val, hope the visit to Anglesey and the garden centre was good. Did you get any bargains? xx

    2. Hi Val
      Like Brenda I was wondering if you got any bargains.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope the 3 of you have a lovely crafting
    Sue your card as always is lovely, I did wonder where it was on Sunday as you told me you had sent it in. Enjoy your meet up, perhaps now the nights are getting out I'll be able to join you
    Michele I would be interested in looking at your dies as I am still building stock up. xxx
    Janet hope you enjoy your day of crafting in the
    Val good to see you in, sorry you cakes back to such cold weather, enjoy Anglesey & importantly the craft
    Brenda good to see you feeling alot
    Lynda hope the classes are going
    Lilian hope work goes
    Karen hope you are feeling
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hello Sandra and all who call into the Coffee Shop today,

    SUE I love the card you made for Pats birthday,as I'm sure Pat does, gorgeous design and colour.

    I hope nothing gets in the way today and our three lovely graces get to meet up and make your zig zag cards. Yesterday I managed to complete the basic shape, then I got to my usual what if stage, .... 'what if' I use this paper or 'what if' ... you get the picture, and that is as far as I have got. Will try before the day is out to complete it. JANET, a big thank you for making the instructions so easy to follow, and if I managed it your K&K ladies should find it a walk in the park. xx

    Have to go later for an INR (blood test) today, I have had to go every week since Christmas all because the antibiotics really mess up the clotting of my blood, basically at the moment it's to thin, the tablets have been increased to try and counteract this, fingers crossed it will have got closer to my target figure.

    The sun is shining and it's lovely and warm sitting here by the window, John tells me it's cold outside, but for the moment I will enjoy my window seat. Scarf and gloves ready for when we go out!

    Hope you all have a good day, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. I hope you INR went ok Brenda and your bloods are getting up to speed.

  7. I hope the INR test goes OK. I'm beginning to feel a little bit more human today. Your card is soooo pretty SUE No wonder PAT was thrilled and it deserves a day on its own.
    Enjoy your craft shopping VAL.
    Going to try the zig zag card now and get it off to you SANDRA
    Enjoy your crafting ladies

  8. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card Sue and I'm the proud owner of this card. Well, my start of a Zigzag came to nothing. First of all my cutter wasn't long enough to cut my card. Guess who cut it for me. ( Yes you guessed it Sandra ). Then I scored it incorrectly. Guess who sorted that out. Then Sandra cut it for me as well. I folded it ( yippee ) I hear you all say. But I'd actually scored 1/8th inch in the wrong place, so Sandra sorted it out for me. I will actually decorate it, however, not until we get back from Colchester. My brain just can't compute instructions I'm afraid.
