
Monday 23 January 2017

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Challenge Card

The Sketch

Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

A fairly simple sketch for you this week, you can use whatever 
Shape you choose in place of the star, I chose flowers (no surprise there). You can also use whatever you have to create the border across the centre.

For my card I used "Big on Birthdays" Stampin Up stamp
And 'Botanical Builder' Framelits for the border and flowers, I think you will be seeing a lot of this border, because I love it!

Wasn't yesterday's 'guess the card designer' fun, most of you did really well, the answers were....

1 Janet
2 Karen
3 Lilian
4 Maria
5 Karen
6 Karen
7 Lynda
8 Michele
9  Margaret
10 Michele

Number 5 had a lot of you stumped, but in fairness it isn't a 'typical' Karen card, more Maria in style I think. 
The two people that were fairly much spot on were....,
Brenda & Sue, Brenda got 8/10 and Sue got 9/10
So I will be popping a little something in the post for you both.
I hope you enjoyed it, it really does get you thinking, I was looking at things like Lynda's card stand, Maria's kitchen work tops to give me clues! I will definitely be doing that one again, maybe next time I will give a list of who has entered, which would make the odds of getting in right  slightly higher.
Thank you so much for taking part xxx

Don't forget your mini challenge card, If I  could have your photos in over next couple of days, I still need to make mine, Paul's on 3 long day shifts and 1 night this week so I will get lots of craft time.

Have a lovely week ahead ladies,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-beautiful card & a great sketch challenge for us this week. My mind is already buzzing with ideas-hope I don't start doodling ideas at work instead of writing down patients details-ha ha!!

    Well-I didn't do very well yesterday at guessing who made which card but it was fun. I think it's a great idea to ask us to put names to the cards. Imust remember to photograph them somewhere different though , just to up the stakes.

    We have freezing fog here this morning-should make the journey to work "interesting "-think I'll be going nice & slow.


    1. Hi Michele. It was fun guessing wasn't it 😊 I had a giggle about your idea of changing where you take the photos of the CC's. I wouldn't have thought of that (don't think I would have made a very good police woman!) 😊 I hope work goes well for you and the freezing fog didn't make it too hard to get there x

  2. Morning Everyone
    We have -7 this morning so to say it's cold.........

    Well I certainly didn't do very well at all yesterday in fact all I can say is that it's a good thing I don't have to rely on putting cards=names to survive lol. It is good fun though.

    SANDRA- love this week's CC. Your card is beautiful and I love that dividing border. Will definitely get my CC hat on early this week.

    I started altering a heart yesterday as I've caught up on February birthday cards so I could have a play. I'm hoping to get some more of it done today after we've been up to Lidl for one or two bits and pieces. I'm hoping they might have one or two crafty things.

    MICHELE- I'd love to see patients faces if they saw your CC doodles or even better nurses trying to put doodles to patient's Hope you have a good day.

    MARIA- I'm not sure whether you're off on your hols yet but I've had a report from Marigny Dobbie that there were hoof prints on the counter top when he arrived earlier this morning. hehehe I bet he chewed through his ropes again lol. Have a good time whenever you go.

    I hope all Dear Friends who are a little under the weather are beginning to feel a little better.
    Hugs should have arrived for you all by now. xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Oh my goodness, I can't believe I managed to get 9 right 😊 I only knew Mum's one for sure. No 5 (which I think would be great for someone in hospital) was the hardest for lots of us it seems. Thanks again for this bit of fun Sandra xx
    Pat, I don't know why on earth you said that I cheated and had inside information. All I said was that the only one that I knew I had right was Mums as I had seen it in progress last Friday!
    Lilian, how are your knees and hands today, less painful I hope x
    Lynda, did you manage to find homes for your new stash? What's your favourite find so far? x
    I still haven't started the mini challenge card. I hope I can get it started today, have to do a bit of shopping first 😔
    We have a really thick frost again here, will be wrapping g up well when I go out later.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Brenda, Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Sandra, sorru I didn't say what a beautiful challenge card you have for us today. I love the colours and how you've used the gorgeous leaf border in particular. I will have to borrow that one tomorrow 😊 xx

    2. Hi Janet, yes there were good prints all around the Café, Marginy Dobbie did a great job at cleaning them all away though. He does you proud each day, thank you for sending him over each day with the lovely goodies x

  4. Ha ha! So I foxed you all with No 5 Thank you ladies for the lovely comments about my cards AND it was great fun trying to guess I was quite honoured to have other people's names attributed to my cards
    It was easy to make too
    Love the sketch I will try that I might not get to do mini challenge as still feeling fairly washed out we'll see
    Take care all

  5. Hi Sandra
    I really enjoyed your game even if i was utter rubbish .
    Lovely card to brighten up a very cold morning loving the boarder and flowers .
    Take care everyone and stay warm .
    Elaine H X

  6. Beautiful card Sandra, Great sketch! love the colors.
    Freezing here this morning, really hard frost..
    Pam x

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely challenge this week hope to have a go this afternoon, thank you for our guessing game yesterday, it was not easy, well done to Brenda &
    Maria hope you have a lovely
    Cheryl hope you had a lovely weekend with
    Lilian hope your knees are easier hugs on
    Brenda & Lynda hope you are both feeling better, it's been a bad time for you both hugs on
    Karen hope you are staying home again, work will still be there when you go back, hugs on
    Housework & washing on the agenda this morning, then crafting this afternoon hopefully.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello Sandra and all in the Café,

    Yesterday's task of guessing who had made which card was fun and yes there were a few clues!!! Yes it was KAREN who confused me, card No 5 not a style we are used to from you, it is a beautiful card I have to say xx I got all of the others correct. Bet I won't do so well if you all change the background!!!!

    Like your CC this week Sandra, beautiful colours you have chosen for you inspirational card. Can't wait to see what all you clever ladies make.

    How is your sciatica Sandra? I hope you are beginning to feel some relief xx
    When does Matt get the results of his scan? Send you both love and prayers.

    LYNDA congratulations on your win on SW's blog, I love to see names from this blog winning, it's feels as though we have all won. xx Enjoy.

    I'm pleased to say that I am beginning to feel like my old self again, Which has got to be an improvement, just coughing but nothing like it was.

    I am going back to my craft room, to finish off my sort out. Maybe I should make a LATE New Years resolution to keep it tidy from now on. Oh dear .... miracles take longer!!!! all I can add is ....... I will try. 🐷✈️ ( pigs and flying come to mind)

    Have a good day everyone, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. HibBrenda
      I'm glad to gear our feeling much better today. Hope the improvement continues.

  10. Hi Sandra
    Love today's challenge card, especially the stamps.
    Well I got a couple of them right. Karen I really loved the card you made. A couple were completely different styles so we're hard to guess.
    Hope your Sciatica is improving.

  11. Hi Sandra.
    Love ur card today. Really loving that leaf border it's so pretty. Loved everyone's cards yesterday too. Xx

    Love to all xx

  12. Hello All, lovely day , but very cold very hard frost this morning.
    Sandra love the challenge for this week, shall have to put my thinking cap on for this one.
    Work starting to get busy, big trade orders comming in, it really surprises me how many bee suits they sell, to all over the world.
    My youngest is 45 today, how do the years go by so fast, seems like only yesterday I was 45 !!!!
    Hope you have a lovely evening, hugs Lilian

    1. Your weather sounds just like ours Lilian. It's Brrrr weather. Mind you my SIL in Australia says that and it's hitting the 40s. Happy Birthday to your youngest.

  13. Hi Sandra and all ,oh I am soooo sorry that Herman have made such a mess and I who told him I would bring some cheese cake back if he behaved but I won't be doing that now, the little monster. I bring Marigny Dobbie something nice back tho who had to clean. He is a great help when you are away Janet.
    Had a great time guessing who cards belonged to who of the CC's, only managed 5/10 hihi. Karen's was a tricky one with a totally different style from you on nr:5. well done everyone, lovely cards !
    The new CC for this week is nice, Gorgeous card Sandra and the leaf border die is unusual but fun.
    Hope your sciatica is better Sandra, Lynda, wish you and Terry are alright .Congrats on winning on Sue's blog and glad to see Brenda that you starting to feel better. Lilian- take care and to anyone else feeling low, I wish you feel better soon.
    Have had a fantastic first day in -11 and lots of snow,yay sunny and wonderful Zell am See. Had a walk this morning, looked in some shops, had a hot chocolate in our favourite cafe' (not as good as yours Sandra) got back to the hotel for a snack at 3pm (cakes, so there goes the healthy eating for a week tihi) Had a little rest now before dinner so going to jump in the shower and get ready. Speak to you again when I can and will try to send a photo or two. Many warm hugs, Maria Xxox

  14. Hi Maria
    I'm glad you had a great first day, wish we were with you in Zell Am Zee, such a lovely place. Like the sound of your Hot Chocolate and your cake.

  15. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Gorgeous card Sandra love the colour's used the border is unusual but beautiful
    Well I was Rubbish at guessing the card names yesterday.but was fun.
    I have been sorting my craft room I have had to take all my things off four shelves as we have got to have the gas & electric meters change to smart meters as ours are obsolete,Terry has to take the cupboard doors off just hope he can get them back on they are coming on the first of February.
    Made a start on the mini challenge card just got to decorate it tomorrow after I have been to the Cardiac rehabilitation aerobics & life style talk.
    Maria glad your first day of your holiday was a good one.
    Well I think I'm ready for my bed so see you tomorrow.
    Love Lynda xxx
