
Sunday 22 January 2017

Your Challenge Cards

My Challenge Card

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Easel cards where the theme for this weeks challenge, juding by some of the amazing cards I received, you all really enjoyed this challenge.  So without further delay I will display them below....
But this week I am going to do things differently, last week I read that a few of you try and guess who made which card, so I thought I would play along, I will show all of the cards that I received for this Challenge, but I won't add their names, so that you can all have a go at guessing, I will add their names later on today, so that you can check your answers.
For the person that gets most guesses correct I will send out a little something, just for fun.
So here goes........

Number (1)

Number (2)

Number (2)

Number (3)

Number (4)

Number (5)

Number (6)

Number (7)

Number (7)

Number (8)

Number (9)

Number (10)

Right ladies there you go, just add the card number with your guess beside it, I will tell you that 2 ladies sent more than one card.

To all of you ladies that took part this week, thank you so very much, I love doing the challenges each week for you, seeing incredible displays of cards like this makes every minute I spend worth while, thank you xxx

Can I ask if any of you ladies have ordered from 'Hixxysoft', they sell dies as well as office supplies I think, a bit like Icon Uk, about 12 days ago I ordered Sue Wilson's Striped Nasturtiams a long with her Faux Quilled Leaves (to make the 0rder up), last Tuesday the Faux quilled leaves arrived but the Striped Nasturtiams didn't, now I will add that I only ordered from them because they were the only place advertising the die as 'In Stock'.  I tried to find a number to call them but they don't have one advertised, so I emailed them, I got a reply later that night explaining that they were expecting the Striped Nasturtiams in any day but had just found out that they were going to be delayed until they get their shipment of Sue's new die release on or after 26th January!  Maybe I am unreasonable but I was really cross that they had taken my money for something that they didn't have in stock as they advertised. They didn't advertise them as 'pre-order' or 'awaiting delivery'.  Would you be frustrated with this situation???? I emailed him back on Tuesday asking why they said they had it in stock.......I am still awaiting their reply.

I will look in later to see how you are getting on with your guessing, have fun.

Enjoy your Sunday ladies,

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    What a wonderful set of Easel Cards for our display board this week.

    I am going to have to do some hard thinking to name the Creators but I'll start the run off by saying that
    I think - No 6 is MICHELE. No. 8 is MICHELE. No.

    I'm off now to have my breakfast as Jim has just got back. I'll definitely be back to finish off my selection.
    Hugs to you all. xxxx

    1. Great minds think alike Janet. I though they were Michele's also.

  2. Hello Again
    Just had a lovely breakfast so carrying on:-

    No 3 and 4 = LYNDA.

    Until later xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Karen =No 2
    Margaret = No 4 & No 6
    Janet = No 5
    Brenda = No 7
    Pat = No 9

    I'm probably wrong on every guess but heh Ho!!
    Late start for me & breakfast with hubby so I didn't get chance to look at the blogs until we've finished eating.

    Nothing much planned for today so o cd I've done the usual housework I might have a play in my craft room.


    1. I meant to type "once I've done the housework..."!!


  4. This hard SANDRA They're all lovely and it's this part of the day I look forward to the most Sitting down with a cuppa and looking at everyone's ideas on the theme
    Here goes
    1 LYNDA
    3 JANET
    7 LYNDA
    9 LYNDA
    10 BRENDA or Ooh I don't know Probably wrong with all of them
    I think cold is on its way out BUT spent 4 hours at our Out of Hours GP service to be prescribed antibiotics for cystitis So it's definitely a duvet day

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I have had a great time playing the challenge card guessing game while enjoying each beautiful easel card. I've changed my mind so many times but now I am going to settle on
    1 Janet
    2 Karen
    3 Lilian
    4 Maria
    5 Brenda
    6 Karen
    7 Lynda
    8 Michele
    9 Mum-Margaret
    10 Michele
    It will be interesting to see how many I got right. I do know that I have definately got one right as I saw Mums in progress on Friday. I will pop back in later on to see how I have done. Good luck with your guessing everyone 😊
    Maria, I hope you have a safe and trouble free journey and a lovely holiday x
    Val, I hope it warms up where you live before you get home from your holiday x
    Lilian, I hope your knees are a little better today x
    Lynda and Brenda, I hope you are both continuing to feel better each day,band are getting plenty of rest x
    I must get on as we have Chris jnr arriving soon and as I have been crafting and as usual put things on the dining chairs, as our table isn't very big, that he would find very tempting. He wont touch things if you tell him not to but it's not fair to put temptation in his way is it?
    I hope everyone has a good day. Sending my love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda,Brenda, Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi again Sandra. I haven't ordered from Hixxysoft but I don't think you are being unreasonable at all. If they said the dies were in stock then they should be. And to take your money for them is not certainly not acceptable and I think you should get an immediate refund. Xx

  6. Hi Sandra
    I have ordered from Hixxysoft but have had no trouble with them. I'd be cross if they'd taken my money if they had no stock. I've ordered stuff from Sunrisecrafts but they do tell you if it's a special and you have to wait.
    No 1 Janet
    No 6 & 8 Michele
    No 9 & 10 Maria
    No 7 Lynda
    I dont know who made no 5 but I love it.
    Still to put my thinking cap on as Margaret must gave made one.
    Sue cheated as she sent me one for my birthday and I thought she would send that one, so I thought I'd get at least 1 right.

  7. Must say that I didn't cheat and look to see who had done what, but Sue says she had inside information.

    1. Hi Pat. I only know the one that Mum made as I saw hers under construction. I did send Sandra the one I made your birthday but as it was so early in the week I think she was too shocked to show it today 😊 good luck with looking through your friends craft stash
      What a shame she isn't crafting any more though xx

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. OOOps sorry, i made a mess of this and had to delete .

    i have not been with you for long and i don't really know your style of card making, but i love a challenge so will have a guess .
    here goes
    1 and 7 ),,, Janet.
    2 ans 8 ) ,, Sue.
    3) ,,,,,,,,, Lynda.
    4),,,,,,,,,, Val.
    5),,,,,,,,,, Lillian .
    6),,,,,,,,,, Margaret.
    9),,,,,,,,,, Michele.
    10),,,,,,,,, Maria .

    Probably all wrong guesses but hey ho , lovely beautiful cards to admire and inspire from you lovely ladies.
    Elaine H X

  10. Afternoon All
    Just had lunch so before I relax:-

    No. 7 PAT, No. 2 Maria

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely lot of cards, not easy to guess but here goes.
    1 Janet,
    2 & 6 Karen
    3 Maria
    4 Brenda
    5 Lynda
    7 Sue
    8 & 10 Michele
    Battery low so will send hugs to all who need, look forward to answers love

  12. Hi Sandra & everyone
    No 1 Janet
    No2 Maria
    No 3 Pat
    No 4 Brenda
    No 5 Lilian
    No 6 Karen
    No 8 Michele
    No 9 Margaret
    No 10 Michele
    They are probably all wrong HAHA
    Very cold today Terry has gone to Tesco pharmacy went to boots yesterday they said that they only had two tablets & could get the rest in for Wednesday but would be 40 minutes wait for the two tablets so he wouldn't have any for 3 days.
    Stupid woman. A lovely array of cards as usual all beautiful I have probably got the all wrong so I apologies too you all.
    I'm going in craft room & try to sort out what I want & find homes for all my free craft goodies so much haven't even sorted last weeks bag out either.
    Have a good Sunday &a pop back later keep warm everyone
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Well done Lynda I wondered if that was you congratulations.

    2. I hope you and Terry are feeling a bit better, gentle hugs to you both.

  13. Hi again I have just been on Sues blog & I have won a prize WOOP WOOP
    LOVE Lynda xx

    1. Well done Lynda about time you had good

    2. Good for you , always nice when one of us wins, hope you are on the mend.

    3. Thank you all very much was a shock seeing my name
      Hug's Lynda xx

  14. Hello All, sorry to be late, couldn't get internet connection. Rain this morning, but a bit dryer now.
    Cards are all lovely, sorry after reading all other choices I'm completely muddled, I know mine but that's all !!!
    Knees are a bit better this morning, thank goodness, although bad during the night.
    Have a lovely Sunday, hugs Lilian

  15. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a fantastic selection of cards this week. Such inspiration, you really are very talented ladies.

    Well I will have a guess, there are one or two I'm not sure about, as I said it's a guess!

    1 Janet
    2 & 6 Karen
    3 Lillian
    4 Maria
    5 Sonia (or Cheryl)
    7 Lynda
    8 & 10 Michele
    9 Margaret

    I have to confess number 5 was a tricky one (even wondered if it was you Sandra)

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday went to the craft room with the idea of making a card, looked around and thought I've got to tidy this mess up, it's still work in progress, as I've been reorganising most of the shelves, almost there AND I can see my work space again!

    Love and Hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I keep trying to intice someone to come down and help me do mine. Cheryl was my first port of call as she seems to be ruthless doing hers. I rang my friend in Wivenhoe a bit earlier to say we were coming down, but it was difficult to spend the whole day with them so we're meeting up Friday afternoon, apparently she's lost her mojo so is getting rid of all her stuff. She's put some by for me and I can have a look through the rest in case I fancy anything, no Sue Wilson dies as she doesn't really do dies, but I'll be having a good rummage.

  16. Hi Sandra and crafty friends.

    I love them all but particularly liked the bulls eye target and the wee bear one. They were my fav. I won't guess as I haven't seen many of everyone's style yet. Maybe next time.
    I've sent Sandra a photo of my card for my pal Janice.

    Lynda. Well done u winning a prize. Hope u and terry are doin a bit better now. Back to work the morn as that's my fortnight holiday gone in a flash ah well 3 weeks till the next one lol not that I'm counting or anything lol

    Love to all xx

    1. The bullseye one and No 5 were my favourites Tracy. Aren't you lucky 3 weeks work then another holiday.
