
Thursday 26 January 2017

Janet's ZigZag Tutorial cards

My Double Zigzag Card

With band taken off
Janet's Double ZigZag Card

Lilian's Double Zigzag card

Lynda's Double Zigzag Card

Inside Lynda's card

Maria's Double Zigzag Card

Margaret's Double Zigzag card

Good Morning Ladies,

Last week Janet did a tutorial for the Double Zigzag cards she had made for her 'Knit and Natter' group, I have to say it was a brilliant tutorial Janet, very easy to follow, with clear and precise instructions.  I am so pleased that some of you found the time to have a go, at least Janet knows that her tutorial instructions work brilliantly.

My card is first, I used Floral Muse Papers, some Lace and pearl trim along too of each section to add interest , I 'fussy' cut some butterflies from the paper collection, then added some matching flowers and foliage, I wasn't sure about how to keep my card closed, so I band a band of card to go around the card and decorated it to match the rest of my card, I hope you like it, thank you Janet xxx

Janet's card is next up, some pretty papers used, the pretty ball gown in the foreground goes with the music theme if the background paper, beautifully finished with some pearls xxx

Lilian, your card is gorgeous, with the subtle script paper in the background and that stunning stamped floral spray adorning the centre of the card, so elegant, thank you xxx

Lynda, how fabulous your card is, a pretty colour outside, opening up to a real WOW centre, with a lovely verse and a kaleidoscope of butterflies, thank you for taking the time to take part xxx

Maria, such a cute children's card from you, using all of the Beatrix Potter Characters, they match perfectly with your background too, amazing card, thank you Maria, I hope you are having a lovely holiday xxx

Margaret, such a lovely colour combination on your card, I love the die cut on The I side too, the card is finished so elegantly with that pretty butterfly on the front, thank you so much for taking part, I bet if I'd ask you this time last year to have a go at a double Zigzag card you'd have thought I was talking double Dutch!! It goes to show how much you have come on in a short space of time xxx

Thanks again to Janet for doing us the tutorial to start this challenge, if anyone else would like to do a challenge just let me know.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone from a very cold Marigny.
    Our reasonable day yesterday must have just been an error on the Weather Fairy as we're back today at -6.

    Thank you so much for giving my Double Zig Zag a go.
    I know how busy everyone is and it's a lot asking on top of everything for an extra Challenge.

    You all have really made my day start with a very large smile on my face. Each one as all our CCs are so very different and so beautiful I'm just so pleased that I haven't got to choose a favourite as I just couldn't.
    It was the first time I'd been asked to do a Virtual Tutorial. I've done more than a few demos but this was quite different making sure that each step was where it should be and hoping that all the explanations were easy to follow.
    Anyway I really enjoyed it and once again a BIG THANK YOU.

    LYNDA- I hope your Cardiac Rehab goes better today. I know how difficult it is at the start but it really does get better and easier. Do you have coffee/tea and a biscuit at the end of the session? Good Luck for today.

    I got my CC done yesterday so I've now got to photograph it and get it off to SANDRA.

    Have a good day everyone. Hugs should be arriving very shortly for you all.
    The CAFE is brightly lit up this morning so Dobbie must be around somewhere. I just hope that he's done all his chores lol. xxxx

    1. Thank you Janet for the tutorial, I enjoyed make it so will have a go again when back home. your cards yesterday was both lovely. Many hugs xx

    2. It was a great tutorial I failed! In that one of my pieces when scored the folds weren't right

    3. Thank you Janet for tutorial I loved doing it & found it easy to follow. As Sandra said I wouldn't have had a clue this time last year, shows we are never too old to learn, thank

    4. Hi Janet
      I cut out my ZigZag card on Tuesday but haven't managed to decorate until I get home. Well that's a fib really as Sandra measured and cut mine out. Must get a bigger cutter. I did score them originally but put a 2" score line as well. No, don't ask me why, as I haven't a clue as your instructions didn't say that. I did put under your tip to Karen re cutting does that apply to the ZigZag card as well. I might experiment re that.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful cards today. Janet-your tutorial must have been excellent looking at all the lovely cards on display.

    Busy day yesterday & a was quite tired last night so I had a lazy, do nothing evening.

    Today starts with a 2 hour meeting (full) then I'm spending the rest of the day with our 2nd Year student. I'm also meant to be keeping my eye on the 3 staff left in the (temporary) workplace. Tesco shopping tonight then I'll phone my Dad. Another full on day-I bet I still don't manage to sleep through an entire night!!


    1. Hi Michele. It sounds like you need to have eyes in the back of your head and two pairs of hands to get everything done at work. I hope the shopping and phone call tonight are easier for you. It will be good to see your dies and stamps but there's no rush so please don't worry if you don't get around to sending the pics at the weekend x

    2. Hi Michele, take care and as Sue saying there is no rush for the photos. It's more important you have some rest when you can. Hope your dad is alright.hugs xx

    3. Hi Michele
      Perhaps you need 3 of you at work. One to watch everyone else, one to stay with the student and one to do shopping and call your a Dad. Make that 4 so as one can stay in bed and catch up on your sleep.
      As the girls said no rush for oics of what your selling.

  3. Me again

    I'll send photos by email at the weekend of my stamps & dies to everyone who has said they're interested.


  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Third try at commentimg now so will just say that I love all of the beautiful and cute zigzag cards. I hope everyone is ok. Love and hugs with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, hope you ok and the migraine monster have stayed away. Your card the other day was very pretty,lovely colour. Take care, hugs xx

    2. Hello Sue
      I hope we'll get to see your Zig Zag card when you've finished it and sent it off to Sandra. Hugs xxxx

  5. Morning everyone. Hope you all have a nice day and all bugs are staying away.
    Great seeing the double zig zag cards, found it a bit tricky to get the papers the right way first but did it in the end hihi.
    Tracy- your card for your friend was lovely, glad she liked it. Hope being back to work is ok and you not doing to much.
    Had a wonderful day going by train to Kitzbuhel yesterday. I know you have it cold Janet but I beat you with -14 and that was the day temp! hihi Today we only have -9 so will take off a layer of clothing as we are going looking in shops and then in the afternoon we planing to go in the pool. 4.30pm they opening it up so you can swim outdoors too,so might have a go even if very quickly.
    Must have been a shock for Val to get to Wales after such a nice, warm holiday.
    I hope you are all keeping well, good luck Lynda with the exercises.
    Love and many warm hugs to everyone, Maria Xoxxo

    1. Hello Maria
      I can see that you're having a wonderful time and so I'm looking forward to all the pics of you sledging/ski-ing/snowboarding and of course building the most beautiful snowman for Sandra's Mixed Craft Saturday hehehe.
      You're certainly this week's winner in the temp stakes. We only managed -12 one morning last week so your prize is definitely an extra large hot choc with marshmellows when you return. Hope you've had a good day round the shops and that you have taken all your courage and had a dip in the outdoor Perhaps pics? lol. Enjoy the rest of your hols. Thank you for doing a Zig Zag card. I really loved it. Hugs xxxx

    2. Hi Maria
      Seems your having a great time in Zell am Zee. Rather you than me swimming outside in -9. Well I can't swim, so that was easy wasn't it. Enjoy your Hot Chocolate & Marshmallows and Cream Cakes. Lucky you.

  6. I did try and leave a comment earlier but battery died before I had the chance to finish Now I can't remember what I was going to say other than the cards you have done are beautiful You've done JANET proud Mine ended in the bin One of my pieces was wonky ( I thought I'd straightened it) so it wouldn't fold properly

    1. Hello Karen
      May I pass a little tip on to you in that when I need to cut two shaped pieces to match either side of anything I always cut them together whenever possible as I can guarantee that if I cut them separately I get two different sizes etc. It's worth a try when next you need two same size pieces. Hugs xxxx

    2. You're right JANET I should have done that Will have another go

  7. Hi Sandra
    Love all the ZigZag cards today. I didn't get mine decorated as we left for Colchester on Wed morning. Just come back from taking Bet out for a ride, were just having a cup of tea before I get us something to eat.
    Now Janet, does your tip for Karen work for cutting out a a ZigZag card I wonder. I do try to cut out a normal shape if I can by putting two bits together and cutting. But not to sure what to do when you need opposites as you do for thus type of card.
    Wrap up warm ladies as it's mighty cold out there.

  8. Hi All ,just back from Hayle, very cold and gale force winds, lovely day crafting.
    All of the zigzag cards are lovely, the basic card was OK following Janet's instructions, it was when I came to doing the papers to cover it that I got into serious trouble.
    Didn't get around to doing the challenge card so might have a go this evening, if I can drag myself away from the radiator, have a good evening, Lilian

  9. Zig Zags such a lot of fun and all so different.

  10. Hello Sandra and all,
    What a brilliant display of zig zag cards, I know that I have said it before, you really are a very talented group of ladies. Janet I'm sure you are delighted with the display. Sorry mine is still work in progress. I got the basic shape sorted and was happy with the results (Big thank you Janet for such clear instructions) I then thought I would have a go at mat and layering the sections - that is why it's still not completed. SORRY Janet and Sandra.

    Tomorrow we have my hairdresser friend husbands funeral. I have a feeling it will be a long day. But hope to pop in at some time.

    Lynda hope all is going well for you and you are not to exhausted, make sure you rest when you can. LOL

    Take care everyone, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Make sure you wrap up warm tomorrow. I hope everything goes off a well as it can in the circumstances.

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Love your Zig Zag card Sandra, yes I agree a year ago I would not have had a clue, it is down to you, the challenge cards & your videos that I have got this far THANK
    Lilian, Lynda & Maria your catds are all
    It has been very cold here today although I did play Petanque this afternoon, had soo many layers on had a job to.move he he.
    Hope all suffering are feeling better sending hugs to all love Margaret xxx

    1. Thank you Margaret for liking my card. I must say you have come on leaps & bounds with you card making & your card is lovely xx

  12. Hi Sandra & Everyone
    Wow all the Zig Zag cards are so lovely &a Sandra yours is gorgeous thank you. For your lovely comments on mine this morning Sandra. Thank you Janet for the tutorial very professional on your next one you should a video one.
    Janet my exercise class went a lot better today as I new what I was doing. I will do some indoors the next four days as i don't go again till Tuesday & I don't want to stiffen up again 😱. Thank you my friend.xx🤗
    Thank you for your input & I did enjoy it today the time went really quick.
    Have you all been on Sues first day of the Die launch ?
    I will have to read comments tomorrow as Margaret rang & Said she had a fall so we went round to make sure she was ok & just got home at 9.30 pm.
    See you tomorrow love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm glad your exercise class went better today. Better to do a bit at home to save stiffening up.
