
Friday 27 January 2017

Something Succulent !

Good Morning Ladies,

I have made today's card for a Stampin Up Team Challenge on Facebook, it is from a sketch that they featured on Monday, which was one we did a few months ago
I have made 3 Challenge cards this week, one for our Sketch on Monday, one for Janet's mini Challenge and today's card for Stampin Up. 
Mind you I rather enjoyed playing with the "So Succulent " stamp set and their matching dies, with a little dab of ink on their tips they look quite realistic, I think I like them because they are a bit different.
Succulent Stamps & Dies
I used the papers from the same Collection at the bottom of the card, I made a border piece with Delicate Details lace stamps, then used the dies to create the flowers to embellish the card. I had great fun making those Flowers, I sat playing last night as Paul was at work at when I looked at time it was 00.56 am,  Oops, still had to photograph card for blog and write this post.  

Ladies I wanted to let you know that Janet emailed me yesterday to say how seeing all of the cards for her Tutorial really made her day, so thank you, from me too! X

Lynda I do hope Margaret was ok after her fall, you must have been so worried, send her our love, I was also pleased to read that your Exercise class was a little easier yesterday, I have visions of you in a Leotard with matching leg wamers! 😉
I hope it continues to get easier and that you will really start to see the benefits of having the surgery, you'll be running round Ally Pally this time xxxx

Pat, I hope you are having a good time at Bet's although I know you won't get much rest, I bet it's chilly on the coast right now, have you ventured into Clacton yet, I have such fond memories of going to Clacton with mum, dad & Nana as a child, it saddens me to go back and see what a state it's in these days, one image really stands out, it was a laughing policeman in a glass case outside the pier, funny how particular things stay in your mind, wrap up warm if you go xxxx

Maria, it sounds as though you and Rick are having fun, looking forward to photos, ask Rick to photograph you 'in action' on the slopes ! Xxx

Brenda we will be thinking of you today as you attend another funeral, I hope the weather stays bright, I'm sure you will be exhausted, please take if easy, hugs xxx

Val, I bet you can't wait to get back to a slightly warmer climate, going from Cape Verdi back to Spain would have been ok but to return to Wales is quite an extreme change of weather!  I hope you feel more like getting out and about today, sending  hugs xxx

Have we got any crafty shopping to share ladies??? Come on, confess!! If so send me the photos and I will feature them.

Right that's it from me, advice write this I am trying to keep the duvet over my shoulders, it's absolutely freezing in our room tonight, I don't like being in this big old bed on my own, I usually warm my feet up on Paul, but he's working until 7.30am, Milo is snuggled up by my feet at the moment so that's creating a little warmth.

Love and Hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- OH I do love your card for today. Those stamps look amazing and so inviting to use. Your colours are just right for the subject too. I just love it.

    MARIA - how did your evening swim go? I hope the water was just at the temp you like and warm towels were waiting for you.

    PAT- re cutting two pieces together making sure each side is the same. YES it goes for the Zig Zag too. All you have to do is cut your two pieces for the slope and then score one to sizes needed and then just TURN THE OTHER PIECE OVER as if you want to see what's on the back of it. (Hope that makes sense).

    BRENDA- please wrap up warm today and take care. I hope everything goes as well as it can on these very sad occasions.

    LYNDA- re your suggestion of 'my next tutorial being a video one'. I wouldn't know where to start and I really don't think anyone would want to listen to my I'll stick to paper and written instructions if I do another one at some

    I cannot believe it's Friday again and so off we go to Corbigny Market. We may well be doing like last week - moving the car and not walking down the main street as it's so cold. We will of course be calling in the pastry shop.
    It also means that we have only one more week here. Time has really flown.

    I'm told everything is up and running just waiting for you all to pop in for a cuppa and chat.
    HUGS to you all. Take care. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope you manage to leave the car and walk round the market. We also had cream cakes yesterday as Bets daughter brought them in, however not from some lovely pastry shop but from Mr Tesco.
      Yes, your instructions re cutting make perfect sense to me. I'll be experimenting when I get home. Think I need to invest in a bigger cutter though. Mine only goes up to 7" with a bit left over.

    2. Hi Janet
      Ha ha I know what you mean about not liking your voice mine sounds terrible on our answer phone. Have a good trip to Market & look forward to your cake 🍰 description as always.
      Wrap up warm Hug's xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-another really lovely card. The stamps & dies you have use look great. I must look through the brochure properly this weekend.

    Thank goodness it's Friday-yesterday was busy for me. I left the 3 members of staff to it-they managed so I'm going to do the same again today.


    1. Hi Michele
      Don't blame you if they coped. Perhaps you'll be able to catch up a bit today.

  3. Hi everyone, cold ,dark and wet here, I hate Winter.

    Sandra really great card, you have so much patience making your flowers, they very life like, can't wait for mine to arrive love that lacey boarder.

    Hope you are all OK, whatever you are doing today, and that it goes well.

    Well I had better get out of my lovely warm bed, and go for my morning walk to get the paper. Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Lovely sunny morning in Essex today, although we had your dark skies and cold weather yesterday. Lost my original post as blogger wouldn't let me post for some reason.

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    I don't know where my comment yesterday disappeared to. Mind you maybe I didn't press publish. I was pretty well dosed up with tablets for this rotten cold which has now gone to my chest as usual so not pressing publish could well have happened.
    The zig zag cards were so lovely I've had a lookback and your tutorial is really clear Janet and I'll be trying it out when I get home.
    Sandra, you card today is beautiful. Lovely stamps and papers and put together so well as usual. You must be delighted with the way it turned out.
    Yes Sandra the weather here has been a bit of a shock to the system. I think it was minus something yesterday but I didn't venture out. Judging by te emails I'm getting from home it's pretty cold back there but Spanish cold definitely in double figures. We fly home at 8.30 tonight and t will be nice to be in my own bed again.
    Brenda. Do hope everything goes as well as t can do today.
    Lynda. Glad you're getting on better in your exercise class and you're starting to feel the benefit.
    Maria, hope you're continuing to have a great holiday.
    Well really must get out of this lovely warm bed and start packing. We have to be out of the rooms at mid day then off for llunch and then calling at a very large material shop called Aberkhan on the way to the Airport. Oh boy.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you're up to.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, I hope you start to feel better soon, the last thing you need is it turning into a chest infection. I swear it's the air conditioning on the aeroplane that causes most of the germs we contract both while on holiday and straight after!
      There is nothing better than the feel of snuggling down in your own bed.
      I hope you have a smooth flight home, safe journey too!

    2. Hi Sandra. Thank you for you kind wishes. I swear it's the air con on the plane as well. All those nasty germs flying around the cabin are bound to get to you.
      Keep warm love Valxxx

    3. Hi Val
      I hope your feeling better soon. Sounds like you have a busy day before you even arrived at the airport. Have a safe journey home.

    4. Hi Val
      Hope your feeling better soon. Enjoy your last busy day & have a safe journey home xx

  5. Hello Sandra and all,
    Just a very quick hello this morning, as we are leaving in about 10mins.
    Sandra, I love the card you have created for your Stamping up challenge, Love the stamps you have used and the colour is right up my street.
    Have a good day everyone, thank you for your kind wishes.
    take care love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope you wrapped up warm this morning. I hope the service went as well as can be expected.

    2. Hi Brenda
      Hope the funeral went as well as it could. I hope you wrapped up warm it's freezing here. Hug's xx

    3. Thank you so much, yes the funeral went really well. It really was a celebration of his life. People were asked to ware bright colours and not be sad, it really set the mood and I'm sure it helped the grandchildren, the youngest being 10yrs old. She did find it difficult at times, bless her. xx

  6. Hi Sandra
    Love the card you've made for your Stampin up Challenge today.
    No, I haven't been to Clacton yet, but don't think I'll make it this time. Yes, it's very run down as i went before Christmas to the craft shop. Would you believe the laughing policeman is still there. We're off to see our Friends who live in Wivenhoe after lunch but will be back fir teatime. We usually go for the day and have lunch out, but won't be able to this time.
    Wrap up warm everyone it's better out there. I'll pop back later to see what everyone else has been up to.

  7. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sandra your card you have made is gorgeous for the stamping up challenge. I love that stamp set you have used. Can you send me a stamping up catalog please I'm not promising I will buy anything as quit expensive but would love to have a look
    . Sandra you described my keep fit outfit so well 😂 You was spot on.🏋
    Margaret was ok just shaken up a bit probably have a few bruises this morning.
    Well have to go as Tesco is calling & Terry is too.
    Love Lynda xx

  8. My Internet keeps dropping out So frustrating! Love your card SANDRA Short and sweet Take care everyone I am thinking of you all
