
Monday 30 January 2017

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Sketch Challenge card

The Sketch 

Good Morning Ladies,

I am on such a high I just can't tell you, you will probably all think I've lost my marbles when I try and explain why!

But first I will give you the list of who made which card on yesterday's blog!

(1) Michele
(2) Lynda
(3) Margaret
(4) Michele
(5) Brenda
(6) Lilian
(7) Michele
(8) Janet

Brenda, Lynda, Margaret, Lilian you all got 6/8
Val got 5/8
Janet you got 3
Michele it was trickier for you as 3 of them were yours!

Thank you all so much ladies for both taking part and playing along xxx

Karen, I still haven't received your card my lovely, please re-send and I will share it xx

Now onto today's sketch, super simple sketch this week, Michele suggested that I add a theme with the sketch, so I have and that theme is........

Flowers and Trees, you can choose whichever you please, or both if you wish!

My thinking was that most of us have at least one stamp/die in that category, so I hope you enjoy the challenge.

My card (the reason for me being on such a high) is a TOTALLY STAMPED card, I started with a plain piece of white card and made a background using some of my new Stampin Up stamps .... Gorgeous Grunge, Delicate Details (the lace border) and Avant Garden which is the main image, such a detailed stamp!
In all my years of paper crafting I have never really had too much success when it comes to stamping, I just couldn't get the pressure right to get a good image.
This changed when I discovered the 'faux misti' stamping tool, I started to gain confidence and then I started buying the Stampin Up stamps and could even stamp free hand, without the stamping tool, which is how I made the background to today's card.  I just cannot explain to you my excitement, I know Sue understands my giddiness as she has struggled the same as me with Stamping, so I can't wait for her to have a play on Tuesday!
I know my card is nothing special really, it's just a huge deal for me to start with a piece of white card, use no backing papers or dies and end up with a fairly good result!

I hope you all enjoy the challenge as much as I did, I will make one with dies too!

Have a lovely day ladies

Love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I realised just now that I didn't visit the Cafe yesterday so I must say that all of the CC'S are beautiful. I had a guess, just to see how I got on and only got 4 right this week so well done to the rest of you 😊 I love this extra bit of fun each week so thank you Sandra for doing it x
    On to todays fabulous card. It is soppy smile time for me as I completely know how Sandra feels on making this gorgeous card using only white card, some ink pads and some lovely Stampin up stamps. I love it Sandra, and I bet you keep having another look at it and pinching yourself to make sure it isn't a dream. For anyone wondering what all of the fuss is about it is because after many years of struggling to stamp even the most basic sentiment, on a separate piece of card of course, never on the main card, Sandra can now stamp the WHOLE CARD after only dreaming of doing. I am so delighted my lovely and can't wait until tomorrow to use that flower stamp as it is simply gorgeous stamp 😊 x
    Maria, I hope you are home safe and sound x
    Lynda, how are the excersises going for you, and Terry? 😊 x
    I hope you all had a lovely weekend.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    It's a very dark and damp morning here in Marigny so I'm so pleased that I haven't to go out today which means of course that I can play with crafting goodies.

    Well done to all my Dear Detective Friends. I'm so hopeless as these things. It's like trying to guess how old someone is I'm always way off scale but it's great fun.

    SANDRA- Your card is just BEAUTIFUL, and I can understand where you're coming from being able to achieve something that you've always wanted to do and never managed it until something clicks or in this case a small adjustment with a new tool and away you go mastering your stamping craft.

    I have loads of stamps and never really think of making a card with them or should I say 'trying to make a card' but I'm going to do just that.
    Perhaps for one week our CC could be having to use stamps instead of dies. What do you think?

    My playing yesterday didn't get me anywhere. I tried all sorts -I was trying to make a wedding anniversary card for Jim's eldest Daughter and Son-in-Law- but nothing went well from deciding to cut a frame to trying to find an image for the middle. Anyway that may be put on the back burner today and I'll have a go at 'stamping'!

    VAL- It was lovely to have you back I the Café yesterday. I hope your cold/cough is beginning to disappear and that you have got over your travelling tiredness.

    MARIA- I hope you're back home safe and sound and I'm looking forward to perhaps seeing one or two pics of your hols.

    CHERYL- I hope the Panto is going well and that you're not being called upon very often.

    The Café has clean linen today so I only hope that Marigny Dobbie has collected all his clothing that was whizzing around on the fan to dry yesterfay and not forgotten any items. I can just see the shock on faces to come in and see all his laundry drying on the fan hehehe.

    Have a good day everyone with HUGE HUGS to you all.

    1. Thanks Janet for your good wishes. Back to normal today. Had a really good sleep last night for a change. The pile of washing has finally been done and I'm just about to hang it out. Fortunately it's sunny here so it's drying well. The cold has gone from my head but I'm still coughing. Not bad enough to go to the docs though.
      Hope you enjoy your last week in Marigny. It doesn't seem so long since you were just going. Enjoy your stamping today. XXX

    2. Hi Janet
      Enjoy your stamping if you manage to get some done.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra & a great sketch that we can do so many different things with.

    I was rubbish at guessing who made the cards yesterday-got everyone wrong-ha ha!

    Hubby decided (at around 3pm) to suggest that he'd like to use my craft room as his office and I could have the larger room!!! Didn't need asking twice so I started to pull everything out (realised just how MUCH stash I have) and we set to. A couple of hours later and hubby's office looked great-tidy & minimal. Wish I could say the same about my craft room-it's just not coming together as well as I'd hoped. No time tonight to sort anything as I'm going to give blood so I usually just sit & relax for the rest of the evening-might go on Pinterest for ideas though.

    We have our first meeting with the contractors at work this morning-hope they say everything is ok!!


    1. Hi Michele, did you see many birds yesterday?
      Changing rooms sounds a great idea but what a lot of work. I'm sure a great plan will just come to you when you least expect it.
      Hope everything goes ok with your

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope your meeting with the contractors went well. I expect changing room will be a good idea once your sorted. My craft room is very small, but I couldn't change room even if I wanted to. The unit I bought for the room was much to big for it. I got an open bookcase effect from Ikea. Well, we couldn't build it in the room as you had to slide back panels in. The landing and door they had to go through was to narrow for them. We then stood are bed in our room against the wall and Bioko it in there. It when would go out onto the landing so we could slide it into the little room. It got stuck on the landing. After a lot of shouting and swearing not by me I might add. We managed to slot the ends together. Put the shelves in to made it studied and slide one back panel i, gingerly turn it up the other way and slide the other one in. Don't ever buy a unit without measuring again was the retort. Here it is and here it stays. If it comes out it comes out chopped up.

  4. Hi Sandra and all
    Well done to all who guessed correctly .
    Sandra your card is beautiful ,i am not too clever at stamping either but you did a great job , well done .
    Elaine H X

  5. Hello All , wet again, seem to have picked up a bug, had a bad night, and yesterday felt very iffy all day, was hoping would be gone but feeling just the same this morning so having a lie in.

    Sandra your card is lovely, as you know stamping is and always has been my main love, must admit stamping up stamps make it much easier.
    The sketch looks great, will give it a go later.
    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. So sorry you're not feeling so good today. Hope you're able to stay in and keep warm.
      Take care xxx

    2. Hi Lilian
      Sorry to hear your feeling unwell, hope you feel better soon.

  6. Ooh a few surprises for me I tried to guess and got one right I think! Another Ooh for SANDRA Your card is FANTASTIC I don't stamp very much BUT with the faux Misti I can and made quite a few Christmas
    I don't know what's happening with my emails It always says SENT and appears iny SENT box.... Most odd I will try later
    I enjoyed Sandown yesterday and bought a few bits - photographed and ready to send It was manic there on Saturday with stalls being 5 or 6 deep But we were able to wander around and really study items without fear of being knocked into
    Like the look of this challenge and the nudge re theme It'll help my mojo greatly It's still asleep and needs nudging
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      I'm glad you enjoyed Sandown. Hope your mojo gets a nudge today.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    What a beautiful card Sandra and ALL stamped. I'm amazed. It's really lovely. I really must get a faux misti. The results are so good.
    Meeting Wendy later for a coffee and two weeks catch up.
    Lovely sunny day here today but warmer out than in the house. I look like the Michelin Man, I have so many layers on.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  8. Sorry Lynda, I meant to say hope you're feeling ok today and you manage to get an appointment at the docs re your ankles. As you say this getting old lark ain't much fun at times is it? Hope the doctor can sort you out. Sending you love.
    Also meant to say well done on all the good guessing yesterday. I'm amazed I got 5 right because I did guess most of them It's good fun Sandra.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely card,your stamping is soo good now well done. You are making me look at my stamps more now, hopefully will get a chance
    Lilian sorry you are feeling poorly hope you can stay in the warm, hugs on
    Lynda sorry your feet & ankles are swollen, hope you can get appointment today, hugs on
    Michele hope the news from contractors is good, take
    Washing just finished so must go & sort it then housework calling.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra your card is lovely, love the colours you have chosen, it all works so well together. Forgot to say congratulations on be chosen to be on Pootles Design Team for February (your name/fame is spreading) Well done.

    Lynda hope you managed to get a doctors appointment. Do take care and rest your legs when you can. LOL

    Val, isn't it great to get that washing out of the way when we have been away. Hope your cough goes away soon, Take care.

    I have to go and look at my stamps, then decide if I can rise up to this weeks challenge.

    Have a good day everyone. Love Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe'.
    Gorgeous card Sandra and all stamped,wow, you have done a fabulous job. Like the sketch so if time,I will give it a go. Your CC's were all wonderful ! I had a go at guessing before the names and got it totally wrong Lol thought the baby one was Tracy's, and even seeing the names I only got 4 right hihi good fun though.
    Lilian- sorry to hear you poorly,hope you soon feeling better. Sending you some warm hugs.
    Cheryl- hope the panto goes well and you all having fun.
    Val- would love to see a photo from your holiday too, have heard it meant to be so beautiful. Hope everything was good.
    Janet- Dobbie seem to do what I am doing since early this morning but we haven't got a ceiling fan to hang it from and way to wet outside so it all goes on the airier, some on the door frames and some on the ballaster. The whole house smells like a launderette.
    Michele- hope work is going ok even in the new area for now, you take care.
    Karen- hope you are alright and had fun at Sandown.
    Lynda- have the swelling gone down any yet ? hope the exercises not made it worse. Have some real problems with my right calf, will see if some rest will help or it's back to doc. Sandra- did you ever go and saw yours reg. your leg ? oh well done for being on the DT team, looking forward to see the cards you make.
    After a very good breakfast at the hotel we managed to have a last walk in town and get some lovely mountain air into our lungs. Getting off the plane at Heathrow and seeing the rain coming down was so sad to see. Driving conditions were horrible and when we got home we left the bags in the car and just rushed in for a cup of tea, looked through rubbish post before hitting the bed and actually slept pretty well until 7am. Third machine nearly done so when that's hanged up we need to get some food shopping in. I let go for the week so the scales was probably right this morning ,unfortunately :-( tihi
    Hope you all have a good day as possible, love and many hugs to you all. Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I'm glad you arrived home safely. Then as both you and Val said it's then the washing. I don't mind the washing it's the ironing I hate. You and me both re the weight. I seem to eat less but put on more. Not the way it's supposed to work Pete says I eat the wrong things. He's so smug because he's right.

  12. Hi Sandra
    Completely missed yesterday's cards. Which were all fabulous ladies. What with spending virtually 3 hrs trying to get Bet out of the bathroom as we were going out to lunch with her family at a pub all pre booked. Jill took Bet home we had tea at Jill's and left Colchester at around 7.15. I drove home in torrential rain until we hit Oxford, then is was just drizzling. We arrived home at 1.10 as no way was I rushing to get home. Mind you the traffic that passed us as we weren't moving was flabbergasting. I was glad to pull into our drive. So I turned the heating on and the fire made a hot drink and went to bed.
    Sandra no wonder you were over the moon with your stamping you made a fantastic job of your stamping and your card is lovely. Looking forward to seeing you and Sue tomorrow.

  13. Hi Lynda
    I've just read you've problems with your ankles and feet hope to manage to see the Dr today.

  14. Hi Sandra
    I hear congratulations are in order. I'll look back at yesterday's post and see what you wrote.

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