
Sunday 29 January 2017

Your Sketch Challenge Cards

My Challenge Card

The Sketch
Card (1)

Card (2)

Card (3)

Card (4)

Card (5)

Card (6)

Card (7)

Card (8)

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

My favourite day of the week, because I get to see and share your Challenge cards.  It amazes me every week that you all take the same basic layout and create an amazing, individual card.  
I am going to do the same as last week and leave you to have a guess at who made which card, I will make it a little easier for you this week by listing  below the names of everyone that took part..


Just match the card number to the name of its creator! 

I will be busy choosing tomorrow's sketch while you are guessing, for some reason it takes me hours to choose, I like to make sure that the sketch is achievable for everyone, those with lots of dies, those with only a few, those of you that you like to computer craft, Stampers, non Stampers etc.  If any of you ever want a turn at choosing the sketch just let me know.

Well I will leave it there for now, I have to make two sketch cards once again this week, one for our Sketch and one for the Stampin Up sketch challenge on Facebook.  I have also been chosen to be on Pootles Design Team for February, I have been sent a stamp set and have to make 3 projects! 
So busy, busy busy!!!

Have a lovely Sunday ladies,

Love and hugs 



  1. Morning Everyone from a very damp and rainy Marigny.

    I'm not going to connect my choices at the moment as I want to take a little longer this week to play detective lol.

    So I hope you're all feeling OK this Sunday morning and ready to have a really good day.

    I didn't get any crafting done yesterday as that horrible/disgusting/swearing word Housework took over. lol but today I will be set up on the kitchen table and making a lovely mess all around.

    The CAFE is ready and waiting for you all to pop in or so I'm told by Marigny Dobbie who had rather a wet journey earlier this morning over the English Channel. I only hope that he hasn't left all his wet clothes laying around the Café hehehe.
    Hugs to you all and I'll see you all in a little while.

    1. Morning Janet,
      So pleased to read that you get to sit and play today, look forward to seeing the results!
      Poor Dobbie, when I looked in this morning he had fashioned himself a 'Toga' with a serviette, I wondered what he was doing, something then caught my eye, his 'Eiffel Tower' boxers where whizzing round on the ceiling fan, along with his hand knitted socks! Maybe you could make him a sou'wester, to keep him dry!??
      Have fun crafting

  2. Good Morning again
    I've now had my breakfast and so here are my selections-

    BRENDA 3
    LYNDA 2
    MICHELE 4 & 5
    LILIAN 6 & 1

    Good Detecting everyone.

    SANDRA- sorry I forgot to say Congratulations in being chosen to be part of the Design Team for Pootles for February. I'm looking forward to seeing your creations.

  3. Morning Ladies

    What a lovely collection of challenge cards. I'm struggling to work out who made what! Think I need longer to make my decision.

    Late start for me-actually slept last night. Think it was partly exhaustion and partly a good few glasses of wine. We had a pleasant evening-Chinese takeaway with my Dad, brother & sister in law. My Sister inLaw was thrilled with her Christmas present-thank goodness. That's another large box gone out of my craft room. I've been saving boxes for my crazy friend (who claims they're for other people) so when I see her that will clear lots more space.

    I'm going to sit and count how many birds visit the feeders today for the RSPB-nice, relaxing job!


  4. Hello from a very wet Cornwall.
    What a lovely selection of cards today.
    Have guessed the owners, without reading any comments first.
    Here goes : 1 Michele
    2 Lynda
    3 Brenda
    4 Michele
    5 Margaret
    6 ?
    7 Michele ?
    8 Janet.

    Sorry not much good at this , eight cards five names !!!
    Have a good day all, R away tonight for Meeting tomorrow, so busy getting everything ready, he likes a fresh pasty to take with him for his tea.
    Anyone watching the tennis, the Feds doing well, but I still don't know who is going to win. Must away, hugs to all, Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra well done on being chosen for the design team of Pootles they have chosen well. Lovely lot of cards again today thank you for choosing the challenge each
    My choices are as follows:-
    1 & 4. Michele
    2. Lynda
    5. Brenda
    6 & 7. Lilian
    8. Margaret

    Lynda hope you are beginning to feel benefit of excercises, keep them up, hugs on
    Val glad you are home safe, hope your cold is
    Maria safe journey
    Hope you all have a lovely Sunday sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Sandra just realised I put my name for no 8 I meant Janet!!! Old age

  6. Me Again

    Made my decision on cards

    Brenda = No 3
    Lynda = No 6
    Janet = No 2
    Lilian = No 5
    Margaret = No 8

    That's all I can match up-I'm pretty sure I've got everyone wrong!!

    Birds have all disappeared so I'm waiting until lunchtime to count them.


  7. I'm at Sandown at moment So will pop back later to see who's who Can't see my card I sent it yesterday morning....

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Fantastic cards today everyone. What a pretty design to have to work to. Looking forward to joining in again this week.
    Many congratulation Sandra on being on the Poodles Design Team. Well done you.
    I'm really stuck over who's made what but I'll have a go.
    1. BRENDA
    4. MICHELE

    Probably completely wrong. I did put Maria name down for one and then realised she hadn't made one.

    Just got back from Sunday lunch at a very nice restaurant. I had roast beef, Lynn and Paul had turkey. They didn't bother with a desert but I just had to have Coffee, toffee cheesecake. It was as sickly as it sounds but so lovely.

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and all who drop into the cafe today,

    Today's cards are all great, you have worked hard ladies. I will have a go at guessing who made which one, has to confess I don't feel as confident as I di last week,
    1 and 3 Margaret
    2 Lynda
    4 and 7 Michele
    5 ?
    6 Lillian
    8 Janet
    Good luck everyone

    Wii pop in later, Love Brenda xxx

  10. Hi Sandra.

    Loving all the cards this week. Particularly like the baby card today. Xx

  11. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sandra congratulations on th DT for pooties well done & good luck in the stamping up challenge
    My guesses

    1 Margaret
    2 ?
    3 Margaret
    4 Michele
    5 BRENDA
    6 Lillian
    7 Michele
    8 Janet
    Probably all wrong 😳 But they are all gorgeous well done everyone xx

    I have been very lazy today had a PJ day for some reason my feet & ankles have decided to swell up on Friday & are still swollen so think I will make appointment for doctors tomorrow I'm really fed up with my body lately I don't like this getting old lark oh well I'm still breathing so that's a bonus 😂
    I did go in my craft room earlier as Terry was watching a war film which I don't like. Sandra I had a play with my faux Misti love it so much better.stamping with it I tried the resist technique as I watched Inkylisouse on Hochanda but she made a better job than me. I need to learn which card that blends best
    (Sandra any advice please ) I will try YouTube.
    Must go & catch up over on Sue's blog have any of you got any favourites from the blog launch.
    See you all later Love Lynda xx

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