
Tuesday 31 January 2017

Karen's Challenge Card & Shopping

Good Morning Ladies

Thank you all for your kind words regarding my card yesterday, I apologise for my over enthusiasm, but I still want to do a little fist pump every time I walk through my craft room and see if there! 
But today is about Karen's card, and what a fantastic card it is! I didn't get it in time for the post on Sunday so as I promise all of your cards get featured on the blog at some point, I saw this one and wanted to share straight away.

I believe Karen has used the Spellbinders Curved Border dies to create that lovely  curve, the papers are Stunning, they look like one of the Creative Expressions pads, but I will get Karen to confirm that when she looks in.
Would you have guessed this was Karen's card in Sundays Line up?
Thank you Karen for sharing xxx

Now on to Karen's Craft Shopping,  somebody was lucky enough to go to Sandown Park on Sunday, it sounds as though Sunday was the best day to go as it wasn't quite as busy as the Saturday.
Karen's shopping ( I have copied Karen's list)

Here's what I bought

Sue Wilson - Stitched Lattice Frames and Scalloped Lattice Frames dies, purely because I have the Baby Shadow Box and a lot cheaper than icon
Sue Wilson - Perspectives Triple Merry Christmas Was a real bargain
Tonic Nuvo drops in red
Ranger Glossy Accents
Collal glue
Pebeo wax - it was so cheap and wanted to play because the Pebeo wax seems such a nicer texture than CS and different again to Gilding Polish
Two bottles of Pixie Powders
Some yarn/wool - to make a Minion hat for my boss for his birthday - which I managed to do but no photos I didn't get to bed until 2.30am!
ScanNCut USB - Tattered Lace Number 5 Frippery and Flourishes. I really wanted to get the Glitz & Glam and/or the Best of 2016 Of course they didn't have those. Very pleased with the one though

I think that's it


There sounds more than there actually looks in the photo, you got an amazing Haul Karen, I love that latest Sue Wilson Scalloped Lattice die, I use the outer frames all the time for making frames and matting and layering.
Thank you for sharing your Shopping with us Karen xxx

Lilian, I hope you are feeling better today xxx

Lynda, I hope your swelling has gone down my lovely xxx

Margaret I will give your catalogue to Sue today, so hopefully you will see if on Friday xxx

If anyone else would like to see a SU catalogue, just let me know xx

Sue & Pat, hopefully see you later, we are off to Pat's today, so don't bother hoovering Pete ! Xx

Have a lovely day ladies

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-your card is great, really pretty. Lovely to see your shopping haul-i love seeing what other. Crafters buy.

    Meeting was a farce yesterday -the contractors failed to turn up! Work was ok-managed together quite a bit of paperwork sorted.
    My appointment to give blood was 5.30 and I was leaving the church hall by 6.05- that's really quick for me. Booked my next appointment for June .
    Moved a few things round in my "new" craft room last night, packaged all my sales items up to you lovely ladies-I'll be taking them to the Post Office tonight after work. Couldn't get inspired to craft so I sat downstairs & read.
    Today looks like it's going to crazy busy-full chemo list & a couple of new patients , should make the day go quickly.


    1. Hi Michele
      How bad that the contractors didn't turn up. Being busy is always better that not being busy. It makes the day drag if your hanging around.

  2. Morning Everyone

    KAREN- a beautiful CC and I love your choice in colours.

    Your shopping talent knows no bounds. That looks a fantastic haul and I look forward to seeing some of your creations.

    LYNDA- I hope your ankles are back to normal this morning and that you're able to go to Cardio Rehab.

    PAT- what a day you had yesterday. Your journey back home sounds horrible but at least you arrived safely by being sensible not like some on the roads driving like maniacs in those conditions. Have a good day with Sue and Sandra.

    Well we had a horrible day yesterday. We didn't seem to see any daylight at all. It rained through the night and didn't stop all day. This morning the rain has stopped but everything is soaking and a little more than damp!!

    I had a good day playing yesterday. I managed a finished card and using some of my stamps too. Yehhhh. I want to do my CC today as I have to start sorting things out for our journey to Calais on Sunday.

    The CAFE looks inviting this morning and I can smell the coffee and fresh bread tempting everyone.
    HUGS to all of you xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      My feet & ankles were ok this morning so managed to go to cardio rehab it's strange they were swollen all week but a little puffy again now so I have my legs up so hope they will be ok Thursday.
      Thank you I'm enjoying it now. 🤗🤗xx

    2. Hi Janet
      Yes are journey was hairy to say the least. Pete doesn't like driving in the rain nor the dark with his eyes.

  3. I am extremely flattered that you've shown my card and shopping haul I had a lovely day Sunday was so quiet it almost felt empty Some of the companies I hadn't seen before I even managed to buy hubby a gift - a pint of Guinness flavoured fudge!
    The patterned paper is a SERIF image It was already coloured lilac when I searched for flower material I chose lilac because it the colour for FEBRUARY and MIL's birthday is 11th
    I hope all of you that need a bit of TLC will use my hug to help Going to warm myself a croissant and have a chat with DOBBIE

    1. Hi Karen
      Your card is Gorgeous very pretty. I loved all your goodies you purchased. Your MIL will love her card xx

    2. A gorgeous card Karen you really are so clever in how you use your Serif.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Karen, I love your card, especially the gorgeous lilac paper. You have got a lovely selection of goodies to play with. The dies are ones that you will turn to time and again aren't they. Please let us see what you make using your lovely new stash x
    Lilian, I hope you are feeling better today. Hugs are on their way for you x
    Lynda,did you manage to get to the doctors about your ankles? Enjoy your CR session x
    Pat, I bet you both were so relieved to get home safe and sound. See you in a while x
    Michele, I'm sure you will love having that extra space in your new craft room, once you find homes for everything. You will get loads of storage ideas from Pinterest, won't you. Actually it gives so many great ideas for just about everything! I hope work goes as well as it can x
    I'm looking forward to doing some stamping today with Sandra and Pat so I'm off to pack my bags now. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Lilian, Maria and all in need (sorry if I have forgotten anyone) Take care x

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card Karen. You've used such a pretty edging die and the delicate colours work so well together. Great new stash of goodies. I've been looking at the new Sue Wilson collection and I'm tempted by quite a few. Looking forward to seeing a photo of your finished hat.

    I had a good catch up with Wendy yesterday. It's surprising how much can happen in the two weeks since I saw her. Looking forward to our craft class on Friday which is now an hour longer that it was.

    Lynda, hope everything went well at the docs yesterday and he was able to help re your swollen ankles.
    Lillian, hope you're feeling a lot better today.
    WOW Pat what a journey home . Bet you were relieved to get safely into the house.
    Maria, glad you're safely home working your way through the washing. Hope you're ok today.

    Well I'm off up to my craft roomfor a few hours. So looking forward properly at what I've brought back from UK and having a little play.

    Sandra Pat and Sue enjoy your crafting time today. I'm sure you'll be stamping like mad.
    Bye for now.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Didn't manage to get a doctors appointment but swelling went down this morning & went to my cardiac rehabilitation class so hope they don't swell up again. 🤗🤗

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Hello Sandra, and all friends, I see we have an interloper again.
    Wet here again, busy working today.
    Feeling better today, it seems a choice of taking tablets and feeling very sick first thing, or not taking it and getting no sleep because of the pain, Hobsons I feel.

    Lynda hope the swelling has gone down, at that the exercises are going well.

    Karen beautiful card, and lovely shopping, lovely lot of options with those goodies.

    I have been looking at all of Sue's new dies, didn't think I wanted any BUT, there are some I think I might like, looks as though I'll be working for a while yet.

    Hope everyone has a good day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope your feeling a bit better today. Gentle hugs on there way.

    2. Thanks Lillian managed to go to exercises.
      Hope you are feeling better .🤗🤗

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope the 3 of you are having a good day, look forward to having a look at catalogue, thank
    Karen your card is lovely, & no I would not have guessed it was yours you have changed your style just to confuse us. Your craft buys look very interesting look forward to seeing what you
    Lilian glad you are feeling better, take it as easy as you
    Lynda hope your feet & ankles are less swollen, did you manage to see Dr? Hugs on way to you & of course Terry,xxx
    I hope to have another go at CC this afternoon so will send hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Thank you I went to my exercise class as feet & ankles went down but aching a bit now. Who invented old age 😣 Xx🤗

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Karen the card for MIL is lovely, love the pretty flower paper you have used. Did Sandra guess correctly which die you had used? Pleased you enjoyed Sandown Park.i usually go but gave it a miss, thought it would be a bit to much. I hoping to be up to going to Farnborough, fingers and everything else crossed.

    We had an early start today, we went to my hairdresser friends for a haircut and in my case colour. (the friend who's husbands funeral was last Friday) She is amazing, although she says feels she lost him over six months ago. After spending the morning with her, John went to daughters (its only about 10 minutes away by car . To do some plastering in granddaughters bedroom. He dropped me off at the train station as I had an appointment for another INR test this afternoon, yippee- haven't got to go back for two weeks .

    Hope our three graces have a good time.
    Lynda hope you are resting those ankles.
    Lillian pleased you are ok today. Medicines really are a pain. But also It is important you get a good nights rest. Take care.

    Sandra, please can i have a catalogue, can't promise to buy anything. But what I've seen of there stamps they are very good.

    Love to you all, Brenda xx

    1. Thank you Brenda went to exercise today but had my feet up all afternoon 🤗🤗xx

  10. Hi Sandra
    Lovely to see both you and Sue today. I hope you managed to get your shopping done after you left. Loved your little flower stamps with the punch to punch then out.
    Karen loved you card you made especially your papers.
    Lovely goodies that you bought from Sandown.
    Take care those that are still feeling under the weather.

  11. Hi Sandra
    Meant to say that the operation to remove the Cancer from his lower eyelid will be done at the Churchill. It's obviously still under his eyelid as the lump on top shows no sign of growing at the moment. He'll have some re construction straight afterwards apparently. He says as this is his third lot of Cancer he's not due anymore fingers crossed.

  12. Hi Sandra and friends.

    Karen love ur card the colours Uve used. It's very pretty.
    Hope everyone feels better soon xx

  13. Hi Sandra & Friends
    I hope you have had a good day with Pat & Sue. Sandra I would love a Stamping up catalogue please can't promise I will be able to buy anything but you never know 🙄
    I have commented on way down. I managed to go to my exercise class Sandra I do love that cartoon on FB of me in my class with my droopy bits 😭😭😭xx
    Pat I wish Pete well for his eye operation sending him some 🤗🤗🤗 & you too 🤗🤗🤗 love Lynda xx
    Take care everyone Hug's Lynda xx
