
Wednesday 1 February 2017

Another Challenge Card

Good morning Ladies,

I hope those of you feeling under the weather have started to feel a little better, there seems to have been so many nasty, long lasting bugs this winter, affecting so many different people, it's quite concerning. 

Sue, Pat and I had a lovely day yesterday, we were all busy crafting, Sue was busy making a Sympathy card, Pat was putting together some lovely birthday cards, I was mostly playing with some of my new dies, we chatted lots (as always) and it was 4pm before we new it!

Today's card has been made using this weeks Sketch, to give you a bit more inspiration , hopefully!  It was made using A Sue Wilson  'Striplet' die, and some light green glittered card, although I don't think the camera picked up the green very well.
I hope you like the card.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Really lovely card Sandra, very pretty. This has helped my imagination as I was struggling with this weeks sketch. I think it's me that's the problem (not the sketch) and maybe last night wasn't a great night to start making a card.
    Work yesterday was truly horrendous-we haven't had such a busy day in a very long time.
    I didn't want to watch TV last night, couldn't settle to read my book so I thought crafting was the answer! I ended up tidying some more stash in my craft room-I like to move & organise things when I'm stressed.
    Fingers crossed for a calmer day today.


    1. Hi Michele. Im soffy to hear that work was so busy yesterday. I hope your stress relieving organising helped (I'm the same when stressed, wonder if it is a way of taking back some control and order to our lives when things aren't going well?) last night and you managed to get a good night's sleep. May work today be much easier for you x

    2. Please read sorry not soffy. Predictive text strikes again! X

    3. Wish you a good day Michele and not to many hick-ups on the way. Take care xx

    4. Hi Michele
      I hope today was better today for you that yesterday.

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- Another beautiful CC with lots of inspiration for us to use. I love the colour green and your pink and white dainty flowers are just the right colour to match.

    MICHELE- Hope you day at work today goes much better for you. I would love to see a picture of your new craft room when you feel you can treat us to one.

    We have a very damp and foggy start to the day here. Once again yesterday was the same and again we didn't seem to get any daylight. Fingers crossed that it may change through the day.

    I managed to get my CC finished or thought I had until I've seen Sandra's new one this morning lol. I also started decorating a notebook cover.

    LYNDA- How's those ankles of yours? Did you manage to get to your class yesterday or is it today?

    I'm off now to have my breakfast and we have a little shopping and a birthday card to post this morning.
    I'll pop in later to see what you're all up to.

    HUGs to all of your with extra for Dear Friends not feeling too good and under stress. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I hope the day becomes brighter for you. Grey dark days are the worst kind aren't they! I'm looking forward to seeing your CC. I would love to have a go at altering a notebook but don't really know where to start. Please can we see your notebook when it's finished as I know it will inspire me 😊 x

    2. Weather the same here Janet, so miserable. Hope you had a nice breakfast before going for your outing to the shops xx

    3. Hi Janet,
      I managed to go to my excises class yesterday as feet & ankles were a lot better & I enjoyed it. I have a day off today & back tomorrow
      Thank you 🤗🤗xx

    4. Hi Janet
      I hope your day brightens up for you later. It's very dark, wet and just altogether miserable here. Might try and finish what I was doing yesterday p, trying to make some cards.

  3. Lovely card - I'm going to have to have a bit of a re-think now lol!
    Thank you all for your lovely comments on my card yesterday ladies I'm hoping to make sketch card this evening and not miss the deadline
    Hope everyone's getting stronger Work this morning and playing with Oscar this afternoon Card making this evening

    1. Loved your card Karen and you did some good shopping at Sandown. Give Oscar a big hug from me when you see him and happy crafting this evening xx

    2. Hi Karen. I hope work goes quickly for you as you will be impatient to see Oscar, I don't need to tell you to have fun with him do I 😊 Good luck this evening with your CC x

    3. I hope you have a lovely time with Oscar later Karen.

  4. Good morning All, dry here today.

    Oh! Sandra , you have "stolen my thunder" I thought to use that striplet die this week, as it's the only one I have so I'll have to put my thinking cap on, hope it helps!!!

    Michele hope you have an easier day today.

    Sorry Sandra forgot to say, it's a lovely card.

    Well must get out of bed, have a lovely day all, Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. I'm sure you will come up with a beautiful CC, whatever you end up using. Have a good day x

    2. Hope you feeling better Lilian and not overdoing things. Take care xx

    3. Hi Lilian
      I hope your feeling better take care & don't over do it 🤗🤗xx

    4. Hi Lilian
      It doesn't matter if you do a striplet card as well. It's the thought that counts. Hark at New who very rarely makes one.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Thank you for another inspiring Cc for us. I love the EF, the delicate striplet and the pretty pinks and greens, not that the green is showing too well on my screen, but I can imagine what it looks like 😊 I hope you and Paul had some luck shopping after our meet up x
    Lynda, I'm glad the swelling wasnt so bad and that you managed to get to your excersise class x
    Wishing you all a good day,I hope it is brighter where you are, it is very dull and grey here at the moment 😔
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      Thank you I did manage to go keep fit class & enjoyed it.They said I was doing well & next week they are going to move me onto the next stage.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card from you today, did a Cc yesterday but may have time to do another, thank you for
    Grey & wet here so not sure we will be playing Petanque this morning although we still meet & have coffee.
    Lynda pleased to hear ankles have gone down, rest as much as you can, hugs on
    Michele sorry you had such a rotten day yesterday hope today is
    Karen enjoy Oscar playtime which I know you
    Must get on sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thanks Margaret
      I put my feet up as much as possible 🤗🤗Xx

  7. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Gorgeous card Sandra, lovely green glitter card and striplet die. Will have a play this afternoon after doctors and some house work. At least all the washing done and only four shirts to iron. Glad you three graces had a nice day together. Pat- hope Pete's eye be alright.
    A very wet and damp day here, if you going out do wrap up so we not have anymore with chest infections.
    Lynda- hope your foot is better and Terry is looking after you.
    Sonia and Anne, hope you are alright. Missing you.
    Some of the radiators have not been working properly so had a man in to fix that, going to get colder soon so might need them. Hospital for shoulder in the afternoon, x-ray and injection. The whole hospital is being rebuilt so had to walk a lot to get to right department and back again to get out. Absolute mayhem everywhere.
    Have anyone bought any of SW new dies yet ? :-) I have some favourites but haven't played with the last ones yet so must do that first and get them stored properly but still not happy with my folders, they are so heavy.
    Hope to see you tonight for a coffee, have a nice day everyone. Love and many hugs, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Hope the injection isn't to sore. See ya later Alligator.

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope your x ray & injection goes ok. Glad you enjoyed your holiday
      Take care my friend xx🤗🤗

    3. Hello Maria, hope your shoulder is going to be alright and you don't have to wait ages for the results. Has the injection given you any relief? Take care xx

  8. Morning ladies,

    A pinch and a punch, First day of the month....No return!

    Calm and peace has now entered my home. No more costumes to finish off and not on duty tonight for rehearsals. Prompting not needed after dress and technical rehearsal. Dancing and chorus only tonight so night off to cook tea for a surprise guest coming along with Fiona, Joseph and Jacob.
    Sewing machines still out though. I am making some more bags like the one I made for Alexia at Christmas. Slight adjustment in that I am including a small pocket on the inside, same fabric as the outside, for multi purpose usage although I will be selling them as knitting/sewing/craft bags at this years Church Fete. Six on the go and looking good so far.

    Have not read all comments yet but the cards are absolutely fabulous my darlings. Oh no they aren't...Oh yes they are! All the guilty buys look marvellous, I am sure you will all have such a pleasure discovering what you can do with them.

    I have succumbed myself and bought some more dies. Was not going to bother with the shadow box dies (thought they would be too fiddly for my arthritic fingers), but did buy the baby one..... it was too cute to leave on the shelf. Aaaah!

    Cup of tea calling me and I have to drop off Tiegan's tie, she left it here yesterday after her sick day and it had dropped behind the settee cushions. They get marked down for not wearing full uniform at all times in the school.
    Hugs to all our poorly ladies.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I bet your relieved all the costumes are tickets boo and your prompting has finished. Sounds like a relaxing day for you today, you deserve it. Then it's upwards and onwards making bags to go with your stash for the church fete. Now, I'm being nosy as I wonder who your surprise guest is. Could it be a certain little lady?.

  9. Hi Sandra
    Love today's card, especially the pale green glitter card. I remember that was a freebie from Newbury craft show, as we had a goodie bag when we went in. Well I'm assuming it's the same anyway. Had a lovely day crafting yesterday but Sandra had to go early as Paul picked her up to go shopping for the girls. As usual plenty of chatting, laughing but at least we managed to get something done. Sandra, those little flowers you had stamped out in pale green would have looked nice on the striplet would you think. Just a bit different from the ones that come with the striplet.

  10. Hi Sandra & friends
    Gorgeous card Sandra lovely shade of green thanks for the inspiration
    We have a very wet rainy day & quite dark so I think is a stay at home day.
    Crafting day I think . Glad you enjoyed your day with Sue & Pat yesterday.
    Excise class went ok yesterday day off today then go Tomorrow. next week they are going to move me onto the next faze of excise as they we're pleased with me.. better get on my ironing first then craft room.
    See you later Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm glad your feeling better doing your exercises. Hope your ankle is holding up. Thanks for Petes good wishes. I'll be glad when he's had all his scans on the 13th and get the results on the 28th. Feels like we're in limbo at the moment.

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone in the Café,

    Thank you for yet more inspiration Sandra with this beautiful card, I love your colour choice, green and pink, part of natures palate - just beautiful.
    Great you three girls managed to meet up yesterday, it sounds as if you were very productive. It's also great when you can bounce ideas off each other.

    Lynda sounds as if you are doing well in your exercise classes, but please remember to rest your ankle as often as you can . xx

    Cheryl, I wonder who your mystery guest will be, really pleased you have not got any more costumes to sort out, and you can enjoy life at your own pace. Take care. xx

    Michele, hope your day is calmer today, and you are able to go home with energy to spare, not feeling totally exhausted. xx

    Have a good day everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and friends.
    Lovely card Sandra. I keep forgetting I have that die. Got so many that I dunno what to do with them all hee hee.
    Haven't bought any new ones so far as now I need to knuckle down to save for my two trips in March plus a big holiday somewhere sunny.

    Going to Ireland for 3/4 days to my dads dearest friends( we continued visits on dads behalf after he passed away last year) theymade us so welcome.
    then a trip to Newcastle for mine and Janice's joint birthday celebrations just a weekend tho.

    Hope everyone is doin ok.
    Lynda I'll FaceTime u at the weekend when I get a free half hr lol xx

  13. Hope the injection has helped MARIA So glad the exercise classes are going well too LYNDA You'll be running rings around all of us at Ally Pally
    Oscar was his usual gorgeous funny self I smile from ear to ear when he's around
    Finishing dinner and then decide what I am going to do for sketch card
