
Saturday 7 January 2017

Mixed Craft Saturday

Cheryl's Wedding Ring

Michele's Card and Gift for Colleague

Karen's Card and pillow box 

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I am so pleased to be able to bring another of our much loved 'Mixed Craft Saturdays'.
For any new people looking in, we have had a "Mixed Craft " feature on a Saturday for a while, if features handmade craft items, mostly made by our ladies themselves, some have been made by family members of friends. We have had everything from Pottery to huge willow sculptures and all sorts in between. 
If any of our newer ladies have any crafts that they would like to share them please email me a photo, I would be more than happy to share, the same goes for cards.

Today's crafts are.....

Cheryl's Wedding Ring, Cheryl made this beautiful Ring keepsake for friends that got married in Lapland over Christmas, it is made by covering a polystyrene ring with satin ribbon and lace, Cheryl then adds handmade and silk flowers to the ring with lace placed in between to create a beautiful arrangement, a banner in the centre adds the personal touch, something you just can't buy over the counter.  The bow and heart embellishment finish the ring beautifully, thank you so much for sharing Cheryl xxx

Michele was given the task of buying the leaving gift for a colleague, she bought the lovely pen set in a wooden gift box, the recipients husband is a joiner so would appreciate the work that went into it.  The card was made by Michele, you cannot see all the detail in this shot but Karen decoupaged some of the elements in the stamped image and added 'Glossy Accents' to the binocular lenses etc.
The Gift box was made using the same Green card that Michele used in the card to tie the two together.  
Thank you so much fof sharing Michele xxx

Lastly we have this gorgeous Card and Pillow Box, made by Karen, who always explains her cards and projects really well, so I will add her description.....

The pillow box and matching card is for future daughter in law. I had the same "fight" with the pillow box as you! All created with MCS Deco Follies - TL Pearl Flourish dies and John Lockwoods Christmas Rose.

Thank you Karen, the dies you chose to embellish your box work perfectly with the image, thank you so much for sharing with us xxx

I hope you have all enjoyed making your Challenge cards this week, I can't wait to see them.

Have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone from a very very cold Marigny

    We are down at -10 this morning but I did see yesterday that in some places in the UK you were extremely cold too.

    Anyway the log burner is on full and Jim has gone to get our fresh bread etc for breakfast lol.

    I really do love mixed craft Saturday and this one is beautiful.
    CHERYL - you are really the Queen of celebration wreaths. I can just imagine the look on the bride's face when she opened this one. Everything is just perfect.

    MICHELE- Love your gift box and card which just go together with the beautiful pen set.
    We still use proper ink pens in this household for everything.

    KAREN- your pillow box and card are beautiful. I love this era which is so elegant.

    Market yesterday was very cold and only 6 stalls but they all deserved a medal standing in such conditions.
    Our cakes were purchased and eaten last evening so here goes:-

    Jim started the year off with a 'Divorce' - some of you will remember this one.
    two half balls of choux pastry fastened together with piped cream. One half filled with coffee cream and the other with chocolate cream and each finished off with coffee and chocolate icing.

    I cannot remember the name of mine but it was rectangular in shape and had a thin layer of sponge for the base with a layer of chocolate cracknel on top. This had another thin layer of sponge with a orange mousse being the main ingredient on top of that. This was all finished off with a smooth layer of orange gel and a chocolate button as the finishing touch.

    I have to say they were extremely tasty!!

    I apologise for the underscoring as I seem to have hit a button somewhere on the keyboard and at the moment cannot find how to turn it off lol. It's windows 10 so any help regarding this would be really appreciated.

    Marigny Dobbie tells me the CAFE is open with the heating on and all provisions ready and waiting so pop in and sit a while.
    HUGS to you all with extras for those Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. My word Janet -10 that sounds to cold to go out. 10 out of 10 to Jim for venturing out. Your pastries sound yummy. Can't make up my mind if I prefer Jims or yours. Warm hugs on there way.

  2. Me again - the underscoring seems to have sorted itself out!!! Isn't modern technology wonderful !!!!

    1. Hi Janet. As usual, your pastries sound delicious and make my mouth water. I've just looked up where Marigny is cos -10 sounds more like the artic than France ha ha.
      Take care. Love Valxxx

    2. My mouth is watering here after reading about the wonderful pastries Janet hihi -10 sound right up my ally. Have a lovely day xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-lovely decorated wreath, very pretty.

    Karen-great card & pillow box.

    My card was made using a stamp-the images are all old Pharmacy items. I've had this stamp for a couple of years & never used it-this was the perfect occasion. As Sandra says-I decoupaged a few images & added glossy accents to them. I'd worked with this colleague for 17 years and was asked to buy her leaving present. The pens were from me, the department gave her a Filofax with lots of extras for it. I had no idea how expensive these things were until I started looking to buy the gift.

    I have a few chores to sort out this morning then I'll try again with my challenge card as the attempt last night went in the bin!


    1. Lovely pen set and bag for your friend and your cards are always nice Michele. Have a nice weekend xx

    2. Love the pen set and the bag and card Michele. This image looks familiar so I also might have this stamp. I might go and have a look tomorrow.

  4. Lovely crafts ladies Your ring is pretty What size ring do you use CHERYL and do you present them to the bride at the wedding - like giving the horseshoe tradition?
    I love your bag MICHELE and to give her a card with old pharmacy items makes it so much more personal You'd never find a card like that in the shops
    My offering was to "house" a necklace I was giving as a present Like SANDRA I did struggle scoring the curve on the pillow box The pillow box is a template on a MCS cd and so is the Deco Lady
    My youn friend came to play yesterday and announced she became engaged at Christmas So guess what I'll be making today Another day in craft room (sigh!)
    I may need some if your delicious pastries JANET

    1. Love your card Karen and the pillow box, shame it's so difficult to score it. Enjoy your day crafting, it's such a chore sometimes hihi Any news to tell us about Oscar ? xx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone

    Oh my , such beautiful projects from you ladies ,i am in awe of every one .
    I really must try to up load my Pictures and learn to get them across to your blog, { i am so useless with WWW. thingys}.
    Hope you all have a lovely day ,stay warm.
    Elaine H X

    1. Hello Elaine I'm not very techie either To send photos to Sandra just email her and attach the photos Lovely Sandra does the rest

    2. Technology is something that scares me, and then having a son who knows everything and even built his own computer i feel pretty shamed Lol hope you manage to send some of your work to Sandra one day xx

    3. Hi Elaine
      I'm also useless with technology. But I just attach my pictures to an email and send to Sandra. Real easy on the iPad.

  6. Good morning ladies,

    Janet, you made me drool just thinking of your lovely delicious pastries. Lovely hot buttered honey coated crumpets instead for me this morning's breakfast.

    So wonderful to see my latest celebration ring and all the lovely comments you beautiful friends leave. I do enjoy making these 'one-offs' for my dear hearts. I can honestly say there is never two the same.
    Such a beautiful thoughtful gift for your friend Michele. I still have a fountain pen set somewhere and remember always writing 'thank you' letters with them. To take the time to write perfectly makes it so special for the recipient.
    Karen's pillow box and card are so Art Deco. Love that era too, can anyone remember wearing a fully fringed 'charleston' dress on nights out in the late sixties/seventies? I thought I was the bees knees wearing mine and loved the way the fringes swished as you moved. I still own a beaded head band made by my grandmother.

    Jamie had a long drive home last night from a works meeting in Cardiff yesterday. He came to a standstill before he even got to the Severn crossing and sent me a message 4pm to stay he didn't expect to get home til late. Well, I had been to panto rehearsals and had just got home at 9.15pm when he arrived home. Gosh, he was so tired, bless him.

    Order of today is to put the decorations boxes back into the loft and vacuum everywhere, then make my CC for tomorrow's post.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, love the celebration ring. It's flowers are so pretty. Sure they loved their present and how wonderful to getting married in Lapland. xx

    2. Loved your wedding ring Cheryl mind you all the things you make for charity are gorgeous. A special gift that will be treasured for ever. what a shame Jamie got stuck in that traffic jam.

  7. Hi ladies.

    Love today's post seeing what a talented group you are.

    CHERYL your beautiful ring will be so treasured. It's so lovely.
    Michele what a lovely gift. I so enjoy using a fountain pen. Makes my writing look better somehow.The bag and card are so personal and beautifully made and I bet so much appreciated by your friend.
    Karen, so love you card and pillow box. Art deco is something I love. Like Cheryl I can remember thinking I looked wonderful in my fringed charleston dress.

    Well my cc went in the bin yesterday. Such a disaster. Will try to do one today Sandra but a busy day ahead so I apologise if I don't send one.

    Glad to hear everyone's feeling better after their nasty coughs and colds.

    Have a good day everyone. Love Valxxx

    Craftstash have foundation card buy 1 get one half price !!

    Don't want you missing out


  9. I can't see the offer Is the site because I cannot see offer Is there another Craftstash?

    1. Hi Karen,
      I have had an email from them with it in will forward it to

  10. Hi ladies
    What a talented bunch u are!! Everything's smashing. I particularly loved Cheryl's wreath.
    I usually make fresh flower wreaths but I might try what she's done it's very pretty.

    Last night my pal Janice was over she's having a tough time at the moment so out came the prosecco. Several bottles later she demanded my hubby graeme make her a birthday card!! He's always saying it takes me ages so she said let's see u do one! Needless to say even with instruction it took about an hour and he got glue all over himself. However he was pleased with his effort but decided as she'd seen it he wanted to make another next week lol
    I'll get him into crafting yet hee hee

    Maria. Yes I'm up north I'm in between Ayr and Glasgow

    Love to all xx

    1. Great that Graeme made a card. He sounds like another prospective crafter. Be fun doing it together. XXX

    2. Your evening sounded fun Tracy, the only problem with Graeme making cards is that he will want to share your stash !!😱
      You are such a lovely friend for making time for Janice.
      Hope you aren't suffering today!

    3. Hee hee I loved that Graeme made a card My OH (in the nicest possible way) thinks that a lot of cards are a waste especially if we'll be seeing the recipient anyway BUT he is one of my biggest customers! He doesn't mind what I buy either (within reason) He drinks Guinness, I buy craft stuff!

    4. Hi Tracy, hope everything will be ok for Janice. Love how your OH made a card ,well done to him hihi mine has never been interested in what I'm doing ,just think I make a blooming mess. He goes to football and I go to Ally Pally xx

    5. Hi Tracy
      Lovely that you could make time for your friend. Prosecco sounded a good idea to me. Good that Graeme was game enough to try and make a card. Pete my OH thinks it's a waste as you can buy a card for 99p. Doesn't grumble much when I spread everything all over the dining table.

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing mixed craft today, it is good to see what others get up to. I really will make my CC today, I really don't know where time has
    Cheryl your ring is beautiful I am sure they loved
    Michele what a lovely card & so personal, I am sure she loved the pen as
    Karen love your pillow box you are
    Taking a friend shopping, her car out of action so must get a move on.
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Brenda & Lynda love

  12. I am suffering a little today Sandra yes lol.
    I'm not really a drinker either but when required I like a wee glass or two.
    She was there for me so much last year when I went through my cancer journey she was with me from the day I was told to my last appt in may. Her dad too also has cancer but they can't fix his an he's had a few operations lately and she's so stressed I can't bear to see her this way as normally she's the strong one!!

    1. Hi Tracy how lovely that you were there for each other when the dreaded C word struck. It's lovely that you can support each other. I know what she's going through it's the not knowing that's the problem. This blog and my friend on it give me support when I'm having a moan. They also can't fix my OH's either.

  13. Hello All, wet and grey here.
    Just sitting waiting for the tennis final which is starting soon.
    Lovely mixed crafts, Cheryl love your ring, such a lovely keepsake for the lucky bride.
    Michele great card and a lovely pen set, O/H always uses pen and ink, and real ink from a bottle not cartridge.
    Karen love you pillow box , when I tried these had to find saucer to score the curves, love the Art Deco lady.
    Just finished cards for January, haven't looked at Feb yet.
    Tennis about to start, so hugs to all Lilian

  14. Hi Sandra and all today.
    I like mixed Saturdays, love seeing what else can be done. Have a whole list of things I'd like to try my hands on one day.
    Tracy, you have a great friend there, hope she be ok. A bit of a sore head this morning Lol take care
    Margaret- hope you and Pop having a nice Saturday. Just curious, how is the cross stitch getting along ?.I don't mind if it takes years ,just hope I didn't ask you for to much.
    I have comment on the way down today.
    Well yesterday did not go to according to what I wanted to do. I wanted to go shopping but OH wanted me to have my leg checked because I had problems now for a long time and we are flying in a couple of weeks so instead we ended up at the walk-in-clinic. Nearly 5 hours later we got home ,starving and tired but can tell you that I have no DVT ! and he thought the problem is from my knee arthritis and is nothing we can do. Just another thing to learn to live with, yay! oh well, still had a walk this morning. Back home got the iron out,put it in the socket and it blow the switch, so glad we got a new board. Now have to get a new one because even if I'm not ironing much these days, it's good to have one and then been trying to get the CC together so there is what I'm going to now and photo it when finished, I'm shaking my head here hihi Love and hugs to you all, Maria xXxx

    1. Thanks for good wishes, good to know you do not have DVT, you were right to get it checked, sorry about arthritis not nice. Cross stitch coming on well,I did alot the week after Christmas & my goal is to have it finished for Ally Pally. I am enjoying doing it. Take care xxx

    2. Hi Maria
      I'm glad you haven't got DVT, just the dreaded arthritis. Sounds like you've joined Tracey on the pop this morning. Looking forward to seeing what Margaret is making for you at Ally Pally. Wish I was going with you to Zell Am See.

    3. -7 and snowing over there at the moment, I might have a little corner in the suitcase for you to join us hihi, hugs xx

  15. Hi Sandra
    Well as per usual I'm in awe of Cheryl's wedding ring. As always Cheryl they are a work of art.
    Michele, love the pens and card you've made for your colleague.
    Karen love the pillow box and the matching card. Must have been a challenge to get the lady in the middle of the pillow bid. Dull and dreary here, but at least it's not raining. Shopping this morning but have just sat watching the darts this afternoon.
    Hugs to all who need one today.

  16. Hi Sandra & friends
    Cheryl your ring is stunning so very beautiful. Michele love your card & gift for your work friend. Karen love your card & pillow box.
    Sandra I'm very sorry I haven't made a Challenge card. I haven't done much at all today I woke up with a heavy head I had a shower & put clean PJS on but haven't felt like doing anything. I did go in craft room but couldn't get my head around the challenge card two went into the bin 😤😡 So more Mess on the floor 😂.
    Tracy hope Janice is ok today sound like you had a good evening. I would love to see Graeme's card I wouldn't let Terry loose in my craft room HAHA.
    Elaine hope you manage to send Sandra some of your cards I would love to see them please.
    See you all tomorrow & look forward to all your challenge cards.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope your head is feeling lighter now. Are you sure you didn't join Maria on the pop.

    2. Hi Pat I think Maria was talking about Sue's Dad (Pop ) 😂😂
      Head bit better I'm still full of cold this bug has knocked me for six.the flu jab didn't help much
      Hope Pete's ok Hug's for you both xx
