
Friday 6 January 2017

Football Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Back at the beginning of December Lilian was asked by one of her friends to make a football themed card for her Nephew, now despite the fact that Lilian was packing ready to leave for a weekend away she created this fantastic football themed card.
Now tell me what young lad wouldn't live this card??
I love how you have used the hexagon pattern for the background, it ties in so perfectly with the pattern on the football.  I believe the "Birthday Wishes" sentiment is from the free Embossing folder set that everyone was trying to get hold
 last year, although I struggled to get a good stamped image with it, I haven't tried it with my stamping tool though, I might give it a try.
This is a fantastic football themed card Lilian, thank you for sharing it with us xxx

Can I ask you ladies if there is anything you would like me to feature each week, I consider this your blog as much as it is mine, I would love to feature things that you are really interested in, techniques, I will have a go at anything, if it's something new to me we can learn together, let me know in the comments.

It was lovely to have Elaine (Nattyboots) stop by yesterday,  I know of Elaine from over on Sue's blog and remember that you were with Sue way back when she only had a few followers, you are most welcome Elaine, feel free to call in whenever you please, I am so incredibly lucky in that my blog has bought together the most amazing bunch of friends, we share just about everything with each other, you couldn't wish for a more supportive, kind, caring bunch of friends. I look forward to seeing you over here again very soon xxx

Well that's it from me today, I'm not sure what the post will be tomorrow, I don't think I have any crafts for a post so may do a tutorial or something.
Oh remember to send in your crafty sales bargain photos, we haven't had a crafty buy post for a while.

Love and hugs



  1. Good Morning Everyone from a very white Marigny but thisorning it's Frost. The Fairy outside is showing -8 so it's a very very cold start to the day.

    LILIAN- I think your 'Football' card is wonderful and I can think of one or two boys who would be more than delighted to receive one like it.

    I did manage to get one bday card made yesterday so that's one down and three to go.
    I don't think that I'll get any crafting done today as it's our first trip to Friday Market for us this morning and depending on how I feel when we get back depends on the rest of the day.
    Of course it will also be our first Friday Pastries too so be ready tomorrow for your treat.

    I've had a peep in the CAFE and have seen that 'Marigny Dobbie' is doing OK so he'll be back next week. I'm not sure whether he's met up with 'Herman' yet as it seems very quiet over there. lol.

    Have a good day everyone and I'll see you all tomorrow via cyber space. HUGE HUGS should be arriving shortly to you all. xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lilian-love your card, it's brilliant.

    Glad it's Friday-yesterday was another busy day & I didn't get chance to clear any emails . We did have a quick chat about our imminent move & how we're going to actually work in our new location. We're moving as much as possible in advance but I think I'll be working the weekend after next to oversee the final stages.


  3. Hi Sandra thank you for the lovely welcome.
    Loving Lillian's football card , my Grandson Ryan would love something like this { in the right colours of course RED & WHITE , a true STOKE supporter is Ryan was even a Mascot last year. } .
    Looking forward to your Tutorial or something Tomorrow .
    Take care
    Elaine H X

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today.
    Lilian, what a great card, perfect for any footy fan. I hope the hood making goes well for you x
    Sandra, I wonder if we could have an occasional "How would you use this?" sort of post? I don't think I am the only one with various papers, embellishments etc. that I just don't know what to do with and even after looking on Pinterest, You Tube etc. I'm still stumped. I will talk to you about it Tuesday.
    Lynda, I bet Terry's face was a picture when the 2nd receptionist told him his appointment was for the day before! I bet his BP was sky high after all that. I'm glad that you're cough is on its was out, thank goodness. Is Terry's any better? Hugs to you both x
    Brenda, sending you big hugs and hoping you are on the mend x
    Cheryl, what thoughtless neighbours, and why on earth dig up a lovely wood floor to replace it with concrete! I hope you are not needed as prompt during the panto. Pete would be so pleased to see that you are still involved. It is good fun, most of the time, isn't it. I was assistant stage manager for several years in our village drama group that Mum was stage manager for, she also had several other roles over the many years that she was a member. Break a leg x
    Maria, have fun moving your craft stuff from one side to the other ☺ Take care on your walk today if you go out as it's going to be slippery underfoot x
    Janet, enjoy the market, and your pastries, my mouth will be watering tomorrow when we read your description x
    Elaine, welcome to the friendliest craft blog, and enjoy the calorie free cakes in this Cafe.
    I hope you all have a good day. Im hoping to finish my CC that I started on Tuesday. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda and Brenda. Take care xx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.

    Lil an, such a lovely football card. Love the background. Hope your hood making is nearly finished for the time being.
    Janet, enjoy your market day and the lovely pastries you'll be eating later.
    Michele TGIF eh. Hope you can have a lovely rest over the weekend.
    Elaine. I'm a red and white supporter myself but Liverpool not Stoke. I bet your grandson was thrilled being picked as a mascot.
    Sue, good luck with your cc today. I'll be doing mine as well today. I've quite a few cards to make for January and February so need to get them done so I can post them next week in the UK.

    Well it's Christmas Day over here in Spain today. Last night in every village and town the Three Kings arrived dressed in all their splendour and then depending on the size of the village they either ride on donkeys or travel in a coach through the streets in a very colourful parade. Then during the night they deliver presents to all the Spanish children, just like our Father Christmas. I saw a couple of toddlers out with prams and bright, shiny bikes this morning and also a couple of older boys on what looked lik
    e Segways but without the handle at the front. It looked so dangerous to me.

    Anyway, just about to take down the tree and pack everything away.
    Lynda, glad to hear your cough is getting better.
    Brenda hope your also beginning to feel better.

    Hope you have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  6. Morning Sandra and everyone visiting the cafe' today.

    Lilian- a great boys/ men card for a football fan. Like the black and yellow, here it had to be blue and white (OH have been a Spurs supporter for nearly 60 years) Hope your hood work goes alright.
    Elaine- hope you are alright and managed to stay away from the bug that's going around, how is Andrew doing lately and Helen ? Your grandson must been so happy to be a Mascot last year :-) have a nice day x
    Janet- go slow to the Friday market. Enjoy your pastries do and I'm sure we all looking forward to hear about them
    and we can pretend we have some too hihi
    Sending well wishes to our Brenda and Lynda, take care both of you and slowly get there. Big hugs to you and to any one feeling poorly or a bit low.
    Cheryl- hope they didn't wake you too early this morning with their work going on next door. Take care and hope you have a good day.
    Lynda and Sue you can laugh as much as you want because ,yes I did move it back this morning but it was a bit less as I throw some of it away. Can't keep it all and need to make some room for new things, not sure though how that will happen :-)
    We have -2 this morning and it is frosty but the sky is grey and it is broadcasted rain this afternoon so we have decided instead for a walk we are going to a big Tesco with some other shops around and have a musch (it's that the word ?) and a skinny Latte at some time. WW on Sunday morning, do not looking forward hihi. Started on the Challenge Card for this week, took a few turns to get the papers the right way,doh hihi Do you put paper on both side ?
    I have crafted now some years but always need help with most of it and reading instructions is a struggle I have.
    Sandra- I'll send you a e-mail hopefully with the CC included and some of my newly bought things thanks to Margaret showing hers, Thanks hihi
    Sonia- hope you are ok and work not too busy for you. Have the Mojo come back yet ? Have a nice day and the same goes to all of you who are coming to see us today, Take care if venturing outside as it can be slippery.
    Love and many warm hugs to you all, Maria Xxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      I think the word you are looking for is 'mooch' (as in have a mooch around the shops).
      I didn't put decorative paper on both sides, it took me long enough getting them cut right for the sides that show!
      I look forward to seeing your card and shopping.

  7. Hi Sandra.
    Love Lillian's card. Like u said who wouldn't love it x

    Love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracy,
      Welcome to the blog,over here we share cards made from just about every die company, machine and style. We love to chat about just about anything, but mainly We love to share each others highs and lows, my blog has always been about friendship, lifting people up when they are down, sharing in their joys, you name it, feel free to tell us a little about you and your family, interests etc.

  8. Hi Sandra
    Lilian I just love your football card. Love the Yelliw and Black. I wonder if that's still Oxfords colours.
    It's very cold here at the moment, don't really feel lovely me venturing out but I think a visit to Doreen is on the cards as Petes tablets have now been delivered.
    Janet I hope your not doing to much and rushing around in the now.
    Lynda and Terry I hope your both feeling a bit more like yourself. Terry, I assume you got to have your blood pressure checked even if the Drs didn't know when your appointment was.

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Lillian I Love your card, my grandsons (in Essex) are all rugby players but with a few changes this could work for them. Thank you for your wonderful inspiration.

    Yesterday wasn't a good day, my hairdressers son rand to tell us his dad had passed away. This young man had driven down from Edinburgh the previous day, he went straight to the hospital to see his dad, his brother was also there so they had chance to say good bye together. I had spoken to my friend at length on Wednesday, so knew he was on end of life support. My other friend who's husband was going to a hospice he also died just before Christmas, his funeral is on Monday. It is such a sad time. But at least they are both our of pain.
    This new year has started well !!!

    Thank you all for your good wishes, I am feeling better than I did a week ago and have an appointment to see the doctor later this afternoon, so hopefully I won't have to any more antibiotics, time will do the rest.

    I saw some of Ali Reeve show on Hochanda, and was taken up with the ribbon storage (double loose ribbon hanger) it was 19.99 + p&p I went onto Clever cut web site it has a 15% discount and free p&p so it pays to check the deals they offer.

    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, so sorry to read your news that two husbands of friends have died. So sad but as you said both now free from pain.
      So glad you're feeling a bit better. Good luck at the doctors this afternoon. Well done on finding a bargain.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Oh Dear my foggy brain not in gear! (What's new you well ask)
      Ali Reeve was on Create and Craft NOT Hochanda
      I have checked Clever Cut web site my order has been dispatched.
      I have saved £3 also p&p ..... Result! xxx

    3. How sad beginning Brenda but like you say ,they are now pain free. Sending you and John hugs.
      very good result with your buy. Hope the doctors went ok Take care xx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Fabulous card from Lilian today. Can't go wrong with a football themed card for a sporty guy :-)
    A lovely collection of cards through the week - sorry I've not commented but you know what I'm like 😁
    Hope everyone is well and those feeling under the weather I do hope you're on the road to recovery xx
    Janet, glad you arrived safely at Marigny. Enjoy those pastries πŸ˜‰
    Been busy at work, but still loving it! Hoping to get back to some crafting this weekend, have my Dad and Mums birthdays over the next 2 weeks. Fingers crossed I can get back into it.
    Have a good weekend everyone whatever you may be doing. Hugs to all xxx

  11. Hello All, wet and miserable here.
    Sandra what a surprise to see my card, I had forgotten all about it, only had a short time to make it , was requester it to be yellow and black, not sure which team he supports. Made it using stencil and black texture paste. Sandra you are right the message is the free one, I always go over my clear stamps with a rubber before inking as this coating seems to stop the ink beading.
    Lynda and Brenda glad you are both on the mend.
    Have to go to Asda now, so I'll send hugs to all Lilian

  12. Fantastic card LILIAN Great idea for football fans whatever their age I'm a red and white supporter VAL and ELAINE but of the Arsenal variety
    Hello TRACY I hope you enjoy your visit and come again
    Sorry to hear about noisy neighbours,recent deaths of friends and other mishaps
    I thought I'd lost my right arm last night I could not find my iPod! I use it to read, blog, email - all sorts Went to car this am and there it was on the driveway - Phew! Looking forward to tomorrow's post be it a tutorial or whatever
    Take care all xx

    1. Karen do you have my sympathy re-your iPod. Sometime ago I thought I had lost my iPad . I have had it in the car and couldn't find it when we got home, OH was not a happy bunny. Eventually I found it in the car, but as it was evening and car has black carpet and the iPad a black cover, it all blended together....... Phew πŸ˜…
      Have a good weekend. xx

  13. Hi , Andy in the final tomorrow, just for tennis fans

  14. Hi everyone, just a quick update, Dr very pleased, my chest seems clear and has said I should rest a few more days, she said it had been pneumonia, but as long as I take things steady I should be Ok. Thank goodness.
    Hope you all have a good weekend LOL xxx

  15. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Lillian I love your card just a good one for the men /boys card.
    I still feel full of cold but thankfully the cough is getting better thank you.all for the Hug's x Maria have you moved your craft space back & forth today πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚sorry my friend.I think I have to through some papers & card away too I got a lot from Margaret when she was sorting her shed out I thought I could sell some of it but found the postage too high so I now have all this mixed card & papers all round me & can't move i have so much of my own it's taking over my craft room. Might take some to charity shops.
    Good to see you Tracy & Elaine again Sonia nice to see you too you seem so busy with work but glad you still like the new job take care.
    Janet hope you enjoyed the Market & hope your pastries were yummy.🍩🍰
    Brenda glad your also feeling a bit better sorry to here your too friends husbands have passed away as you say not a good start to the new year.sending Hug's x
    I haven't done much today I have been in craft room but mojo playing up started one birthday card but not sure if I like it so will see if it ends up in the bin.
    Better go & dish dinner up so see you later.
    Love Lynda xx

  16. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Hi Sandra thought you would be interested 3 of my embroidery ladies are now the proud owners of the "faux misti"thanks to
    You, after I got mine I took it to demonstrate & they were very impressed so one lady went to IKEA & bought 3, I think you should get commission!!! Thank you very
    Lilian well done on your card it is perfect for football mad boys & men, I am sure he was
    Brenda pleased to hear you are on the mend please do as the Dr. ordered, take care hugs on
    Lynda hope you both are on the mend, hugs on
    Janet look forward to description of pastries tomorrow, hope it warms up as
    Tournament was good did not win but enjoyed it anyway & luckily the rain held of until we had finished.
    Good to see Tracy & Elaine in this fantastic calorie free cafe.xx
    Still need to do challenge card must do it tomorrow at least I have it cut out.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
