
Thursday 5 January 2017

A little bit Vintage

Good Morning Ladies,

I was looking through some of my papers yesterday and came across the pretty 'Pion Designs' "Paris Flea Market " collection, they are extremely hard to come across so I have been hoarding them, but it's such a shame to have them sat in a box, so I decided to make a little Vintage style Birthday card, I just layered some of the papers, roughed the edges up with scissor blades, added some Tea Dye Distress ink, I thought I would cut the top layers into a swallow tail shape for a change, I added some flowers and leaves while trying to still show the pretty paper underneath, I fussy cut a butterfly from one of the papers, shaped it, added some 'Wink of Stella' to its sinks and pearl swirls for the butterfly trails.
I then added the sentiment, die cut from one of the papers and layered with plain cream to add some dimension, I also gave it a swish over with the Wink of Stella !

Well today is the official day for having the decorations down and packed away, I have to say I can't wait, I love that clean, uncluttered look just after all the tinsel and baubles have been stowed back in the loft! So that's our plans for today, what are you all up to??

Janet, I was pleased to hear you were arrived, all unpacked and ready to relax, I wonder if you'll have snow?  It must be so lovely being back in the place you live so much xxx

Lynda, nice to hear you got out, but sounds like you still need to take it easy my lovely, sending hugs for you and Terry xxx

Brenda, how frustrating having to visit the vampire again next week, make sure you take it easy my lovely xxx

Sending love and hugs to all of you lovely ladies,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely card today, really pretty.

    Well-the heating engineer was waiting outside my house when I got home so I explained he was rather early. He had the appointment down as 1.30 but I know I'd made it for 2pm. At least he was gone earlier-it took him less than 20 minutes to replace the part & the bill was £180!!!
    I managed to get all the decorations packed away, just needed help with the tree as I wasn't sure how it came apart. I then packaged up some items I'd sold on eBay then it was time to eat. Watched a couple of episodes of Law & Order SVU we'd recorded then it was time for bed.
    I'm hoping today isn't quite so hectic at work-yesterday was horrendous all morning. I have over 280 emails to open & more things to start moving to our temporary workplace .


    1. My word Michele. I worked in an office and I'd never had that many emails to open after the holidays. Hope you manage to catch up and don't meet yourself coming back.

  2. Good Morning from a snowy Marigny

    Yes we have a layer of snow. It started sometime just after tea yesterday and more is forecast for today.

    SANDRA- I love love love love your vintage card. As you know this is right up my street so it's a beautiful way to start my day.

    I'm not quite sure what's on the agenda for today but I really must make a start on the January bday cards I have to make.

    Dobbie must have arrived by now so the CAFE should be open with inviting smells of French coffee together with warm bread, croissants and pain au chocolate. Please let me know if he misbehaves as he is slightly inclined to play a little lol.

    HUGE HUGS to you all. Have a good day whatever you're up to. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope the snow doesn't Kay to much so that it stops you going out. Hopefully Debbie will behave himself this time round.

    2. sex change by any chance ? Hopefully he/she and Herman will get on brilliantly hihi xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today.
    Wow, such a gorgeous card for us to enjoy today. What beautiful papers, especially that top rose printed one, and then those wonderful flowers and embellishments to finish ☺ You have created one of your stunners again. Your card making skills still amaze me. You MUST enter some competitions this year my lovely, you would win hands down. Our decorations come down today too, but unlike you I hate the bare walls etc. Lilian, please will you make some canvases for my walls too? ☺
    Lynda, I hope both yours and Terry's appointments go well today. Healing hugs are on their way to you both x
    Maria, your comment about Terry seeing the doc about his memory made me laugh ☺ I hope you are feeling ok. Calligraphy is something that I would love to learn too. Have a good day x
    Janet, It's good to know you and Jim are safely back in your second home. How lovely to have a log burner, just what you need when it's -2 or even colder! I'm looking forward to hearing about your delicious pastries, and seeing what goodies Marginy Dobbie has for us ☺ It's lovely to hear that Jim has a hand in the children's year books too. His calligraphy skills are wonderful x
    Brenda, I'm hoping you are starting to feel better. What a shame you had to go out again yesterday. Healing hugs on the way for you x
    Have a good day whatever it brings. Love and hugs with extras for Lynda, Brenda and all in need. Take care xx

  4. Hello ,i am new to your blog Maria Adler recommended to come on over, and i am so pleased she did Thank you Maria.
    Your card is beautiful ,i am a big lover of Pion, managed to get myself a big stash from e/bay {mixed lot , not cheap but so worth the money } the trouble is i really dont want to cut into them ,haha what am i like .
    Anyhow getting back to your card, just my cup of T ,well no it must be coffee as i don't like T ,but you know what i mean .
    Loving the papers the design and those beautiful flowers , the butterfly and pearls add that extra touch .

    Elaine H X

    1. Hi Elaine,
      Thank you so much for stopping by, you are very welcome, I think you and I were among some of the first commenters on Sue's blog back at the beginning, when it only took a few minutes to read the comments, I loved how personal it was back then. Actually Val goes way back to those days too.
      I love to share your work as well as my own so if ever you have a card you would like me to add just email me a photo.
      We have a challenge every Monday that you are very welcome to take part in, I share everyone's challenge cards on the following Sunday.
      Thank you once again for commenting, I know the ladies here will make you most welcome xxx

    2. Hi again Elaine,
      SO lovely to read your comments on the other page re Andrew, keep us updated on his progress here, we are only too glad to listen.
      Cheryl x

    3. Hi Nattyboots or would you prefer Elaine. Lovely to see you on the blog. We are rather a nutty lot but I hope that doesn't put you off. We're harmless really.
      French pastries will be coming over via Dobbie from Janet, you have to watch Dobbie as he's liable to get up to mischief.

    4. Hello Elaine - so pleased to meet you. I'm the one who keeps popping backwards and forwards UK/France. You're most welcome so please stay a while; have a seat and a cuppa. There's always a welcome here. xxxx

    5. Hi Elaine,
      Welcome to this lovely family of friends, hope to see you again soon.xx

  5. Hello Elaine/Natty Boots Thank you for joining us and I hope you visit often I love this blog and have been very fortunate to have met some of the ladies including MARIA They're all lovely,friendly and extremely helpful on all sorts if things
    I love your Vintage card SANDRA I haven't ever managed this style When you said fussy cut, did you use your ScanNcut......?
    Off for a shower and then work which is a bit manic at the momentHope to pop back later

    1. Hi Karen,
      No I used scissors, I didn't start this card until about 9pm last night, I intended to make a quick card but came across those gorgeous papers and this card was the outcome 3 hours later, needless to say that the disaster control team need to move in to put my craft room back to some kind of order, my desk is covered in flower off cuts and lots of glue strands!
      Hope your day isn't too crazy!

  6. Morning everyone,

    and an extra special HELLO! to Elaine H (nattyboots) from nuttinanni.
    We are extremely friendly, bit nutty at times and if you already know some of us from SW's blog, offer good advice and a willing shoulder to cry on, and give you all the moral support you could ever want from an online family. It's so lovely to welcome someone else into the fold.

    Beautiful card Sandra, I love vintage too but never quite manage to make my version of card with the panache that Janet & yourself do.

    Tomorrow, 6th Jan the last day of Christmas, is our day for removing all the Christmas decs and storing them for later this year. Seems odd saying that just at this moment.
    My role as prompt for our village pantomime starts at tomorrows' rehearsal. Really looking forward to working again with so many people who Pete and I spent quite a number of years with during our onstage days. Pete was a founder member and ironically was the first to exit stage right.
    Today will hopefully see the last of my craft decluttering. Like you all I expect, everything you need comes out to make a card and then we get sidetracked and more items fill the work surface. The items then get packed into one box so I am left with a half-filled box of sundry items that bear no relation to each other.
    Decluttering is also a good excuse to pass craft items onto our local playgroup and school or the Brownies.

    I must get all the napkins I bought before Christmas organised into their own box. I might even find time to taking a couple of photos to show you one mixed Saturday.

    Next door has started yet another marathon noisy home improvement job. Another few months of endless sawing, hammering, drilling, clattering, thumping et al etc. to be endured. That's over 3 years now I've had this to contend with.
    Yesterday brought the delightful!? sound of a jack hammer taking up the concrete flooring in the hall and under the stairs. She did at least warn me this time, by waking me up at 7.05 am with a text saying they would be coming at 8am. I replied by 'you'll have to wait because Jamie didn't get in til 6.00 am after a long nightshift and needs his sleep'. Although they started in the living room replacing a beautiful solid wooden floor with a concrete one, the noise reverberated throughout the house and he was woken up. He rang one of his mates and arranged to sleep there til 5 pm.
    Let's see what today brings.

    Gurt big squashy hugs to all still under the weather with this winter cold bug.

    Love and hugs,
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      My word how inconsiderate your neighbours are. Why on earth would someone replace a wooden floor with a concrete one anyway. Shame about Jamie's sleep.
      I hope your rehearsals go well this year. Lovely that your carrying on after Pete died. Must bring back wonderful memories for you. I must say Pete would be proud of you, especially with you going out and about.
      Take care my lovely friend hopefully we can meet up again this year.

    2. Hello Cheryl - good luck with this year's Panto. How I miss those days of fun and frolic especially at this time of year.
      Take care Dear Friend. xxxx

    3. Hi Cheryl,
      Hope all goes well with Panto, like Janet I used to belong to a group, only backstage usually Stage Manager, but still miss the buzz.

  7. Hi Sandra
    Love today's card, especially the papers you've used. That's why our paper stashes get bigger because we buy beautiful papers but never use them. Mind you yours is huge. I do use some of mine but not as often as I should. My vintage cards would never look as good as Janets and yours either.
    I must take my cards down and put my Snowmen away. Pete put some washing out this morning, but it was freezing on the line as he was putting it out. Hopefully the Sun we have at the moment will thaw it out and if I'm lucky it might even be dryish.
    Welcome to nattiboots. As Cheryl says we are a bit daft but we support each other through the bad times. Always good to get things off our chests.
    Hope the rehearsals go well Cheryl. Shame about your neighbours.

  8. Morning Sandra, everyone and a big welcome to Elaine H/ nattyboots ! Hope everything goes well today. Love to know what part of the country you live ? Enjoy a cuppa with some real good cakes ,they are all calorie free. You need plenty of imagenation being with us hihi
    Oh Sandra, this card is just wonderful. The papers and your skill of putting the flowers together is beautiful, perhaps give us a class 'how to' at the upcoming retreat.
    Janet- how lovely with a wood burner, so love the smell (was not the same when son put one on for us on the Tv, it did crackle but that was it hihi) Hope you not have to much to do, be careful if going out so don't slip but I do like some snow. Can't wait for our holiday to the alps in a few weeks. Have a nice time.
    Michele- take times out and breath when you can and hope the work is ok. Is it always more to do at times over the year ? take care
    Karen- have a good day. A meeting up is on the horizon hihi. OH is happy to take me to Welvyn Garden City anytime so give me a call.
    Sue- Madam, I hope you feeling better and not overdo things. I'm not taking down the decorations until the 13th but it does get very empty and dark for a while before the spring arrive. Instead for the tree tho we have a little house/cottage in it's place so it will be wheeled into it's place :-)
    Lynda- hope your cough is better and I wish all the appointments are going fine. Hope Terry not upset with me, hugs to you both.
    Cheryl- not nice to be woken up by a jackhammer,poor Jamie. Hope it's not going on too long this time. Shame to remove such a lovely floor. Have a fun time helping with the Panto.
    Brenda- wish you better. Hope the meds are helping and you soon feel more like yourself, hugs.
    Pat- sending warm hugs to you and Pete, take care and hope you have a good day after all.
    Best get a move on, been sitting here since 8am and not much done except made a mess at my craft place so need to sort it out before starting on anything new. Wish you all a great day whatever you are doing. Love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone. Oh Sandra, what a beautiful card. Love the papers and especially love the way you've grouped the flowers together. I am really hopeless at doing that. Any hints?

    Welcome to Elaine/Nattieboots. I joined Sandra happy band last February and a nicer, friendlier more caring group of ladies I've yet to find. Like Maria, I'd love to know which area you're from.

    Lynda and Brenda. Do so hope you're feeling better day by day.
    Cheryl, what inconsiderate neighbours. Do hope you don't have to put up with it for too long. Your Pantomime sound really good. Which story is it? Hope the rehearsals go well.

    Just got back from coffee with the friend I meet every Thursday. Really lovely today. Sat in the garden in the sun. Put the world to rights as usual.

    Have a good rest of the day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  10. Hi All, grey and cold here.
    Sandra absolutely love your card, beautiful papers.
    Welcome Elaine, you will love it here.
    Seems as though the quiet time at work is over, they are desperate for hoods again so I've been sewing all day, having a small break for tea and a piece of saffron cake, then I'm back to my work room.

    Do hope everyone who is unwell are beginning to feel better, so many nasty germs around again this winter. Hugs Lilian

  11. Hi Sandra.
    Love ur card it's so pretty. I too thought I'd pop over as I feel I'll be allowed to blether freely again with u guys. Such a shame a lot of other bloggers didn't feel the same ah well we'd all be boring if we were the same lol. See u soon xxx

    1. Hi Tracy my friend lovely seeing you on Sandra's blog. We don't mind what you talk ( blether ) about on this blog. We are all a bit mental though but a lovely group of special ladies.
      Hope you come again love & Hug's Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your card is lovely, you are so talented no matter what you do it is
    Late today went food shopping first thing, then Embroidery group went out for our post Christmas lunch & then on to our usual meeting & by the time I got home & cooked for Alan & Son, who is staying for a couple of days the time has gone. I still have to do my Challenge Card will probably Sat before I get a chance, we have tournament at Petanque tomorrow, never a dull moment.
    Hope Lynda. & Terry got on well with their
    Brenda do hope you are beginning to feel slightly better hugs on
    Maria did you manage to tidy up wouldn't it be lovely to have a craft room, we can
    Soon be time for bed so will send hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret you do live a full life never a dull moment for you.
      The appointment saga is underneath this comment
      Take care love Lynda xx

  13. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Another bright day but very cod again.
    Welcome Elaine hope Andrew is ok I also comment on Sue's blog it's been a bit flat on there & sad 😭 hope your ok. You will love Sandra'S blog we don't mind what ever you want to say or get something off your Chest sending you both Hug's xx
    Maria Terry's not a bit upset with you when I told him he laughed & said you could never upset him 😘This will make you smile he went for the doctors appointment yesterday & the receptionist said it was for today so off he went again this morning another receptionist said your appointment was for yesterday πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it was only to check his blood pressure. My appointment at hospital when called he said to put my hands on the bed he squirted all this jelly on & did the scan on them & said he would send result to RA doctor I said I thought this was to check for my legs & feet for nerve endings.he said we don't do that test here it will be at Canterbury he said he would let the doctor know AHHH.😑
    Sandra your card is gorgeous I love those papers beautiful no wonder you didn't want to cut them x Cheryl how inconsiderate of your neighbors to start work that early I thought you wasn't aloud to start before 9am & poor Jamie having to go to his friend to get some sleep hope it doesn't go on too long. Good luck with the pantomime enjoy it.xx
    Val how lovely having coffee in the garden with your friend ( not jealous) &thank you my cough is not as bad so think I'm on the mend.
    Sue Hug's xx slowly getting back into housework I did some ironing this morning
    Will see you all tomorrow & will try & be earlier
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda, you do make me laugh. I'm glad you both was seen in the end but how annoying you have to go to Canterbury for the other test. Fingers crossed. Good to see your coughing is easing up, do take care. Many healing hugs is on it's way to you xx

  14. Evening all and Hi to Tracy, Welcome to the cafe' :-)
    nice to see you in here. I believe you know our Lynda, she will be chuffed to see you. Hope you and your sister had a nice Christmas, Sad but also happy memories for the ones no longer with us. I hope you, Elaine and Laura will be coming back ofta and have a chat. Here we sharing craft in all forms, mostly cards. We also share our sadness and happiness and support each other when needed and I find this blog that our lovely Sandra is running have changed my life. I think you live in the North Tracy ,is that right ?
    OH and I ended up going to Dobbies, no not our helper from Janet tihi We have Cotton Traders and The Woollen Mill there, no crafting stuff unfortunately but still managed to spend some pennies. The clearing up went fine Margaret, thank you for asking. I moved it from one side to the other so now I have to do it again tomorrow Lol,
    Thought of an early night but feeling way to awake so going to watch 'Die hard with a Vengeance' it just started. Hope you all have a good night and I see you in my dreams, so behave tihi Hugs xxx

    1. HAHA Maria I like your concept of tidying your craft space frome one side to the other so will you move it back again to same place tomorrow
      πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ xxx
