
Wednesday 4 January 2017

A Long awaited look at Gracie-Leigh's Album

Good Morning Ladies,

I have everything crossed that Janet arrived safely at Marigny yesterday, had time to unpack and relax, so that she has time to call in this morning as I have featured her Amazing Album for Gracie-Leigh,  I wanted to have it up and ready for her to see as she opened the blog this morning, almost like a 'Welcome Home' !
I also hope that she managed to send 'Marigny Dobbie' on his first trip of the year laden with delicious French patisserie and the delicious local Jam that Janet buys, the coffee is brewing ready for his arrival! Although those of you that might have started a "New Year, New You"! Regime might want to opt for the porridge with fresh fruit, one of my favourite breakfasts actually, luckily we had a huge harvest of raspberries this year.
Now onto Janet's wonderful gift for Gracie-Leigh, you could not wish for a sweeter, more personal 1st birthday gift, the photographs are all gorgeous and not over posed as some albums can be.

I love how you have used those pretty ribbons down the spine of the album, such a
Pretty effect.

Janet, what beautiful calligraphy, I am in awe, I would dearly love to be able to 
Do calligraphy, I have a calendar that Pat gave me last Christmas from her Calligraphy group, they all contributed a piece for each month, the different styles are amazing. (Pat doesn't do calligraphy, they make cards at the group too). 
I think you have created such a personal page there, when she looks back on the album in years to come it will be even more special that you hand wrote the information, something that children seem to be doing less and less of these days.

You have captured some wonderful moments from Gracie-Leigh's first year Janet, I love the photo of her sat with Lily-Mae, such a proud big sister, still smiling even though Gracie-Leigh has pinched her Croissant !! 
That last photo is one of those "Uh-oh" moments, when they have mastered the stairs no room is sacred, you have to have eyes in the back of your head, I remember one of my girls sat watching so intently as we opened and closed the stair gates to both the kitchen and the stairs, I always thought she was about to cry as we left her for a few seconds, but no, she was watching and taking in what we did, as soon as she could reach the top, she would flip up the handle and follow you through, I watched in dis-belief, but then it dawned on me, that those big sad eyes weren't to guilt me into carrying her everywhere, she was watching and learning, they have continued to be very quick at picking things up! 

Janet thank you so much for sharing Gracie-Leigh's album with us, I love everything about it, the hand written journalling being the icing on the cake, so personal and to me so very special.  
You have inspired me to get on with an album that I promised Becca I would do, she bought me a huge box of photos of her dog 'Diego' and said what a shame if was that the just sat in the box, so she asked me to create an album, I picked a really good quality album in a Charity shop for £1 last month, so I am all set and you have given me that inspiration to get it done!! Xxxx

Brenda, how frustrating that you didn't get a week off of blood tests, you could do with staying in the warm, I understand the tests are important but so is your recovery, with your immune system trying to beat this infection the last thing you need is a trip to the germ ridden surgery, please take care my lovely xxx

Pat so sorry to hear Pete's appointment was so frustrating, I know how he worries,bless him, hugs on their way xxx

Laura O'Connor, it was so kind of you to stop in and comment on Monday, please pop in again and say hi, we have such a lovely bunch of ladies waiting to welcome you xxx

That's all from me today ladies,

Love and hugs on their way,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-what a beautiful creation. So much work gone into your album, it's really lovely.

    Yesterday was very busy at work but the day passed quickly. I'm only in work this morning as I booked an appointment with the heating engineer to replace a part on the boiler, seem like ages ago when I booked it.
    Postie had delivered some of my shadow box dies yesterday so my plan is to have a play with them this afternoon . I also want to take down all the Christmas decorations & pack them away ready to go in the loft.


    1. Hi Michele. I'm glad that your first day back wasn't too bad. Have fun with your new goodies. We are looking forward to seeing come up with x

    2. Hi Michele
      I'm glad that yesterday wasn't to bad at the hospital. Pete was only 10mins late going into his appointment. That good considering we have waited over 2 hrs on some days. Look forward to seeing what you make with your goodies. My magazine turned up this morning with the pop up boxes. Yippee.

  2. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you had a lovely family day yesterday, thank you for showing Gracie Leigh's
    Janet what a lovely keepsake for her it is lovely. Hope you are safely tucked up in your French haven & can now
    Brenda I would have thought they could have sent a nurse out to you if it was that important they take bloods, please take care hugs on way xxx
    Lynda hope you & Terry are slowly improving, hugs on
    Pat sorry Pete didn't have better
    Dull morning here not so cold though must get ready for Petanque.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Janet, what a gorgeous album you have created for Gracie-Leigh's first birthday. A beautiful keepsake that she will treasure in years to come. Thank you for sharing it with us and for the inspiration it's given me to get on and make some for our lot this year. I hope you are safely settled in Marginy after a trouble free journey.

    1. I'm back to finish my comment now!
      Sandra, I hope you had a good day with Paul and the twins yesterday x
      Brenda, I'm sending you gentle hugs and hope that having to go to the surgery yesterday hasn't set your recovery back too much. How ridiculous that you had to go when you are clearly not well. I agree with Mum, a nurse should have come to you if the test was so important! Stay snug and warm today anyway x
      Lynda, I hope you and Terry are feeling a little better today, keep resting please x
      Pat, I'm sorry to hear that Pete's appointment wasn't better. Sending you both hugs x
      I hope everyone has a good day, it's not so cold here but we have grey skies now so not as cheerful. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Brenda and all in need. Take care xx

    2. Hi Sue.
      First of all many many thanks for your lovely card which arrived today. Don't you worry at all about it being late we usually have deliveries of Christmas cards up until the end of January ha ha.
      Do hope you're feeling ok now after that nasty migraine time.
      We don't seem to sell many Valentine cards so I've only done 20. Mothers Day usually about 40 odd. I don't know why people don't keep the Valentine tradition over here, I must admit my husband and always gave them to each other even over here.
      Take care. Xxx

  4. Good Morning everyone.

    Oh Janet, what a lovely book and beautifully put together. Definitely a labor of love. I'm sure Gracie Leigh will love it forever. Hope your journey went well and your settling in.

    Lynda, do hope you and Terry are feeling better and stronger every day.

    Pat so sorry it wasn't better news yesterday.Hugs and kisses are on there way to you

    Brenda as if you don't feel bad enough with out having to go to the surgery today. Do so hope you feel better soon.
    Just been down to the shop to put the Valentines cards in place. What's next on the calendar. Mothers Day I think is usually in March. I'll wait to start those until after I'm back from hols.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Take care.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. Goodness me, you do have to be organised with making all of your beautiful cards for the shop. How many Valentine's and Mothers Day cards do you make? I bet you are counting down the days until your holiday now aren't you x

    2. Hi Val my word you have been a busy bee making your cards. But I assume that you have to keep the shop well stocked up. You'll deserve your holiday.

  5. Beautiful album of Gracie-Leigh I ought to get my act together and do one for Oscar's 1st birthday in April!

  6. Hi Sandra
    Wow what a stunning Album you've made for Gracie-Leigh's first birthday. Such a fabulous keepsake for her to look at in future years. I hope you've arrived safely Janet. My word a yellow thing has just popped out in the sky. A wonder after all the grey weather we've been having. Such a shame Brenda you have to go out and have your bloods done.
    Hugs to both you and Brenda are on they're way.

    1. Sending you and Pete some special hugs and hope everything will be alright xx

  7. Afternoon Everyone from Marigny

    Well we have been to the supermarket; put all the stuff away and made sure everything is unpacked and put away so the log burner is going full tilt as it's -2 and has been allday. We are now having the rest of the day off and will begin what needs to be done tomorrow.

    Thank you for your lovely comments about Gracie-Leigh's album. First I have to confess that the opening page with all her details was not done by me but by Jim who loves his calligraphy and always does a wonderful job. He has done all the first pages of all the first year albums so it's something they can remember him by. There are other pics for the other months but I didn't want to bore everyone with twelve photos of Gracie-Leigh. The album was delivered on Sunday when we went to her first party. We had a lovely afternoon with everyone there.

    Marigny Dobbie will be on duty from tomorrow morning and will bring all the usual goodies with him.
    Hope you're all managing to keep extra bugs etc away and recovering from the ones you all had before and over the holidays.

    HUGE hugs to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Glad to hear you both arrived safely, bet your glad of the wood burner if it's -2. Look forward to having some pastries from you.

  8. Hi Janet,
    Pleased to see you have arrived safe & sound, & you sound very organised, how lovely to have a log

    1. Hi Janet, glad you've arrived safe and sound. Your lovely log burner Will keep you toasty warm I'm sure.
      Looking forward to hearing all about those lovely pastries you buy.
      Love Valxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What an absolute treat to see Janet's gorgeous album for Gracie-Leigh and lovely that Jim was also able to add the beautiful calligraphy to the opening pages, what a fantastic keepsake you have both created. Thank you for sharing.xx

    I managed to make my INR appointment, needless to say the count was well down (no surprise there) my pills been increase and hopefully will get things back on track, but now have to return next week and they can take another

    PAT Sorry to read you didn't get a positive report for Pete at the hospital, Sending you both caring hugs. xx

    Started this post hours ago, after four very long phone calls and numerous text I think I am going to call it a day.

    Sending love and caring hugs to you all, Love Brenda xxx

  10. Evening All, hope everyone has had a good day.
    Janet your album is a wonderful keepsake, I'm sure will be treasured.

    Just finished taking down all the Christmas decorations, everywhere looks so bare now, think I need to make some canvases to brighten up my walls.

    Am going out for a quick walk now, am trying two walks a day now, to see if it eases the pain in my legs during the night.

    Will see you all tomorrow, hugs Lilian.

  11. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Well I did do a comment at 12 ish but it looks like those comment snatchers have got it.
    Well he we go again. We had to go out to Tesco as things have run out. Although it was sunny it was very cold I was wrapped up well. It was nice to get some air But have been coughing this afternoon. We have to go out again tomorrow as Terry has a Doctors appointment he can't remember what it's for 🤔 HaHa.
    Then I have hospital appointment in the afternoon for a ultra sound on my legs & feet to find out if the tingling & burning is due to nerve endings they have been very bad today The R A doctor requested it. Thank you all again for the Hug's they meen a lot.
    Think I'm ready for my bed so good night God bless
    Lynda xx

    1. Hope your night is not too bad Lynda and good luck with the doc. tomorrow. Is it Terrys memory they will check :-) sleep well xx

  12. Evening Sandra and to everyone I hope your day have been fine.
    Wonderful book for Gracie-Leigh first year Janet. Love the photos of her and her sister and she will love seeing it again and again. Jim have done a fantastic job too, only the other day I said to my OH that I would like to learn Calligraphy but not sure if I have the hand for it.Have a lovely time in Marigny.
    Michel- glad it wasn't too bad to go back to work, hope the refurbishing starting that all goes well.
    Brenda- sorry you had to get out for the bloods now when you are so poorly, so hope you are ok and can take it easy so you soon feel better. hugs
    Val-I wish I had your 'mojo' to make cards, any card but having a bit of a problem to get going after Christmas. Hoping though to make the challenge card tomorrow.hugs.
    Margaret- hope you had fun at Petanque and it wasn't to cold. Hope you and Pop are alright.
    Lynda- bless you. Hope you getting better soon and it not goes down worse. Sending many healing hugs to you and Terry. Give him a real hug from me :-)
    Had some housework done this morning and the washing. Friend called in for a coffee, three hours later she left. Had the thought of doing the CC but it has not happening yet and I feel so frustrated for Mojo have gone and left the building. OH has gone to Tottenham so I have been watching some recordings, no sport in sight hihi.
    I wish you all a good night and hoping our missing friends will be popping back in soon (old as new ones)
    Love and many huds to all, Maria Xxox
