
Tuesday 3 January 2017

A Stampin Up card !

Good Morning Ladies,

I am really enjoying being back in my Craft Room, I find it so frustrating though that after spending 2 days tidying and decluttering the room looks like it did 2 days ago after 1 afternoon!!  You see I am not an 'organised' crafter, I sit there, think of an idea, then gather together the things I 'thing' I need, only to find that something doesn't work so I grab something else and so on and so on......!  Although my Craft Trolley is still working really well, having all my tools and adhesive products at hand but not taking up precious room on my desk. 
So after creating quite a mess this is card is the result, I decided to make it using the Stampin Up products I bought last year, the dies ......
I used Stamping Up Flourishing Thinlets dies to make the flowers and border, they are made by Sizzix and cut really well, the leaves in the set are my new favourite.

The Sentiment is from Stampin Up Birthdays Blooms Stamp Set, the flower in this set is stunning, I also love the font .

Basically I die cut a card base 7 X 5 1/2 inch, I then added a layer of pretty pink card, the top layer is Linen card with an Oval die cut out of the centre, the sentiment was stamped into the centre of the pink card, added foam tape (for dimension) to the back of the linen card and placed it over the stamped sentiment, I then added some die cut flowers around the aperture and added some of the foliage from the die set, I popped some pretty acrylic flowers and some matching gems around the card. That's about it.
I hope you like it ladies.

Today is Paul's first day off since the 27th, the girls are home today too so we are going to get one more precious family day.  Our tree is looking incredibly sad, it is the worst one we've had, the needles haven't dropped it has really drooped though.
So I will be glad to see the back of it, I think we may go back to an artificial tree next year, real trees are getting far too expensive and it seems so sad paying out just to watch the poor thing wilt before our eyes.

I am hoping that those of you feeling fragile are starting to feel a little better, sending gentle hugs to you xxx

Janet, I hope that the first leg of your journey went smoothly xxx

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, love the stamps especially the sentiments.

    Shame about your Christmas tree, I'll be quite glad when we pack everything away-would like to have done that yesterday but hubby said he'd rather wait.

    Am wondering what will greet me when I get into work-I'm pretty sure it's going to be busy plus we have to start planning for when we move out during the refurbishment.


    1. Hi Michele
      I always think hospitals are as busy after Christmas as during the holiday period. Hopefully your planning will go well and the move without to much hassle. Fingers crossed for you.

  2. Hello All, clear and frosty here again.
    Sandra lovely card, have the stamp set and used it so much when I first had it, must dig it out again.
    Well work again today, it's been lovely to have a lovely long break, but as they say all good things must come to an end !!! Hope this blog never does.

    Janet hope journey going well, those poorly feel better soon, hugs Lilian

  3. It's a fabulous card DANDRA The mojo was definitely in the right place for that one!
    1st day back to work after a really long holiday for me, especially being on my own, OH was working all through the Christmas period. I wonder what mayhem I will be presented with Ho hum!


  4. Hi Everyone.

    Fantastic card Sandra. Love the die set and lovely stamps.
    So sad that you tree has drooped so soon. I'm taking the decorations down today apart from the tree which I'll leave until 6th. I'm still a bit superstitious.

    To all the ladies back working today, hope is not too hectic and you can get back into work smoothly.

    Hope the journey is going well Janet.

    Wishing everyone not feeling too well a speedy recovery.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a pretty card, you are really enjoying stamping now aren't you well done. I must admit we haven't had a real tree for years, the thought of cutting it down just to die made us think. Sorry your craft room looks a mess again, enjoy your family
    Lovely to see you Brenda but please take care of yourself & no running around after family, not that you will feel like it, sending healing
    Lynda how nice of your DIL to cook meals for you both hope you both had a better night, hugs on
    First day for me back at Petanque this morning, I decided to have a week of last week, & it is a sharp frost so must go & clear the car.
    Sending hugs to all who need them, cafe open pot of vegetable soup on ready for lunch, love

    1. Hi Mum. Im sure you will enjoy getting back to Petanque, it is a lovely day for it 😁 It's always good to see the proper fairy on the main tree, Grandma's is sweet too. I think most of us will have some decorations from Woolies, our fairy and some baubles are from there and still going strong after 32 years too. Love you xx

    2. Hi Margaret
      I assume your PΓ©tanque is inside as it's much to cold to play outside. Thanks for the vegetable soup.

    3. No Pat we play outside all year, you just dress for it.

    Sorry I haven't been in for so long but with three days of migraines amongst the busiest Christmas we have had for a long time the time has flown by. Today is the first day of the New Year for me and I have spent it catching up with you all.
    Sandra, I'm sorry to hear you are suffering with swollen legs along with your hip playing up worse. You will have to pluck up the courage and see your doctor, I know how much just the thought stresses you my lovely but it needs to be done. Sending you big supportive hugs. Im also sorry to hear that your tree has dropped so much, such a shame when they don't last. I have 4 cards to make so I am going to make at least one with this weeks challenge card shape.Thank you for coming up with another great way of inspiring me, I am determined to join in this year. Have a lovely family day dear friend x
    Brenda, I hope the meds are starting to work, you poor thing. Please listen to your body and get as much rest as you need. Sending gentle healing hugs x
    Janet, I hope your journey is going well. It's so good to hear that you are finally well enough to get back to your usual visit to Marginy x
    Lynda, thank you for my hugs. I'm sending lots of healing ones back to you and Terry. At least you won't have to cook for a few days thank to your lovely family so please rest as much as you can x
    Mum, at some point today we will have a good long proper chat, the first of many this year no doubt 😁 love you xx
    I am glad to hear that you all had a good Christmas and New Year, may 2017 be a happy and healthy one for you and yours. Sending my love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra, Lynda, Brenda and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Sandra, I didn't say how I love your card, it is so pretty, and with a beautiful stamped sentiment. Thank you for sharing, and for all of the time you put into this wonderful blog. Love you loads xx

  8. Morning Sandra and everyone visiting this wonderful blog.
    Beautiful card ! I'm not normally a pink person but this is lovely and The dies and Stamp set, hmmm wonder what OH would say if I got some hihi we just talked about Farnborough but it is a bit far for a day trip but he is happy to take me to Ally Pally when that is on, yay.
    Shame about your tree , it is so nice otherwise with a real one. Saw a fake one tho the other day and I had to go and feel the branches because it looked so real.
    Hope Janets first part of their journey have gone well and they soon be in Marigny.
    For the ones going back to work today I wish you a good day and if it too busy at least the day hopefully will go quickly.
    Sending special warm cudddles to all of you with the dreaded bug. I hope that you soon feel better and are up and about as usual.
    I hope everything is ok with Anne,Cheryl and Sonia. Miss you when you not here girls. We had Laura O. popping in last night so I hope she have a minute to come back today.
    Another frosty morning here and the sun trying it's best to come out. No walk today, instead hoping to get to The Range while OH goes to Dunelm. He can wait for me there reading his paper and having a coffee as he can't stand the Range, don't understand why ? hihi
    Have a nice day everyone whatever you are up to, Maria Xxxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    I must say I started to declutter my craft room before Christmas. I took papers and card I wouldn't use to Foundation Stage 4-5 yrs. I've still away to go though. I've put my Christmas dies and Christmas cards I didn't use on top of the cupboard. At least I was that organised this year. Thanks to Sandra I even had cards left over for next year, how good was that. Hope you have a lovely day today with your family Sandra. Off to the hospital with Pete this afternoon.
    Very frosty here as well, wish I'd covered the car up.
    Gentle hugs to all who need one today. Hope the first leg of your journey went well Janet.

  10. I really must read what I write before I post. Now it posts without me having to go through everything twice I'm not in the habit of reading. My post should have read I've put my Christmas dies and stamps away.
    Sorry Asandra I didn't say how much I liked your card. I must get my stamps out and have a play. Although my stamping quite good it's so much better with our faux Misti. I'm still awaiting the arrival of my SIL Christmas card from Australia posted on the 12th Dec. It had Karen's card in as well. However, 1 posted at the same time arrived well before Christmas so I suppose ours is lost in the system.
    Hugs once again to all.

  11. Beautiful card Sandra.. My tree has also lot the will to live and I'm sure every single needle will shed as soon as I try move the thing !!!!! ... enjoy your last day with your family all mine are gone today house feels empty ... made me feel quite sad ...well for about five mins ha ha ha ... x Amanda

  12. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Very cold & dark day today. Sandra I love your card & the Die set is lovely bit expensive for me though but I do have the other one. Love your colour palet. Have a lovely day with Paul & girls.
    I really must get in my craft room & clear it before I can make the birthday cards I need for this month. My new year resolution is to be less messy. HaHa how long will that last πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    SUE nice to see you today hope your Migraines have at last left you horrible things Big Hug's πŸ€—
    PAT hope Pete's hospital appointment goes well for him & positive results
    Big Hug's for you both. πŸ€—πŸ€—
    Hope everyone who went back to work today having a good day xx
    Janet hope the first part of your journey is going ok & have a safe journey for the rest of it πŸ€—πŸ€— xx
    Well I'm going in shower now try & brighten my self up I know it's late but not going anywhere. Terry is πŸ˜΄πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ not unusual 😳Lol.

    1. Hi Lynda
      See I told you Terry and Pete could be brothers, that what Pete does every time he sits down. Well, he tells me he's watching tv behind his eyelids. Very frosty here.

  13. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra, love the Stampin Up dies and stamps. I don't own any myself, but love the look of them :-)
    Hoping everyone back at work has had a good day! Seems like Christmas was ages ago now - roll on the summer πŸ˜†
    Was hoping hubby would take decorations down yesterday while I was at work, but he didn't, so that'll be my job at the weekend πŸ˜•
    Hope everyone is well. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. My sentiments roll on the summer Sonia. Hook your still enjoying your job.

  14. Hello Sandra and all,

    Sandra I hope you have made the most of your family day, these days are so precious and sometimes even if we don't do something special it's all about having time together as a family. xx

    What a pretty card you have created. You have really made these dies work with beautiful results.

    Managed to drag myself out of bed today but not until late morning. Should have gone for INR (blood test, because I take Warfarin ) but rang to say I wasn't feeling great and said I was on antibiotics. The person taking the call said we need to check you when you're on antibiotics can you come tomorrow......dam !!!!! I was hoping for a week off,

    LYNDA and TERRY hope you are both on the mend.xx

    SUE, You must be feeling totally washed out having Migraines for days, take
    things easy, xx

    PAT, hope Pete got on ok at the hospital this afternoon.

    JANET, your journey must be over my now, hope Jim and Yvette are having a well deserved rest. xx

    LAURA O, PLEASE POP IN AGAIN and tell us about you.

    Sending love to all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Hope your feeling better, I'm still coughing & the cold is coming out now
      So much for the Flu jab 😭
      Take care my friend πŸ€—πŸ€— Lynda xx

  15. Mixed results for Pete I'm afraid. His PSA us still rising but not boubling. However, that could be due to the medication his own dr gave him to try and reduce his prostate as ge could feel it inside him. Then she wondered why only bloods for Testosterone and PSA were done. I told her that's the only things Hugo the other dr put on his wallet. She said he must always have the others done as well. Renal, liver, bone etc. So if they're not on the list tell the Dr. So new bloods to be done while we were there. CT scan, MRI scan and a bone density scan to be done before we go again at the end of Feb. He has apparently a nodule on his Liver that needs to be checked on also. The Dr last time didn't tell us that either. I said I wasn't impressed with him at the time. Explained all about Chemo and localised Radiotherapy as long as it's not around his bowel.

    1. Hi Pat sorry Pete didn't get all his bloods done properly why is it doctors never put everything on the blood form he should know what bloods he needs it's not your place to have to tell him what bloods are needed. Must be so frustrating for you both.
      Sending you both some healing Hug's πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Thanks for the hugs, did Pete no end of good. Hope your both feeling a bit better soon. Like Brenda you've both having a rough time of it at the moment

    3. Thanks my friend some more πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—for you both xx
