
Sunday 8 January 2017

Your Challenge Cards

My Challenge Card

Lilian's Challenge card

Karen's Challenge card

Maria's Challenge card

Margaret's Challenge card

Michele's  challenge card

Good Sunday Morning My Lovelies,

I'm not sure if I prefer the really cold weather or this horrible wet weather?  I hate being cold I really do, but the continual rain we've been having is just too much, everywhere looks so miserable. We had some really heavy frosts this past week, lots of cars being scraped in the mornings, but the clear sky and sunshine really lifts your mood, I am lucky in that the sunlight floods into my craft room first thing in the morning, making you want to sit in there, (mind you it highlights the dust too)!

This weeks Challenge was to make a 'Tri-Fold' card, you could design and embellish it however you pleased.  

My card was made using Floral Pavilion papers, with green Bazzill card as the base, with the pretty pattern being busy I decided just to add a few flowers in the corners.

Lilian, WoW, such a pretty card from you this week, you were 'first past the post'  too, I was genuinely surprised when your card appeared in my inbox on Monday, I think I remember you saying that it was a coincidence that you had jusg made a Trifold card.
The paper you haves used is absolutely gorgeous Lilian, you have picked out the perfect blue to accent the paper too, the pretty butterflies are all that is needed to compliment the paper, I love the stamped sentiment and the pretty label you have stamped it on. 
Absolutely gorgeous card Lilian thank you so much xxx

Karen, I love the sewing room theme of your Tri-Fold card, you are so clever, creating all the papers in Serif for this card, it looks like exactly like an actual dress pattern, the Dress Form die Karen has used is from Xcut. 
A fab card Karen, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Maria, such a lovely Tri-Fold card, I didn't find mine easy to embellish, mainly because of the shape I think.  You have done a fantastic job, I have loads of peel-offs in my stash from years ago, I always forget to use them, I love how you have used them to finish the edges of your papers.  I love those papers you have used too. 
Such a lovely birthday card Maria, thank you for taking part xxx

Margaret, you have used some of my favourite papers for your Challenge card this week, the Floral Pavilion pads are just gorgeous, so many pretty designs. You have matched it perfectly with that green base card and the colour you have stamped the sentiment in. Those darling little butterflies work perfectly.  
Thank you so much for taking part xxx

Michele, I know you aren't keen on your Challenge card this week but I like it, I think if you added a sentiment to that label on the front you might like it a little bit more ( not that I am critising, I don't consider myself qualified to judge other people's cards), I'm trying to get you to see that your card is fab !  I like the interest that the flourishes give, softening the edges along the top. 
Thank you so much for taking part Michele xxx

Now ladies I need your input.......

With regard to the challenge, would you prefer going back to the 'card sketch' style challenge, then maybe once a month doing the 'card fold' challenge?
I don't mind which way we do it, I just want it to work for all of you . 

Paul is back on shift today, so I will be able to spend time in my craft room, I am going to start 'planning' I think, planning posts etc, well that's the plan!  

The girls are going to help me cook a Roast Beef Dinner for tonight, for when Paul comes home,  they have always helped with things like Yorkshire puddings and peeling veg, over Christmas Lucy took a real interest in helping in the kitchen, she made some delicious sausage rolls. So I thought that I would get them a little more involved today, for two reasons really one being I cannot actually physically manage to cook a full roast dinner any more, lifting things like pans of potatoes and  getting things in and out of the oven are just to painful, secondly I learnt the basics  of cooking from helping my mum in the kitchen on a Sunday morning, preparing veg, making Yorkshire's, making up stuffing, we used to prepare things for Sunday tea too, making up a trifle, usually a 'Birds Trifle', I remember vividly those rock hard sponge squares and trying to make them stay at the bottom of the jelly by weighing them down with tinned fruit, making up the Blancmange and later on whisking up the Dream topping to cover the pink Blancmange, they always seemed such a luxury back then, but we bought one for a nostalgic treat, my goodness either I look back with rose tinted spectacles or those trifles have shrunk, I dug out my best Crystal trifle bowl, made up the jelly but it barely covered the base of the dish, same problem with the tasteless Blancmange and the dream topping wouldn't even cover the surface, what a let down ! Needless to say the kids hated it.  The other thing it got my thinking about was how my mum made things stretch, I was be of 4 children, on the Sundays we didn't have trifle we had jelly and tinned fruit with evaporated milk, how on earth did my Mum make one find of fruit cocktail share 6 ways?  We always used to fight over who got the cherry !! Haha 
So back to my point I learnt a lot of the basics from helping Mum, I think that in recent years we have muddled through meal times, Paul does pretty much most of the work, I over see the cooking etc, I will say that Paul has stolen my 'Queen of Roast potatoes' crown (kings crown for him obviously)!, With my input he cooks an incredible roast dinner, strangely for a man, the only thing Paul isn't keen on doing is carving meat, I have no idea why, I have always had to do it.   
There will be 8 of us for dinner so it's going to be a big task, I am planning to spread the prep out throughout the day though.  I'm sure it will be fun.

Have a great Sunday ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    We're not so white this morning but the Fairy is still saying that it's -1. We also managed to keep the log burner in all night so that was a big bonus this morning.

    All the CCs are beautiful and it's wonderful to see how each and everyone is decorated. I'm sorry SANDRA that I didn't manage to get one done this week but I promise that I'll do this week's CC. Please don't give me a demerit hehehe

    I'll go with the majority re CC. I have to say that I do like doing them whatever format they are.

    Like you I was 'trained' by Mum in the kitchen and from being quite small too. Of course everything changed when she was in her wheelchair though she did continue to do nearly everything without any outside help but as I'm the eldest of two I had to help whenever she needed it. I did the same training with my two girls and from the age of 11 they looked after their own bedrooms, including changing their bedding. They also learned how to bake and cook and shop too. I don't think they've suffered any by doing so either as Nicky has made sure that David Robert and Pippa has carried on 'the tradition' with her two.

    I finished another bday card yesterday and so I just might have a playday today trying out one or two things I've seen and thought they might be nice - well as you say 'that's the plan'.

    The CAFE I'm told is ready for opening with the coffee pot/tea pot all ready along with fresh bread, homemade jam and warm croissants. Have a good day everyone. Hugs to you all. xxxx

  2. Hello All, I'm with you Sandra about these wet grey days, hate them.

    Great set of challenge cards, mine was ready for a friends birthday, I'd just made it when Sandra posted the challenge, shows we are all on the same wave length.
    I will try anything re the challenge, love the idea of a different fold occasionally.

    I was one of 6 children and being just after the war, there wasn't much money around, so my Mum worked in the evening, so us girls took turns to cook the evening meals and the boys were supposed to wash up afterwards. Both of my children learnt how to cook and care for themselves as I also used to work evenings, stood them in good stead when they went to university.

    Well that's enough rambling from me, have a good day everyone,hugs Lilian

    1. Thank you for the tip yesterday about using a saucer to help score a curve cx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Lovely cards from everyone-mine has been chopped up for scrap! I truly hated it so it's gone.
    We stayed up late last night watching Law & Order then I got up 3 times during the night to go to the bathroom so I'm shattered. Apart from my usual Sunday chores I want to list more items on eBay to clear some space in my craft room. I'd like to have proper shelving fitted all along one wall so I really need to have a huge clear out.

    Sandra-maybe a shaped card challenge once a month and the other weeks could be a sketch challenge or a theme? I could do with you suggesting things like 1) use something that's still units packaging 2) use peel offs on a card 3) a specific colour...this of course is just to help me use up the considerable stash in my cluttered craft room!!! Seriously-I love the sketch challenges but am more than happy to try something else.

    I've only recently started cooking with confidence-my Mym was a dreadful cook, my Dad is quite good and Phil is brilliant as is his Dad.


    1. Hi Michele
      What a shame your card went in the bin as I quite liked it. I don't think my Mum was a great cook either. Mind you she only had an old fashioned Range to cope with. So to cook or iron you always had to have a fire going. Never had cakes so I never had much confidence cooking either.

  4. I love seeing everyone's take on the challenge They are all beautiful I'll go with the flow re types of challenges I enjoy both
    Your childhood SANDRA completely mirrors mine! Bird's trifle was a treat for Christmas and it was alway fruit cocktail (with the fight for the cherry) and evaporated milk on Sunday We occasionally had tinned peaches in syrup which I loved
    My son didn't learn to cook when he was at home but when he left his partner couldn't so he took up the challenge and bacame a very accomplished cook He used to ring asking "how do you make..." I used to bake with them when they were little which helps I have photos if Charlotte standing on a chair stirring a saucepan - under supervision of course - at the age of about 4
    When she started work, she didn't pay us board BUT took over the grocery shopping and that's when she became a really good housekeeper/cook She always looked for offers and did the cooking then I was her helper!

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful selection of cards on display. Love them all 🙂
    Well, I made a start on a card last night for Mum to give Dad for his Birthday. Need to finish it today and make mine to give him too. Then 2 more for Mums birthday the following week! Not entirely happy with the unfinished card. Bought some forever friends decoupage toppers by docrafts, and the quality isn't brilliant. Unfortunately I wanted something quick and easy - mainly because my stash for masculine cards is very limited and most of what I have left has already been used on cards for my Dad! Seriously need to do some craft shopping 😉
    Lovely to see some new ladies visiting the blog. Welcome and enjoy 🙂
    Sandra enjoy your roast dinner with your family, sounds lovely. Cooking is one of the chores I've come to hate over time - mainly just everyday meals. The boys are so fussy, there's always one of them who doesn't like something 😕 I do enjoy cooking a roast though and really missed not having to cook a Christmas dinner this time.
    Anyway, hope everyone is keeping well and has a lovely day. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Ha ha I know what you mean re gents cards Their are 27 people in my team at work, most are male and I make cards for their birthdays I've got to the point where I've forgotten what I've made in the past I don't have much male stash
      I'm going to keep a list of what I make them this year so I don't repeat next year!

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Just love the challenge cards this week everyone. Each and every one is stunning. Looking at yours I'm glad I threw mine in the bin. Sorry I didn't enter this week Sandra yesterday just went so quickly. I'm quite happy doing any sort of challenge. I've enjoyed the majority of them but must admit have been stuck on a couple but that's why it's called a challenge.

    Sadly when I got married I'd never even boiled a kettle for a cup of tea. My mum wouldn't let me in the kitchen in case I made a mess and always said she could do it quicker so wen I got married life certainly was a challenge for a while in face Allan taught me to cook. A lot of disasters cat first but I got there in the end. Because of this I taught both mine the basics at an an early age. In fact Lynn went to catering college and is a qualified chef. Her and Paul owned a very successful restaurant over here until sadly Lynn developed thrombosis in her leg and all the standing was not good for her so they sold it and bought the shop. My son knows his way around a kitchen and is head cook and bottle washer at the moment but I think it's mainly food out of the freezer.

    Anyway rambled on too much. Enjoy your meal Sandra.

    Love to everyone. Valxxx

  7. Hi Sandra
    Lovely challenge cards today. Once again 1 design but all totally different. I'm not to sure what you didn't like about yours Michele, but I think it's lovely. All the cards are.
    Great idea Sandra to get the girls to help prepping your Sunday Roast. I never had the chance as we had one of the old black ovens that you warmed your iron on. How old I hear you all say. But we didn't have running water, elec nor gas. I always wished that when we moved to a house ( when I was nearly eleven ) my Mum made cakes. Then perhaps I wouldn't be so rubbish at them. Off to Yarnton for lunch then taking Doreen to see Ellis.
    Hope all those that are still suffering are feeling a bit better as the days go on.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies

    I love all ur cards. I've never tried a tri fold card. Might give it a go. I'm that used to buying the square card blanks and doing them up. Seemed easier for me. Other than that thea4 halfed lol.

    Sandra I was having a giggle about the birds trife and cherry we were the same but only two of us.
    Graeme can't cook either his limit is pot noodles and French toast. I cook from scratch occasionally but usually it's out of the freezer into the oven lol

    Lynda. I'll email u the pic of Graeme's card x
    Love to all xx

    1. Ooh email Sandra with Graeme's card please

    2. Would love to see Graeme's card as well Tracy.

  9. Hi Sandra Happy Sunday.
    Beautiful cards from the Challenge.
    Enjoy your family roast .
    I was taught to cook from School, i have 3 sons and taught each of them to cook and bake , and so pleased i did as they all put their cooking skills to good use , it helps out their working wives too.
    Hugs to all
    Elaine H X

  10. Morning all,

    Another gorgeous array of challenge cards, sadly mine didn't even get to the drawing board. Although to be honest I did find a ready made trifold in one of my boxes during clear out and thought Ah ha! This will do. It stayed on top of my die chest of drawers the whole week as time passed me by with taking down and storing the tree and decorations.
    Oh well, perhaps I might find some time later tonight to finish it. I have some inspiration to look at from all of yours.
    Childhood puddings to us Sandra (2 GIRLS AND 3 BOYS) consisted of mainly semolina with either a couple of slices of tinned peach or an apricot half with a spoonful of the syrup or home cooked spotted dick, steamed syrup pudding, treacle tart or apple tart. Angel delight was another favourite of Mum's. Dad tried once to make us spotted dick whilst Mum was in bed with a very bad dose of flu and although we tried, my sister Beverly and I, to tell him he needed to wrap in it in greaseproof paper before putting it in the saucepan, he said he knew what the was doing and wrapped it in a tea towel instead. Oh my, what a mess when he unrolled it!!!! Needless to say he never made puddings again.

    Jumping in the shower now before going off to the paper shop and a visit to say hello to Pete.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. I remember those puddings Cheryl my MIL made something we called Splodge It consisted of Angel Delight with something else which I can't remember now It was either fruit or jelly
      We don't tend to have puddings these days unless we're eating in a restaurant

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for this weeks challenge, I quite enjoyed it once I got sorted, as regards future challenges maybe a selection of sketches & good cards? I love all the cards this week.
    I also learnt to cook from my Mum, as my Dad was a farm worker we lived on farm till I was 16, so all cooking was done first on a black oil stove & later on calor gas stove, it was my job every Sat to make cakes for the week from about age 10, we also never had running water or indoor toilet till I was 16, unbelievable now. Mark more than Sue cooked at home, Sue will agree with me that even now she is lucky that Chris loves cooking so does not have to worry too much. We are also having roast beef today makes a lovely change, enjoy
    Lynda sorry you are still feeling poorly, special hugs on
    Brenda good your chest is clear but do as the Dr. said please, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them live

    1. WOW memories Margaret. Although we had running water we had to go down the yard to the outside toilet until I got married. As you say, unbelievable now. We had a tin bath that came out once a week in front of the oven in the kitchen but I got washed at the kitchen sink every morning. It all sounds so primitive now but it didn't seem odd at the time.
      Great that you made cakes from an early age that's obviously why you're so good at baking now.
      Enjoy your day xxx

    2. Crikey Val we also had a bath once a week in a tin bath in front of the Range. Washed daily in the sink as well. Not to sure how I fitted in when I was 10. We all also had an outside toilet, plus when we went to my Gran and Gramps they always had rabbit and hares hanging up ready to cook. How the other half lived eh. It was wonderful when my Gran and Gramp moved into a council house in Thame. Electric lights and running water no kess. Oh what bliss.

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Aagh, yesterday's comment has vanished do will say again Cheryl, Michele and Karen your cards and wreath are beautiful. I am needed by a certain little man so will come back in later to enjoy looking at all of your beautiful CCs. Love to you all xx

  13. Sandra what is ur email address please? And I'll forward Graeme's card on to u lol x

  14. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love all the CC's this week, thanks for the challenge.Did have a bit of problem getting the papers the right way so I now have some spare for more cards hihi.
    I'm hopeless at cooking but haven't made anyone sick and never will I hope tihi. My dad was the main chef at home and he can do some really nice food but he love using cream and butter in everything! Mum doing the cakes and biscuits quite well. Don't remember having puddings unless it was someones birthday or a special occasion. As a child I used to help my Nan with making the sausages and making some cakes but can never get them to rise making any these days so hand on heart I'm telling you the truth. I buy them! hihi Son never been interested in learning to cook but did alright at Uni.and today he makes his own because he decided to go Vegan in new year.
    Went out with my friend this morning and thanks to I think being good last week it wasn't to bad on the scales so now it just to keep going, at least to our holiday later this month :-) Had a coffee out before going home to take the tree and decorations down. It just look so empty and it feels cold so have lit some candles to feel a bit warmer. I'd like to have a gas fire place or something like it one day in the lounge. Might be the next task, get someone in to do the work for us hihi
    Hope all our poorly friends are feeling better and take care. Love and hugs to all, Maria xxxx

    1. I need to lose weight after Christmas Maria. The problem is we're still plowing through all the chocs.

    2. Wish had a chocolate right now Mmmmmm xx

  15. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Love all of your tri-fold cards ladies, you are all such an inspiration. Thank you all xx. I haven't been in my craft room all week and couldn't even if I had the inclination at the moment, John bless his heart suggested rearranging a unit in the craft room, I thought it was a good idea, so that was done yesterday. Today he has put dividers in to a wine box (the wooden type) and I can stack some of my Ink pads in it.
    Yesterday I had a lovely surprise, both our daughters turned up (no grandchildren) I think they had to check me out, as originally I told them I just had a bad cough. It was lovely to have them both here together.
    Sandra I love your cooking stories, we always had to help at home. I remember Mum had to take a job as Dad had been 'on the sick' for some time and money was short, we (2 girls and a boy) were expected to help when we got home from school. My sister has never been domesticated she would do anything to get out of doing her bit so she could get her nose into yet another book. On one occasion said she would tell mum and dad I always walked home with the boys, no problem there as I had told dad the boys had cigarettes, I had tried one and it was horrible, his reply was take one and bring it home to me, the boys soon got wise to that one. I did have cookery lessons at school, the boys did woodwork at the same time. We all had to go to a village called Shepshed about half an hours bus journey away, and the boys would try and get us to share our baking on the return journey. Oh happy days !!!!!

    Hope everyone has had a good day. Love Brenda xxx

  16. Hi Brenda
    Hopefully your feeling better by the day. Everyone I know seems to be struck down by this bug. Great that the girls came on there own to check you out. I also had cookery lessons but never got the hang of cake making. My friend can turn her hand to anything. She did a starter one day for me. A cos lettuce leaf filled with tiny squares of cucumber and tomato. My tomatoes would just be squashy if I did that. I went to school miles away from home. I lived in Worminghall and went to school in Long Crendon. Went to play Bowles at Long Crendon and they'd taken over my old school. Even down to the small toilets.
