
Sunday 4 December 2016

Your Challenge Cards

The Sketch

Brenda's 1st Challenge card

Brenda's 2nd Challenge card

Janet's 1st Challenge card

Janet's 2nd Challenge card

Lilian's Challenge card

Lynda's Challenge card

Margaret's Challenge card

Maria's Challenge card

Michele's Challenge Card

Val's Challenge card

Sonia's challenge card

Karen's Challenge card

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Another fabulous line up of challenge cards from you wonderful ladies again this week, so without further a do, here is a brief mention......

Brenda, two gorgeous cards from you this week, I love the colour theme of your first card, finished off beautifully with Creative Expressions Delicate Daisy flowers, stunning card!
The second card is one of my favourite of your cards Brenda, I love everything about it, my favourite embossing folder, I love the Holly Border die and the Poinsettia's are simply stunning, I bet your Sister has treasured it, Thank you so much for sharing xxx

Janet, two lovely cards from you too, the first card is just so pretty, a Tonic circle die, trimmed down the centre with a pretty ribbon, finished with some beautiful flowers and Stickpins.  
Your second card is such a fantastic 'man' card, with the fab image and the peel offs finishing the front of the card brilliantly, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Lilian, this card is just so beautiful, a gorgeous paper, with the contrast paper border which you have trimmed beautifully with that punched border, such a pretty card.  
I knew you wouldn't get time to send one in so I found this one that works perfectly xxx

Lynda, well I will say I was not expecting this card from you this week, but I will say (before anyone nags you for overdoing it) that you explained that you had all of the bits cut out ready to go, so just had to put it together, you are a Super Woman, thank you so much for taking part my lovely xxx

Margaret, I love your Christmas card made using Creative Expressions Peace On Earth Striplet die,
you have used it to make an amazing Christmas card, thank you so much xxx

Maria, such a beautiful card from you again this week, I love how you have used the ribbon to create a border, the images you have used are so gorgeous too, it would be a lovely Anniversary card, thank you for taking part again this week xxx

Michele, an amazing 'Dad' card from you this week, you really work these CDrom images to their very best, you make them look so perfect! thank you xxx

Val, I love that background you have used, is it one you have made yourself? it looks like you have used Pixie powders or Mica spray? I love how you have used that Striplet die too, I have it and to be honest struggle using it, you have managed to make it look fabulous, with the addition of the butterflies, stunning! Thank you so much for taking part xxx

Sonia, I just had to include this stunning card of yours, I absolutely LOVE this card, one thing that everyone says about your cards is that they are so 'perfectly finished' this card is a perfect example of that, the paper you have used is so pretty and you accented it perfectly by picking out the black to use as that pretty punched border.  Thank you xxx

Karen, I found one of yours that worked perfectly too, using Creative Expressions Diagonal die with the addition of the Love die, a perfect match, thank you so much xxx
ps, don't forget to take a photo of the clock you made, after all that work you need to share it ;)

After all of that all that is left for me to say is Congratulations to Michele, who made an amazng £44 at her craft sale yesterday, well done you, now you have more money to spend on Craft Stash! YAY !!

Cheryl, I can't wait to hear how you got on too, raising funds for the amazing charity........

If you didn't get chance yesterday, pop over and read all about the amazing support that this Charity gives .

Have a lovely Sunday everyone,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely selection of challenge cards. Mine was an oldie so Thank You for featuring it Sandra.

    The Fair was very busy all morning but so many people just didn't even stop and look at a number of the stalls. My takings were £44 which I guess isn't too bad-was hoping for more!
    When I got home hubby decided we needed to put up the Christmas decorations so out came the new tree only to find it was so wide at the base that we could get past it! Packaged it all up again & went back to Dobbies. The manager was brilliant-absolutely no problem changing it despite the fact we'd opened the box. Got a much slimmer tree so it's now up and decorated.

    Cheryl-hope you did well yesterday.

    Not much happening today other than housework-not making any Christmas cards!!


    1. Well done Michele. More money to spend of craft goodies Yeh. Aren't you organised putting up your new tree? Will put mine up at the end of the week for when my son comes over.
      Have a lovely Sunday with hopefully not too much housework.

    2. Well done Michele you really did brilliantly enjoy your profits. LOL

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Well done Michele what a good amount. Try & relax

    5. Hi Michele
      Well done on the amount you did raise. A quiet day perhaps before you start back tomorrow.

    6. Well done Michele. Have you decided how you are going g to spend it? I'm glad that you have finally managed to get a tree that is suitable, some of them are very wide aren't they. I hope you have managed to have ave a good rest today x

    7. Hi Michele, well done raising the money. Wonder what you will buy with them ? yes,nosy me :-)
      Hope your day has been good xx

    8. Fab result, never had courage to anything like that myself, so well done, enjoy.

    9. Well done Michele on a great amount of money you made yesterday

  2. Morning ladies,

    Such a gorgeous display of your challenge cards, I love them all.

    My stall with the trees lit up by the tea lights was a fantastic focal point. It drew everybody to look not just buy. I made the princely sum of £63!
    I only had the one box of goodies to bring home.
    I made £70 at the church fete, £42 at last week's coffee morning, so my total s far this year for Cardiomyopathy this year is £175 plus the proceeds of Pete's Memory Darts Match will bring. Not bad at all from my little village.
    Now I have gained my confidence back after our trip to the USA, I am looking to booking stalls in other villages near to me. Hopefully that will bring me new customers and bigger funding for Cardiomyopathy.

    Must dash now, my brother Glenn and SIL Joyce are driving down from Shropshire picking up Mum & Dad along the way to spend the day with me and mine, and I have to go pick up Miss Milly-May and her Nanny.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl well done, what a brilliant idea to have a Christmas tree with lights on to draw people in, Pete would be so proud of you. Enjoy your family

    2. Hi Cheryl
      A lovely amount raised for your Charity. I can just imagine your tree with your lovely lights on them caused quite a fantastic focal point. As Margaret says Pete would be so proud of you and your achievements. Enjoy your day with your visitors.

    3. Well done on such a good amount yesterday, and what a great amount for the Cardiomyopathy charity over the year, up until now. I second the comments that your Pete would be so proud of you. I'm sure you are having a lovely day with some of your family today, enjoy yourself x

    4. Great amount for your charity,well done.

    5. Hi Cheryl wow well done you,for the amazing amount of money you have made for your charity.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Cheryl. So pleased you did well yesterday and what a great total you've made for your charity. Hope you managed to find more Fayre.
      Have a lovely Sunday with your family. Xxx

    2. Hello Cherrelle what amazing amount you have raised, I'm sure Pete would be really proud of you. LOL

    3. Fantastic Cheryl, well done for raising such amount for the charity ! xx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Another beautiful selection of cards. More lovely ideas for me to have a go at.
    I used a background that we had a go at in Craft Class using our Pixie Powders.
    Such a lot of messy fun. The strip let die has fast become my favourite. It seems I use it on most of my cards at the moment.

    Can't believe it's raining here again. We've had so much rain in the last few weeks. Much needed I know but enough is enough.

    A bit of ironing now and then crafting again today. Packed all my Christmas craft stuff away yesterday. My room looks so much tidier.

    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      You ought to see the side in my kitchen and my dining table as well all covered in Christmas parafanalia to make Christmas cards.

    2. Hi Val. Your CC is beautiful, you will have to pop over and show me and Sandra how to produce pixie powder backgrounds as gorgeous as yours 😊 Have fun when you start the Valentine's cards for the shop x

    3. Hi Val, perhaps you need to get Gracie some little doggy wellies :-) I too love your pixie background, have some but not done anything with them yet because of the mess they making. Sue makes it look so clean and easy hihi xx

  5. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop
    We are up and organised this early this morning as we are going down to the Essex grand son is home from uni. And we are celebrating his 21st birthday albeit a bit late, he couldn't get home on the day. Think he celebrated his birthday with his rugby friends.
    What beautiful display of the CC inspiration Sunday, love them all.
    Sorry have to dash, OH getting in the car!!!!
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Have a lovely family day, drive carefully very frosty

    2. Hi Brenda
      Have a lovely day with your family.

    3. Hi Brenda. I hope you are having a lovely belated celebration with your grandson. I hope your cough is getting better x

    4. Oops, sorry but I forgot to say how beautiful both of your CC's are. I must say that the second one is just what I love, so gorgeous 😊 x

    5. Hi Brenda, hope you having a lovely day celebrating your grandson and having a nice time with everyone. Drive carefully home, it's gone very cold again. xx

  6. Hello Sorry I've been missing although I have been looking (usually at about 1-2am when most sensible people have gone to bed!) Thank ou for asking MARGARET
    I hope you ate all behaving yourselves - LYNDA... Today's cards are lovely I've really enjoyed looking at them
    I emailed SANDRA quickly yesterday I've had a couple of days off work hoping it'd give me the incentive to do my cards and make the clock I bought at AP It all went a bit pear shaped We had an unexpected funeral to go to and the click has become infamous! My sister-in-law celebrated her 70th in Venice So I "doctored" one of her photos in Serif to use as the clock face To cut a long story short ai ended up having to re-print it several times because I'd glaze it and manage to put a finger on it and remove the print etc etc It is now doneNeeds a final glaze and then add the clock hands etc I'm dreading poking the hole in the middle - any tips of how to do it cleanly?
    Ironing first, crafting second, dancing third So I must crack on

    1. Hi Karen,
      Pleased to see you in, sounds as if you have been having a frustrating time, make sure we see a

    2. Hi Karen lovely to see you in. Sounds as if you have had a frustrating time make sure we see

    3. Hi Karen
      How frustrating for you Karen. No idea about making holes cleanly I'm afraid.

    4. Hi Karen. I'm sorry you messed up your CC, I did the same on Tuesday eve and it also ended up in the bin! Im not sure what to suggest to make the hole. Would you feel comfortable using a small drill bit in an electric drill, that should give you a clean hole and quickly too? Or is that not an option for you? Not sure what else to suggest,csorry. Don't forget to share a pic of your clock, please. X

    5. I've forgotten to say that your CC is gorgeous Karen, is it for someone special? X

  7. PS Thank you for showing an oldie of mine I did start a CC but managed to mess up sticking a frame onto a Striplet It was so out of place I must get a better lamp I tried to correct it but made it worse So I binned it and ran out of time to do it again

    1. Hi Karen, what a puddle you seem to ended up in to make the clock. Is there a hole already drilled out ? if so maybe try with the pokey tool. Hope you well, take care xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a lovely display of cards again, thank
    Lynda hope your wrist is not too sore, take care xxx
    Maria hope you got your decorations
    Sue hope your sore throat has not developed, take care love
    Cafe up & running just waiting for customers so come on in.
    Sending hugs to all who need the love

    1. Hi Mum. I hope you have managed to get a bit of rest today, I know you are going to be busy over the next week, again. My throat is still flaring up and down, it's making my neck ache but no other cold symptoms thank goodness! Love to you both xx

    2. Hi Margaret, hope your day been good. The decorations up, the Santa standing and watching over us once again. He's got a new little friend greeting people when they coming to visit with his welcome sign up tihi Take care over the next week, say Hi to Pop xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    A lovely display of cards today. It's lucky that Lynda had her bits already cut out as we would all have been in nag mode. Nice and sunny here today but it was very frosty this morning, so it's probably quite cold out. Off for lunch at Yarnton today as usual with Doreen then onto the home to see Ellis.
    Take care everyone and hugs to all who need one.

    1. Hi Pat. Im glad that Pete op went well, and that he doesn't have to wear the patch any more. I hope you had a nice lunch out with Doreen and the visit to Ellis went well. See you on Tuesday 😊 x

    2. Hi Pat, I thought about the tree you looking for and I'm sure you will find it a store like the Range etc have a look on Google Good luck :-) Glad Pete's eye is better. Hope you had a nice lunch out and Doreen and Ellis are ok, hugs xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Sorry I haven't managed to comment but the last few days have been busy, it always gets silly at this time of the year I find and if I don't comment first thing I don't usually remember to, you know what my memory is like!
    It was lovely to see Cheryl cute little snowmen, etc. I may have to make a penguin for a friend as that is her nickname.
    Beautiful CC's today, there always is, I love seeing them a on a Sunday. The CC I started at Pat went in the bin at about 12.30am as I twice had completely messed up the layers and frame and couldn't save it for a third time!
    I hope everyone is having a good day, it has got colder here again today. I'm glad it wasn't too bad at all yesterday as we spent most of it out shopping, we had little Chris for the weekend and it was lovely watching his face as he looked at all of the lights and Christmas trees 😁.
    Chris has just left to take him home so I am commenting before I forget again.
    Sending my love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda (ok no nagging as you didn't do any cutting out to make your beautiful CC) Brenda, and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue for not nagging 😬 Haven't done anything today I have been good. Hope your sore throat is better. Take care love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Sue hope your throat not turn into anything nasty, Wish you better.Hope you taken it easy today and are not in too much pain, still must have been great to have little Chris around :-) xx

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Where has this week gone?? Sorry I haven't been in again :-(
    What a fantastic selection of cards and crafts this week, topping it off with today's beautiful sketch cards :-) They're all so lovely, and many thanks Sandra for showing an older one of mine. I started to make a card in the week for a client and gave up halfway through, but am happy to say I got up this morning and had a sudden urge to craft :-) I managed to finish said card and make another one too, yay!
    Big congratulations to Michele and Cheryl for your monies raised for charity, such fantastic amounts.
    I hope everyone is keeping well and have had a lovely weekend. I worked yesterday morning, and after my craft session this morning felt the need for a nap this afternoon! Bit naughty I know, but really needed it ;-)
    I am still loving work, and looking forward to the Christmas party in a couple of weeks (might even treat myself to something new to wear) Got the day off tomorrow so Mark and I are going Christmas shopping - fingers crossed we can get the majority of it done.
    Sending love and hugs to you all xxx

    1. Nice to see you in Sonia. Have a good day shopping and if you need another nap after that then do it :-) as you said you must have needed it. Take care xx

  12. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Well I have had a PJ day had a shower this morning & just put clean PJs on had a nap this afternoon so a lazy day I have been catching up on all the Creative Expressions recordings.
    I love all the Challenge cards this week all very different again but all beautiful.
    Looking forward to see what Sandra has for us tomorrow I hope I will be able to take part again.
    I have commented on way down
    So I will see you all tomorrow I may even get dressed 😆 😂
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda, I like PJ days sitting in my well sited chair and watching my programs :-) Hope you better and not too sore after your naughty spell, take care. Hugs to you and Terry xx

  13. Hi everyone, hope you are having a lovely weekend, bit cold here in Barnes.

    Love all the great cards today,didn't get chance to do one before we came away, thanks Sandra for showing one my old ones, still have loads of Christmas cards to make when I get home.

    Had a lovely day shopping at West Field shopping centre yesterday, managed to get a lot presents bought.

    Today we have been to see Oscar and Amelia with the birthday presents, they grow up so fast, Amelia who is three entertained us with songs from Frozen.

    Going home in the morning, so hoping not too much fog.
    Keep warm all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, hope you had a lovely time. Must been sweet when Amelia sang songs from Frozen, they remember so quickly at that age. Drive carefully home in the morning xx

  14. Hi Sandra and all. I started comment on the way down but then had to go out so been a bit back and forth today.
    Love all the cards today ,so many different from one and same sketch, hope to make some more with the same Sketch. Michele's card is great with so many differen layers, perhaps that could be a Sketch for us to try one day ?
    Managed to decorate before OH was back home so he got a nice surprise :-) Only got my snowman ones for the kitchen to do, waiting for a windowsill runner my mum have made for me so hope to get it next Saturday.
    Hope you all had a nice Sunday. Warm hugs to you all ,Maria Xxxx

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.
