
Saturday 3 December 2016

Cheryl's Christmas Crafts & Ainsdale Village Lights

Cute Sock Reindeer and Penguin

A tree full of Tealight Snowmen

A trio of Tealight Characters

Cute Tealight Snowman

Ainsdale Christmas Lights

Good Saturday morning Ladies

Oh just look at the amazing Christmas Cuties that Cheryl has made for her Stall tomorrow, the first two are a twist on the Sock snowmen from last saturdays photo, a beige Arran knit sock makes the perfect Reindeer, the Penguin looks like a glove with the fingers as its flippers.
Can you imagine how fabulous Cheryl's stall will look with this Christmas tree full of these Cute little Tealight Characters, so simple yet such a clever idea, a battery operated tea light with ribbon wrapped around, then decorated with different things to make them look like Santa's or snowmen.
Cheryl I think that you will definitely have a total sell out tomorrow, raising plenty of money for the
Cardiomyopathy charity,
 the link will take you to the Cardiomyopathy Uk Website so that you can find out more about what the Support the Charity provides. Thank you so much for sharing your crafts with us Cheryl xxx

The last photograph was taken by our Michele of Ainsdale Chrstmas Lights, they look so pretty, thank you so much for sharing it with us xxx

I am looking forward to seeing all of your challenge cards tomorrow ladies,
Have a lovely weekend.

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-I love your sock characters & the tea light ones. I hope you sell everything today at your Fair.

    I've got everything assembled ready for loading the car. I just need to pop to the butchers first then I'll head to the church hall. My crazy friend is hoping to come to the Fair-think she wants more cards. I made another 5 cards last night. Gave up at 9pm and just sat in front of the TV.


    1. Thank you Michele, I hope your sale goes equally well. xxx

    2. Hi Michele hope you have a good day & sell out. Lights look lovely in Ainsdale.x xx

    3. Hi Michele
      I hope you managed to sell all your cards, lights look great,

  2. Morning Sandra & ladies,

    It's so nice to see our hard work published. Jacque(who gave up quite a lot of her free time to help and donated a lot of the products used) and I have had so much fun, loads of tea and coffee and a right old natter making these items. I think my favourite would have to be the penguins. It took quite a lot of working out to get the shapes, done on my computer, for his face, tummy, and wings to be the right size. They are made of felt which is then stuck with a very light beading of hot glue to the sock shape. His feet are 'crazy foam' triangles cut with my pinking shears. We used the toe part of the socks for the bodies, no sewing required, then used elastic bands to get the body and head shape before using strong bunting string to tie off. Although it says on YouTube to use elastic bands throughout, they harden and break as time goes by and the animals fall apart, and we wanted ours to last for a quite a long time.
    The tea lights are a bargain if you need some for Christmas decs ladies, 12 for £2.99 bought from B&M. And the candle flames change colour so my tree will be bright and cheerful. Bought at the Range for £14.99 each (3ft tall and very bushy) the two trees at each end of my stall all lit up will attract customers where hopefully they will stay and buy.
    We sold 3 snowmen before I even got to the URC craft and coffee morning last Saturday so we are hoping for a sell out tonight at Cannington Christmas.
    Using 'make your own decorations' hearts, I filled them with a spoonful of microbeads (for snow) and white feathers. Glued them together with cosmic shimmer glue then added and glued, as before, a thin band of ribbon to hide the joint, added a hanging string and a small silk ribbon rose to the top of the heart.
    So my theme is hearts for Cardiomyopathy. I still have the bunting they kindly gave me this year which will be added to my stall once the tablecloths are on.
    After this marathon of crafting I still have my Christmas cards to do, which will be like Janet's, simple ones this year.
    And after all that, the new year will find I have more time to sit and play with my new sewing machine and finally get to grips with my CutNScan. I already have the design for Pete's pillowcases for the grandchildren in my head, just the makings of them to be done.

    Well time is flying past so I'm off for a shower and a bit of relax time. My boxes are all stored in Jamie's fold up festival trolley to be wheeled down the road tonight. No need for the car or carrying the boxes now.

    I will catch up with the missed posts later.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      You have worked very hard for such a worth while cause, I am sure it will all fly of

    2. Hi Cheryl, I bet all your hard work will make lots of money for your charity. My grandchildren just loved the sock penguin and reindeer and also the tea light decorations. I hope you take some pictures of your trees decorated with them. Hopefully after Christmas you'll be able to play with the sewing machine Pete bought you.

  3. Morning Everyone
    Very quick note this morning as I still have to pack my craft bag for the week-end (Gracie-Leigh's year book) and then off to Hognaston.

    GOOD LUCK CHERYL AND MICHELE for today sales.

    The Café is ready for customers so I'm sure it will be busy today. I may not be in tomorrow as reception around Christina is terrible so have a good week-end and I'll see you all on Monday. Hugs to all xxxx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and everyone.

    CHERYL I just love your sock and tea light snowman. I would never think of such wonderful idea. Your stall is going to look beautiful tonight with its Christmas trees and tree lights. I bet you sell out and raise lots of money for such a worthy cause.
    MICHELE Hope you do so well today. You deserve it after all the hard work you've put into making so many lovely things.
    JANET Have a lovely weekend and have a safe journey.

    Been rushing around since I got back from te UK so a lovely lazy day today. Some housework this morning then in my craft room this afternoon. I want to sort out all the Christmas stash to put away. I know you'll laugh but I'm starting on Valentine cards tomorrow.

    1. Oops I pressed the publish button to soon. I'm away for a couple of weeks in January and will have to put them on the shelves as soon as I get back.
      First though Sandra I'm making my cc.
      Have a lovely day everyone and take care those not feeling so good today.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Val enjoy your quiet day. Oh dear Valentine cards already doesn't bare thinking

    3. Have a nice day Val. You are so organised but guess you have to be with so many cards to make up for every celebrations. Hope you back is holding. hugs xx

    4. Hi Val I thought to myself are you mad or what, until I read your explanation of why your starting to make Valentine cards already.
      I hope your enjoying your quiet day.

  5. Morning Sandra and all this mixed weather Saturday.
    Good Luck Michele and Cheryl today for a sell out of your cards and sock characters, I love them all and the tealight cuties. Hope lots of people coming out today and buy them. Have a fun day both of you !
    Janet- have a great time over at Christina's looking after all the animals,take care.
    Brenda- hope your cough is soon going completely and you get your strength back, take care.
    Sonia- hope you are ok and getting into the Christmas spirit some. Sure the boy's can't wait for the holidays.
    Lynda- take care of that wrist of yours or it will just take longer for it to heal, you naughty girl :-) do I have to tell Terry to bind you up hihi Have a nice Saturday doing very little !
    Sue and Margaret- if you are seeing eachother, give one another a huge hug from me and have a good day !
    If you walking past and looking in then do come in and join us here in the cafe'. We love to meet you so just pop in and say Hi !
    Christmas tree and decorations are coming in today from the garage. OH have left the building so I can do what I want until at 7pm tonight hihi
    Have a nice day everyone. many warm hugs, Maria Xoxox

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope you manage to get your decorations out of the garage and up before Rick comes back.
      I've been after a fibre optic tree, you can by them online but not in the shops. But I quite like to see what I'm buying.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry I have missed a few days this week I seem to have been out more than in, & next week looks the same. I always have a look even if I don't comment. Hope you have a good
    Lynda hope you are behaving yourself, please take
    Maria hope you cope with the pain hugs on
    Brenda these colds do hang on I am coughing again, time of year I suppose hugs on
    Lilian have a lovely weekend with
    Karen hope you are well & just
    Sonia hope you are
    Sue we did do well yesterday didn't we? ho0e you are not too tired, love
    Pat hope Pete's eye is not too uncomfortable take
    Must get on friends in for coffee, sending hugs to all who need them love

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  8. Hello Sandra and all the coffee shop friends,

    Cheryl you have so many lovely little characters for your stall, I just know they are going to get a lot of attention. And hopefully make lots of money for your charity Cardiomyopathy. Wishing you a very successful and rewarding day. xx

    Michele sending you the same wish, your cards are always so gorgeous they should sell themselves!! xx

    Janet, Have a lovely trip down to Derbyshire, I hope the animals behave, and you both have a peaceful evening. xx

    Sandra I hope Sophie's hand is healing, has she got to go back to the hospital?

    Wishing everyone a lovely day.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    We're over at Faringdon for the Christmas turning on of the lights. My Grandchildren have just see your Christmas socks and tea lights Cheryl. They said how fantastic they looked and how clever you were.
    Love your Christmas lights Michele.
    I hope that Lynda is behaving herself.

  10. Good evening Sandra& everyone
    Ok pat I have sent Sandra my c card. Oooooh Marigny Dobbie let his guard down Janet. My card It's not very good 🙄 Just made from my bit box so didn't use my E bosser. Buuuuut arm hurting now Naughty Dobbie I also made a lasagna for dinner mmmm 😋.
    Maria hope you managed to get the decorations out of the garage & did you put them up before Ric got home. Hope your feeling better 🤗🤗xx
    Pat hope Pete's eye is feeling ok sending Hug's 🤗🤗xx
    Val hope you had a good quiet restful day Hug's 🤗🤗xx
    Cheryl hope you had a good sell out on your beautiful stool I loved your makes the socks & tea light snowmen & the penguins 🐧 I love them such a brilliant idea your a very clever lady xx
    Michele hope you also had a good sell out of your beautiful cards & all your hard work xx

    A very good night lovely ladies I'm off to my bed.( I hope no one reads this then you won't know I have been very naughty)
    Love & 🤗🤗 Hug's Lynda xx

    1. You naughty girl!!xx

    2. Yes Lynda
      We are still up and reading about your naughty deeds.
      Petes eye is ok, took the eye patch this morning. Has to put cream on three times a day for a week.
