
Friday 2 December 2016

Poinsettia Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Well ladies, we are 22 days away from Christmas, and still we have only one gift sorted, Paul has been off for most of this week and now has leave until next Friday, but so far we have just not had the time or the inclination to go shopping.  I think that this is the first year that our Girls have no idea of what they want, Matt is the same, Becca has a list as long as your arm, with a £150 pair of 'Cloud Nine ' Hair Straighteners sittting at the top of it!  They are apparently the latest 'best brand' hair straighteners that do all but wash your hair in the first place.  Her other half Josh offered to buy her the Dyson Hair Dryer but she declined that as £300 was way too much for him to spend on a hair dryer, but some how £150 is not too for Me to pay for straighteners, I did tell her that if she got them there certainly would be nothing else rattling around at the bottom of her stocking!
Have you all done yours yet?   What about Christmas cards, apart from Janet and Val are any of the rest of you finished making them? I have about 10 finished I think, I need to find a simple design and just batch make I think, I made everyone a different card last year, but it got too much by the end of the posting period.

Now onto today's card, it is another take on this weeks Challenge card, I used Creative Expressions Poinsettia Border, from Border, Corner, Tag set, cut the base part in red and then used the base and decorative insert for the white top piece, I added some foam tape and placed on a 61/4 squared piece of Linen card that I had embossed with 'That Special Touch Holly Border Mask' , yes I used a mask instead of an embossing folder, as I wanted a frame but didn't have one the same size.  I then used the Poppystamps Stitched Poinsettia die cuts that I did while at Pats on Tuesday, the little ones aren't Poppystamps but Pat didn't have packet to know what Brand they were, they are a sweet size though.
I used Creative Expressions Holly Sprig die for the Foliage and added some red gems for the berries.
I decided to go for a pale gold colour gems for the centres of the poinsettias and the border,
I hope you like the card.

Sophie has asked me to thank you all for your kind thoughts, her hand is still sore and she found having to wear a sling a bit of a challenge today, mind you so did I when she asked me to put it on at 6.30 am, but it held up all day, I was surprised she hadn't asked me to french braid her hair too as she couldn't do much with it, but she didn't, I don't mind doing it at all, it's just that they only ever want it done before 6.30 am and that is not the best time of the day for me!  She managed to go in school again tonight with Lucy as they were asked to represent the school for ther 6th Form Open Evening, Lucy in Spanish and Sophie in Art. Paul has threatened to velcro Sophie's pyjamas to the bed so that she can't get up whilst still sleeping, I have to say that its the first nghtmare she has ever had and she has certainly never walked while sleeping, Lucy has had a couple of nightmares but nothing major, they have been watching some rather scary movies lately so I think we will put a stop to that for a while, they certainly don't get that from Paul and I as we are too scared to watch horror films.

Well that's more than enough for today, sorry ladies,

Lilian, have a very safe journey, I would love to see the football card if you have time xxx

Maria congratulations on Celebrating 25years of ???? but just being together for that long is celebration enough xxx

Lynda, I hope your wrist starts to feel better soon, it must be so frustrating when you want to get on and craft sending hugs xxx

Pat, I hope that Pete's surgery on his eye goes well and is over quickly xxx

Brenda, sending you huge hugs, I hope you feel better really soon xxx

Have a good day ladies,
Sending Love and Hugs to you all,



  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    What a gorgeous CC my lovely. I love every part of it. My plan to make at least one Christmas card each week this year has ended with me only making 9.....ummm that plan didn't work did it! Like you I need to batch make now.
    I really thought I had commented early yesterday morning before another early doc visit but on looking back I clearly didn't, sorry about that!
    I do hope poor Sophie's hand is not causing her too much pain. I'm glad that you got your tablet changed, it's always worth asking for the manager in Argos as they are usually so good at helping you if you are having trouble. Fingers crossed you don't have any more problems Sandra.
    Val, your pop up card is wonderful, I love it, no one would guess it was your first one that's for sure 😊 I hope the rain has stopped for you and poor Gracie is able to get out so she can uncross her legs x
    Maria, belated anniversary wishes for yesterday, I hope you and OH enjoyed your meal, it sounded lovely, beef is a favourite of mine too 😊 x
    Lilian, I hope you have a safe and trouble free journey and a lovely time away, and that you get the card finished before you go 😊 x
    LYNDA!!! what are you doing, trying to do too much with that wrist. We will be round to tell tales on you to Terry if you don't rest that wrist!!! Do we have to get him to put a padlock on your craft room door? Please don't even think of trying to do a challenge card this week. I know we would rather miss one of your gorgeous cards rather than knowing you are causing yourself pain. It is soooo boring when you can't do what you want but the quicker you rest it now the quicker you will be back to crafting, won't you? Ok nagging over, I'm sending you big healing hugs. Take care x
    I hope everyone has a good weekend, the days are just flying now aren't they.
    Michele and Cheryl, I hope your sales go well for you both, I'm sure you won't have much left to bring home 😊 x
    I'm off to see Mum and Pop. Mum and I are hoping to get some Christmas shopping done today.
    Sending you all my love and hugs with extras for Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Morning my lovely,
      I have to say I am genuinely surprised that you haven't got a box full of Christmas Cards Sue, as you have made at least one card each week that we have been meeting up!
      Your mum must have a good collection because most of her challenge Cards have been Christmas Cards.
      I do usually buy a box of ready made Cards to post to people that don't appreciate the 'hand made touch', they are cheaper to post too.
      Have a lovely day shopping with Mum,hope it isn't too busy!
      Love and hugs

    2. Hi Sue,thank you for nagging me could you shout at me loudly as I did start my challenge card this morning I had lots of cut out bits in my bit box so haven't used my Ebosser as plates are quite heavy.
      Hope you had a lovey day with Mum & Pops.
      Love & 🤗 Lynda xxx

  2. Hi Pat, sorry, forgot to say that I hope Petes eye op goes well for him. Sending you hugs and a good luck wish for getting a parking space at the hospital in less than an hour!!!! Xx

    1. Hi Sue
      Petes op went well. I actually managed to park outside of the hospital so I didn't have to queue up for a parking space. We were out before the 2 hrs was up so didn't have to fetch the car a wait for a parking spot in the hospital.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra. I spent all evening in the craft room-imadeb5 cards plus another pop up card. I then decided I had enough time to cut out the last images I'd printed, when I'd finished I looked at the clock and it was 10.45!! Quick shower then straight to bed-boy do I feel tired this morning. At least I can quickly assemble another 6 cards tonight. I don't want to look at making another Christmas card, but as I haven't done any of my "special " cards I guess I'll be making a few more.

    Hopefully work won't be as crazy busy today as I have a lot to catch up on.


    1. Looking forward to seeing your latest Christmas Cards, I hope you aren't too tired today after your late night crafting, it's strange how the time just flies when you are engrossed in card making!
      I hope today isn't too hectic for you Michele, are Fridays generally a busy day preparing meds for the weekend?
      Sending hugs your way,
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      I'm determined to make a pop up card soon. I'll probably wait until Sandra can oversee what I'm doing. I hope today won't be to busy for you.

    3. Sorry Michele
      Meant to say good luck for tomorrow I hope you sell all your cards.

    4. Hi Michele
      Good luck for tomorrow hope you have a sell out. I managed to get the scribble die on eBay thank you.Xx

  4. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- love love love your card you have delighted us with this morning and as it's December I will now use the 'Christmas' word lol.

    MICHELE- Please slow down a little were supposed to have a few days R&R this week!! Anyway Good Luck for tomorrow. I just know you'll do well and leave the hall with empty boxes.

    CHERYL- Good luck to you too for tomorrow. Your stand will look gorgeous with all your hand made goodies and they will all disappear very quickly.

    LYNDA- what's all this about you misbehaving? 'Marigny Dobbie' will be despatched to keep you in line if you carry on hehehe. Please REST.

    PAT- I shall be thinking of Pete and yourself today. I hope everything goes well.

    BRENDA- I hope you begin to feel better soon. Please take care of yourself.

    Can I say that the only reason I have finished making my Christmas cards is that I have batch made and kept them simple this year. My list for cards is split into groups Café/K&N/France/Friends and close Family so each group receives the same themed card. This is the only way I can cope with the number I have to make.

    Well we have yet again another busy day here (this week seems to have been one of those where something has had to be done each day). It's a little housework to start then off to do some shopping and to finish collect things together for a week-end stay 'baby sitting' at Christina's while they attend a birthday party on the East Coast. It's not very often they can get away because of the animals so we are more than happy to look after her 'children'.

    Everything is up and running in the Café so a warm welcome is waiting for you all. Hugs are on their way to you all with just a few extra large ones for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Good morning Janet,
      The cafe is smelling delicious this morning, a little bit festive, there is nothing like a warm,soft cinnamon roll on a cold morning, along with a little cinnamon added to your hot chocolate! Yummy xx
      Now you make sure you don't go overdoing things this weekend, I picture you and Jim as Tom and Barbara Good, from the Good Life, haha, have a lovely time looking after your 'Grand Pets'
      You are so organised with you Christmas Cards, great idea splitting the list into groups, I may borrow your idea.
      Sending love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      What a good idea to split everyone into groups and batch make for each group. Petes op went well thank you. If his lump is benign he doesn't have to see them again. Yippee no more eye hospital. Don't know why I'm celebrating as we'll have to go again if his eye sight starts deteriorating any more than it has already.

    3. Hi Janet what a clever idea sorting your cards in groups & batch making. I will try that next year. Have a good weekend at Christina's baby sitting all the babies.
      Marigny Dobbie has been sitting on my Ebosser so I can't use it & is on guard duty he's watching me like a hawk 🤓 HAHA
      Love Lynda xx

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Beautiful C card, like the Poppystamp stitched poinsettia's very much.
    Glad Sophie is ok but what early rise for you to get her sling on :-) When you over 14 in our family there are no more Christmas presents, buhu Lol but at the same time it is good because even to find something for the 7 year old who have everything already is crazy !
    I hope you all have a nice day whatever you are doing.
    Pat, hope Pete's op goes well.
    Sorry I tricked you Lynda but it was not our wedding anniversary yesterday (for that we would go out for) but still a very special day for us, tell you when we meet next time. Weather wet today so staying in, Hoover need a run around, have to finish some cards that need sending abroad and doctors this afternoon so I best get a move on, many hugs to you all Maria Xxxx

    1. Good morning Maria,
      Well I guess your family tradition makes Christmas shopping easier, do you stick to it yourself or will you buy for Christian etc?
      I can't wait to hear about your 25 year celebration, you have Mr intrigued!!
      I hope all goes well with your doctor visit this afternoon, will be thinking of you.
      Don't forget to photograph your Cards before you send them!
      Sending love and hugs

    2. Hi Maria
      We'll all be on tenterhooks until we meet up again Maria. You are a tease. Hope the Drs goes ok this afternoon.

    3. Hi Maria oooops sorry but still congratulations on 25 your special day. Are you going to make we wait till April you ar a little tease.
      Hope doctors went well for you Many 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗Love Lynda xx

  6. Hi All, very quick pop in this morning,dull but not too cold.
    Love your card Sandra, very Christmasy.

    Haven't done any Christmas shopping yet, will have to get busy when we get home, do most of mine mail order, easier down here.

    Manages to get my football card done late last night, not the best I've done but I think it will be OK.
    Hope those who have a sale this weekend, do well.

    Lynda take care of that wrist, I know tedious it gets when you desperate to craft.

    Hope everyone else keeps well, hugs Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian
      Thank you
      Enjoy your weekend safe journey. I'm sure your football Card is great.
      Hug's 🤗 Lynda xx

  7. Good Morning Sandra and everyone.

    Oh what a pretty card you've made for us today Sandra. Just love te dies you've used. It really is beautiful.

    Well the rain has stopped and the sun is out again and I have a very relieved dog, in more ways than one.

    MARIA congratulations on your 25th anniversary whatever it is. My mind u is working overtime ha ha.
    LILLIAN enjoy your weekend and drive carefully.
    PAT I hope Peter eye op goes well today. Thinking of you.
    LYNDA I'll add my two pennyworth to everyone else's. Don't do too much!! It must be really frustrating for you but you'll get there in the end.
    JANET have a lovely weekend looking after the grand pets.
    MICHELE AND CHERYL. Good luck at you Fairs tomorrow. Hope you sell lots.

    SORRY if I've missed anyone out. Off to Craft Class later so must go and pack my bag.

    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Petes op went well, and I hope you have a lovely day crafting.

    2. Hi Val
      Thank you for your caring words. Hope you enjoyed craft club
      Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. I simply love those stitched poinsettias. Pam Simpson used them on a few of her cards as I just couldn't resist. I think the small poinsettias are made by Robert Adams his all occasions ones. They are lovely as well if you'd rather have smaller ones. I did post yesterday but it was quite late as my original post seemed to go walkabout.
    Petes op on his eye went well and he's now spotting a lovely bandage eye patch held on with sticky tape. We were only in the hospital for 1 1/2 hrs which is good considering we've been in there hours the last twice we've been. He'll have no bottom eyelashes anymore apparently.
    I'm glad Sophie has no lasting damage done to her hand.

    1. Hi Pat, glad Petes operation went well.

    2. Hi Pat
      I'm pleased Pete's eye operation went well for him, hope he is he a good patient for you looking after him.
      Love & Hug's for you both 🤗🤗xx

  9. I don't believe it, I had almost completed along post with lots of messages, scrolled up the page to check if I've missed anyone, my screen went blank, then there was a message to saying it was reloading, and when it did my message had disappeared from the comment box. I will try and keep this brief and maybe put in some comments later.

    Hello Sandra and the lovely ladies in the coffee shop,

    I love your beautiful card Sandra and Pointsettia it is so beautiful. I have never seen this die before, it gorgeous. Your card is really inspiring, thank you so much for sharing it with us. I hope Sophie is coping with her sore hand, also with all the restrictions life throws at you when you wear a sling.

    Thank you for your lovely hugs, they will certainly make a difference. My cough has almost gone, wish my energy level would return. I mustn't moan though, there are a lot of people worse off than me.

    I hope everyone is having a good day.
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      Can you explain why our comments disappear all the time I did one this morning but didn't check till I came on now couldn't see it anywhere 😡 I also lost three yesterday while typing not had that one before.
      It's so annoying. Hope your feeling better now take care my friend your always so busy.
      Love & 🤗🤗 Lynda xx

  10. Good afternoon ladies,
    Have any of you seen the 'Rare Earth' Stamp show on create and craft??? She is selling a "load and fold" stamping tool, which looks like a CD case, it's £19.99, looks about 6x6 in size!! What a rip off, when you can have a £3 Ikea frame that does exactly the same!

  11. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sandra your card is gorgeous I love ❤️ it. I bought Simply Cards magazine & it has a Altenew Christmas rose Die &a stamp set as a free gift with 60 floral downloads you use with the Die. I haven't seen any Rare Earth stamps but the stamping tool at a ridiculous price. You could buy some Ikea frames up & sell them for same price HAHA.
    Did Tesco shop today I didn't pick up anything Terry did the lifting I only stopped him putting cakes & extra things I didn't want. I fell asleep after lunch didn't get a good night's sleep 😴 Last night with Terry snoring 💤💤😵.
    Well I'm going to say goodnight Love Lynda xx

  12. Evening everyone. Guess most of you are asleep now so I wish you all a good night and hope Sophie not having any more nightmares. Glad Pete's op went well and he can mow play a pirate in some Christmas carol. OH have decided not to shave for a while and he can play Santa hihi
    Reg. presents Sandra we don't give each other any at all but I have bought myself something I wanted and then we bought the new phones yesterday so that's it. Only buying something for little Louis and his sister Molly but they are very spoilt from two sets of grandparents so not easy to be shopping for them. Doctors was a disappointment. She think it is "only" muscular pain , eat pills and use Ibuprofen gel was her recommendation so that's what I'm going to do and just grin and bear it as usual. :-(
    Found some packs of Christmas packs I got free from my Craft Magazine some years ago so I will play with them tomorrow. They might be some cards for next years Christmas hihi Can't sleep yet so going to watch a film now, see you tomorrow my friends Xxxx
