
Thursday 1 December 2016

A Thursday treat from Val

Good Morning Ladies,

Well this blog post almost didn't happen today, as we spent the night in Accident and Emergency in Oxford with Sophie.  She had had a nightmare that a man was in her bedroom and in a panic threw her clenched fist out to hit him, but sadly missed the imaginary intruder and made contact with the wardrobe door, judging by the funny shaped dent in her knuckles she must have hit the the door where the handle is, it is very swollen.  We arrived at A&E at about 8.30pm and we were quite surprised to have been seen and Xrayed within the first half hour, sadly our hopes of a swift service were soon dashed, we waited another 3 and a half hours to be told that nothing was broken, keep it elevated in sling for a couple of days and it should be fine in 7 to 10 days!
We didnt get home until 01.30 am, oh boy was it cold, approx -4 on temp gauge in the car.

I managed to get my tablet changed yesterday afternoon, it crashed again so we popped straight to Argos, at first we were told that because we didn't take out the Extended Warranty they wouldn't help us, I then told them that we hadn't had it a year so it was still under their one year guarantee, he 'ummed and arrrghed' then got the Manager, a lovely lady who couldnt have been more helpful, she looked it up on their Computer, saw what date we purchased it, (we couldn't find receipt, but Paul had a statement that showed the purchase), she looked into the guarantee and first of all said that Lenovo offered a repair service, I explained that this problem had been dealt with by Lenovo and that they had wiped all my saved files, and this problem had occured twice since, I didn't want to wait while they sent it away.  She could see my frustration and turned to us and said "actually i don't think they do offer repairs, so I will offer you the price of this one at purchase off of any other Tablet" how kind was that, proper Customer Service is hard to come by these days and is certainly worth shouting about when it does happen, I will write to the store and tell them how helpful she was.  I ended up with a different make, the same  make as Paul's (Acer), he has had his for over two years and has had no problems, this one is more upgraded than my other one too, it cost a little more but it was worth it, I store  a lot of photos from the blog and other content so needed the extra 16GB of space.  I was just setting it up before we set off for hospital, so thought I would do my blog in the waiting area, but for some reason this tablet will not recognise my Google account, therefore I can't sign in to blogger, the main thing I use the tablet for, I will investigate further tomorrow, it is Android 6 instead of 5 but I don't if that would make a difference, I really don't do technology!

On to Val's gorgeous Pop-up Box card,  Va's first I think, though you wouldn't guess that by looking at the box, it is so beautiful, finished to a really high standard too, I love all of the New Baby embellishments that you have used, this is certainly a perfect keepsake card, I am sure it will be treasured by its recipient.  Val did say that Wendy helped her a little with sticking the inside support pieces in, I think this is the trickiest part which a lot of people find difficult, you have to have them measured perfectly.  One tip that Karen suggested was to cut the top flap parts a little longer than needed, then trim the extra off (after you have scored and folded your card) this will give you the perfect width of card.  I think that I will do a quick video, explaining those trickier parts.
Val thank you so much for sharing you amazing New Baby Pop-Up Box, I don't think that this will be on the shope shelves for long.

Sorry for the epically long post, I do tend to ramble when I'm tired, the match sticks holding my eyelids open are just about to snap so I had better go.  I hope you are all still asleep after reading all of this.
Have a lovely day, mind those icy roads though Ladies,
Love and  Huge Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-goodness, what an evening for you all. Hope Sophie is feeling OK today. Glad you got a different tablet & hope you soon get used to it.

    Val-gorgeous pop up car. I really love this style of card.

    The Joiner left about 3pm yesterday so after a quick tidy up with the Dyson, I went into my craft room. Got 5 more cards cut out it that was it. We went out for our Fish & Chips-walked there & back, it's only 10 minutes away. We then watched TV for the rest of the evening.

    I'm planning on making cards tonight as I only have to phone my Dad so i should have a few hours, I might get a few more cards made tomorrow evening but that's it-the Christmas Fair is Saturday.


    1. Hi Michele.
      I bet you're relieved that all the work has been finished and the workmen have gone.
      Good luck with the card making. I bet your stall will look lovely.

    2. Hi Michele- hope your dad is alright. Have some happy hours making some cards for Saturday tonight.xx

    3. Hi Michele
      I bet your glad he finished early today. I managed to get some stamping done early this afternoon and a bit of colouring in.

  2. Quite a night for you Sandra, love Vals card box, xxxxx

    1. Morning Everyone
      for the second time of asking. Heaven only knows where my post has gone. I was in the middle of typing it and it has just disappeared!

      What a way to spend an evening Sandra. I hope Sophie's hand is comfortable and not giving her too much pain and that she heals quickly. No football for her for a couple of weeks.

      VAL- What a gorgeous card. I love all the boards popping out of the top. They are all so cute.
      This is one type of card I have yet to try. I'm a coward for not trying but they look difficult to make.

      MICHELE- I cannot believe we're nearly at the end of your week off work. I hope all the work is done and to your satisfaction. Fingers crossed you can get into your craft room tomorrow and that you will have enough goodies for your stand on Saturday.

      It's a very dark and damp start to the day here. One of those mornings where the damp get right into your bones. I'm hoping to get some crafting done this morning - a little more work on the 'year book' and a couple of photos I have to take of cards and then perhaps get this week's CC sorted. (well I can hope can't I lol).

      The Café is nice and warm and ready to go for the day. Hugs Hugs to you all. If going out wrap up warm. xxxx

    2. Hi Janet. Glad to read you're doing so well after your op and tummy problems. You sound as though you're getting back to normal doing your cards and year book. I'm really happy for you and I bet it won't be too long until you're back to France again.
      Take carexxx

    3. Hope you having a good day Janet, big hug xx

    4. Hi Janet
      You sound just like your old self now. I hope that your feeling much better now.

  3. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a way to spend the evening, seriously I hope Sophie's hand is not giving her too much pain, hugs on way to you both, take it easy today if you can. We took an electric blanket back to Argos on Monday, they were excellent just replaced it no problem, I know Sue has found the same with them. Sorry I didn't make it in yesterday, this week has been very busy & late evening when I have sat
    Pat I loved your card yesterday, never looked at steppers, will do in time still learning
    Val your box is delightful, this again I have not tried, well done on first
    Maria, Lynda & Brenda hope you all feeling better hugs on
    Michele sounds as if you could do with another week off, hope sale goes
    I have another busy day although out to lunch with Book Club members so that will be good.
    I must get on with Christmas cards I seem to be way behind. Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, Good to read you had a positive experience with Argos as well. Nice to hear.
      Have a lovely meal out with your Book Club members and good luck with the card making.
      Take care xxx

    2. Hi Margaret, I'm chasing my own tail too reg. card making and because I don't speak to some during the year ,I have to write a longish note to them all Lol Have a good time with the book club and enjoy your day xx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Thank you for showing my card today. As you said I can't take all the credit as Wendy who is great with a glue gun whereas I get in a sticky mess, did te middle bus.

    What an awful night you had Sandra. Poor Sophie do hope she's not in so much pain today.
    So glad Argos were so helpful. Lovely to hear in this day and age. Hope you get it all sorted out today.

    Just got back from the hospital. I had to see the asthma doctor as I do every year. My readings weren't so good but I expected that. Anyway he has changed my inhaler and also prescribed drops I have to every day put under my tongue until February then go and see him again.

    Horrible rainy day today. Was out at half 7 this morning so too early to take Gracie out then and she won't go out now. Hope it clears u later on.

    Sorry some of you haven't been feeling so good. Love and cuddles especially to Maria, Lynda and Brenda. Hope you feel better soon.

    Bye for now.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val,hope Gracie managed to get out and didn't have to cross her legs too long Lol Hope the drops with the inhaler will help you to breath better. Take care and a big hug back xx

  5. Hello Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies,

    What an exhausting time you had yesterday Sandra, I hope Sophie is alright after this horrible experience and not into much pain. I'm sure you are all feeling a little fragile today and will all benefit from having it quiet and peaceful day today. Take care LOL.

    Well, I love you baby card it really is gorgeous. I actually made my first box card last week, not as stunning as yours but at least I had a go.

    Woke up this morning to another cold and frosty day, but not as cold as where you are Sandra. Ladies if you're going out remember to wrap up warm.

    Time to make some lunch. Then this afternoon we pick up the children and as it's Thursday we also have Ciaras swimming lesson, After that it's home to feed them.

    Sending warm and gentle hugs to everyone, take care, love Brenda XXX

  6. OOPS VAL SORRY - the above should read ..... Val I love your baby card. !!!!
    LOL xx

    1. You are such a busy bee Brenda :-) Have a lovely time with the kids, hugs xx

  7. What a super card VAL Still need to try this BUT the tip SANDRA mentioned really does work I will have to wait until the new year now I need to do Christmas cards!
    I'm intrigued about the drops WENDY because my ma-in-law has three inhalers that are a devil to prepare At 91 she struggles to use them properly too even though we've managed to get all the gizmos to help Her memory is shot to pieces and wondered if the drops could be used and easier to administer
    Loved your stepper card yesterday PAT
    What an evening you had SANDRA I hope she's OK I expect she's not looking forward to going to sleep tonight in case she has another nightmare
    Huge hugs to everyone Right back to the craft room!

    1. Hi Karen. Sorry to mislead you but I think the drops are to build up my immune system because At the moment every cold I get I have to take steroids as anti biotics don't help. I still have the two inhalers. Your poor MIL. They are a pain to use at my age but at 91 imagine she struggles.

    2. Hi Karen, hope you have a good day crafting. Bless your MIL, hope she be ok. Have a nice evening xx

  8. Hello Everyone, not so cold here today, so went for our usual walk to get the paper, also had some repairs to do and post back to work, luckily we still have a post office in the village. Our main post office has been moved to Smiths, which hopeless, as there are always long lines of people waiting.

    Sandra what an awful evening you had, hope Sophie's hand is not too sore today.

    Love your box card Val, as others have said need to watch a video to see just how it's done.

    Had a request from my friend to make a football inspired card for one of her great nephews birthday, will have a rush to get it done before we go tomorrow, not sure I'll manage c card this week , sorry Sandra.

    Well most go and finish my work and then wrap Oscars birthday present, hope everyone has a good rest of the day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, hope you have a good day and your hands are ok when you working. Take care xx

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    I have just lost my comment for the third time so this will be just to say that I'm glad your visit to Argos went ok and that Sophie haven't broken anything, hope she's not to sore. Give her a hug. I hope you have had a chance to rest today.
    Lovely pop up box Val, so sweet with all the little pop ups. Not an easy thing to put together Lol
    I had a phone call with my mamma for nearly 2 hours this morning. Will see them all on the 10th when we go to Gothenburg for a few nights. Went into town afterwards, needed new phones for home as the others never hold their charge any more. OH wanted some under layers and I had a quick trim before going shopping at Sainbury's. Not my favourite shop but they have sent us some vouchers so worth to use up. Just find their dates on things are never any good. Got back nearly at 3 pm when I put a piece of beef boiling for our dinner tonight with homemade roast potatoes, Aunt Bessie's puddings hihi ( do you remember ) and fresh grated horseradish with some sweet carrots. No pudding after but might have an Option Lol. OH and I celebrating 1st of December for the last 25 years because it is a special day for us so I can't sit here any longer, best get does spuds peeled. have a nice evening all and take care . Wrap up warm if going out ,it is a bit Brrrr! Love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria congratulations for you & Ric on your 25th wedding Anniversary.
      Snap I have also lost three comments
      enjoy your dinner tonight
      much love & Hug's for you both xxxxx

    2. Maria congratulations to you & Ric, is i5 wedding anniversary or the date you met?? Me being nosey now!!xxx

    3. Hi Maria
      As you say it's a special day Lynda says it's your 25th congratulations if it is.

  10. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Like Maria I have lost three comments so hopefully this one gets through
    I have tried to do a little bit today but after using my hand for about a hour my wrist was very painful. I can't believe my wrist is still hurting but the doctor did say when I was discharged that it would take a good few weeks
    well I did have a balloon scaffolding & a camera in my wrist artery all at once.HAHA .
    tomorrow I'm going to see if I can make my challenge card
    well start it anyway. We didn't go Tesco so have that delight tomorrow. Val your card is gorgeous love it.
    Brenda hope your feeling better you always seem so busy take care. Margaret you also lead a busy life but take care don't over do thing's. I hope you have all had a good day.
    Terry is calling dinner is ready so hopefully this will publish love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Now now you know your not allowed to do very much. No wonder your wrist was aching.
      Pete goes in for the operation on his eye tomorrow. Hope the queue to get into the hospital let alone the car parks isn't to bad.

  11. Hi Sandra
    Well I'm not to sure where my comment went either today.
    I hope Sophie's hand isn't to sore and that she manages to get some sleep tonight without any nightmares.
    Love your pop up box Val. I look forward to seeing Sandra's video, as I'd love to make one. Off to see whose wrote what If I'm lucky.

  12. Hi Sandra
    Meant to say that I'm glad Argos changed your tablet. Argos really are good at changing things that aren't right.
