
Monday 5 December 2016

Aperture Card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I thought that as you as some of you are busy making Christmas Cards and others have finished and packed away your Christmas Craft Stash, that this week would be a very simple Challenge.
An 'Aperture' Card is what I'd like you to make if you have time, this could be incorporated into your Christmas cards, as I have done or used to make any card you choose.  Hopefully this will fit with everyone's craft schedule this week, I'm afraid to admit I'm one of those that is having to panic craft to get my Cards made and ready to post, I'm the same every year, I set out with all good intentions of making Cards every month for Christmas but it hasn't amounted to much, Sue made me laugh, her frustration at having only managed about 8 Christmas Cards, she had thought that as all of her Challenge Cards had been Christmas Cards she would have a good amount prepared! You and me both Sue! Haha, guess what we will be doing tomorrow??!

I cut a 6inch Square of white card

I cut the Ornate Holly Framed Peace die in green

To make sure the 'Aperture' was in the right place I positioned
It on my Square and cut through the die cut and card base to
Create the aperture, this ensures that it is centred.

I did cut a 300gsm white base to the Holly Frame
To give a bit more height.

I die cut through the centre of the green die cut to
Make sure aperture was in same place.

I then added a Matt of green card behind the white card  and then
Added foam tape to the back, adhered whole thing to base card.
I decorated with some Holly leaves and some red stones.
(Well they were white but I coloured them with promarkers).

I know that most of you know how to make an 'Aperture' Card, but I thought I would run through it for anyone knew, that might look in.
I thought I would feature some different card shapes and styles each week, I tend to stick to making straight forward, standard side opening Cards. When I go onto Pinterest and see the huge variety of styles of card shapes I fully intend to be more adventurous, so having it as a challenge each week might just encourage me to vary my card styles.
I hope you will enjoy playing along with me, I just thought it would be something different for us to try.

I hope you all have a lovely week..

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & a great challenge for us this week.

    Goodness-the weekend went very quickly! We spent an hour on FaceTime with the American relatives-they we're all so chatty even Baby Liam who is saying quite a few words now.

    I did start some more Christmas cards yesterday afternoon but left everything on the craft table so that needs sorting over the next few days.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a lovely challenge this week Sandra. Will try to get something done for you.

    All the CCs yesterday were beautiful and I know I say It every week but all so very different and so many techniques used.

    We had a lovely week-end baby sitting with no problems but we arrived home extremely tired. It takes an hour and a half to get from Christina and last night it was particularly dark with the temp of -2 all the way back so some of the back lanes we have to travel were a little tricky and needed more concentration than usual.

    We have a deep frost this morning you know one of those which just may stay all day so my plan for today is that after Mr Tesco has delivered I need to get cards ready for posting and then get on with altering a birthday date book which is a present for a young lady and some more work on GL's year book.

    The Café is Open and beautifully warm this morning for you all so I'm looking forward to seeing who pops in today for a chat. Hugs are on their way to you all all wrapped up in snuggly scarves lol. xxxx

    1. Glad you had a lovely time at your daughters. Sounds like quite a journey home and glad you got back home safely. Enjoy your

    2. Hi Janet
      I'm glad to had a lovely time at your daughters. An awful journey back and as you say it's a thick frost today and very cold.

  3. Morning Sandra and all
    Lovely card Sandra, will try to make one before going away on Thursday.
    Same frosty morning as yours Janet down here, It's beautiful so just a shame it will get warmer over the week.
    Off out for posting some of the Christmas cards this morning and some bitty shopping, always something needed extra.
    have a nice day everyone, warm hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope you have a lovely time away. That trip certainly came round quickly.

    2. I know, scary or what and this afternoon I started to feel cold and heady. Typical and son too, hopefully it want get any worse. Take care both of you. xx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Pretty card Sandra and a great cc to follow.
    Still raining here. Over 24 hours now but the forecast is dry for tomorrow.
    Tidying the craft room today. It doubles as a room for me to sleep in when we have visitors as it has a recline chair. My son is arriving on Sunday for 4 days so as I can't see the chair at the moment as it has so much craft on it, that's my job for today. I will make my cc first Sandra.

    Take care everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you have a lovely time with your son.

    2. Hope you found your chair so you get somewhere to sleep when your son is over :-), have a great time together xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great card, I haven't tried an aperture yet, unfortunately I do think I will have time this week, I have something on everyday, it is lovely to be busy but could do with time at home!!¡ never seem to get it
    I will look in every day but may not comment but hope Lynda behaves herself, Maria enjoy your visit home,sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Try to get some Me time as well Margaret. Promising do my very best and be on my best behaviour when seeing the family but.....hihi Have a good week xx

  6. Great idea SANDRA Is a shaker card. classed as an aperture card....?
    Hope the tidying goes OK VAL
    I need to make an A4 Christmas card this afternoon for the whole building to sign

  7. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone
    A bright day but freezing cold out just went for a short walk poor Bambie her little paws were so cold she was climbing up my legs to be picked up. Will have to get her some boots 😃.👢
    Sandra I like your card it's gorgeous not sure if I will make one this week,l will see if I can use my Ebosser yet.
    Val hope your tidying is going ok. Is Gracie crossing her paws as it's been raining so much bless her.Margaret your such a busy bee don't get over doing it take care
    Janet glad you had a good weekend at your daughter's looking after all the animals how many has she got?
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Sounds a plan getting a pair of boots for Bambi.

    2. I'd love to see Bamber in little boots. The sell little wellies over here on the pet stall in the market. I'm very tempted for Gracie. Fortunately te rain went off briefly this morning so I took her out but the heavens opened half way round so we sat for an hour with her on my knee wrapped in a blanket when we got back. She takes it all so personally.
      The tidying went really well but oh is my back aching now.
      Have a good evening. Xxx

  8. Hi Sandra
    I like today's challenge card. Does it count that I've already made aperture cards as I have a 40th birthday card to make for Craig.
    Well we bought a Humax FVP 4000T freeview play recorder last week. Craig came in and set it up for us as you can access playback if you've missed a programme. Brilliant I thought. No need to find it on catchup as you can just go backwards on the guide to see a previous programme.
    First all all it started freezing so it made what your watching seem to skip a frame. I fixed that by doing a channel search as per Humax.
    Then it wouldn't record programmes I'd set to record.
    Then as it hadn't recorded Saturdays Strictly I went to access it on catchup. The box had disconnected itself from the internet.
    Had the information from Humax how to fix this but it won't let me access Lan or Wifi to set it up. I was loosing the will to live I can assure you.
    I sent an email to them and the first line of the reply said.
    Mrs a Simmonds are you still experiencing problems with your box. Here's how to reset the internet. But I've sent a blast back as that didn't work, and asked them to perhaps read my emails. I wait with bated breath. I suspect it's faulty so it will be going back to Argos.
    Rant over. It's cold and frosty today so wherever you are take care.

    1. Oh Pat how frustrating. I bet the air was blue. Do hope it's sorted out or exchanged. X

    2. Hope you get a replacement machine ,how annoying also you get hold of a LED tree you are looking for xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Another beautiful CC for us today, and a great challenge. I haven't made many aperture cards so I will have a go on some Christmas cards. Like you said, that is exactly what we will be doing tomorrow 😉
    It sounds like most of you have had a good weekend, I hope this week is as good for you all.
    Lynda, please don't go pushing yourself or the nagging will have to start again! Sending healing hugs x
    Maria, I hope you have a lovely time when you go away. You will be able to enjoy the cold weather where you are going so we don't need it any colder here, thank you 😊 sending you hugs x
    I haven't put my nose out of the door today, I have got to the bottom of the ironing pile and also done all of the mending that needed doing. Crafting tonight for me 😀
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda and Brenda. Take care xx

    1. I so much prefer the cold, dry weather then the wet, unfortunately it seem to be quite a warm-ish weekend for us coming up but oh well it be fun anyhow and Gothenburg is a lovely city. Take care xx

  10. Hello Sandra and coffee shop friends,

    This is my fifth attempt today to post a comment. Every time I have pressed publish my message has vanished. So this will be a very brief one.

    Sandra love your CC, but this one might just tax my brain, YES somewhere in those grey cell I believe I have one.

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Bless you, hope you have better luck tomorrow. Take care xx

  11. Hello All, back home again, good journey, only too about 5hrs, with one stop at Taunton, bit of fog about but not too bad.
    Love the challenge this week will hope to get one done this week.

    We didn't visit my friend in Oxford as O/H has a terrible cough and cold, so didn't want to pass it on to her.

    Maria hope you have a lovely time away, Lynda take care of that wrist.

    Better go and sort out all of the stuff still in bags, cleaner day tomorrow.

    Hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Thanks Lilian, only going for 3 nights but haven't seen them for a while so it be nice to see my mum and dad and my dog talking sister and family Lol
      Glad you had a good journey home, wishing your OH better take care xx

  12. Have a bit of a chill this evening so will tuck myself under the duvet and watch something on TV. Wish you all a good night xx
