
Tuesday 6 December 2016

Two Stunning Box cards made by Our Lynda

Good Morning Ladies,

How amazing are these two Stunning Pop-Up Box style cards made by Our Lynda??!

The first one Lynda made just  before she went into hospital for Lisa's friend, I just love the pretty girl you have used, she looks fabulous, nestled among that 'kaleidescope' of Butterflies, the paper that you have used to decorate your box is so pretty too.
The flowers, butterflies and that fabulous Creative Expression Chain embellishment finish this stunning card perfectly.

The Second card was made by Lynda last year, it looks like Lynda as used the all time favourite 'Periwinkle' Foundation card by Creative Expressions for the Pop-up Box itself, decorated beautifully with Butterflies and flowers, the sentiment has been die cut with Sue Wilson Pierced Flag dies, the card has been finished beautfiully with silk flowers and pearl flowers.
Lynda, is this a die cut box ? if so which die is it please, it looks like an All-Occasion die, but I'll wait until you confirm.
Thank you so much for sharing Lynda xxx

Pat and Sue Coming Over today, yay!!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and Hugs to all


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-two gorgeous cards, they're both beautiful.

    Managed to catch up with most of my paperwork yesterday at work. Did a few errands after work & by the time we'd eaten it was after 8pm. Watched two episodes of Law & Order then went to bed. Today looks like it's going to be a busy one so all I have planned for this evening is watching some recorded craft shows.


    1. Thank you Michele very much for you kind comment on my box cards

  2. Morning Everyon
    LYNDA- two gorgeous pop up cards. Each one so beautifully constructed and they really do 'pop'. I'm so pleased that I'm not asked to choose the one I like the best as I just could not.

    Well it's K&N this afternoon so I'll be in the local library catching up on all that's happened over the last two weeks. I cannot believe that we only have one more meeting before the end of the year!!

    No frost this morning but it's quite foggy and very damp so I'll be looking like a Michelin Man when I go out later on.

    The Café doors are open with welcoming arms just waiting for you all to pop in. HUGE HUGS to all of you especially Dear Friends not quite feeling 100% xxxx

    1. Enjoy your K&N Janet. I can't believe it's almost the end of the year either. Xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my cards in a box.
      Enjoy your K&N & wrap up warm.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi Janet
      I hope you enjoyed your K & N today. It's been very foggy and damp here today as well.

  3. Love the box cards LYNDA I'd like to know if it's a die too please
    Take care all xxxx

    1. Hi Karen thank you for liking my cards
      The second box is a Rob Addam's Die & template I bought it at NEC couple of years ago.
      Have a nice day Hug's Lynda xx

  4. Morning ladies,

    What a treat this morning from you Lynda, two gorgeous pop-up boxes. Love them both.
    Mill-May kept us chuckling with her antics in Sunday, she certainly has developed her own little character. Carvery lunch was booked at the Spirit which we all enjoyed. Her face was a picture when she saw her dessert, Choc button cheesecake. Her little mouth went into a perfect O and her little hands were pressed to her cheeks. Two spoons and ten little fingers soon demolished it! Not much mess at all.
    Our walk yesterday was only a gentle stroll around our village before we all drove to the Cottage where we enjoyed a lovely Christmas meal. If you are down this way, it's on the A39 heading towards Nether Stowey, I recommend that you pop in. The portions are brilliant and the food so delicious.
    One little fly in the ointment, 2 people did not turn up and it was suggested that we all chip in to pay for their meals. What for??? To me that was up to the organizer, the one upset me last month over her nasty remarks about me not being on her list, so she should be collecting from those 2 people. I refused to contribute anything. They would not have paid for our meals would they?
    And yet again they all sat in their little groups leaving us to sit on the end of the table with the 2 empty seats between us and them, so we have now decided we are not going to continue walking with them, we know enough of the walks now so will doing them on our own steam.
    I'm mainly crafting today catching up with my block Christmas cards, lucky enough they are of the same design as this weeks aperture challenge card so expect a flurry of them Sandra.

    Cuppa is calling, have fun today whatever you are doing.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl thank you for your kind words on my box cards.
      Glad you had a good day with Milly May Sunday they do star getting little caricatures Harry has us in stitches.
      How awful that you were asked to pay for the two people that didn't turn up for their meal. I would have also refused to pay towards them.
      Enjoy your crafting today
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I'm glad you had. Lovely time with Milly May on Sunday. I can just imagine her face when her dessert came.
      What a cheek the organiser expecting you to all pay towards the meals of the two who didn't turn up. I surprised you were charged anyway. But perhaps it was because it was a Christmas meal. Plus to leave you sitting on the end with a space between you as well. I'd have been livid as I expect you were. I don't blame you not going with them anymore either.

  5. If you know the routes Cheryl, I wouldn't be bothering with these unwelcoming people either. Good luck with the card making. Xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Two beautiful cards Lynda. Love the decorations you've used on both.I so like this style of card it certainly gets everyone's attention.

    Going to bingo this afternoon but skipping Tai Chi as my back is too painful. I think I overdid the bending and lifting in the craft room yesterday.

    Have a lovely craft time Sandra with Sue and Pat.

    Bye for

    1. Hi Val thank you for your kind comments on my box cards.
      Enjoy bingo. Sorry your back is painful hope it feels better soon no more lifting take it easy & rest.
      Gentle Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Wow what a surprise this morning seeing my two cards in a box thank you for showing them Sandra. The second one is a Robert Addam's Die & template. I bought it at NEC when I went a couple of years ago.
    Hope your enjoying your crafty day with Sue & Pat.
    Weather is cold but the sun is out not at all warm though.
    Maria I hope you have a lovely few day away tomorrow seeing your Mom & family you must be so excited seeing them all.xx
    Just going out for a walk will see how far Bambie 🐶 gets before she wants a
    Love Lynda xx🤗🤗

    1. Hi Lynda
      Two beautiful pop up boxes today. I hope your behaving yourself and resting that wrist. Must see if they still do that die and template.

  8. Hello All, grey and still quite cold here.

    WOW what wonderful cards in a box Lynda, didn't know you could get a die to do them, might have to see if I can find one as I'm hopeless with getting things the right size and straight.

    Have a good day everyone, managed to get my cards and pressies off to Australia, so that's one thing off the list. Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian thank you for you kind words on my cards in a box.
      spellbinders do a die for the pop up box on Spellbinders shapeabilities scalloped pop up box the size of my first box.
      Hope that helps Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wow, two beautiful box cards from Lynda - love them both :-)
    Hope you're having a lovely day Sandra with Sue and Pat.
    Maria, hope you have a lovely few days away - enjoy!
    Very foggy here this morning which wasn't nice driving through to work first thing! Has cleared now, but remained very dull and damp.
    Hope everyone well and is having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Thank you Sonia your very kind. Hope weather is better for you tomorrow" Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies,

    Two beautiful card you are showing as today made by our lovely Lynda. I love both of them, Lynda you really have mastered the art of box cards, these cards both make a statement, it's almost as if they're saying look at me, look at me, they would certainly stand out in a crowd. Thank you for sharing them with us.xx

    Sandra I hope you managed to meet up with Sue and Pat today....... and the time has been productive!!! It's lovely that you can meet up, and you don't have to craft all the time, but I'm sure it's a bonus when you do. LOL

    Hope everyone has had a good day, special hugs for those of you who are feeling a bit under the weather.

    Love and Hugs,Brenda xxx

    1. MARIA, Enjoy the time with your family, Love and Hugs xx

    2. Thank you very much Brenda for your lovely comments on my box cards. Have a good day tomorrow
      Love Lynda xx

  11. Hi Sandra
    Love love Lynda's pop up boxes. How clever are the ladies that make these. I'm having a go after Christmas.
    Only Sandra and myself for a day of crafting and laughing. Not necessary in that order. Mind you we were actually very productive. Navitivity play rehearsals today in front of the whole school. Pre school came but thy only had 13 children due to sickness and chicken pox. Seems to be an eperdemic of chicken pox and very bad colds going around our school at the moment.

    1. Hi Pat thank you for your kind comments on my box cards they are fun to make. Hope Pete eye is on the mend.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  12. Hi Maria
    I hope you have a lovely time with your family.

  13. Hi Sandra and all.
    Wonderful pop up boxes Lynda, you have made a great job putting them together. Hope you feeling better.
    Cheryl, how lovely she is Milly-May. I can see her in my mind her little face making the face seeing her cake tihi I would too leave the walking group if that's how they behave, silly woman. You have a much nicer walk with your own friends and find your own adventures.
    Not going until Thursday afternoon but thanks for your wishes for my upcoming trip. Hope you all had a good day,love and many warm hugs Maria xoxo

    1. Hi Maria thank you my friend for your kind comments on my two cards in a box. Hug's Lynda xx

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. Lynda your pop-up cards are wonderful. I love the monochrome butterflies and the girl on the first one, I have only used flowers before but you have inspired me, thank you 😀 I also love the die you've used on the second oneand what beautiful papers and embellishments. Thank you for sharing. I hope you managed to have a nice walk with Bambi and she didn't need to be carried too much 😀 sending healing hugs x
    Maria, I hope the weather becomes colder and dryer for you in Gothenburg. Enjoy your family time, even if your sister can only talk about her dogs! Wishing you a safe and trouble free journey x
    Cheryl, I have never heard of having to pay for people's meals if they didn't turn up! That is up to the organizer, no one else, she should have collected full payment beforehand if each seat booked had to be played for.You and your friends will enjoy yourselves much more without the rest of that rude group. Will we see any photos of your little star? Ourlittle Chris can be laughing away but stops as soon as he sees the camera or phone then starts again when you put it away, little baggage😁!!! I hope you have got on well today.
    Brenda, how is that cough, is it well on its way out now? I do hope so x
    Lilian, I'm glad that you are home safe and sound, I hope your hubby feels better very soon x
    Sorry I couldn't get to see you and Pat Sandra. I hope I can get some Christmas cards done this evening.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue thank you for your kind comments on my two cards in a box
      Sorry you didn't get to see Sandra & Pat today. Hope your ok
      Sending Hug's 🤗🤗🤗 love Lynda xx
