
Wednesday 7 December 2016

A Christmas Gatefold Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I have a very productive day with Pat yesterday, we sat and chatted until after lunch and the world was put to rights. We then got busy crafting, I was surprised to discover that Pat had searched out and purchased a stamp set that I had seen on Pinterest or Google, Pat found it on EBay and won it!  I was surprised that she even remembered which one it was as we like so many, between the three of us, we do share similar tastes in stamps, dies etc. 
Sadly Sue couldn't join us today, so I am hoping she will get to pop over on Thursday, the bonus if that is, I get to days crafting with friends, we also need to plan our Christmas lunch out.

I have used the Stamp Set that Pat bought on today's card , Heartfelt Creations Festive Candlelight Stamp Set.
Festive Candlelight Stamp Set

Festive Christmas Background

To make today's card, I took a piece of cream card 10" x 6" and scored it at 2.5 inch in from each end (or 2.5 & 7.5 inch)
I Stamped the Poinsettia Border stamp twice on Cream card, embossed it with Cosmic Shimmer Bright Gold Embossing Powder, I did the same with the Festive Background, I then created a Matt of good Shimmer card for both front panels and the inside panel too, I added some foam tape to the two Border strips and placed them in the gold mat, I placed the inside background flat onto the gold mat, using no foam tape.
I stamped a couple more borders and embossed, I then cut out the flowers and decoupaged them onto the front panels, finishing with gold coloured pearls.
Now I have to say that I don't like the bow I created as the closure, with hindsight and for the next one I will add ribbon under the front panels to secure them and used that to secure the card closed.
I just thought it was something different to the usual style Christmas cards.
These two die cut work so well together, I can't wait to play with the candle stamp next.

Maria, thank you for your gorgeous Christmas card, it is super cute!  Yours is our first Card! Xxx
Paul and I are off to Swindon Christmas shopping today, so wish us luck, I'm not as excited as I usually am I have to admit! Baa humbug!!!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs


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  2. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra. Glad you had a great crafty day with Pat, hopefully another day with Sue this week.

    I called at some friends after work-dropped off some computer magazines and it was after 7pm before I managed to get away! To say I was tired last night was an understatement-watch the Julia Watts shows I'd recorded then had my shower and went to bed.

    Tonight I have the electrician coming as soon as I get home to look at replacing 4 spotlights in the kitchen. At lunchtime I need to go out & collect an order from hubby's golf club-new hat & some gloves for Christmas.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope the electrician turns up and you spotlights get sorted. Hope hubbies hat and gloves have arrived.

  3. Good Morning everyone,

    Such a lovely card Sandra, the verse is so beautiful.
    Thank you Pat for sharing your stamps with me. I would love some for inserts if you have the time.

    Who is this luca james who keeps posting adverts on your blog Sandra? He sneaks one in every so often.
    I don't like advertisers being able to see what I post. I could be inundated with their product adverts.

    Mainly clearing out the bed drawers, I still have so many of Pete's favourite clothes that brought us so many memories of funny, happy days with him. I cannot part with them just yet so they will now have a designated draw that I can dip into whenever the missing him feelings come to the surface.

    Gurt big squashy hugs to all not feeling up to par.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Morning Everyone

    I'm not sure who the first caller is this morning but it doesn't look like one of us!

    SANDRA- Oh what a delight to see a beautiful card and in mono chrome too. One of my favourite combinations.

    K&N was a little down on spirit yesterday as one of our ladies had to tell us that her husband has just been diagnosed with cancer. We shall all be there for her just as we are here for one another but it was a somber afternoon.

    Most of my Christmas cards went in the post yesterday so I now have to sort out the overseas ones. I feel December is already running away with me.

    The Café is open and just waiting for you all. There are warm mince pies along with hot chocolate just waiting to be consumed. Hugs to you all. xxxx

    1. So sorry to hear your friends hasband was diagnosed with Cancer. Such an awful disease for anyone to have. Wish they'd hurry up and find a cure.
      Thanks for the hot chocolate it was lovely.

  5. A beautiful card SANDRA That is one huge stamp Thank goodness for Faux Misti!
    Please don't think I'm being mean but I'm just going to repeat what I said after last Christmas I will not be sending you cards The postage for just you lot was over £30 and as much as I care about you all I would rather give (which I do) the cash to my favoured charity BHF in memory of Gary Sorry if that feels mean but the coffers are only so big!
    Have a great day Will look in later

    1. I would rather your money to charity too Karen, so I will be sending you an email/FB card instead, no postage required. xxxx

    2. Hi Karen
      The charity will be glad of your donation this year.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Wow, what a gorgeous card, I love it 😊
    I'm not surprised you went for it Pat. As Karen said, that is a Big background stamp, you wouldn't have even thought of trying before your Faux Misti Sandra, would you?😊 I hope you and Paul manage to tick lots off of your shopping list xx
    Karen, I completely understand you about the costs of sending cards, more and more people are making donations to charities now aren't they, at least they profit instead of the post office so good on you x
    Janet, sorry to hear about your friends husband. At least she has a good support system in place with you all at K and N. The mince pies and hot chocolate smells are wafting out of the Café door. Let's hope some people (but NOT advertisers!!!) come on in. X
    Cheryl, youve been busy sorting out haven't you, keeping some of Petes clothes in a draw is a lovely idea x
    Well I'd better get on, like most of you I have got lots to do, not sure where to start! I hope you all have a good day, no matter what you are doing.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all ladies in the cafe' today.
    Gorgeous card Sandra, the stamps are beautiful too. yay, I'm first at something hihi glad you like it.
    Our 'new friend' is only a electronic message my Son told me so it is nothing he can see, hopefully that will stop after a while or do we need these potions he offer us for wrinkles etc....
    Michele- hope your day is alright and you manage to have some rest tonight, take care.
    Cheryl- have a good clearout, must be hard to see Pete's clothes but also remember your many happy times together.Perhaps make a blanket or something with his favourite tops for you to have on your bed.
    Janet- sad to hear the news of your friends OH, hope she have support and still manage to have a nice Christmas. Hope you and Jim are ok, any plans when you can go to Marigny ? Take care
    Karen- that's alright if you not sending any cards because I know you give money instead for your chosen charity in memory of your Son. Have a nice day.
    Brenda- hope your cough is getting better and your energy is soon back.
    Val- take care, not nice to have a bad back so be careful when doing things at home.
    Got some house cleaning to do so best get a wiggle on. Have a nice day everyone. Anne and Littlelamb, you are missed. Warm hugs to all, Maria Xxxx

  8. beautiful work Sandra ...I think the bow is nice ... i love embossing might have to go play now !! x A

  9. Hi everyone.
    Just a quick dash in and out. Just got back from the hairdresser and grabbing a sandwich whilst I get ready for Crib.
    Love your card Sandra. That stamp is definitely a job for your faux Misti.
    Have a lovely few days with your family Maria.
    Love Valxxx

  10. Hello Everyone, it's a lovely sunny day here, my washing line is full to the brim.

    Sandra love your card, so different from the norm, must try and get some cards made.

    Karen fully understand that you would prefere to give money to charity, rather than the post office.
    Maria, thank you for your lovely card, they are comming in thick and fast now. Hope you have a lovely few days with family.

    Sandra hope the shopping goes well and that your list gets smaller. I'm afraid I use Amazon for most of my shopping, although did manage to get some at the weekend.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  11. H Sandra
    Loved how you've used the stamp on this set. I did mine all in green as Sandra made me a few gatefold cards to take home with me.
    Maria thank you for your card which arrived today. I've posted cards off to Ireland and Australia today and bought a few Christmas presents. Mostly gift cards as that was what was wanted. Six of us went to lunch today at the Rising Sun in Begbroke near Yarnton. Very nice it was to.
    Off to finish off some more cards. I'll put my cards in the post box up the road. I hope they arrive at there destinations.

  12. Good evening Sandra & everyone
    Sandra your card is stunning I love those stamp sets they are lovely.
    Sorry so late I had Margaret pop round this morning then had to try & get some Christmas cards finished had to stamp verse inside & ready for posting,also made my grandsons birthday card for the 18th finished that. &a that was enough for me today. Fell asleep 😴 late afternoon 💤💤.
    Still have to make more Christmas cards time is running out Arrr so after Tesco tomorrow craft room think I will do more Faux stamping quicker & easier for me than Die cutting.
    Maria thank you for your lovely card it arrived this morning. Have a lovely time away with your family. Safe journey Big Hug's 🤗🤗
    Cheryl hope you have your special draw for Pete's cloths must be very hard for you but lovely for have all your lovely memories. As Maria said make a lovely bed spread with his favourite jumpers & tops Hug's xx
    Janet sorry for your friends sad news for her Husband it's nice for her to have all your support.hope they can still enjoy Christmas.
    Hope you have all had a good day. Just got my cuppa so will go & drink it.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx
