
Thursday 8 December 2016

Pat's Cards made with Heartfelt Creations Stamp Set

Good Morning Ladies,

Now you can see that great minds think a like here, Pat sent me two cards that she made using the same Heartfelt Creations Festive Candlelight Stamp Set as I used yesterday, Pat stamped some images and took them home with her to finish colouring and make up into cards. 
I will say that both of us benefitted greatly by using the "Faux Misti" (Ikea frame ) stamping tool, mainly because the background stamp is like a silhouette stamp in that it has lots of solid area of colour which can be tricky to stamp perfectly first time, they are also red rubber so you cannot see through to restamp perfectly, however once you have positioned your card and stamp on the frame you can restamp as many times as you need to.  I would have never made an all stamped card before I invested my £3!  
Back to Pat's Cards now, the first card, Pat has stamped the border image and coloured it beautifully in Christmas shades, she has then backed the stamped border with a little green mat, to lift it from the background paper. The paper Pat has used works beautifully with the colours in the stamped image.

The second card was made to exactly the same dimensions as my card yesterday, (piece of cream card cut to 10 inches, scored at 2.5 &  7.5 inches, giving you a 2.5 inch front panel, 5 inch centre panel and lastly another 2.5 inch panel, the depth was 6 inches) Pat stamped her images in Library Green ink, matted her layers with green card and added glitter to all the edges to add that special Christmas sparkle.

Two gorgeous Christmas cards Pat, thank you so much, firstly for buying and sharing the Stamp Set with me and secondly for allowing me to share your Cards with everyone. Xxx
If any of you would like some of the stamped images let me know and Pat or myself  will make them up for you.

Paul and I had a fairly successful day shipping yesterday,  I did manage to sneak in a visit to the Range, ooh TK Max was a fun experience too!

I am hoping to see Sue today, which I am looking forward to very much xxx

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Two really lovely cards from Pat. You must have been busy stamping when you saw Sandra to have made 2 cards.

    I managed to get in my craft room last night and finished most of my cards. Now I just need to find the time to write & post them!

    Sandra-hope you have a lovely day crafting with Sue today. Much more fun than I'll be having!!


  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very very very wet and dark morning here.
    It's absolutely bucketing down and I'm so pleased that I haven't got to go out today.

    PAT- two gorgeous cards you have created. Those stamps are very impressive and beautiful. I have to confess that although Sandra very kindly sent me a faux misty I have as yet to have a play with it. I promise I will Sandra and soon.

    I had a very busy day yesterday tidying up one or two cards which needed finishing off and so today the last of the cards will be in the post (Jim will be venturing out dressed like a north sea fisherman in wet weather gear hehehe).

    MARIA- thank you for your beautiful card which arrived yesterday.

    SANDRA-have a lovely time with Sue today. I hope you'll manage to get a little crafting in as well as all the news catching up you have to do.

    The Café is open as usual and looks very festive with the little Christmas Tree glowing in the corner. All we need to do now is make sure that Herman the goat doesn't get in and has a nibble at all the tinsel. hehehe.

    Have a good day everyone. Hugs are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Thank you back for the pretty card I received this morning,xx Had a talk with Herman and he will see what he can do but no promises, he is a goat after all :-) Saw a picture of our other little friends the other day.... take care xx

    2. Hi Janet
      Thank you for your lovely card I received it today.
      Had to laugh I was imagining Jim all dressed up like a yellow fisherman hope he survived what the weather through at him HaHa.
      Have a lovely evening Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card from you yesterday, very useful stamp. Another busy day today at least it is
    Linda your cards were lovely on Tuesday I must have a go after Christmas, hope your wrist is improving, take care xxx
    PatvI love your cards perfect, thank you for showing
    Maria enjoy seeing your Mum &
    Karen I totally agree with you so don't worry, Oscar will love all the lights etc won't he, take
    Must get on due at hairdresser's in a short time, sending hugs to call who need them love Margaret xxx
    P.s it is now pouring with rain, I spoke too soon.

    1. Thank you Margaret for you kind comments on my box cards.
      They are fun to make
      Hug's Lynda xx

  4. I Sandra and all,

    Pat, two beautiful cards. They are such lovely stamps but I think the inside one couldn't be attempted without your faux Misti.

    I'm meeting a friend in an hour for our usual Thursday chat then I'm having a cooking day making meals to pop in the freezer for when Barrie is visiting. Then I don't have to spend too much time in the kitchen when he's here. I'm doing his favourites including, Chilli, Chicken Curry and Beef in Beer. I know at the moment with DIL being on of action they're eating mostly junk food so a bit of home cooking will be a change for him.

    Watching John Lockwood as I'm typing. Wish I could stay and watch but I'll catch up later.

    Glad your shopping went well yesterday Sandra. It's such a busy time for everyone.

    Have a safe journey Maria and enjoy your visit.

    Love to everyone

    1. Hi Val
      I don't have a problem stamping normally, however I had to use Sandra's Misti to do the large one. I wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise.

    2. Hi Val hope you had a nice meet up with your friend. Then all that cooking a good idea. Hope Barrie enjoys them all. How is your DIL.
      Have a good evening Hug's love Lynda xx

  5. Good morning from a wet, slightly windy Somerset.

    Loved how you went shipping Sandra, hahahaha, that makes a change from doing the shopping!

    He's back again, cannot you bar him?

    Yesterday was such a beautiful day, just like a warm spring's day, I turned the heating off as it was so hot, went outside to check my barometer and found to my astonishment the temp was 60F. Checked again just to make sure I had read it correctly.

    Managed to get the drawers done then decided to tackle the top of hanging units. Wrong thing to do! Ooooh, I have so much still on the floor but it is getting emptier by the minute. I had empty storage boxes on the top, they are now filled ready for placing back.
    So as you can imagine, my cards did not get done. Today they might.

    Lovely cards Pat, I'm sure your new stamps will be a favourite for many years.

    Off now to deal with Virgin's Complaint Dept.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I hope you don't loose the will to live like I did with Humax the make of our Freeview Play recorder. We came back at lunchtime and couldn't get the tv to work. We watch it through the box. We don't turn the box off only the TV. Half an hour later I managed to get it all working. We couldn't even watch the television without using the Freeview box. Neither remote worked. Plus it had wiped all the recordings we'd done.
      I emailed Humax, just to point out what was happening now. They'd already arranged to Courier out a new box for Monday.
      They then said they'd try to get it delivered earlier if we wanted.
      I said we'd only be available on Sat or Sun. When I got back this afternoon, they said they only deliver on weekdays ( which we already knew ). But they'd re arrange delivery for another day as long as I gave them 48hrs notice. I pointed out that I wasn't trying to re arrange delivery just pointing out if they were trying to deliver earlier for us we'd only be available at the weekend. You really couldn't make it up could you.

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Glad you finished sorting your draws but Hope your not over doing things & not standing on a stool to reach the top. Please take care.
      Hope you got your complaint sorted.
      Love Lynda xx

  6. Hi All, off to the airport just popped in to say how lovely your card are Pat ! Love them.
    Have a good weekend, Love and hugs Maria xoxo

    1. Hi Maria. Thank you so much for the lovely Christmas card :-)
      Have a nice time away. Hugs xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Pat, two stunning cards today, as was your card yesterday Sandra :-) Love the heartfelt creations stamps.
    Glad to hear you had a good day shopping yesterday Sandra and hope you're having fun with Sue today :-)
    Hope everyone is well. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra
    I wasn't expecting to see my cards today. It was a surprise. I know that Cheryl wants some of the big stamp stamped out for inserts. I said I'd do them next week as you had the stamps at the moment.
    Not a very nice day today. Very miserable and dark this morning, and then later this afternoon a shiny yellow thing was up in the sky. I think it's going to get colder towards the end of the week though.
    I wonder if you got to see a Sue today Sandra?. I hope you shopping went well as well. Managed to get into the Range as well, that was good going.

    1. Hi Pat
      Two gorgeous cards I love both the stamp sets you was lucky finding them on EBay I had a look with out any luck.
      Love you colouring Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Hello All, been to spend the day with my friend crafting, had a lovely time, but the journey there and back was horrendous, thick fog and mist, and a lot of idiots going much too fast.
    Pat your cards are lovely, love both of them, we didn't do any Christmas today decided to do some simple florals.

    Janet thank you for my lovely Christmas card, you are so organised, I'm so behind this year.

    Have a good evening, hugs Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra& everyone
    Glad you got quite a bit of Christmas shopping done yesterday.
    Hope you had a good day with Sue & got some crafting done
    Only got a couple of hours in craft room this morning as was waiting for Terry to get ready for Tesco but when he gets on his computer he looses all track of time
    We didn't get home till 4.45pm so by the time we put shopping away we had dinner as didn't get any lunch.
    Going over Darren's tomorrow afternoon so seeing Harry yaaay he talks to me on the phone now. He said today when Darren rang he said Nannie I put daddy's keys in my car & he was looking for them then he started laughing.he's very cheeky but love him though. I have commented on way down.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope you have a lovely time with Harry. I bet his Daddy wasn't very pleased though when he couldn't find his car keys.

    2. Hi Pat he wasn't pleased as it was 6am this morning going out to work. Little monkey
      Have a good day tomorrow hope sun shines for you.🤗🤗xx
